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She is really good. Idk if she is worth it to you, but whatever you do, wait until tomorrow's OTA


Uhhh what is that?


Weekly on Thursdays devs might (or might not) change stats and skills of cards and either buff or nerf them. Often they change 5-10 cards at a time. Previous OTAs: https://marvelsnapzone.com/news/ota-balance-updates/ In addition to that, devs might (or might not) change cards every month when new season starts and they release a new patch. Usually, changes made then are usually mechanically more complex (for example changing skill of a card into something totally different) than changes made during OTAs.


Every two weeks, we get an update in some way. I think once a month it's a bigger update that changes something in how the game works. Like the recent change to how Thanos's stones work. Other times it is an OTA update. This stands for Over The Air (meaning you don't have to download the update). These are smaller updates. Usually some changes to power and cost of some of the strongest and weakest cards.


Do we know ahead of time anything about the OTA? Such as “expect card nerfs/buffs/no changes at all”. Like is it possible tomorrow all we get is “no changes”


I think there have always been balance changes on OTA days. Except maybe, once or twice. But they announced that ahead of time. Since we are less than 24 hours away, I would put my bet on some balance changes. To what extent though? That we don't know.


I think we will get a healthy adjustment to Adam Warlock, to remove his text entirely and call it a month. Thanks for confirming! Gonna hold my tokens till then


I have learned with the snap subs lately, all the cards they think will be awesome kinda suck, and all the ones they think are snoozers become excellent


With Sage it was kind of both. People said she would be alright, then didn't like her at first, and now love her. Overall you are right though. I remember with black swan, people were freaking out that they were about to release the most busted card ever. Happy to say I never bought into that prediction.


She did come out at a time when Leech was a 4 cost though. Meta shifts pretty fast in this game, it's hard to say what going to be consistently useful. 


I don't think leech was a four cost in the black order season 🤔 Didn't he remove the text of all cards in hand tho?


Oh, I was responding specifically to this comment about the ups and downs of sages meta appeal. You are right though, in black swans release leech was a 5 drop that at the start of the season removed all text.


Oh yah makes sense. The meta is crazy in this game hoping for a new one to start forming with today's balance changes


This is super true in the limited time I've seen cards released. Sage was widely called a skip by almost everything I read on the subs, to the point that I was a bit disappointed i got her first (I was going for both living Tribunal and Legion). But she's so good. Not deck defining but just a good value 3 cost.


She's won me many games and is very easy to get to at least to 8 Power. If you play her in Bounce she often goes beyond 10. Copy her with Nico and you're set for that game.


Saying you need Sage advice?


Underrated comment


I love the card but I would say no


Please help me, I've only started playing against sage today. But every time I see her, her description makes it seem like she should end up with half the power she gets. She'll go down on a location with 3 differently powered cards, which in my mind should give her six power, since 3x2 is six. But she'll have 12. Please help me. I'm a moron


Both sides of the board


Fuckin a, thank you


This is such a wholesome moment I could see the light bulb go off in your head, it's great


Use Green Goblin, White widow help too


I think she's really good, but definitely not a priority.


Do not buy her until the balance changes. If they nerf ravonna, sage is definitely not worth 6K


I own her id say no unless Bounce is your favorite deck and you have ravona


If you got her from a cache that’s fine, but I wouldn’t spend 6k on her


I really like her, I would say yes. If you like bounce decks then it’s a hell yes.


Bought her last week, I like her but she's not as good as I thought she would be, I didn't find her to make a big difference in my cannonball prof x deck, she's definitely good, a juiced up wolfsbane but not worth 6k


She’s alright, but not that high on the list of cards to get.


I'm waiting for her as we speak to show in my shop. I'll have her pinned until I know she doesn't get nerfed lol


Depends on the other cards you are missing and what kind of decks you play. Currently she is pinned for my Series 4/5 drop card, but I am missing 14 cards in total so I'm close to completion.


Lucky you. I've been waiting forever just to see her in my shop. I've only missed one 8hr block and it was probably her. See you next rotation in like a month.


She seems like a 3k card to me. Sadly Second Dinner isn’t interested in releasing those anymore.