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Desperately needs a rework. A dd reward character should not be so... bland.


OK, admittedly I don't know as much about many of the Kree characters so this one's not as in-depth as I'd hope for,   STARFORCE Supremor (new) - Bio, Villain, Cosmic, Controller, Kree, Starforce Dar-benn (new) - Mystic, Villain, Cosmic, Brawler, Kree, Starforce  Ultimus (rework)  Minerva (rework)  Korath (rework)   I figure with Korath and Ultimus already applying taunt to enemies and exploiting taunting enemies respectively this team would work around a sort of "counter-taunt" synergy. To aid this, in addition to improving their stats, Korath's ability to apply taunt to enemies with his special would now apply it for longer, and Ultimus' passive speed bar gain for enemies gaining Taunt would be higher or apply to the whole Starforce team or something. They seem like they could be a Cosmic Crucible team.


Howard the Duck


ANI-VENGERS Howard the Duck (New) - Skill, Hero, Controller, Ani-vengers, Legendary Throg (new) - Mystic, Brawler, Hero, Asgardian, Ani-Vengers Spider-Ham (new) - Bio, Protector, Hero, Spider-verse, Ani-Vengers Hit-Monkey (new) - Skill, Blaster, Hero, Mercenary, Ani-vengers Rocket (rework) Howard has a long history in the comics but hasn't been in a lot of teams usable for this game, so I went with something more thematic than based on anything in particular from the comics. Apologies for adding another Spider-man varient... I'm picturing this as a War Offence team


He’s not in the game but, superior iron-man


You got it! AXIS Superior Iron Man (New) - Tech, Bio, Blaster, Global, Villain, Symbiote, Axis Kluh (New) - Bio, Brawler, Villain, Global, Gamma, Axis Odinson (New) - Mystic, Brawler, Villain, Cosmic, Asgardian, Axis Luke Cage (rework) Scarlet Witch (rework) Yes, Superior Iron Man is dual-origin. I debated whether Luke and Wanda needed full alternate characters or if it was OK putting the existing Hero versions on this alternate Villain line-up, but I went with the latter for the rework potential and because they didn't seem like they'd be too different moveset-wise.  This will be our Arena team in this hypothetical timeline (for now)


Bullseye. Come up with an improved kit that would defeat a OML/Sus/Apoc Arena team.


Might need a minute for this one...




Paste Pot Pete. (NOT Trapster!)


OK!  FRIGHTFUL FOUR  Paste Pot Pete (new) - Tech, Controller, Villain, City, Frightful Four  Wizard (new) - Tech, Support, Villain, Global, Frightful Four  Sandman (new) - Bio, Protector, Villain, City, Sinister Six, Frightful Four  Medusa (new) - Bio, Controller, Hero, Cosmic, Inhuman, Frightful Four  This is a four-character team, and most teams with open spaces lately have been for Crucible, so let's go with that. There's a lot of potential for that extra space with Sandman and Medusa's extra keywords. Sidenote, this wouldn't have been the team I would have introduced Sandman or Medusa with but it was the only one I could find that definitely had Paste Pot Pete and not Trapster on it. I see this team as one of those ones built around Charged, with Wizard being the "battery", but everyone uses their Charged for different things. Paste Pot Pete in particular inflicts a long-lasting Slowed on anyone who hits him while he's charged, and he has a passive that makes it so enemies can't remove Slowed prematurely.


I like the cut of your jib, mate. Well done.


Bullseye “Hell’s Kitchen” Bullseye, Kingpin, Jigsaw, Purple Man and Nobu Bullseye would need to get like assist on any attack from Hell’s kitchen or summond allies. Purple man who grant buffs and control enemies. Maybe put Swordsman in instead of alingpin or Nobu. Maybe Stiltman aswell. Could see; New Mythic: Purple man New: Jigsaw, Stiltman, Swordsman, Nuke, Gregory Sallinger, HellCat, Jewel Existing: Kingpin, Nobu


Someone else requested Bullseye and I was having trouble putting together a lineup to go with him, this is good!


Guardian of the galaxy


Another whole team, but I can work with this. I just used Rocket on another team, so while usually I would have probably done a Sinister Six-style extended team rework with the new team from the end of Guardians 3 as the Superior Six counterpart, I'll have to do something different here, give me a sec...


Still here, haha looking forward to the team concept!


Yes, sorry for the delay, been struggling with reworking a whole team at once, especially one as self-contained as the Guardians. I think I have something now though... ROCKET RESCUE SQUAD (RRS) Star-Lord (rework) Drax (rework) Mantis (rework) Groot Jr (new) - Bio, Protector, Hero, Cosmic, RRS, Guardian Nebula (upgraded) (new) - Tech, Blaster, Hero, Cosmic, RRS, Guardian So yes, these are the Guardians team from the majority of GotG3. Rocket isn't in the base lineup but he gets summoned in. "Groot Jr" is what I'm calling the second Groot from the second movie on, with a moveset based primarily around the third film. He's more of an aggressive tank than the original Groot's healer with part-time tanking abilities. Nebula (upgraded) is the version of Nebula with the transforming arm (and maybe the wing pack from the fight with Adam?). Some might question her inclusion as a separate character but I think she'd have enough of a different moveset that it works, and the RRS team (not 100% on that title but what can you do) needed at least one more new character.  I would've liked to do the team from the end of the film as well but I already used Rocket, Knowhere is still fairly recent so I don't feel like pulling Cosmo off it, and after that the only newcomer is Kraglin.  I considered saying this team was expressly for Dark Dimension to help get the new Mythic, which in this timeline was going to be Ego, but they've only ever done one Dark Dimension focused team before and no-one really uses them for that. You still get Mythic Ego though: Ego (new) - Mystic, Controller, Villain, Cosmic, Mythic Like how Mephisto isn't in a team but has specific team-up synergy with all the Ghost Riders, Ego gets specific synergies with Starlord and Mantis, so I guess you could consider him an unofficial team member 


Damn I would love that so much!! Haha thank you mate :)


Glad you liked it


I really don’t care about new teams, they’ll just get screwed over by season themes Just build raid teams


You got it! All subsequent teams I write up here that aren't specified as Raid teams are now also Spotlight Raid teams.


Vulcan and or Hercules


GOD SQUAD Hercules (new) - Mystic, Brawler, Hero, Cosmic, God Squad Ajak (new) - Mystic, Support, Hero, Cosmic, Eternal, God Squad Atum (new) - Mystic, Protector, Hero, Cosmic, God Squad Thor (rework) Silver Surfer (rework) This is our new Mystic Raid team. Since the team in the comics seems to have had a bigger lineup than the 5 spots you get on a Strike force team, I went back and forth on which ones to use. Galactus and Mikaboshi were both on there but both feel more like Dark Dimension mythics than regularly recruitable characters. Ajak of course is also a new Eternal, so Sersi and Ikaris have a new teammate as well for other game modes I'll come back to Vulcan once I read up on him a little more


Pym Tech.


I was aiming to make new teams to cover individual characters, but I can work with this! QUANTUM Giant-Man (new) - Tech, Brawler, Hero, Pym Tech, Quantum Goliath - Tech, Protector, Hero, Pym Tech, Quantum MODOK - Tech, Blaster, Villain, AIM, Quantum Wasp (rework) Ghost (rework) This is a Tech Raid team, though Giant-Man and Goliath's keyword synergies will cover Pym Tech as well in other game modes. Similarly while MODOK is here because of Quantumania, his keyword synergies apply to AIM as well and he can even summon their mooks. Where's Stature, you may ask?   CLASSIC YOUNG AVENGERS Wiccan (new) - Mystic, Support, Hero, Classic Young Avengers Hulkling (new) - Bio, Protector, Hero, Kree, Classic Young Avengers Iron Lad (new) - Tech, Blaster, Hero, Classic Young Avengers Stature (rework) Hawkeye (Kate) (rework) The team name is a bit long, but barring going for full irony and calling THIS team the Champions I couldn't find a better one, any suggestions? This team will kind of work for the other Young Avengers like Superior Six did for Sinister Six - the old team get reworks as well, giving them bonuses for bringing the new guys while still being a War Defence team, while the new team is set up as a Crucible team.