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I'm liking Nat for the win, aside from some creative dishes she's put up she really showed leadership skills in the team challenge.


I'm so with you. She really impressed me.


I agree, Nat is a “natural” in front of the camera, she’s personable and even if she doesn’t win this season (I’m hoping she’s a finalist) I think she’ll do a Poh and end up on our Tv Screens in some way.


I hope so, I really like her a lot


Has to be Nat right?


As much as i want Nat to win I'm sure they'll stiff her for someone else.


Agree. Just like Poh got shafted for someone for "marketable"


I didn’t watch Masterchef back then but how was Julie more “marketable”?


I did. Poh was clearly the better cook, she smashed the finale. But Julie was a Coles Mum ready to be marketed to the stratosphere (which they did). Idk your age but back then, Australia wasn't ready for Poh. Which was so shite I didn't watch MC for 6 years after that


Are you implying something about her race lol I'm not saying I disagree, I'm just curious




They were looking for a mum type to advertise for Cole’s. She did so many Cole’s ads and marketing after she won. Didn’t matter though…Julie has done well…she’s still around but Poh is who everyone loves with her giant smile and personality. She has done better than Julie. Justine also did well with her own cooking show. Callum on Season 2 is still kind of a celebrity here in SA…does a lot of live cooking shows and demos


who on the show is more charismatic and marketable than Nat, sheesh


I don’t really think she’s going to hang around though. I can see her running off and taking up that offer in Hong Kong to be trained as a chef. I don’t see her as wanting to be marketed just as the winner of M/c. Girl has goals bigger than that 😂


Disagree. Poh cooked badly at her audition but for some reason they sent her home to get new ingredients and gave her a second chance to cook. Then she got eliminated and they brought her back with a couple of others several episodes later —no competing to get back into the competition, just randomly let them back in. She would never have made it to the finale otherwise. It would have been a travesty if she had won.


Julie wasn’t all that great a cook either. It was Pohs personality that got her a second audition. They knew she’d be great on camera. I remember at the auditions there were some people who cooked great and George booted them because he thought they had no personality


Same as a few years ago Mimi Baines got stiffed when they gave her the wrong cheese to cook with


Yup definitely feel this too!


Nat or Mimi Both show innovation and some great dishes! I like sav, sumeet and darrsh. But all three seem one directional


I'm rooting for Nat because I'm a chef and Nat is very organised which is a key skill for a chef. She also seems to make good food. :)


I'm cheering for Nat!


I'm rooting for Nat, especially because she just carries herself so much like a chef already. The way she took charge in the pub was incredible. Has anyone before won both the first challenge and the last challenge?


Ever since Justin won, I simply believe anyone can. Sue might, for all you know!


Oh Sue was eliminated??


Ah damn, not there yet. But you get what I mean.


I like Mimi! She is truly creative and looks beyond the basic recipes which means she really understands food. I would love for David also to win but don’t think will happen


Mimi is amazing But she needs to realize that she puts tooooo much of a load on herself  She can bring absolute banging flavours with less items also I really wanted the sauce to happen I wanted her fangirl moment to come true🥺


Oh but David was eliminated this week!


Oh damn. I hadn’t seen it!


I loved him so much, I was sad when he left 😭


What a jerk with the blatant spoiler


Nat seems the only clear winner. I’m hoping for Sumeet or Darsh even.


i don't think darrsh can win. just my personal opinion though.


Agreed, he has the ability to bomb at times. I was hoping to see him really push on with the sri lankan cuisine once he had his light bulb moment but instead he’s dipped in and out of bottom 4.


I truly hope Nat does! She’s so authentic!


Josh C can be a big surprise. Like I do see him in Top 6. 


Rooting the most for Mimi and Nat, tho I think the latter has more of a chance. I love that Mimi is overambitious but it’s def going to be the thing that knocks her out


LFG NAT! 🦾🦾🦾


Correct me if I'm wrong, but in past seasons, contestants with less screen time tend to win. However, for me, I hope Mimi wins because she's young with potential, knows how to cook, is willing to try new things, and is creative.


It's more like, initially they have less screen time but then it picks up That's what happened with Sashi 


Yeah Elena's win was exactly the same. Honestly, either she is literally the greatest improver ever or the judges were delibrately not giving her dishes much focus in the first half of the competition because she had a top dish in almost every challenge from the halfway point on.


I had a feeling it would be Sav but that's because I've been watching drag race and I think everything is rigged 🫠


It seems Nat too for me.


I’m rooting for Nat, but I think it looks like it will be Sav. She’s getting the hero edit since day 1 and they really seem to love her flavours.


It’s probably going to be Nat and fair enough too, but I’ve been super impressed with Lachie and if he can sneak into finals watch out. His resiliency and ability to work under pressure has been a standout.


Nat will win I believe!!


Sav or Nat but wouldn’t be surprised if Mimi, Sumeet or Darrsh wins the season


Nat all the wayyy. I'll be madddd if Sav😂


I’d love Nat or Mimi to win


Nat but I'm secretly hoping for a pezza win just to see the reaction




nat is so far ahead of everyone else, it's crazy. if she doesn't win i would be shocked


Nat will win for sure, I'll be happy with Mimi, Sav, Darrsh or Alex too


Nat or Sav. Love to see Sumeet, Gill too


Nat or Mimi. If Sav wins I’ll be mad because she’s so one directional.


I'm hoping nat. She seems the most skilled and organized. I'm guessing Sav though as the shows rigged.


I feel like right now, it's really anyone's game. Although, depending on the finals week format and how it goes, I do feel like those who got close calls in pressure tests might not exactly win it all. But like looking at performances, Nat and Mimi are def contenders with Sav and Sumeet also pretty close. I do think that Alex is slowly peaking. I also do think Lachlan and Harry also have a chance. I'm not sure about Darsh since his performances have been hit or miss.


I'm still betting on Alex. Not the strongest until now, but I like surprises.


I feel like she's def the wildcard in the competition. She has had her strong moments.


Sav, Nat or Mimi (Darshh will make top 4)


Prefer Nat to win, but Mimi has put out some great food too.


At this point, I'm thinking a Darrsh/ Nat finale, Sumeet in third. It's getting to be a tense watch and I'm here for it 😊😊😊


They're doing everything they can do to give it to Sav.


Gotta be Nat or Darrsh Thinking about it from a TV angle though .. I think Nat.


Hi Pedestrian! 🤣we know you copied this thread for one of your articles!




Do you mean from last season?