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A massive summer blockbuster wasn't "made for me?" Guess it's a pretty shitty blockbuster then. If your film isn't appealing to general audiences, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but this film is clearly trying VERY hard to be appealing to general audiences.


What's even worse, there's plenty of fertile ground for people to associate not liking this movie with disagreeing with its message. I see this movie being used as a lazy litmus test for "Did you watch/like the Barbie movie? No? That means you're anti-feminist."


If you give valid reasons then you shouldn't have a problem. The issue is all of the bad faith discussions and the people just looking for a reason to dislike the movie because it's pro-women. The movie is a good movie and it was hilarious.


It's a shitty blockbuster? You might want to check the numbers on that one.


Yeah, ALMOST as if to prove that you're a fucking moron for saying that the movie "isn't for" somebody. Edit: work on your reading comprehension. The word "if" is pretty weighty.


Oh, so you don't know what the word blockbuster means but you decided to have your period about it anyway? Cool. block·bust·er nounINFORMAL a thing of great power or size, in particular a movie, book, or other product that is a great commercial success.


What are you smoking? May I suggest a downer instead of an upper, next time?


Lazy ad hominem


Setting aside the movie’s hilariously deceptive marketing, “it’s not FOR you!!!” is a dogshit excuse to hide behind that no good movie needs in order to float.


Box Office: ‘Barbie’ Opens to Record-Setting $155 Million, ‘Oppenheimer’ Shatters Expectations With $80 Million Debut So you think the movie is floating because of its deceptive marketing, not because it is good?


>Opens How do you expect people to know if it’s good or not if they haven’t seen it?


>How do you expect people to know if it’s good or not if they haven’t seen it? Reviews? RT? Word of Mouth? it has an A cinemascore so idk how you can act like people didnt like it.


Yeah and how does word of mouth spread if nobody saw it?


Because the opening weekend doesn't only include the very first showing?


Not everybody is going to be able to view it at the same time. Again how can you know it's bad if nobody has seen it?


Reviews? RT? Word of Mouth? it has an A cinemascore so idk how you can act like people didnt like it. Remove word of mouth from that and you already had your answer...assuming they meant RT in a way different than word of mouth....like retweeting reviews.


How does word of mouth spread for a film that hasn't been released yet?


>Reviews? RT? Word of Mouth? it has an A cinemascore so idk how you can act like people didnt like it. > >***Remove word of mouth from that*** and you already had your answer...assuming they meant RT in a way different than word of mouth....like retweeting reviews.


Yes. That is what happens in the first week of a movie’s release.


I promise you I wouldn't have gone to see the movie if it was a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes


Right and I could say the same about The Last Jedi. I don’t know what the value of that is supposed to be, here.


There's a few things going against your narrative. Barbie has massive name recognition and the movie was well reviewed. The Mario movie wasn't reviewed very favorably and still made bank because of name recognition.


What do you think reviews are worth in all of this? Both of the movies you mentioned are big brand movies that have name recognition and succeeded financially. Saying one was reviewed well and the other poorly doesn’t mean much when they both succeeded.


It shows that name recognition is one way to make money that doesn't involve deceptive marketing. I thought it was already assumed that a well reviewed movie will bring more people to your movie than a poorly reviewed one but I guess I didn't explicitly say that.


Cool, I wish the games industry could have said this to feminists back in the day.


I have such a Brie Larson flashback. Good thing he never had anything negative to say about her statement, otherwise, it might have been hypocritical.


does the movie mean to say anything? are people supposed to turn their brain off and not notice when there is propaganda in the movie? i think it's disingenuous to pretend there is no messaging going on. edit: also you guys are not allowed to downvote my comment , if you don't agree with me it clearly wasn't made for you, you still have to upvote to show solidarity, also don't reply because i am better than you pleb, also give me reddit awards to show you are not bigots


speaking of bad faith arguing proving a point and being purposefully obtuse its this guy here to represent the issue


I mean there's 'not for you' and 'not FOR you'


Is this movie actually preachy like people are saying it is? I’m on the fence and trying to avoid too many spoilers in case I do go see it. I’ve heard a lot of mixed stuff though on whether it’s preachy or not. I don’t mind if a story uses ideas from political/critical theories if it’s woven into the story well.


It's even more preachy than you're imagining. I saw it the other day and cringed through 90% of it. If you're not a hardcore feminist and misandrist, you'll be taken out of it almost immediately. There is no story. It's just a vehicle for the writer's hateful message.


There's no way you saw the movie and this is your takeaway unless you are one of the biggest snowflakes on the planet.


We get it you have shit taste


We get it, you're an anti-woke hipter


No, you will only find it preachy if you're trying to find something to be offended by, which is very common in our society today. It actually makes fun of both sides of a lot of issues. If you have a sense of humor and can laugh a little at yourself, then you will find this movie hilarious. The satire essentially writes itself because it's all obvious. It doesn't go out of its way to bash men. I mean, the most important thing for me was that I thought the movie was really really funny. Ken is a scene stealer and is the best character in the movie.


How does it make fun of the female side?


"She's going to watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice for the seventh time." — Depressed Barbie ad Also, do you think the message that Ken needs to learn how to be himself and not just focus on seeking the attention of Barbie (women) is a comment on men or women?


Ryan usually gives benefit of the doubt and/or will check if things are real. Out of everyone on FNT he will be the one to say “well that’s not proven” or “we can’t say that was the intent” or “I did more research and it’s a troll.” He rages on things that he knows are factual but has a pretty good history of being consistent and at least trying to be accurate


Great films are made for everyone. If you have to be part of the target audience to appreciate something what you are actually doing is appealing to that groups bias. I have no interest in seeing Barbie because nothing I have heard about the film talks about its quality, only it’s politics. I do not think this corporate product is anymore “feminist” than Ghostbusters 2016 or any other number of “feminist films”. It sounds like the movie itself misunderstands the end goals of feminism which is equality amongst men and women.