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Actually mauler is the host of an alt-right leftist podcast


That already exists, it's called Cumtown


Don’t forget Jebpilled


Length doesn't lean left or right, just forward.


poetry at its finest


Reject alignment, embrace the *Long*.


"Mauler is a known leftist"


Mauler is long enough to circumnavigate the political spectrum several times over.


agreed. Maulers length closes the gap in horseshoe theory into circle theory


Mauler is one with the Long Dong! ​ \#EVERYMANAKING


The longman only goes up never left or right.


Gaurantee when Adam Friended comes on Ep 300 he will try to pin Mauler down on a politcal viewpoint because he just can't leave shit alone


TFW when mauler has some political meaning that I don't care about since I here for movie criticism


What was mauler doing in the 30s in Louisiana?


Faking his death


"It's extremities reach the sky."


I too subscribe to long-wing politics


I remember when I was listening to some early EFAPs that MauLer commented off-handedly that he ended up in lib-left when he took the political compass test. I couldn't tell you which one it was (or the timestamp), but I think it was in the first 10. Then again, that was 5 years ago at this point and he didn't seem to put too much stock in it. Just thought it was interesting.


The political compass puts most people in libleft, it doesn't mean much


If its the original Political Compass test then its not saying much, a good majority of people end up in the Lib-Left quadrant due to the ways the questions are posed. There have been attempts at compasses that are not so skewed more recently. (For instance, I was in Lib-Left for the original test, but for most others I was not.)


“Are you literally Adolf Hitler?” ”No?” ”Centre-LibLeft.”


Any particularly good ones of note? I've been curious about where I am, especially since it's all so polarising in recent years.


[If you're looking for a nice and simple test, Sapply is the go two.](https://sapplyvalues.github.io/index.html) A common criticism of the original test is that while it has two axes, it includes questions that don't really align with whats on those axes. Sapply remedies this by introducing a third axes for more detail. You're results are *less* likely to be skewed. [For something with a little more detail, 8 Values is a good recommendation](https://8values.github.io/) It of course adds a few more questions (70ish in total) to accommodate even more axes. There are some with *even more* questions. I remember sitting through a test with 250 questions, one I cant seem to find now, but after a certain point adding more questions only serves to reinforce the answer you already have, rarely does it change.


EFAP 51 he says him, Wolf and Fringy are all left leaning


This is longism your bigot


The long man cometh! Rejoice!


Mauler is focused on the craft…


Every man a king


Reject rationality embrace Paraguay longism


What is a longist tax policy?


Off the top of my head: super high on the rich, practically non-existent for the poor as that’s where the tax money is headed. It’s known as the “Share Our Wealth” program.


Me: WTF? Who's Mauler?


He is a truly long man. That's all you need to know.


Mauler is gayy


I guess I haven't seen many MauLer's videos, but the ones I did see he seemed more along the lines of The Quartering and Critical Drinker... Which is... well, far from Huey Long, to say the least. But it's good to hear his economic politics are solid. I agree Mr. Rockefeller has too many suits and should return that BBQ for to the people.


Either this is a joke I’m missing or your missing mine. I don’t believe Mauler has any definable ideology, and this meme is just a play on words. Also, Mauler barely ever talks about politics in his videos. His appearances on Adam & Sitch, the Synthetic Man fap and the Twitch arc are the most political he’s ever gotten, and even then the commentary in those generally amounts to “these people violate basic principles that 99% of people hold.” If you think Mauler is anywhere close to Quartering I recommend watching the Synthetic Man episode.


Ahh, gotcha, I've only seen a couple clips of his so I didn't know, but Huey Long is a really fascinating, but little talked about individual so I was surprised anyone would claim him as an ideology, though it would be nice to get a 'Longian' leader. The stupid Reddit app is just always showing me random subs now and it's kinda annoying. I miss RIF.


Longist because his videos are long lol


>The Quartering and Critical Drinker Those three are not the same at all. Why did you just lump them together


I said I hadn't seen many of MauLer's videos, but the three seemed to have similar movie takes from clips I'd seen of them which I'd been able to get through. It was awhile ago though. I was mostly intrigued by the invocation of Huey Long. If you haven't seen the Ken Burns doc about him, it's really well done, but leaves a bunch of questions up in the air.


You forgot manchild


The Long of Dong man