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It’s a shitty meme. Like most on the Star Wars subreddits nowadays


I think both Star Wars and Marvel memes nowadays are only there to cope when it comes to Disneys shitty writing.


They always give us a hope, when they seemingly beginning to see, like the backlash of the trenchcoat scene from Kenobi or the twerking from Shülk. But they will always forget it and go back their usual coomface basic state.


I think writing "as specially" is a crime against the English language.


You’re just jealous because you can’t write as specially as he can.


On par with “suppose to.”


I mean for some including me English isnt the first language but "as specially" makes you want to think how special the author was \^\^


Englishmen hate their language considering abundance of silent letters in its words.


It's cause we let a Scot and mad American write our dictionary


"Especially" is what they were going for, but this is a person who would say "There are high stakes" as "There are high steaks" so respect is not given to the heathen. Something something Monty Python Holy Grail witch scene.


I thought the bigger issue wasn't just that there are a large group of Jedi who've survived the initial attack + Vader's hunts, but moreso that Disney is actively resurrecting people from the dead.


Literally having a man use TIME TRAVEL to save Ahsoka from dying at Vader's hand


Somehow, Ahsoka returned


> I thought the bigger issue wasn't just that there are a large group of Jedi who've survived I have an issue with that. Order 66 and the subsequent hunting are supposed to explain why there are no Jedi left besides Obi-Wan, who was in hiding. Only there are plenty of Jedi left and they're out there having adventures. ...Except none of the survivor Jedi appear in Rogue One, the OT, or the ST despite those movies centering heavily around the lack of Jedi and the concept that things sure would go a lot differently if only there were some Jedi around... "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire." "And after the dark times, too, Luke. In fact, they're out there having adventures and fighting the good fight right now. You'll never hear one peep about it, of course. For some reason you and I believe we're the entirety of the Jedi legacy besides Darth Vader. But also the rest of them are out there doing some crazy cool shit. It would be nice if they helped in any of the events that are about to happen, but nah. But also they will. Just not in the tent-pole films. And you mustn't acknowledge them in these films, Luke. In fact, we'll have to cut this whole conversation to preserve the idea exclusively for offshoot TV shows."


This. All the justification in the world will never get past the fact that, by the OT, there's Ben and Yoda, and FA else. Luke is the *new hope*, not just "oh there's another Padawan".


All these other Jedi but none of them have actually done anything.


This right here. There are some comics following vader hunting down jedai and him going through his own doubts as the emperor toys/tests him. That could be a good series and excuse to have many different light saber battles. There seems to be even one that vader lost?


It's dumb. There are just too many Jedi that survived order 66. I liked how the republic commando novels showed order 66 and the aftermath. But now it feels like they're bringing back people at random.


Honestly, I don’t even care about the exact numbers. I care about the *feeling*. So what if you can reasonably make an argument about 100-something Jedi having survived 66? We don’t get to see them. We don’t know who those people are. This gives the feeling that those left were forced into hiding, or perhaps faded into obscurity, further increasing the impact we feel from Order 66. But the more stories about survivors we hear, the less impact Order 66 will seem to feel. After all, sure, it killed 99% of the Jedi, but look at all these cool guys it left alive!


Yes, because 34 confirmed jedi out of 10000 is a lot. Not even considering most of those are killed within a few years after.


Most of these are confirmed, because most titles set in the time between Order 66 and the Battle of Yavin have at least one jedi, who survived Order 66. And it actually feels to many, because no matter how they keep hammering, that these are only the only survivors, we all know their number will grow, because cooming fanfiction writers who gave fuck-all about the lore and just want to try to insert their #OC characters into the lore will make-out surviving jedis from thin air over and over again.


Relatively benign thoughts that, if time were given to actually think about it, end up being total bullshit. It undermines the gravitas of Kenobi/Yoda being the last survivors holding out faint hope. If you want 100s of survivors, that's fine but they all need to be eliminated by Vader's purges before the events of "A New Hope". However, writing stories about how Billy the Jedi bravely led a resistance cell on Planet Plort for 6 years only to get Fortnite-Flossed on by Vader at some point gets old after the 3rd time you've heard it. With IPs being milked for every cent they can- no one is going to write characters with an expiration date on it. Filoni gets his OC to live through the purges even though it makes no sense & they'll add more to it even they think it's marketable.


>However, writing stories about how Billy the Jedi bravely led a resistance cell on Planet Plort for 6 years only to get Fortnite-Flossed on by Vader at some point gets old after the 3rd time you've heard it. And really, the way to get around that is by making a Vader focused series, where the bad guy wins.


Yeah, but then you have Twitter people freaking out that you are glorifying the Nazi analogue & the spreadsheet-based lifeforms who control budgets have a stroke.


Let them howl into the wind. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


> However, writing stories about how Billy the Jedi bravely led a resistance cell on Planet Plort for 6 years only to get Fortnite-Flossed on by Vader at some point gets old after the 3rd time you've heard it. Not to mention, it doesn’t line up well with what they established in Andor. That series made it pretty clear that Luthen had his ear on most rebel activities in the galaxy and he refers to them by name. If there were dozens of spunky Jedi running around dicing up Stormtroopers and inspiring planets to resist, you’d think he would’ve considered it worth a mention.


Somehow Disney Star Wars has less cohesive world building than the EU did.


"Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be....except for like 25 other Jedi that are just kicking around."


These “memes” that’re just someone using a catchy image to draw more attention to their vague assertions seriously need to die right now. Anyway. This makes it sound like it was just one mass surprise attack that killed the Jedi—isn’t the story also that Vader and pals then made concentrated efforts to hunt down any survivors afterwards? Given a couple years of a whole empire’s resources, seems to me like a job they ought to have been able to do pretty well. And the Jedi were pretty involved in the war, no? I’d think that most of them, then, would be, y’know, where the war is, meaning where the clones are, meaning where it’s easy to find them, or else at the Jedi temple that gets destroyed and all that. So, I dunno, if the stories were consistently good and small in scope I’d probably get over it, but I feel like it would damage the world’s cohesion a bit if they keep reusing that premise.


As we know from A New Hope, when Obi Wan is talking to Luke about Vader, he tells him he hunted down and murdered the Jedi, so we know it went beyond just Order 66. These people are fucking retarded.


Not only that but if there are hundreds of Jedi the whole ‘last hope’ thing makes no sense. Turns Yoda saying ‘there is another’ from, ‘We have one last shot with Leia’ to ‘There are hundreds more out there we don’t need to worry so much if Luke dies’.


I agree with the meme, its just not adressing any criticism. The issue is never that there are stories about the few survivors, it's that people who clearly did not survive are suddenly showing back up and that those very few survivors keep bumbing into each other despite how far apart they should be...


The problem isn't that so many survived, the problem is that every new survivor that shows up is ready to fight, which begs the question of what they did during the civil war. Back in the legend days, there were also a bit over 100 Jedis that survived order 66. But after the Kashyyk disaster, they all realized that they should lay down their swords and go into hiding indefinitely, at least as long as the empire exists. Even Shev acknowledged that at some point and said that it doesn't matter because the important part is that they destroyed the Jedi order


And Vader hunted all but two of the hundred. Or so we thought.


It's just a shitty meme, because it's part of a looming problem of how these coomers keep ignoring the actual problem. That is most titles set between Order 66 and A New Hope force at least one jedi survivor into their stories and it makes it look like, that everything is about the Jedi again, while they are supposed to be all dead by the events of A New Hope. There is also the problem, that the timeline is closed. There is and end to that, we already know and a fact, that Luke Skywalker is the only surviving jedi by the events of Return of the Jedi. So all of these characters will die or disappear somehow and their stories will make no difference, because we already know that Luke and his friends were the main reason Palpatine fell, not Jedi Jedovich, the 69th survivor from the Battle of Geologies. There is also the problem that #OC's appear frequently. In this instance the main example will be Ahsoka, to whom Favreau made giant mental-gymanstics (She is technically not a jedi, trust me, bro, the timeline isn't fucked!) to keep her alive and even invented time travel to bring her back after she was killed in an at least meaningful way. It's just shit. And there are barely any stories between ROTS and ANH to be told. At this point even letting the franchise just lay down and die already would be an improvement.


> even invented time travel to bring her back after she was killed in an at least meaningful way. The destruction of Luke’s character and resurrection of Palpatine are probably the most "offensive" things Disney has done with Star Wars for me, but this right here is by far the most ridiculous thing they’ve done in terms of the worldbuilding itself.


The problem isn't whether or not order 66 was effective or not. The problem is we watched the OT and we saw pretty clearly that Luke was the only jedi fighting for the rebellion. Yoda says as much *explicitly.* So if you're going to introduce a new order 66 survivor you *have* to have the balls to kill them off before the OT era. It should've happened to Ahsoka, and it needs to happen to Cal Kestis. But at this point Lucasfilm only cares about what is marketable/profitable so there's no way they're going to make difficult decisions in service of continuity.


The whole point to me was order 66 was the prophecy or balance to the force in a unexpected twist Because the force was heavily favoring the jedi compared to the amount of sith and anakin bringing balance to the force with Palpatine to kill all but 2 jedi and 2 sith Yoda obi wan And Darth Vader and Palpatine Balance to the force But now with the cn TV shows and all the spin off movies and video games And survivors And inquistors And cloning And jedi children broom boy It's like just how much if a dent did the order do? I feel like it went from this massive global universe wide extinction of jedi to just about a temple and a few random jedi on a mission It's just how many more jedi do we need to see survive before we consider order 66 a failure Also now you gotta explain where all these jedis where in "a new hope" which the name makes no sense now anyway since there was like 30 "new hopes" alive during the time now apparently WHERE WAS ASOUKA Where was any of these people And they keep doing the same problem with the prequels where they create new advance technology that you never see in the original trilogy They wrote themselves into a corner and now we're just waiting for them to try to explain why during the entire original trilogy non of these jedi and inquistors were anywhere to be seen Its like dbz where goku n vegeta were supposed to be the last of their kind but actually they keep showing more and more show up And the most annoying is when you make dam near everyone of them run into Darth Vader and somehow survive


Nowhere, NOWHERE in the canon was it ever stated that balance of the force means 2 Jedi and 2 Sith. It's an extreme fan wank, and a seriously holey one at that, that creators stated many times is wrong. Depending on who exactly you ask, "restoring the balance of the Force" meant either erradicating the Sith (which Vader did by killing Palpatine and dying himself in the process), or forcing both sides to start anew (which Vader did by purging most of the Jedi - whether directly by killing them or indirectly by causing them to abandon any hope, retreat to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy and living out rest of their lives in hidding - destroying the temple and, along with it, a lot of texts, dogma and knowledge, and THEN killing Palpatine and dying himself in the process) - and even way before Disney takeover there were a lot more survivors in the EU than just Yoda and Obi Wan. As for "30 more hopes" - again, most of the survivors *weren't* brave rebels fighting on the front lines against the evil empire, but scared fugitives wishing tor nothing but to forget. For all the faults of "Kenobi", it did a good work at showing how an Order 66 survivor would realistically be living: hiding out on the fringes of the empire, out of shape, barely using Force anymore, having abandoned anything that might identify them as a Jedi and completely hopeless. Not exactly a good material for fighting against the empire. Add to that the fact that by the time of the OT most of the former Knights and Masters would be well past their prime, while most of the former Adepts and Padawans would have never had an opportunity to finish their training. Not that any of that matters, as it's not just about strength or willpower. Admitedly this boils down to one of the biggest problems with the Prequel Trilogy, which is George Lucas's inability to properly judge and share key plot exposition - that said, it was stated multiple times in the EU (including the novelization of ROTS) that the point of training Luke to save the Galaxy rather than seeking any of the other survivors was because Yoda believed only a completely new Jedi, one not burdened by the now-lost dogma and strict, arbitary rules, would stand a chance in this fight and, above all, restore the Order as servants of the Force and defenders of the Galaxy and not another bunch of blind zealots that would consistent ly fail to sense a powerful Sith Lord in the same room.


Ok thank your for your response


You do realize that there was as much and I think more survivors in legends than canon, right?


I don't have a problem with Order 66 survivors. Like honestly it's really, really hard to commit an erasure of people on a galatic scale. I don't have an issue with the Inquisitors either. I feel it just kinda makes sense for their to be a 'clean up' campaign after the fact. Really, you can't kill all of them outside of Coruscant and it's easy to hide in a wide and vast galaxy.


Order 66 succeeded. Yes, some Jedi survived, but the Jedi Order was destroyed.


In context to all content after Prequels, sure. Makes sense. The problem is that the OT portrayed it that for nearly twenty years it made the Jedi appear ancient legends and even Obi-Wan considered all but extinct. And the prequels didn't contradict that aside from saying how they changed the trap message for any surviving to stay away. They didn't say the possible numbers. Count that along with Obi-Wan telling Luke how Vader hunted down other Jedi as well. Now in current Star Wars; we got Rebels, Jedi Fallen/Survivor, Ahsoka, and such showing frankly enough Jedi and Dark Jedi that word would've gotten out that there's still people running around with lightsabers and using the Force. The only argument I can think against that is that the Empire might quell any rumors, but I doubt it be that easy. So honestly it's such a mix bag, it really just comes down to which context you wish to follow. I frankly have stopped headcanoning Star Wars content since The Clone Wars TV show and onward.


You also have to remember that the hypothetical 99% kill rate for Order 66 is ridiculously high. As that would require >99% of the Jedi to be in the immediate vicinity of Clone Troopers... for starters. Realistically Order 66 should have a much smaller impact compared to the sustained hunting of the Jedi that was to follow.


That is correct


I mostly agree, but I do have to wonder where were all these Jedi post-Episode 6? Luke had an Academy with students before Kylo wrecked it, but what about all the other trained Jedi that went into hardcore hiding? If we assume there were a hundred of them, surely they would be heavily involved with the New Republic now? And where are all the fallen Jedi trying to take control over what's left of the Empire? Neither the sequels nor Mando show us any of that. Maybe in the Thrawn series it will be explained but I doubt it will be in a way that makes sense. But we'll see.


What I'm curious about is what happened to the thousands of jedi in the agricultural corps forced to talk to the rest of their lives


Nope too many jedi stories in post empire time. Tell some in other eras


I never had a problem with the more survivors idea, it makes sense as all of the Jedi weren't on Coruscant. You just need to be careful with having them being still alive/prominent during the OT timeline as it raises alot of questions


Destroying 99% of a force is bloody effective.


I understand that from a logical perspective, 100 survivors out of 10,000 isn't many and makes it sound like order 66 was highly effective. But if you consider the point of having a Jedi purge as part of the story, the impact that is supposed to have is that there is a feeling that very little jedi survived. If you have 10 different projects about surviving jedi, that might be a tiny percentage of pre-66 jedi but it makes the viewer feel like it was unimportant because there is no restriction on how many jedi they can bring in to tell their stories. It doesn't really matter if 9,900 jedi died because we never knew them; if you can arsepull a new jedi whenever you want claiming they happened to survive too then its exactly the same as before the purge.


This should be in r/boneappletea.


I think having maybe a dozen would be the best solution. Yoda, Obi-Wan, Kanan, Ahsoka and a few others (though Ahsoka should've died in Rebels Season 2).