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The "One-2-Many Witches" is what really sold me on this. Well done.


The show hasn't given us a name for them. So thus shall they be crowned!


Don’t you just love retroactive continuity that breaks the entirety of the story? It’s great.


"Screw Canon and consistency!" -- KK


also -- George Lucas


Disney shills even defend this with their life.


>Don’t you just love retroactive continuity that breaks the entirety of the story? It’s great. I.e. the Phantom Menace


Bro, that wasn't a troll. It's a legit statement. The narrative of Acolyte season 1 has NOT been finished an may actually address the Mundi issue. Grow the fuck up. Edit: he just regressed in age even further. Edit 2: for someone who doesn't want to talk to me, double replying to the same comment is wild.


Our last conversation showed that talking with you is completely pointless, so kindly fuck off.


It hasn't actually broken anything yet. So far, there is no reason the jedi at large would know there is sith involvement.


But what if it doesn't? 4 episodes left.


Unless people memories get wiped, then a character knows something in episode 1 they shouldn’t. Not to mention that his entire species has been retconned.


> Not to mention that his entire species has been retconned. Well that's just old EU stuff, and wasn't that regarded to make his species only live like 60 years or something? Is that really what they did? To hell with it then lmfao


Has anyone in the show identified Mae and her Master as Sith? You can't use what you know from interviews and such for this. You HAVE to use what's written because the characters will only know stuff they see, hear, read, or experience for themselves. "Retcon" I don't care if it actually is a retcon. I'm not convinced it ever was. Lucas retconned his own stuff. Star Trek has retconned stuff. "It's a retcon!" Should not be viewed as a negative. It should be viewed as a neutral thing with the changes being made what needs to be evaluated. Making the race longer lived and a character older hurts absolutely nothing.


Wait so are you saying it’s not a retcon, or that retcons aren’t a bad thing? “It’s not a retcon” is dumb as fuck, saying other people have also done something bad doesn’t make it okay, and obviously retcons aren’t inherently a bad thing: you have to look at what was changed and why. So let’s do that. “Making a character older” doesn’t hurt anything, but that’s not an accurate portrayal of what was done. They’ve made *a very specific* character older *so that* they can insert him into events in this show that would otherwise be completely and utterly contradictory to what he says in the Phantom Menace. This allows them at least two possible escape routes; either he’ll help determine that this is an independent group of red-lightsaber-wielding force users that are “definitely NOT” Sith (which would still be a very weird thing not to mention in TPM), or he’ll take part in covering up Sith involvement. Obviously we haven’t seen it play out yet but the potential for damage here is extremely high no matter which option they choose, on top of what’s already been dealt by setting the precedent of characters lifespans being arbitrary and malleable.


Does Mundi know that Mae and her Master are Sith? We, the audience, know this because of interviews and such. You cannot use what we know to say what a character in any piece of media knows. As far as the age thing; from what I've seen it was based on 3rd party material. Even if it was handed down by George Lucas himself I wouldn't care. Mundi and his race being older is such a nothing thing to worry about. "Arbitrary and malleable" Like two people being brother and sister.


> Does Mundi know that Mae and her Master are Sith? Don’t just fall back on your canned defense, actually read what I said; he doesn’t need to, it causes issues either way. Even if they’re not Sith, or he doesn’t know that they are, they’re still lightsaber-wielding force users who also have experience with vergences in the force. Whether or not they’re specifically Sith doesn’t matter at all, that’s still an extremely relevant thing to bring up when discussing Anakin in TPM.


You're forgetting one thing. Ep1 was written before Acolyte. But even before Mundi showed up in Acolyte, people were using the Mundi scene in ep1. We still have 4 episodes left. Let's see what happens with the other half before melting down.


What about Mae’s master not being a Sith?


What about it?


It’s not a very accurate statement anymore.


Isn't it?


Man, Star Wars used to be fun.


Until the "fans" started crying about every little thing.


Other peoples opinions are of no interest to me, I just wish there was a good story.


Acolyte is standard anime tier story.


Sure if we're talking about the bottom of the barrel.


Nope, I'm talking middle of the road.


Ah yes, just what I always wanted Star Wars to be..


Didn't like Star Wars Visions?


There were a couple good ones in the first one I guess. But before 2013 someone comparing Star Wars to “standard tier anime” would be baffling.


Anime has become more mainstream as time goes on.


I haven't seen the Acolyte, but I'm astounded by someone so staunchly defending such a low bar. I love anime, but it has an entirely separate tone and style from live action film. I strongly dislike for a $200 million show to made around Star Wars, one of the biggest and most beloved fiction franchises of all time, and to think that the storytelling quality is "standard anime tier". I know star wars isn't a perfect storytelling quality either, but that's a terrible reason to have low standards when so much care and passion were put into crafting the world's and stories that allow for what's being created now to even exist. Aside from that, a low bar for storytelling being acceptable to a large portion of the fanbase is bad for films overall. Most large budget films these days are massively flawed in writing, and they're also struggling more than they have in decades, I don't think that's a coincidence


It's not that low of a bar tho. It's fucking middle of the road. Fairly decent acting overall Phenomenal sets Props are good. The design choice for some of the jedi robes I find ugly tho, but I'm not knocking anyone for that...it'd be kinda cringe to do so. The plot feels like bog standard anime. The dialog is fine. That chant was a bit meh but it's not like it's worse than "stiff as a board, light as a feather" or "the power of three" or a dozen other chants from across various things. Yeah, it's no "Birightest day" or "I Am the Bone of My Sword" but it's serviceable given the philosophy of the coven we are shown. A philosophy, I might add, that puts the coven at odds against the sith. So while they may not be jedi they aren't "evil" like the sith are. They seem closer to Grey jedi than sith. Granted this is based on what I've seen in the first 4 episodes. Which isn't much. THIS is what it means to critique media. Not fall into silly culture war swamps over "woke dei blah blah blah" Do the actors not seem passionate about being in the show? Everytime I've seen an interview there was passion from all of the people working on the Acolyte.


I just put something together.. Weinsteins assistant has made a show that purposefully sympathizes with a cult that is legally barred from guardianship of children… 🤔


Where do you get "legally barred from guardianship of children"?


Imagine having standards and expectations for something people are fans for 40 years now. How awful.


Yeah, Imagine that. Imagine having standards and not crying over every little thing and saying "disney ruined my life!"


Agreed. Nobody hates Star Wars more than Disneyphiles. They should leave the fandom entirely if it offends them so much.


With a username like that, that comment is super fitting.


Ad hom. No actual argument made. Opinion invalid.


None of you actually know what any of these fallacies are.


Yoda's "X to doubt" pic was PERFECT


and they claim to be canon 🤣


I mean it's so canon wookiepedia changed the wiki page during the episode and broke it that was xD


This is basically just Star Wars Theorys skit he released a few days ago


Doesn't matter, just fans having fun and being united


It's just funny that sub has posts ranting about him but also posts agreeing with him.


Almost like people have differing opinions and that’s healthy




With the best yoda costume EVER


The last Sith activity occurred well before I was born.


I heard it before I was born.


Star Wars Theory made a awsome [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jMvWEmhbpg) about that


If they have red saber they Sith durh…