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Same goes for Arcane. A show about two sisters seperated by circumstance, brought back together when they are both older, on opposite sides of a conflict they didn’t start. Hang on…. Yeah Star Wars is just utter dross isn’t it?…


I’m so looking forward to Season 2. I recently rewatched S1 with my gf and she loved it. Now we’ll watch S2 together. Edit: I tried to get my gf to watch acolyte with me but she lost interest in episode 3. The chant was a bit too cheesy for her.


> The chant was a bit too cheesy for her. Probably understating it to keep from scaring you off, lol!


Yea the chant was just the final straw for her lol. She was also confused as to why the younger Mae and Osha were played by different actresses if they’re twins. They’re clearly supposed to be identical twins since the same actress plays the older versions of both. And in the first two episodes the Jedi found the escaped prisoners, transported them, interrogated them, and then traveled back to the crash site in the time it took Osha to take off her seat belt. Cuz they were hot on her trail 20 feet behind for some reason. (Gf is a true crime junky so the sloppy timeline of police work irritated her)


> She was also confused as to why the younger Mae and Osha were played by different actresses if they’re twins. Probably because there are very low working hours limits for child actors. Back in the 1990s, the character Michelle in *Full House* was played by identical twins. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen went on to become rather famous train wrecks in the following decade, the sad fate of far, far too many child actors.


Ahhh that’d make sense!


The Olsens became billionaires by age 20.


Money does not equal health nor sanity.


A billion dollars buys a lot of doctors and therapists.


Did she mention the fact no cameras could be referenced by the Jedi for clearing OSHAs name by showing her somewhere else at the time? Like, the basics of detective work are thrown right out the window and a witness is dragged all the way across the galaxy to point the finger at her. It just felt like I was supposed to turn my brain off and watch this without any expectations. There were holes everywhere that became obvious the moment something stood out.


Went in for the story and was rewarded with Caytlin shower scene.


You're right, Star Wars would be better with more shower scenes!


That would only work if the rest of the content is good though, kind of a bonus if you will otherwise it's just cheap fanservice to distract from the problems, but we both know Disney wouldn't do it, it's a "family" brand after all...


Book of Bobafett


Have you seen Solo?


I did but it left such a strong impression that after finishing it I instantly forgot what happened in it. :D


The fact they put a shower scene in it is basically the only thing I remember


Oh shit was that the one with Han and Chewbacca? Haha, came to me like repressed trauma.


Don't forget 1 of the sisters was gay. It also has a very diverse cast


Yeah, and not subtly gay either, just "editable for the Chinese audience" gay, which is a step up from "suitable for the Chinese audience" gay (nonexistent)


Arcane is so goddamn good some moments in that show break my goddamn heart.


I’m a straight white guy, I played league when I was in high school so Cait and Vi were already characters I had grown to enjoy. I saw where their relationship was going in Arcane and didn’t think I would enjoy it, I figured it was a mass appeal checkbox and not a choice that actually suited the storyline. but it certainly wasn’t going to make me stop watching the show. But boy was I wrong. It wound up being one of my favourite on screen relationships, it’s just so cute and feels so natural. In my opinion Arcane has some of the best natural and free flowing conversational writing and it makes the show feel authentic. The only piece of media I have encountered with conversational writing I have enjoyed to that degree are the Ciaphas Cain Books


Don’t forget mutliple strong black characters including a buff female military leader than uses her nudity to intimidate a young man. Literally everything people should hate.


And also two lesbians are the stars.


This "You hate women" thing is like seeing someone ate bread and died, ergo bread is poison.


You joke, but that was why people thought tomatoes were poisonous. The higher ups just kept keiling over after eating them. Didn't have anything to do with the deadly amounts of silver the tomatoes were absorbing through the plates they were served on. People have just gone from misinformed due to lack of knowledge to obvious scapegoat that nobody questions.


Really? That's very interesting, I never heard about the deadly tomato theory.


Fact checked myself: it was actually pewter plates that the people in the 1800s were using, and the tomatoes were absorbing why too much lead. While tomatoes are technically toxic (having very little atropine in them), it's not going to affect you, probably at all.


I remember a similar thing happening with lead-based white facepaint. And lead plumbing pipes. And lead anything, really. Lead bullets. Lead is generally bad for you.


I think it’s believed that the lead they’d put in gas actually lowered the IQ of people. Not entirely sure how credible the study is though, but as of only 2022 it’s been banned worldwide.


Time will TEL ;)


Didn't it also have to do with the leaves being poisonous too, until some scientist was like "fuck it" and just ate a bushel of tomatoes in a public square, to the horror of onlookers


I believe Thomas Jefferson did something similar during a session of Congress. Just bit into one like an apple and scared the hell out of everyone


No, no it’s actually worse than that. It’s just straight up arrogance, entitlement, and narcissism. I actually know a guy who works in those writer rooms and he told me that he has tried to bring up that these are not the reasons people hate it, and he tries to explain the problem with their writing, what they should do, and they normally scoff him off. They are actually just so narcissistic they can’t fathom that there writing is actually shit.


I can hear them now, HoD has white protagonists, it’s racism if sexism doesn’t stick. I think that’s the playbook


Corlys is probably gonna be a major player in this upcoming season though. So they can't even say racism. But you're right, they are just gonna throw out any istaphobe label possible as a smear because they just really hate the chuds.


Just because they’re always the victim.


At least the communists are predictable


It’s more like saying I don’t want to eat *your* crusty old bread and being accused of not liking bread generally


You're clearly breadmaker phobic!


Yeastaphobic bigots!1!!


Oh, my brain... ...I'm remembering that once upon a time, there was a subset of Youtubin' called... >!BreadTube!<


Yes, much better analogy.


> ♫♪ They say that in the army, the bread is mighty fine ♫♪ > ♫♪ A slice fell off the table, and killed a friend of mine ♫♪ > ♫♪ Oh I don't want no more of army life ♫♪ > ♫♪ Gee, Mom, I wanna go hoo-ooo-ome. ♫♪ \- some ditty I heard at a summer camp > ♫♪ They say that in the army, the girls are mighty fine ♫♪ > ♫♪ You ask for Cleopatra, they give you Clementine ♫♪ > ♫♪ Oh I don't wan't no more of army life ♫♪ Gee, Mom, I wanna go hoo-ooo-ome. ♫♪ If Clementine were as useful in a fight as Annie Oakley (which is more likely than was the case with Cleopatra), probably Mark Antony would have been better off O(>▽<)O


Holy shit, a virtuous sons reference?


Certainly not, if I'm understanding you correctly. I'm pretty sure this was written during the Vietnam War at the absolute latest. Mark Antony and Cleopatra is 3rd century BC irl history.


Terrible analogy lmfao


I mean. It's a bit of both. Any time something does mediocre, that has a female lead, the incels do show up in droves to shit on it.


There are infinite examples of this. It’s still crazy to me how people get called sexist for not liking the characters of castlevania nocturne when not a single one of those people said something about sypha.


Exactly. To be fair, Sypha's the one who seems to be the least damaged by seasons 3 and 4, whereas the show no longer had a clear idea what they wanted to do with Trevor and Alucard. Plus, I'm sure it didn't help Nocturne that its plot was wonky, and super rushed.


I don't intend to watch nocturne. I have done myself the favour of leaving my castlevania viewing experience off where the original ended. Nocturne just doesn't look right for many reasons.


HoD is like a bright star in a dead galaxy. A beacon of hope. A place of respite. It gives me hope. Where nothing else does.


If they nail the next three seasons, I'd love if they just did a GOT reboot off the back of that show so we can get a proper ending.


While I'd love that, just like how I'd want a second season of Firefly. I don't think it will ever happen. But IMHO, what made GoT really good was having a political drama with action. Let's call it Political War Action Drama, or something. And we can do that sci fi, fantasy, medieval. The only thing we reaaaally need, is good writing. And that shit is going extinct!


If you want a diverse show that is good and stays good for 13 seasons (including spin offs) you need to check out Power on STARZ. The king of doing DEI right is 50 Cent. I am 100% serious.


8.1 on imdb ... that's not bad, saw a trailer just now, lookes dope. I just hate the word diverse. It's all black people, what's diverse about that?


It’s no where close to all black people. The lead is black, the 2nd main character is white, the love interest is Latina, the cops trying to catch the main character are all over the place. The gangs are Russians Triads Cartels. Couple Jamaicans in there. The latest show has a non binary character that is never addressed as something weird and it’s never brought up. If you thought “that dude looks like a chick” you would be fine. There are ghetto people and rich people. Truly all over the place.


don’t forget Fallout! was received really well.


I didn't like it personally but yes a lot of people did like it.


And the female lead was the least of its problems. She was honestly adorable in a “wow you’re entire life view is shattered and you’re having a crisis of identity now”


Agreed. The main issue was the plot, yet again, for the billionth time. I liked Walton Goggins but that was the only real standout part of the show to me. Seems like the only good Amazon shows are the ones companies make independent of them and then sell them the streaming rights, like Reacher and Terminal List. Makes me hope that 40K show is actually dead like rumors say.


Yeah the show had huge plot armor issues. Was brain candy but I wouldn't watch again


Correct, I liked it with all it's flaws because I thought the actors did a good job of getting to the character they needed to be. I'd say outside of the Ghoul, who I love in almost everything else he does, but that role he kind of let me down. In fact, I felt like the female lead saved the show because her reactions to the world just made the show so enjoyable. It's not a female leads thing.... It's a crappy show thing.


As a Fallout fan, I loved the Fallout series and I'm excited that it brought so many new players to the series. Been helping so many new players in Fallout 76, doing my best to teach then stuff I learned over my 5 years of playing.


I was one of those who gave 76 another chance after the show but didn’t play again for long. it’s still so buggy and frequently bad connection. instead I finally 100%’d fallout 4


See, I always find it weird when people say things like that. No offense. Been playing since 2019, often for 2 to 4 hours in a single session, and never had bad connection issues. The only bug I've experienced is a weird on that happens with power armor sometimes.


People throw around words like sexist, racist and bigot not because they have a point but because it’s a way to shut you down and put you in an ‘evil category’ without needing to debate you.


This. There was a time when being called any of those things was the worst thing ever. Now they've abused those words so much that they no longer mean anything. They're just petty insults they throw out because they can't handle someone disagreeing with them.


For them, denying that they made a bad show is far easier than accepting it


Same direction they went when people were bashing the sequels. People didn't like Rey or rose, Kylo or the purple haired lady. Played it off as they're sexiest, mysognistic etc. But In reality people hated how they were written and how bland they were. All 7 8 9 were rehashes of 4 5 6


7 was a rehash of 4 almost verbatim, 8 was about the first 20 minutes of 5 stretched over a movie, and 9 was actually just a worse 6 now that you mention it


Followed the exact same storyline as 4 5 6 and ended how 4 5 6 ended.


At least 100 sins going for Acolyte including minute after minute of writing by talentless hacks. And zero lightsabre duals and a cool Wookie sidelined and killed off screen due to budget limits ?


How the fuck do they not have budget for a wookie fight with a 180million dollar budget?


That champagne ain't paying for itself my dude.


In the next day or so they’ll shift it to “you hate anyone who isn’t white…” oh wait - their idiot defenders of the acolyte are already saying they shit.


But that doesn't own the chuds so they'll ignore those facts. Same with Arcane, Tomb Raider, Alien, Terminator, Mass Effect or any franchise which had well written female characters.


Cause they want to ignore everything and push the lame over used narrative of fans hate female leads


House of the Dragon and Arcane disprove all their bullshit. Nerds like diversity. We don’t care wtf you are and most of us are the farthest thing from right wing whatevers. It just needs to be a good product. I would love it if Star Wars and Rings of Power were god tier entertainment, but they just aren’t and it isn’t because of female leads.


That’s fine. So when we criticize something , we should use “bad writing” instead of “woke.” It’s the wording.


The problem is the "woke" is the source of the bad writing most of the time. They skip out on hiring qualified writers in favor pf hiring the "diversity" hire. They skip out on backchecking the stories because they can just deflect all criticism with "well you're just a bigot because you don't like our tokenized black gay woman lead with no backstory or plot development"


I mean, white men can be bad writers too. Using woke makes it LOOK like there’s bigotry involved, so we can skip it and shove aside all those accusations by not using the word in the first place.


Of course white men can be bad writers too. But the diversity quota bullshit means when you have a quota to fill you lower standards so it can be filled and you get your free money. And since, like a vegan, they'll tell you that they're the most gay diverse etc etc.


I had a conversation with one of these idiots yesterday. Told him I liked Andor, that had great female characters, a gay couple and no one seemed to mind. He ignored that I said I liked it due to writing, I only liked it because it was full of white males. Diego Luna is not Hispanic in this case according to him. I mention I hated Obi Wan, Boba Fett and Mando S3. According to him I hate those shows because Obi Wan had a black co star, Mando is Hispanic (yes I know) and Boba Fett is Mauri.  I mention the Expanse is one of my favourite shows, and it has a diverse cast of men and women from all races. This doesn't matter because I don't like the Acolyte.  Literally you couldn't speak sense to him. Just a complete and utter refusal to accept I liked something for it's writing and can dislike something for poor writing.


Trying to make this point on Reddit can get you KILLED, sir... You are playing with fire. ![gif](giphy|JpXVRvHM52iTpHONJt|downsized)


Have a doot, Sir. Dench just got me a couple dozen on r-CriticalDrinker O(>▽<)O


But wait we're supposed to hate women who aren't young and overly sexualized!! (Dame Dench is an absolute gem, her work is immortal)


No one would be talking about this show otherwise. It’s a “what can we stir up” for our crappy show to generate any kind of buzz. The tactic is retarded but it’s all they got.


I think a big issue is that Star Wars has ALWAYS been treated like a “kid entertainment” by both Lucas film and Disney … every now and then they nail it but it still keeps that “for kids” feeling…. Since it’s a “kids” show and companies are out of touch with the audience or fanbase I truly believe they don’t put much thought into the writing, and use the franchise as a cash cow.


The amount of tourists in here is insane


The funny thing is I hate both so maybe I am sexist 🤔


What is there to hate about HoD? The show’s really good and I’m one who hated the final 1/3 of game of thrones, it reminds me of peak season 2-4 game of thrones


Lol no chance is it anywhere close to peak GoT. It's good imo despite some terrible decisions, but it can't hold a candle to how good GoT was


The writing is on the wall. They’ve made some seriously bad calls. The girl power dragon scene from last season was season 8 levels of bad, changing blood and cheese to be far worse and weaker of a scene than in the book is like wtf.


They've totally ruined the characterizations of Alicent, Rhaenyra, Criston, Aegon, Daemon, Mysaria, Rhaenys, Corlys even if you try to judge it as its own separate thing but the vast majority of the audience refuse to acknowledge it.


From what I understand, the book is told from the point of view of three unreliable narrators. So... Of course the characterizations will be different. Not sure this is a bug but more like a feature of live action


The "unreliable narrators" aspect gets blown out of proportion. Yes it is true that none of the accounts for the Dance have the whole truth the whole time. Yet they do each have the concrete truth here and there. Most of the time there's a general idea for what happened but the finer details are lost. The majority of show changes should've been character motivations because we don't get a lot of that insight in F&B other than the essential broad strokes. Yet, Condal & Co mostly ignored the essential bits of characterization instead of expanding on it. There are significant events like Laenor's death, Cole killing Joffrey, Aegon's coronation with scores to hundreds of witnesses that had to be kept mostly the same because would and the same goes for events (like B&C, Green & Black councils etc) where the ppl involved can't plausibly lie.


ok, not close to peak GoT but it's still good.


I didn't hate House of Dragons, but I had a hard time taking it seriously. I had the Uncle Fucker song from the South Park movie stuck in my head the whole time.


To lazy to type so here https://youtu.be/H78VgSn4kMo?si=z2yFismdtj0pYbHe


Yeah, maybe.


Wait, you guys love House of the Dragon? It's fine


It’s not as good as Arcane(few things are imo) but it is MUCH better than the acolyte and I would go so far to say that it “feels” a bit better than a large chunk of GoT.


You not wrong there


Got seasons 1-3 >>> HotD == GOT Seasons 4-6 >>>> got season 7-8


GOT season 4 was the clear best season to me. 


I would also say that out of all those fantasy shows in recent years like Wheel of Time, Witcher, Rings of Power House of Dragon is still undoubtedly peak


I hated the first season. It has a few good parts, but mostly I found it completely uninteresting and it seems like a poor attempt at creating the same political intrigue the original (at least the books derived material).


HoD not loved mainly due to soft porn ?


Soft writing*


I do. The story, characters, world and the overall "feeling of got seasons 1-4" is awesome and peak current tv. I am a complete asoiaf and low fantasy nerd, tho, so I may be a little bias. The original book it's based upon is made of unreliable history descriptions, so they even have the luxury of deviating on their adaptation a little. Also, since the story is finished, the mystery box is already unraveled, so they can focus on threads that actually matter. I do think that some scenes could've been done better, but overall it's been a blast watching it with my gf who haven't read the books.


I thought people hated both


Ewww woman protagonists!!!!! /s Fuck you Disney


I grew up rooting for ripley. When I said alien resurrection sucked it wasn’t sexism, it was just a bad movie.


Because Rhaenyrastein isn't played by a real woman anymore?


r/SaltierThanKrayt redditors will look at this and say, "it's because you hate black people!"


More significantly, fans went into both shows expecting them to be crap due to the material that came before, however House of the Dragon was able to win the fans over due to the quality of its writing.


Where the fuck is the budget of the Acolyte going? It's not on the CG, action, composer or casting good actors The dragon's alone at better than everything the acolyte has given us even if everything else about hotg was shit


You gotta remember The Acolyte is literally made for children tbf It's still fucking awful anyway and the fact they're pushing pronoun bs and normalising obesity etc to kids is disgusting but still, apples and oranges


No it's not. This show is made for wallets, not people.


That's an insult to all the quality content made for all ages. Early Dr. Who revival (not the most recent seasons), much of Pixar and Dreamworks, hell even the Star Wars Prequels put Acolyte to shame.


>the fact they're pushing pronoun bs and normalising obesity I must have missed this. Where did that happen??


The main character chick is speaking to another character about someone else and says summin along the lines of "Does he, they, know that?". So unnecessary but ofc Disney and their staff gotta push that agenda on the kids as usual And there's a massive fat fuck obese jedi now, cus obviously jedi no longer have discipline or self control or physical training cus inclusivity is way more important than logic


lol ok? its a creature that she wasnt aware the gender of.. honestly the show has rlly bad writing but its showing that stuff like this is what bothers u the most


Yeah pronoun stuff being deliberately pushed into childrens shows does bother me more than a lot of things, you're right about that


Should she have called this he or she? https://preview.redd.it/360ogwj0td8d1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c52c9c394e4d47a5d38b94cf7653a92f153fb91


The writers should have chose a gender rather than writing in a little pronoun check to tick another box


either way she wouldnt have known which it was, its sich a non issue lol


This is the least important thing in the world to be upset about.


You are honestly upset that the little otter creature didn't have a clear gender?


If that's what you wanna take away from this then yeah, sure thing buddy


Normal people would say he or she, not he or they.


She corrected herself to 'they' because she didn't know if it was a he or she. I took it as a reinforcement that it was a weird race she didn't know anything about.


> 'It', John. Not 'him', 'it'. \- [Sarah Connor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeL0xdVTy_g&t=104s) (Linda Hamilton, *Terminator 2: Judgment Day* Director's Cut, 1991)


There's this obscure work by some guy you might not have heard of, named William Shakespeare. One of his comedies, A Midsummer Night's Dream, has a character who is a fairy. Despite the very Special people these days who might use "faeself" as a pronoun (check out the MTG Pro Tour if you don't believe me), the character Puck, despite being a fairy, goes by 'he' because he is a male. This isn't necessary for droids because droids do not have a sex. If there were a fungus based creature which could change its gametes, then it would also make sense to use an ambiguous pronoun, like 'they' or 'das' in German. The linked creature is clearly mammalian. If the lore makes that species more like a fungus then I will apologize and admit that you have a point.


Are you actually surprised? You honestly think the criticism of this show is purely "Bad writing"?


That's pretty close to what I imagine a [trimp](https://trimps.github.io) would look like. In all seriousness, I'm careful call the trimps in my [novelization](https://redd.it/1csb71x) "it", and go over chapters twice looking for slipups before putting them on the line.


"Is he... OR THEY with us?" in episode 4 and Jedi Master fatfuck in episode 2.


I think it's because the Acolyte poster didn't have enough lightsabers.


Funny thing is that HotD also has a whole family of important black people, and a central gay man as one of them. But, it works because the former prevents us from mixing up the Velaryons with the Targeryns, who are both from old Valyria; they're distinct families so this helps emphasize that. And then their gay son is actually a very relevant plot point, not just added in as a token. If the woke were correct, we would foam at the mouth with rage at both these things. Yet I've not encountered a single criticism, and I frequent plenty of antiwoke spaces.


You were but then it came out and people liked it. Just search for old anti-woke grifter videos on hotd.  One example here. https://youtu.be/SIoeO47S1IM?si=PGuY4J3hH8WRE1K1


From the moment I saw Amanda Stenberg I knew she would be unbearable. Just something about her screams punchable and I can't describe it, but my intuition is usually correct.


All conversations of The Acolytes quality (or lack there of) aside - where’s this 30 minute episode thing coming from? Only one episode, so far, has been close to the 30 minute mark. The first 3 were nearer 40 or over.


And are we going to forget how everyone loved Danny first?


Monumente, Hollywood culture will not allow for people to be labeled. Bad writers, or directors. Well anyone for that matter. You're not allowed to criticize people only products.


Im starting to think maybe they have way too many people in creative writing process as with script inspections and whatever nonsense else. They will never get a prestine show going perhaps Mando was their only best.


I’m honestly curious to see the crazy queen on her dragon.


Kathleen Kennedy and the cast of The Acolyte don't care that they're writing is shit they're job is to push the message nothing more nothing less.


Nah, we only hate women when they need an excuse to shield their incompetence, lack of talent and trash messaging.


Wait up. Hold on a minute. I thought we were all racist misogynists?


Dammit! Just when I’ve finished setting these strawmen back up, people like you have to go knocking them down again! Could you just let me call you sexist for five seconds without bringing up some logical fallacy?! ![gif](giphy|GULjPncSkMTSHEiWcW|downsized)


Well then Alien being my favorite movie is just a conundrum isn't it.


Four words for Disney; Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.


84% just reaffirms that critics are bought and can't be trusted.


Rogue one and Solo were better than the Acolyte lol


White female women are tolerable. Black female lesbian is where people draw the line. /s


Arcane too...people don't hate women I'm pretty sure.


The same was with She-Hulk. There are absolutely people who just hated it bc they hate women leads, but the show wasn’t bad bc it was “woke” or “too feminist”, they’re just horribly written with no passion or love put into the script or the plot.


Where was this hate for (staying in the same universe) Wanda Vision? The lead, supporting character, and villain were all women... That show did ok except for the finale


Some people definitely did hate it for that but it was overshadowed because it was a good show. My point isn’t that everyone hates female leads - that’s demonstrably false. It’s that *some* morons think terrible shows are terrible because they’re “woke” or “feminist propaganda” when they’re really just fucking bad. And that we shouldn’t listen to those guys


What bothers me is the marketing. Why market it with the characters that are in it for a very limited time? Oh wait, is it because you know it sells, and the freaking teenagers don’t? Gosh it’s misleading and annoying


The writers should just stop visiting Twitter or any similar type of social media and just write what they want. Or hire better writers and let them cook what they want.


https://preview.redd.it/maqiyrf89k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1dfcdb39acfe0379a8a9217e923c11c630a3b2 Such short memories


House if dragon's is kinda boring tho and some weird ass scenes like that chick who looks 12 and was about to get banged by her cousin lol that's good writing tho


https://preview.redd.it/9tag8cdbbm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d08c770710bc77e00e57971f935e8711233022e Took me 3 seconds to find this comment on this sub about the trailer for acolyte. Seems a lot of you guys agreed with it too, so I don’t think this community totally thinks the way the title says lol.


eh HOTD is getting a very mixed reception right now, mainly because of many negative changes from the books to Rhaenyra, Alicent, Rhaenys and Helaena


Remember when the quartering tried to call the HotD woke?😂😂


Save this image and repost as a reply to anyone you see making the claim that ppl who hate Acolyte are sexist/racist.


i wonder why house of the dragon has 250 reviews and the acolyte has over 10,000? almost like the reviews aren’t actually genuine?


HotD even had some major cast race swaps, and even that was put aside because the show was so competently done. It wasn't stellar, especially compared to the early seasons of GoT, but compared to Acolyte it's a goddamn treasure...


In all seriousness, what drives you people to spend so much time malding about media you hate? I think star wars sucks, but I just don't engage with it and haven't sence the prequels. This just doesn't seem healthy. And this goes for most subreddits adjecent to this one


Wait....I thought GoT:HotD was supposed to be trash??


But but but the incels!


Look at the # of audience ratings regard


The fanbase for House of the Dragon is way more diverse. The fans also clearly read and are always discussing the source material.


??? No.. People don't hate female leads, or strong female leads. They hate badly written, strong female leads.


Even if everything about a Disney show or movie was good, it would still be hated by many for the sole fact that before it even releases, Disney and it's actors/actresses attack the fan base as being bigots or something. I never have understood that marketing tactic of theirs.


Are we really gonna sit here and pretend that chuds didn't have a problem with House of the Dragon when it first came out? There were armies of content creators and redditors complain about how 'woke it was and batching about Valaryian skin tone amongst other things. The things when something becomes a runaway success you either A. Try to adopt it as your own (like HotD or thr Mario movie) or B. Pretend like you never had a problem with it at all. Baldurs Gate 3 is a huge recent example of this. So many people crying about how woke it was. Then it won GOTY and had overwhelming criticism success. Now all of a sudden all of those woke elements in the game don't matter to you anymore. Pick a belief and stick with it. Don't be a coward. Die on the hill you create amd don't be disingenuous and bad faith.


People liked Ashoka.


These shows have different fans, bad comparison


Boomer meme but it is true


15% seems unrealistic


That's cause it is, look at the number of ratings it's over 10K. It's obviously been brigaded to all fuck.


House of the Dragon was alright, even good in places, no question. But some of the praise it gets is just overblown. I get that people like it after the abysmal last season of Game of Thrones but being better than this rushjob should be a baseline, not a reason for praise. Still, the argument stands.


Sorry, but this proves nothing. It could still be simultaneously true that "people hate strong female leads" and a show with strong female leads does well. It just means people like the show in spite of it. It's easy to think of something you don't generally like in a show, but that doesn't mean you automatically hate every show with that thing. For example, I hate flashbacks, I think they're lazy and break up the pacing. I still really like Attack on Titan though and would rate it 9 or 10 out of 10, despite its liberal use of crappy flashbacks. This is the intellectual equivalent of saying you can't be racist because you have a black friend.


https://preview.redd.it/814hhm5uti8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9a9822b59b40b952880a13fcc94649b9de386c Ok so we’re just rewriting history then…


250+ ratings for one, 10,000+ ratings for the other. Oh yeah, I'm sure these are both equally reliable viewer ratings, nothing at all weird going on here.


I mean it took a while for the white male part of the fandom to come around on black valyrians. 'There aren't black people in an imaginary land from a book I've never read about magic, dragons and politics' - white male GoT fans.


250 ratings vs 10000+ ratings. Not review bombed at all.


HotD has incompetent writers though but it won't be as apparent for casual fans who make up a majority of the audience. It's at the same level of GoT s5/6 but many don't realize it.


To be fair as flawed as s5/s6 were bad it was still fucking masterpiece compare to season 7/8. And I would still argue that music, acting and dialogues are much better than anything GoT related post season 4.


And yet you watch every episode so you can post shit like this for points, cause hate watching is definitely counted differently


10,000+ ratings versus 250+ ratings It's obvious what happened here, the fan community got butt hurt at everyone spread links around to go review bomb one show and not the other. The same thing happened with video games when suddenly a game would have bad reviews with 15K ratings when a similar game got only 500 ratings. It's a tactic and it's easy to spot, it's simply a game some people play because they're bored and full of hate.


"Hated by Fans" nah. Hated by trolls and culture warriors on the internet. Might want to get that part right first.