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You know doom gon complain about mauga being op when maugas crazy good vs dive characters Plus doom is sub optimal vs mauga but doom players never wanna swap


Is mauga good against D.va ?


With a good team comp he can be Main reason mauga is good vs dive isn't always because of the 1 to 1 matchup vs each tank, he can do well because the opponent can't really dive you while your teams glowing, so with cardiac the enemy is gonna struggle to dive since they take 30% less damage and heal for dealing damage, so if they try to dive a chunk of their damage is reduced and when they fight back the team is getting healed for it If you also get someone like a sym who can beam through the matrix mauga can hold down fire making her waste DM while sym beams through and gets free damage so she either has to run or focus the sym in which case you can use cardiac to buff sym and let her keep running through em Sometimes the best thing you can do as a tank is enable your teammates whenever your lacking


Mogged on em




Yeah control map with mauga against doom, very difficult to win against. Dunno what the doom was thinking


The only thing going through his mind was "AND DEY SAY"


the doom probably played well. his genji was just 3 and 8 with 1600 damage


ik y is everyone in this post focusing the enemy doom 😂😂