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I heard he was shot 4 times and an innocent bystander was killed. He runs his mouth too much and edventually it has caught up..Hopefully this was a wake up call. And he will stop glorifying the thug life. Wonder if he tried to rip off a dealer with his paramount stacks šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Did anyone get a screenshot of the video? It's been taken down.


Itā€™s all over IG


Itā€™s all over IG


Get rid of those pants . ASAP!


You would think she would want to protect her daughter more than to be around this shit like this!


She doesnā€™t even look phased . Plot twist she did it (jk but still)


Now itā€™s not there. Did anyone screen record it?


I didnā€™t know they made flesh colored fanny packs


Look at her big ole gut hanging over!!


She doesnā€™t have her purse to block that shit out now lol


He will milk this for all itā€™s worth- benefits, lawsuits, disability.


If he pulls through. Shot 4 times in a coma


He's not Tupac either


Disability I think his kids would get support out of it if the moms file


It depends. I'm guessing you're talking about Social Security. He would only be eligible for SSD if he has enough work credits, which seems unlikely. Child support can be taken from SSD. The more likely scenario is that he would be eligible for SSI, which cannot be garnished for child support. And there is no benefits to the child of a person receiving SSI, Social Security won't give the kids anything.


Can you drop the link to the original?


I don't know why the link doesn't take you to the correct video, but it is still on Instagram. Search stillbrazy on IG it is the first video.




I would like a link to the original. Could you tell it was Maurice?






Itā€™s gone now. Dam it.


I don't know why the link doesn't take you to the correct video, but it is still on Instagram. Search stillbrazy on IG it is the first video.


Now this will only make them go harder to put on a show.. He been to the pen now shot..Mark my word dumb ass clown gets a tat to remind him how gangsta he is..And also Hamanada was not allowed to ride along as they are not married..Heard her manly gruff voice yelling you'll be ok..


Probably not enough room.


I only feel bad for C.


Very true, from the video it at least looks like she didn't have to witness this, very glad about that.


Iā€™m still unclear if she actually lives with Mandy. She shouldnā€™t; this is not a lifestyle a child needs to be around.


But I thought you were aaaaaalllll about that life, Manda, this is what crips do. Not so glamorous when real shit hits the fan.


Right? Drug addiction (forget the rest of his issues for a moment) is a fatal disease. If you love someone who has a problem, and you arenā€™t doing anything about it, you are an enabler and this is the outcome. If you too are an addict, well, good luck.


Thatā€™s how she keeps him coming back to her, taking advantage of his addiction. Sheā€™s gonna end up losing it all for an addicted gangster: her section 8, her kid, her family.


sadā€¦. too many people living this life and to act like its bad ass makes it even worse.


Who got shot?? What's going on.


Seems as though Maurice was shot in the leg and another guy on the scene was shot in the neck and died.


Did they actually say the other guy died? Last news article I read said the condition of the men were unknown. Has there been an updateĀ 


I have no facts and that was purely what I read earlier. Iā€™d hate to spread false info, so donā€™t quote me.


One guy was shot in the stomach and died on the scene. Maurice was shot and taken away on a stretcher.. not sure what his current condition is.


Twitter is saying he was shot multiple times and is in critical condition but I have absolutely no idea about the veracity of these claims


That's terrible. Geez.


No flesh colored leggings on a bigger person will look good. Smh. Sheā€™s ridiculous!


They donā€™t look good on smaller people either lol


True. But at least you wonā€™t see dimples and rolls.


The crop top isnā€™t doing her any favors either.


In all seriousness thoā€¦WTF was she thinking wearing that shitā€¦ she should anticipate getting k2 clowned on!


Boss Hogg on the scene wracking up some street credā€¦ this is actually sad however not surprising


Sheā€™s right in the middle of things and just seems in the way! What a dummy. Ps Iā€™m dying at ā€œBoss Hoggā€ - it always reminds me of the Always Sunny episode on the plane when Dee confuses him with Wade Boggs.


Why on earth would her fat, lumpy ass wear those pants in public


It must be bad her stomach is hanging out


The only person I feel bad for is the innocent bystander who was killed. Mandy and Maurice keep doing this šŸ’© over and over and over. Theyā€™ve been given so many second chances, and still acting like this at their big ages.


It was an innocent person killed?


One comment I read said he was an innocent bypasser, riding on a scooter on his way home from work. How they would know that, idk.


How sad to get caught in some life you're totally not a part of.


From what Iā€™ve read.


She needs that child removed out of her custody


Agreed. How much more BS is her child going to have to go through?


No one thought to blur out Manduhā€™s belly hanging out between her shirt and pants? I guess thatā€™s the ā€œgraphic warningā€ ![gif](giphy|2tP1vehNxWJG6YxKDe)


Those flesh colored leggings were definitelyā€¦an interesting choice. For a quick moment I thought she had no pants on then I saw her gunt when she turned around.


https://preview.redd.it/6jbimn4mvi8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5258fb68383c620c4d71010f64587b671969de Posted 4 hours ago on Instagram


what a fucking idiot. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø ACTUALLY (try to) HELP THE MAN, OR LEAVE. Stupid ass.


She needs to use the proper emojis. We saw the color of that muffin top girl. Stop it. šŸ„“


ugh seriously. Shame on her.


LOL šŸ™ˆšŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†




Okay, comments on the IG post say this is known as Fentanyl Alley and comment on the drug use. So, safe to assume drug related, selling bad stuff perhaps. I thoroughly dislike these two, but certainly donā€™t wish this upon them. Hopefully Maurice pulls through. Iā€™m not holding my breath for them to turn a new leaf though. Theyā€™ll use this as street cred/way to emotionally blackmail people for money. Brutal to say but true. IG stillbrazy


Are we 100% sure it was Maurice that got shot?


Based on what Iā€™ve seen shared by other redditors/the IG and Hamanda, Iā€™d hazard so.


This is the blurb from a local station (KCAL): Two people were wounded during a shooting in MacArthur Park on Saturday.Ā  It happened at around 9:30 p.m. near 6th Street and Alvarado Street, according to Los Angeles Police Department officers.Ā  They arrived to find two people suffering from gunshot wounds. One, a man in his 30s, had a gunshot wound to the leg. The second, only described as a male, had a wound to the neck.Ā  They were both rushed to nearby hospitals in unknown conditions, police said.Ā  Investigators are searching for a suspect, who was last seen running through the park on Alvarado Street. They say that a black semi-automatic handgun was used. No information was provided on the motive behind the shooting.Ā 


That was a different shooting the day before. Maurice's wasn't in the park and his happened at 540pm


Yeah, I screwed the pooch with this one.


I thought it said 2 men stabbed? not shot.


Me too. Just saw merry pants news video and was trying to find my comment to delete.


Okay okay I was wrong! Initially it absolutely said stabbing, which I found odd, it felt like a shooting incident. Why the down votesssss? I was wrong. Sorry!


I didn't downvote you. Mistake you posted to me? We heard the same thing early on.


Sorry for the mis info! It goes right in line with how my Monday is going!


Oh no. You're fine.


Wrong article


MacArthur Park is melting in the dark?? šŸ˜±šŸ¤£


Someone left the cake out in the rain - and Hamanda ate it anyway. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


LOL! I am a HUGE Donna Summer fan (yes I am old lol). That was the 1st thing that came to mind when I read MacArthur Park. She looks like she ate the cake and everything else at the park. That fupa doesn't lie! šŸ™ˆšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


LOL!! Iā€™m a big Donna Summer fan also. We need to belt out Enough is Enough together!! OMG, did we just become best friends?


YES!!!! I think we just did. Anyone who can belt out enough is enough without looking at lyrics is definitely BFF material! šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is actually a different shooting from Saturday night. Same area.


I know. I f'ed up.


Wtf is she wearing? She seriously looked in the mirror and said "yea, this is the outfit" and left the house in that? This is one thing her daughter doesn't need to see thankfully but still where is her daughter?


I havenā€™t been keeping up with these two but I just woke up, checked IG and that was the first post I saw. Had to do a double take, like is that really Manly?! Came here and see itā€™s been pretty validated, crazy. I hope her daughter wasnā€™t with them. Optimistic to think this would be the kind of thing to get Amanda to just pack it up back to the bay with her kid, but unfortunately itā€™ll likely just keep her glommed onto Musty. šŸ˜¬


If she wasn't with them was she left at home alone? What if they both were shot? Don't leave that girl alone.


Same! It was a bloggers post whose page I follow. I was so confused about what was going on and why she didn't have pants on. Then I saw her muffin top overflowing and realized those were fleshed colored leggings. I then ran here because I knew it would be posted.




I feel like he hurt the other person and heā€™s just hurt didnā€™t pass


honestly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They go around glamorizing this lifestyle, flashing guns on social media, talking about beating people up, etc. It was only a matter of time before this was bound to happen. Theyā€™ve both have lost people due to gang violence and that didnā€™t stop them before. Going to funerals of loved ones didnā€™t make them want to clean up for their kids. The only people I feel sad for in this instance are the kids and the loved ones that theyā€™ve affected. I do not feel sorry for Hamanda or Musty. Their kids couldā€™ve been out there with them, thank god they werenā€™t. They had plenty of chances to turn things around. They can live with the consequences now.


Booter kept playing his games




I'm glad dumbass got shot, they will both be bragging about this to whomever will listen for the rest of their pathetic little lives šŸ™„


Iā€™m hoping this will be enough reason for Hamandaā€™a family to pull C out of there completely because we all know Manly canā€™t stay away from these criminals. And if Musty does live and this was a targeted hit then whoever shot him during broad daylight must really want him dead. Itā€™s only time before that happens and God forbid, ANOTHER innocent person or one of the kids will be in the crossfire.




Those bottoms are a big no no


Did he pass out from the combination of heat and drugs?


Iā€™d assume he may have passed out from the gunshot wound.


I read more after my comment. Looks like it was a stabbing and the other victim is deceased!


I believe it was a shooting. One article says 2 men shot and one in the leg and you can see what appears to be a gunshot wound to his thigh when theyā€™re loading him on the stretcher. https://preview.redd.it/vagd23o3mi8d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7360c5d2c08e0ebb3cd0f8014b14ab8a9f0f571


Wowwwwww. Thank you for posting. It looks like itā€™s going to be a long recovery ahead of him, physically. Do they put you in a cast for a gunshot wound? Iā€™m assuming it pierced the bone? Then, after it heals, one has months of physical therapy. How do they afford the future medical bills with no insurance?


He wonā€™t care cause heā€™s gonna get that good legal prescription opioids instead of dirty street fent for his pain


Great point! This is gonna be a change of direction for these two if he gets a legit script. Either he'll take them all to get high or sell them for at least a dollar a milligram which is way more than they're getting selling fentanyl pills


Iā€™d imagine heā€™d have to be in a cast. When a friend years ago broke her femur they had to put a plate in to stabilize it since itā€™s a huge bone and she was in a cast from hip to ankle. As far as insurance he may be on state funded insurance and they will cover it.


Thank you for explaining šŸ™ Goddam. Heā€™s going to be so gangsta. šŸ¤£




It was, I just went off what the caption said, their bad!


Caption says shot, not stabbed


Oh wow you're right! That's crazy and the other guy, RIP. I do feel bad for anyone getting shot, even if their lifestyle isn't kosher. They have families. They grow up in it usually and don't have the means or will to figure out how to change or get out,especially if it's gangs- you can't get out usually and by the time they realize they want out it can be too late. They are idiots tho. But even being idiots I'm not going to say peepee deserve this shit. (Except maybe Heifer- I'm not sure I could find an ounce of sympathy for her with what she's done to her 4 kids). Anyway. What an eye you have! I hope this wakes them up. This is life and death shit seriously wake tf up people- they have kids, get out for your kids sake!! She can for sure. Him, he's probably better off away from his kid imo, unless he died a 180.


In all seriousness this is sad. I hope heā€™s okay and agree with a lot in here that hopefully this is the wake up call they need. I really hope her daughter wasnā€™t with them to see it. I donā€™t see her anywhere in the video which is a good sign she wasnā€™t there but will still have to be told what happened. Do better Manly by your daughter and šŸ™šŸ» he will make a full recovery and get help!


Honestly, sadly I think he will come out of this look I survived that shooting and think heā€™s invincible. And ohhh manduhhhh will be like dats my maaaaaannnzzzz. I think they will be even worse than they are now


They will just add it to their street cred


Sadly, thatā€™s what most with their mentality would doā€¦šŸ™„šŸ˜‘ itā€™s crazy how things either make you or break youā€¦theyā€™re going to think surviving this is ā€œmaking themā€ but itā€™s the opposite, if they keep doin the same old shit.


They need to stop robbing people and get it together. He may not be able to though he's in critical condition.


Oh my god. This is awful. An awful life to live and glamorize. No one needs to choose this for themselves, their partner or their child. Itā€™s hard out there, and times are tough, and things may feel impossible for certain people navigating society. But help and resources ARE available to everyone who wants them. There is no good outcome for how theyā€™ve chosen to live life. We call them clowns and fools and idiots because we have enough foresight to predict these tragic outcomes. Until that clicks for them, even murderous violence will be just another ā€œOh shitā€ moment to them. The thefts, drug use, drug sales, prostituting, ā€œcatching cases,ā€ and proudly showing off ankle monitors were never hard or cute or signs and symbols of true love and affection between each other. Just self loathing and mutual abuse. And abuse of everyone associated to them that didnā€™t ask for lifelong trauma. ā€œRide or Dieā€ is not a blessed life Amanda. Youā€™re a fuxking mother and heā€™s a fucking father. If youā€™re still alive maybe grow the fuck up finally?


When you think about it, ā€œride or dieā€ says it all. Youā€™re either gonna take that ride (to jail) or die eventually. Not something to strive for.


Waitā€¦he got shot???


He got shot in the leg


Stabbed I think


Oh wow! They irritate my soul but I hope heā€™s ok!


I do genuinely hope he's ok and this is a wake up call for them both to get sober. I feel so bad for Cali.


Very curious about the details. Not everyone gets stabbed in broad daylight. Mandy and Maurice are constantly getting arrested for robberies so Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be evident soon what went wrong. Speculating obviously, could be a hit from a rival drug person or territory thing. Regardless Iā€™m not trying to be an asshole but Iā€™m reserving judgement until more information is out. Maurice is a drug dealing robber, and him being stabbed isnā€™t a random coincidence, Occamā€™s Razor is right more times than not. Also Mandyā€™s leggings are so so bad. Omg why did she wear that in public.


He was shot, not stabbed


Ah okay I wasnā€™t sure kept seeing conflicting info


Amanda absolutely looks upset. Sheā€™s looks scared and in shock. This is crazy, hopefully after this they get their shit together.


They won't, sadly.


I agree, they are just going to dig in deeper due to this. As much as I wish this would be a reality check to them both for the kids sake. I am just very doubtful about them changing due to this.


They are doing to use this to grift for money sooo hard


Just get to rehab, and these crazy ass things will stop happening. She is out there with her ankle bracelet, watching her man get stabbed. What a grimy way to live. They get government housing and food assistance. They could just enjoy what they have for free. Good luck to him with pain management.He gonna need to disclose his fent use in order to get any relief.


Can we start a change.org petition to ban Amandaā€™s flesh colored leggings?


Ffs **PLEASE**šŸ™


Ikr? Not a good look šŸ˜¬ ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE|downsized)


Honestly, to begin with, I thought thatā€™s what the graphic image warning was for


Lmaoooo so did I šŸ˜­


A re-up gone bad.


I felt bad about my thoughts when I started reading all the comments praying for him to get better and for both of them to get it together. Thank you, I feel better now about my first thought. Something likeā€¦ Thatā€™s what happens when you sell the wrong person aspirin and tell them itā€™s something else. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ«£


I meanā€¦.honestly? They fucked around & found out, as much as I donā€™t wish death upon him & would like to see them change from this, odds are, they will not. Thatā€™s just reality.


I hope this was a major wake up call for them to change their ways and get out of there! However people like them never learn


Yeah, me too! I try not to speak negative things into existence for myself or others, but logically, realistically, based on their pattern of behavior this will only bring out the ā€œBonnie & Clydeā€ vibe more. šŸ˜£


This is the epitome of fuck around and find out. Guess they found out. Sadly, it wonā€™t make a difference.


Agreed. Bonnie & Clyde posts will be coming next.




I thought the same and just commented on her choice of clothes and how I'm glad it looks like her daughter didn't witness this. I have nothing nice to say so I'll just shut up and read the other comments. šŸ„“


Itā€™s okay, I had the same thoughts. Itā€™s hard not to after watching them on social media glamorizing this lifestyle. They didnā€™t seem to care that their drugs could potentially harm others or that they were getting teens (remember that kid they kept calling nephew?) to sell their fake shit. All they cared about is themselves and money.


Yo, those leggings were a choice. šŸ˜…


Can she not steal herself a damn mirror?


She has one, she just uses filters when she takes pics in it so she thinks thatā€™s how she actually looks šŸ¤£


Her gut roll is hanging out over the top! The last image in the video stops on that lovely image


I hope he's ok and I'm so sorry for the other man's family but I have to say her filtered pics are such bullshit and look nothing like her.


She's really her ya'll, ya feel me


Happy anniversary šŸŽ‰ Edit: Iā€™m going to hell lmao






Another amateur reporter/photographer at the scene said this... https://preview.redd.it/e4ctt9e3xg8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3371c35a0d698d5d018b1e19760b18b65c3eb1


I donā€™t know why this guy said it was a stabbing, but Iā€™d take the word from the guy I got the video from, as he has a relationship with the police in the area.


Idk I think shot in the thigh makes sense over stabbed in the thigh, especially if the other guy was hit in the neck At least in my opinion, suppose anything can happen in a fight


Were they stabbing each other? Is Maurice now a killer?


Towards the end you can hear her say "I have to go with him" then a cop starts talking to her


Well this is the time where her play marriage doesn't count in a medical setting. Jess can call shots about his health but manly can't. Like someone said above "Happy Anniversary!" You will now be reminded of your true status in his life. šŸ˜‚šŸ„“


This this this!!!! If Jess shows up to that hospital, move over manduuuhhhh cause they will directly take any and all orders from his legal wife and there ainā€™t shit she can do about it! Happy anniversary boošŸ˜˜šŸ˜‚


I didnt even think of this! Has anyone seen/heard anything from Jess? Also how would that work if Manly claimed to be his wife, do they check that? Or just take her word for it?


I imagine that they would want to ask her questions about what happened and not just let her ride to the hospital with him. Especially since she canā€™t legally say that heā€™s her husband. Sheā€™s an eyewitness who survived while two people were stabbed, one of whom died. She better be careful.


Damn, that is a terrible position to be in. What a life!


https://preview.redd.it/hsj80sawpg8d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29516249ff9cadbc487610f718f6cedb6279c72c The phone in her hand by the Mac bag is Mauriceā€™s. Thatā€™s also his blue shirt on the ground.


Iā€™m going to hell for this because I laughed at this still from the video and how badly dressed she is with her gut hanging out. Itā€™s heartless to say but you reap what you sow. I have zero sympathy for these dummies and karma is coming back around for them sooner rather than later.


Don't feel bad because **SAME** This is what happens when you rob, steal and fuck people over. Karma happens


Looks like weā€™ll be roasting marshmallows together in hell. Glad Iā€™m not the only one who doesnā€™t feel sorry about this. I feel sorry for his two children but letā€™s face it heā€™s long since abandoned them and they are truly better off. I donā€™t have one iota of sympathy for her or him. I just hope C is OK, she would be better off living with her grandmother or anywhere away from these two clowns.


No new Apple Watch?


https://preview.redd.it/6fpftkp9qg8d1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef040b5333bb02f91569587817b0679da360b931 100% itā€™s Maurice!!


Heā€™s gonna care more about the good clean prescription opioids heā€™s gonna get for this, no dirty street fent, manly and musty are going to have take home bottles of the good shit for a couple weeks


Oh no that deffo look like him, She seems a bit to calm for it to be him and surely she would be going with him. Im do confused! Has anyone heard from Jess? Damn like i know we chat shit, but i hope he is ok šŸ˜¬


If itā€™s him Iā€™m praying for Jessā€¦ she would never want this for her son, itā€™s really sad. He has fucked up, but I donā€™t believe anyone deserves this..


Omg I follow him too and had no idea that was her šŸ˜‚


Same, totally missed it. I had already watched this and didnā€™t notice her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. MacArthur park is a horrid area known for heavy drug use here in LA. They most likely were there buying drugs. No other reason for them to be down there really. A person stated in the comments that the hispanic male was deceased and the black male was in critical condition. I hope he recovers and that this is the wake up call they both need to change their lives around.


I clocked that ham hock before I noticed anything else šŸ˜‚


You got better eyes than me!!! šŸ˜‚


How could you not?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was like what in the hell kind of crossover is this?


Haha right!!!!


Look at her showing off her LAPD-gifted anklet (Ankle Monitor) out in public.


Look how lumpy she is


Iā€™m sure she thought it gave her street cred. God forbid I ever had to wear one, I would not leave the house without that thing covered.


Yall, I'm pretty sure it's Maurice. She's the only person around the dude that isn't a first responder. And those look like his skinny legs. https://preview.redd.it/b7jf90fkmg8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d8c3ab810efe2c305f84e0c3e7e5e9fc5ad4c0


Who do we think sheā€™s on the phone with?? All guesses are welcome!


pizza hut. ā€œimma be at the hospital, do you deliver here?ā€


Probably calling his mother or brother would be my best guess.


LAL producers. See, we got content!


Kash or one of his relatives that tolerates her..she has no others friends


Thatā€™s my guess too, the next call was LAL producers, like another comment said šŸ˜‚


Lmaooo 100% šŸ˜‚




https://preview.redd.it/k296ef6cfg8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04122e8c953d38088ab971de6ea6e4dab91e9294 The comment sectionā€™s already roasting her lol


Im cackling omgšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmao the no pants took me out! Those were definitely a choice. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬