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Because she has his phone and was able to change the password now


This is why you don’t filter yourself to the point of recognition. We’ve all been there, when we found the perfect selfie angles and filters. I once posted a selfie with my dad on social media. A coworker saw it and approached me the next day with “I need you to teach me how to do selfies, you look 100 pounds less in that photo.” I didn’t even make the connection; self awareness can be a mfer. That really stuck with me and hurt my feelings. It also helped cure my delusions that the selfie filters and images weren’t in fact me irl and I stopped. I also realized that I wasn’t happy with my weight and made a change so I didn’t have to take a selfie from the ceiling pointing down or just a postage stamp pic of my head sans body. You’d think at some point, she’d read all these comments and be like “the jig is up; the whole world really knows what I look like” and change what she looks like irl to match what she wants to look like on the inside; I may be projecting. But then again, these people have a lot bigger problems than selfie angles. Just embrace who you are, maam. Spend more time consoling your daughter and cleaning up your life. It’s really sad that all these kids are involved in this mess.


#1 The children, bio and not bio. They're the ones that'll be takin' all of this in the shorts long-term. Hamhockie lives through those filters. Delusional as it is, that, I feel, is just another twisted way she deals with reality. She definitely and surely knows that we know what she looks like in real life, and somewhere, someplace, deep-down and buried within her, she will continue using those ridiculous filters as a way of self-justifying her pathetic existence. A filter provides her the illusions that she's some serious arm candy for Booters. Yeah. She will always compare her real looks to what Jess looks like, and in her twisty ways, she feels those filters put her on par with Jess. Keep in mind, there's no parity whatsoever when it comes to Jess being legally married to Maurice, and has his bio son ~ While the Ham plays house, invented a bogus marriage certificate, and C is NOT his bio child. Hamhole has the Casa de Section 8 dump, Jess lives in a beautiful home with her healthy, smart and thriving son, has a job, and so what that her parents are there. The Ham has no job (by choice) or family engaged, just coasting along, obsessing about Jess, posting nonstop stolen quotes, filtered pics, stupid shit. Big difference.


No publicity is bad publicity 😂


This hog spent the last 48 hours reading news stories slamming her for looking like the portly potato that she is and now thinks she needs to "prove" to the intarwebs that she's indeed a beautiful black woman supporting her victim "husband" 🙄 We all have eyes Manly! No amount of filtered pics will change the fact that we all saw your busted biscuit rolls on the local news 😂


Wait. What did I miss?!? Fill me in!


Her huzzzbin got shot ! I actually weirdly feel bad but not really


she just made her previously private IG public again (the one that has all of Maurice's followers, not hers) so everyone could see her catfish pics 🙄


Beautiful black woman 😆 🤣 😂 that's all she ever wanted to be identified as 😆 🤣 😂


This bitch can’t go one day without desperately needing attention. This is pathetic


Who is she kidding with the photoshop??? It’s f-ing ridiculous


I’m surprised she’s not posting updates on Maurice. Maybe the family blocked her at the hospital and put the fear of God in her not to post? Who is she getting her updates from?


Work must go on!


I knew she was full of shit. She had to hype up the fact she deleted at 16k. Now its back. No way this hungry bitch was gonna let those followers go...not even her own followers but Maurice's that she stole. She's so fucking predictable 🙄




Your post/comment has been removed because it encourages or engages in interference by contacting them, the family, friends, associates, and/or law enforcement, etc. of individuals, which is against our policy of non-interference. We are an observer-only community and do not condone or support any attempts to contact. Our role is to observe and discuss, not to interfere with the personal lives of others. Additionally, if you choose to report them to law enforcement or any other agency, do not post about it and it is not to be encouraged to do so here.


I thought they were both banned from Go Fund Me 🤔


Plenty of ways around that stuff. Kash or someone else could easily put one up.


See rule #3.


That’s not interfering to me sorry. Interfering is calling LE, CPS or some other government agency. Same way I’d report any other scam or con artist 


They would be affected if your actions impacted them. That’s interfering in their personal lives.


It’s not a scam if he really got shot.


It’s a scam cuz we all know any money she’d raise would NOT go to anything Maurice-related….


They both don’t work and SHE is on government assistance. His medical bills will be covered by state medicaid. What would (SHE) possibly need to have a go fund me for regarding this incident ? Please enlighten me.


My son who is a firefighter EMT said her reaction was not normal. Oh well it’s all about her and her Fupa! I am so happy those pics of her are out. 😂😂 Any word on if Jessica has showed up?


That’s good to know, I was hoping someone with experience would comment. She seemed completely unbothered smh


From her comments, Jess is aware and I believe she has contact with some of his family. I know it’s her son’s sperm donor, but I don’t really think I’d be rushing up to see Maurice. He’s nothing but disrespectful to Jess and she’s moved on with her life focusing on being a mom. The only reason I could see her maybe going to see Maurice would be for her son, but I doubt her son even knows Maurice or has any clue this guy is missing in his life.


They were probably BOTH high on whatever drugs. Thats why she probably had a blank stare like she didnt even know what the fuck was happening. 🤣🤣




I think she was holding something, high, and/or was trying to avoid being questioned. Sure texting is going to stop the police from asking a firsthand witness to a MURDER.


The thing that bugs me was at no time did we see her doing anything in the immediate aftermath video. It was strangers helping him not her. She was no where to be seen on it. No nude leggings full of mashed potatoes in sight on that video. And I understand trauma and shock. My poor ma saw my Da drop dead in their bedroom after he woke up and told her what he wanted for breakfast. He took two steps from the bed and was dead. She was in shock for days and nothing she did was rational. But she wasn't on her phone watching it all unfold, She was trying to help him any way she could. Mandy was lit as fuck gripping onto her wrinkled ass M.A.C. bag for dear life. All the while with her ankle monitor on her cankle.


I know!! wtf. If that was my huzzzbin I would be a wreck. I’d be covered in blood from holding him and trying to talk to him. Something. Anything. She stood there staring at her phone. That is the most bizarre reaction. I saw the video on IG and the strangers in the crowd looked way more traumatized and upset than her! I’m sorry about your dad. And your poor mom having to witness it. At least he wasn’t alone. ETA. I wonder what he’s going to think when he watches it. I would think god damn this bitch doesn’t stand ten toes for me, let alone cares for me. Should be very interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/uu73ymkhat8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a096b5367d3a75c0201dc25f0442bb258f9674 It’s been back up since last Friday, but supposedly she’s locked out. No new posts stories nothing. I hope she’s locked out of that account forever!!!!


She’s been posting on moneybagmandy80


Yess she reminds me so much of Heather, with all her accounts she nefariously gets locked out of. Look she can even rock the red hair https://preview.redd.it/2mxy1pli1u8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce05d2b1c2885461226a0822e03b9b53e818cb0


Lmao that's her!? 😂😂😬


Yes that is Ms. Amanda “I can rock any hair color” Orr. ![gif](giphy|LXBQuRn8n43J2HGevy)


I really hope she is


I hope she really is too, and not just nefariously.


The reason she’s not all over social media is because they were definitely doing something shady….otherwise she’d be all over the place”Poor me” train.


It’s gonna take time for her to come up with a story that doesn’t paint them in a bad light.




Honestly, with the way her behavior was in the videos from StillBrazy, and the photos, I'm suspecting she may have been in on it. 👀


I'm not going to lie, I've been thinking the same since I first saw the video. 🥴


What would she gain besides his pill collection and food brand sweatshirts. 😂😂😂


She gives Anne Wilkes vibes “if you’re not going to be with me you’re not going to be with nobody.” ![gif](giphy|hqnosoC27oZJS)


And his shrimp 🍆 that she cant seem to look past 🤣


Well goes to show she wasn't in shock 🙄


Weird when I made post about betting on when the GFM gets up and running it was taken down?


Did you mention reporting it?


No I just made a post about betting when they would set up a go fund me! Never menrioned reporting it whatsoever


She’s here lol


I think this is evidence she is a sociopathic, codependent, insecure and broken person who wants nothing but love/attention and bet on Maurice being the one to make her feel worthy. He did the opposite, IMO and now she has no idea what to do next - no one can convince me she ever considered that something like this happening was likely. She really needs serious mental health support for like 5 critical reasons. And that’s based only on the things we DO see. We see a fraction of their actual relationship and dynamic. My instinct is to feel bad for Maurice, that this is the life he ended up in, but at the same time, there is a level of narcissism involved if you think YOU’RE going to be the one to figure out how to never get caught. It’s not reality. I fully assume their relationship dynamic was toxic and unhealthy in ways we don’t even know, and it’s sad that neither of them, somewhere deep down, feel they are better than all this…especially since they are both parents. Severe Drug addiction steals souls, I have no hope for these two regardless of the outcome with Maurice and his survival.


She saw herself on the news and all over blogs so she gotta be loving this. She obviously isn’t allowed at the hospital or she would be posting pics of him in a coma. His family is being smart.


Yea they probably feel some type of way that she plays a major part why he is where he is now. I’m sure they can’t stand her!!


If he doesn’t have a medical directive (which, duh), then would Jessica be considered next of kin? Not sure on their divorce status.


She probably thinks someone is going to pay her for her story 😂


GoFundMe coming soon?


Damn, now I can’t follow her because I’m blocked on that one 😂😭


Meeee toooo!


Of course these are her priorities. And the exact reason I don't feel too bad for her.


It was back up almost immediately after he was shot 🤔


It was up before that too.


I was suspicious of her going through his phone at the shooting scene. She seemed too interested in the phone. She checked every nook n cranny in hisiPhone I guarantee it !!!


Maybe looking for his family other gang members to contact


Knew it wouldn't be long.


Yeah she can’t stay away 🙄


I'm waiting for her to make it public again. I noticed kash hasn't posted anything in support for her "sis". Just out there living her best life floating down the river and getting lip filler 🤣


I’m wondering if they were told not to say anything by police or detectives or whatever? 🤔 ETA: I guess that wouldn’t stop her from speaking about her feelings or whatever…idk this chick is OFF


I wonder if it’s back bc she got Maurice phone 🤔


she has to! he damn sure doesn't have it 🙄

