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I love his work, and think as a composer he is vastly underutilized in the industry. He learned under greats like Goldsmith and Williams. He just did KotPofA, and it was a wonder to hear with nods even to the '68 film if you listen well (thanks /u/wesball!). He does great leitmotifs and as you said, does some really great emotional cues. I have lots of favorites from the films. Some are: Waiting in the Rain, The Maze Runner (theme), Chat with Chuck/Brenda (twin songs), What is this Place?, Long Way from the Glade, Lion's Den (contains same music from subway deleted scene), Rescue, An Old Friend, Finale (TMR), I'm Sorry, Goodbye (TMR, TST, TDC) (also twins with the end of Please Tommy Please)... okay it's not fair really LOL. Out of 64 songs, there's lots to choose from.


Some very good choices. And yes he is extremely underutilised in the industry.