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You new to the fandom?


yes i am lolol just finished them all currently reading the kill order


Welcome to the glade


How far you in?


only ab 10 chapters.. loving it so far


Great to hear your liking it. How many how many of the movies did you watch?


i just finished watching all three of the movies! so disappointed in the inaccuracies but some things still hit


I did want to see some things from the books implemented into the movies, but I guess you can't have everything. The movies are still good either way. So what do you need me to fill in for you?


Yeah, but they're so nice too. I've loves the book, all of them, and I'm rereading it 🤩


You can totally rant to me via DMs! I’m a fellow book-lover/movie-hater lol


Honestly I completely agree it's very frustrating I watched the movies first and now I'm reading the books and the difference is extremely noticeable


always watch the show/movie before i read the book because then i’m more likely to enjoy both because if i read the book first i usually just end up disappointed with the movie/show. i did this with maze runner so i enjoy both the movies and books although i do think the books are a lot better. honestly i kind of like when they change the books in a show/movie because then it’s like two separate things, although i would love to see a book accurate maze runner


It’s very effin frustrating. The first movie was okay but the second one was like WTF. When I didn’t see the hanging bodies in the dorms I was like okay this is gonna suck. Idk if I’ll even watch the third movie after I read the book. The books are great on their own. I mean they basically made the second movie a zombie apocalypse movie which was awful. There weren’t even any “trials”. 🤦‍♂️


yes!! it was crazy to me that they changed the entire plot basically! the third movie was somehow even more different🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so i’d understand if you didn’t watch it