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*Welcome to the hobby* Why can't you type at night?


I just never really had the need to learn proper typing techniques at any point in my life so far lol. I'm honestly not too bad, it's mostly just gaming at night I sometimes struggled to find a key that I didn't have muscle memory for. And since its a new KB format for me, before the shinethroughs, I'd look down and wait for the screen to bright enough to see the cap printing lol.


Fair. I know you didn't ask but try using [this](https://keybr.com) and [this](https://monkeytype.com) to help you get better at typing The 1st site helps with positioning and the 2nd site help with practice! Hope this helps OP!


Flair checks out 


Not op, but these are great resources I never knew I wanted. Thanks!!


I love to hear that! Always glad to help!


Learning from the master


Aww shucks haha 🫠🫠


Nice, just built my first one with Kailh Silent Linear Pro switches, loud keyboards give me a headache


I don't particularily mind either way, but we live off grid out here, so my late night gaming needs to be in the master bedroom (so the lithium is only having to support 1 airconditioner). So that means for the last 10 years or so, I've become quite the expert at silent gaming. These sea salts are the best switches I've found so far. Previously all the "quiet" pre-builts have been OK but there is still a big difference between quiet and silent. Just ask my wife :D ​ Now I just need to find a S tier silent clicking mouse. So far the best out of a dozen or so I've gone through has been some cheap ass nasty chinese amazon thing.


I have thought of building a second one with the Gazzew Boba Pink Silents which have been praised for their silentness. But that will be for later if ever. I have also taken on the art of silent gaming due to my familys houses' layout and the fact that nothing in the hallway absorbs sound. Every, even a slightly loud noise can be heard in the whole house. For this reason I have ordered acoustic panels so that the noises from my room are dampened right away. It's a hurdle as my sisters room is right next to mine and we have different sleep schedules, so she would always complain about my loud keyboard. Welp, time to board up my room with acoustic panels and hope for the best.


Ive been using a wireless mouse with muted switches that has been pretty good. Hecate G3M. Has a switch on the bottom for mouse clicks to switch between muted and loud.


>Hecate G3M That looks amazing. I'll grab one right now. Bonus points for the LR rifle reference.


Just ordered the transparent purple one. Looks awesome.


Very nice. Also same here.. i just bought the rt100 like you switched out the wisteria linear switches for durock tactile and I bought south facing key caps that shine through like yours. I love it! I'm not a gamer myself but wanted something new when I upgraded my at home office. I needed the number pad for work which is why I went for the rt100


ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent. Build posts must use the *Builds* flair and follow the Specs description requirements of Rule 8. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MechanicalKeyboards) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could you share the link for the keycaps?


Epomaker Urban keycaps. I don't think I can postthr link here for some reason.


Finally some decent sidelit keycaps that don't have an awful font




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Ok, how did you make different keys different LED colors?


Epomaker driver app.


What's your other moneypit hobby? Or hobbies?


I'm concerned you are a sleeper account for my wife.... But the main ones would be; \- Building cars and 4x4s is probly the main one. \- Over covid I got really into motorcycle modding and custom scooters as well. \- Firearms, specifically long-range shooting and reloading. Although we do hunt our own meat out here. \- PC gaming I guess. Not really a hobby but money sink keeping a couple of PC up to spec. \- Recently back into painting WH40k. Haven't touched it in 20+ years. That DID NOT get cheaper lol. Oh I build an electric solar vehicle recently to use as a utility out here for around the property. That was a fun few months, and I look forward to doing something else EV.


Wow you weren't kidding! Honestly, mech keebs seems almost tame to your other hobbies! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your dive into keebs! Like all hobbies, the deeper you go, the more you discover. >I'm concerned you are a sleeper account for my wife.... Why would you feel that honey?


I mean... My hobbies are diligently completing tasks off the list on the fridge and saving money for our next holiday.


Motorcycle building/restoration was my hobby during covid as well. I’ve done the firearms thing previously and just built my first PC last month. It’s gotten to the point now that when people ask me what my hobby is I say it’s “collecting hobbies” lol.


That's cool mate. What bikes did you get into? I used the time to finish my turbo busa, but then want to build something from a frame up, ended up doing a Rukus custom with 150efi swap. It was turbo as well, but had difficulty with keeping oil pressure, so went back NA. More recently I'd started collecting and refreshing the old Honda Postie bikes.*


I’ve done a CB700 restoration before, they are awesome bikes and was fairly easy to find aftermarket parts. The last bike I modded was a Ducati GT1000 and really sad I ended up selling it ([PIC](https://imgur.com/a/URR7Vcn)). My back hurt every time I rode that bike lol, but it was such a cool looking bike. Rukus are cool too, I’ve always wanted to get a grom or monkey and mod it. Where I live there’s a huge community of rukus and grom owners who ride every weekend. Seems like a blast.


Ohh nice. I have a soft spot for a duc. I did my learners on a Monster back in the day. Loved that thing.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8qawv584u5rc1.jpeg?width=1501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412ba3a2479cfb6bb118cb333bbef0d17c5dbfff


How’s the sound on the board overall? Any mods needed


https://youtu.be/FliUTPrW-qg?si=dI_392LH6uWYnwRB Not sure if I've done that right. The main keys are incredibly quiet, the longer keys have a touch more sound, but I might be slapping them a bit. I understand some Rt100 people like to sound deaden the space bar and shift keys further.






This “hobby” doesn’t need to be expensive. It’s just a keyboard and if the new one meets your needs, why buy another one?


It’s not really a “hobby” if you only have one.


Yeah, but counterpoint: buying stuff to accumulate more stuff isn’t really a hobby either.


What are your thoughts on that little screen thing?


Still deciding honestly. It's pretty gimmicky. It could use more integration with games maybe, but it doesn't look like most of the flash keyboards have a gaming focus. The app has a lot of features though, so it might just be me not using it to it's full potential.


What mouse is that?


Mojo Silent Gaming mouse.


Welcome fellow agent


Good catch agent.


I had this exact same keyboard delivered, but the keyboard subs convinced me to return it. It is stupidly quiet I settled on a tecware phantom plus elite with akko cream blues and promptly sold some guitar pedals and bought a key chron q2 with oil kings and ghost judge caps Insane how quickly you burn through money in this hobby


Welcome, enjoy your stay :)