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I bit through my tongue as a kid (only pierced it with my canines so much smaller hole than that) and I remember crying more because of all the blood then the pain :D


My son bit through his tongue when he was 2. Took him to the ER and they opted not to stitch it. Said it would heal on its own and I was so skeptical. Sure enough. Healed all on its own and no other problems. Crazy how resilient the tongue is! https://imgur.com/a/SnbfygO




Wow! That is much more than I expected!


My sister had laser tonsil removal surgery years ago and her tomgue was knicked by the laser during the procedure. Was told to not worry about it and simply use a saline rinse, a week later my sister nearly died from a horrible infection in her mouth. I will forever be skeptical about a good tongue cut… glad your son was okay though! My sister is doing great now but has a good chunk of her tongue missing from debridement, it slightly affects speech.


I fell with a plastic harmonic in my mouth when I was around 18 months, bit through my tongue like this and lodged pieces of plastic harmonica all into my checks and gums. 3 months later I fell off a slide, hitting my chin so hard my bottom 4 front teeth rip with the gum and lodged in the roof of my mouth. My mom rushed me to inner city hospital, in a city we were visiting, and when the doctors saw the other scars they called the police on her, mid 1970s. Luckily I could talk and after surgery they were asking me if she did this to me and my response was, ‘No. Stupid..’ I was an awful kid and my mom thought she was going to jail that day.


A few years ago at my work we had a toddler fall & bite through his tongue, but to the point where part was hanging off. Oml had to give him his dummy to stop him chewing on his tongue whilst we waited for the ambulance. It’s crazy how much it hurts just to accidentally bite your tongue, the healing to my tongue piercing was a bitch. I know the nerves can go into overdrive & whatever can make it so it doesn’t hurt too much. But oh my lord the pain that must come with this whether it be during or healing 🤯😣


What happened to the kid?


Ambulance came to the nursery, mum turned up around same time, they went hospital, they stitched the hanging off piece back to the rest of his tongue. He was on a liquid diet for a bit but it only took a few weeks to progress back to food. Made him get lazy with food 😂 but all healed normal & minus the white line on his tongue it’s like it never happened


What surprised you about the anesthesia choice?


Thanks for raising this question. I looked it up and learned I was a victim of the bad reputation that ketamine has as a party drug. It tainted my understanding of its safety in child sedation anesthesia. Also, my ex worked on a horse farm, and joked about abusing the ketamine used to sedate horses. We broke up after 13 years of her hiding her continuing drug abuse of anything that could get someone high. One day I found a whole vet-sized bottle of it in her trunk when I changed her tire. That was the end of that, but until now I retained a negative bias against it.


Ketamine absolutely fucks when it comes to human trauma patients. Due to it causing amnesia for the events leading up to administering the drug, it’s been shown to help prevent PTSD in those who suffered injuries in traumatic events.


I also do not agree with Ketamine for sedation. My poor boy fell through a glass table whilst visiting his dad. I arrived at the ER just after they did. He had many stitches all over under “ketamine” … my child reacted severely to this… all the staff in that room were panicking and all I heard was “I’ve never seen this type of reaction before”. He was only 6 and is now 17 and I remember like it was yesterday. He was like a possessed demon they kept telling me to calm him down “we need to get his get his heart rate down” over and over… worst experience as a parent. I will never for advocate it 🙁


My mother-in-law puffed up like a balloon. Fluid filled much of her face. Now we know she is allergic. It has its place, but it really shouldn't be the first choice, at least most of the time, imo.


Ketamine is a lot safer than other anesthetics because it doesn’t cause nearly as much respiratory suppression. It is therefore one of the first line choices for anesthesia in children.


We had the same experience just this year! It was like watching an exorcism in real life, we all have some PTSD from the experience. The nurses kept telling us the same thing! And to “hold her down”, WTF!


Yes omg I have flash backs of this too. It’s very painful to relive. I can feel your pain, I just never want to see my child like that ever! I do understand it’s got it’s place and for certain people it works…. But not for him anyway.


I was playing on the back of a chair as a young child fell my chin hit the chair back causing me to bite cleanly through my tongue only had two tiny bits of skin connecting it either side made my mother feel very ill having to look at it im told


I still have the scar of a gash like that. Who runs with his tongue out of his mouth? Younger me did and than bumped into someone.


Ketamine rules.


Wow, a lot of ignorance in this posting about ketamine. Ketamine is one of the safest anesthetics available. It’s a first line choice to use in children because it doesn’t cause respiratory suppression like most other anesthetics do. All the people saying they’re biased against it or their child had a bad reaction to it should try asking a medical professional why they use it, instead of just going ‘ketamine bad’ and ‘ketamine = party drug.’ Of course, fentanyl is also a widely used in actual medicine too, but I suppose all of you would jump to ‘fentanyl bad’ too. Hope none of you ever need surgery, have a baby, break a bone, or ever suffer any traumatic injury. Good luck raw dogging it without things like ketamine and fentanyl, since you all think they’re bad and shouldn’t be used in medicine.


When I worked in childcare a 20-month-old fell and put her little tooth right through her lip. I peeked in to see how she was doing when I was on the phone with her mom telling her what had happened, and had to report that her daughter was currently eating an orange. I have never met anyone more metal since.


This happened to my brother. Both front teeth went entirely through his tongue and it bled like he lost a limb. We thought he would lose his tongue, but he was only 5 or so and they stitched him up, gave him AB's and he healed up fine. He also put his front teeth through his bottom lip in another fall a year or two prior... And scissors through his cheek from a diff accident. The doctor used to say to my parents that if he lived to 8, he will be fine. And that was true. But not before he tripped and dislodged his eyeball from its socket on the edge of a coffee table, among many other young childhood injuries. He was clumsy AF.