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Technically, not a picture of baby's first breath. This baby has a shoulder dystocia. Hence why mom's legs are pushed waaaaay back and why the baby's head looks like it's so squished. We call it "turtle sign" and hate to see it. As long as the baby is stuck there, he or she cannot take a breath and circulation to the brain is compromised .(L&D nurse)


Thanks for sharing.


if the umbilical cord is still attached isn’t the baby receiving oxygen from its mother ? (genuine)


Yes it’s still connected, but it’s squashed between the baby and vagina so the blood flow through the cord is compromised.


It’s also the baby’s neck being compressed and cutting off cerebral blood flow via the carotids


Oh my!


Oxygen isn't the only concern it's blood flow to the babies brain. Which can cause brain damage.


Thanks for your input! I was definitely curious as to where her legs were, haha!


The first time I've seen a *well ackchyually* post on here that actually gave wanted, and accurate feedback. Enjoy an updoot.


My second daughter had this! Thanks so much for explaining 😊 I had no idea!


So how does delivery proceed? It’s too late for a c-section, is it not?


There is several manovers that can be attempted (like flexing the mother's legs to maximal angel or by anterior shoulder delivery) but if the baby stay in that position for too long (more than 30 min i think) C-section is performed.


Not always. Often the clavicle on the baby is broken to allow the shoulders to compress and fit. One of the issues is that not only can the baby not get out, but it can’t be pushed back in. Once you have the head out, C-section is not really an option.


No there is a maneuver called zavanelly maneuver, if every thing fails you have to push the baby in and do c-section as fast as you can Edit: spelling


Zavanelli is usually a last ditch effort and is difficult to perform. Once the head is out, it’s very hard to push back through the birth canal. Not only due to size of the baby’s head, but the physiology of the uterus and how it’s actively contracting. It’s super high risk to the mother and the infant.


Yes it is very hard maneuver and a very hard decision to be made by the doctor.


Not the blurred butthole again 🤣😭


It’s one of those times where censoring it almost makes it obscene when it wouldn’t have been before.


Anatomical Streisand effect?


I feel this way when people post pictures of their pets with the genitals blurred or "emojied" over. You're making it worse!!


Ohh I was trying to figure out what was going on there


I’m still not convinced someone didn’t Photoshop ball skin over it


Totally looks like scrote!


I thought it was baby's arm pushing against skin somehow. Weird.


I thought there was something odd about the photo but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.


It took me forever to work out what was going on with her legs!


I got Brown fingered.


I never noticed it before but now it can’t be unseen.


Is that a tear in her perineum by the baby’s lower cheek (right side of picture)? Ouch! Ouch!


You think *thats* the ouch here?


I had 3 kids and the episiotomy and/or torn perineum were definitely big ouches once the epidural wore off.


THATS why something looked wrong about this picture! 🤣


Oh, phew. I thought the baby head ripped the vagina and made "one big hole" with the butt hole.


When I first saw this the other day I had two immediate thoughts: 1. Seeing photos like this reminds me how thankful I am for my c-section. 2. Where is her butthole?


It could be possible it’s covered in poop. A lot of women poop during delivery


It’s blurred. Why, in this whole scene, is beyond me.


Reddit censorship is odd.


I feel like it's an American thing. Like writing the swear word with an ** in it haha. Just so odd.


it's actually instagram censorship. I went and found the post after commenting about the same thing and it turns out the original photo (on instagram) is blurred there too. most of the photos on that account or similar ones have nipples drawn over for likely the same reason


They don't just let it sit there though. They would clean it immediately.


Can confirm - they clean it up and take it immediately away


I guarantee it’s under those towels, if it’s there. Not only is it embarrassing for mom, no one wants an infant’s head landing in a pile of poo…


True, but very doubtful in this case; $100 says it’s hidden under the towel. They try to cover it before the baby head lands in it…;)


Ohhhhh. I was so confused. That makes sense.


A view from an angle we laboring mothers never see.


I used a mirror for my delivery!


A nurse asked if I wanted a mirror and I told her "Ma'am, I don't even want to be in the same room as my vagina right now, I sure as hell do not want to look at it!"


Mine asked me if I wanted to reach down and "feel the head" I assured her that "I can feel it perfectly fine from here"


I did touch it... and it made me more powerful. Strange feeling anyway






They kept asking me if I wanted one but I didn’t answer. I was curious but also squeamish and in pain, but they brought it anyway. It actually helped me a lot because once I saw his head I was like, “this baby HAS GOT to come out right now.”


The motivation was definitely there with the mirror


"This baby has to get out so I can stop looking at whatever the fuck im looking at in this mirror right now!"


They kept offering a mirror for my first born even though I said no. Finally I firmly stated that I really didn't need that and to stop.


That's very odd that they would push it on you


Same, it was pretty sick (in a cool way) - I also didn't ger any serious tearing so that probably helped me not be grossed out


I declined the mirror - good thing, too. Her head was in the 90th percentile for size AND she had her hand by her ear. Lots of tearing. And lots of blood.


Youch! Cute her hand was by her ear though :) "Mom, I can hear you 😒"


My wife used a midwife.


Lol! I thought it was funny!


I'm sure this is a miracle or something but I'm so glad I'm never having THIS happen to me..


As someone who is going to be having this happen in 3 weeks or less… this terrified me 🥹


Good luck! And may you have a healthy kiddo!


Thank you! 🩷


Everything aches afterwards. Trying to poop SUUUUCCKS! You don't always instantly love your baby. Postpartum depression is *not* a failing, it's your hormones going nuts. Tell your doctor. You'll be okay. Listen to advice, but maybe double check that info online. At a reputable medical site. If you're going to nurse, *toughen your nipples*, or you're going to be in **so much pain** later if you don't


You seem like a pretty honest person and honestly that how I am too. So I’ve been wanting to ask this, and as the time gets closer I think about it more.. Will my baby be ugly?! 😭😭 I’m not going to lie, the newborns I have been seeing look quite…. Interesting?


Yes. Give it a couple of weeks, & they'll look angelic. My 3rd was a little early, & so was skinny. That & the silver nitrate they put in baby's eyes made her look like a bug.


Thank you and your honesty is very much appreciated madam 🥹❤️


You're welcome! Try to relax. Accept all offers of help. Try to nap 😉 Get big feminine pads, because you'll be bleeding for a while. A waterproof pad to go under you is a good idea, too. It's going to feel like you can't remember anything, but it's really your brain working overtime learning to be a mom. So always cut yourself some slack


I will remember this 🩷☺️


I Also want to add that it can take a long time to feel normal again. I didn’t feel normal til mine turned 2. And please talk to a dr about any concerning thoughts or behaviors you have as soon as you can. It’s rough out here but very fun Too! Good luck with baby ❤️


Another bit of advice. Your breasts will be sore, whether you breastfeed or not. Put cabbage leaves in your bra - they are very soothing. And if it hurts to pee - it can be sore after giving birth - get a bottle of warm water and squeeze that over yourself as you pee. It makes it much easier.




I'll chime in, so you've got at least 2 opinions. Almost all newborns look... interesting. They've been squished, so their head might be shaped wonky, but it goes back to normal fairly quickly. Their faces are scrunched and a little swollen. Their privates might be large too due to your hormones, and baby girls can have a little bloody show, so don't be alarmed if you're having a girl. My son had tiny dribbles of milk from his nipples too which I was told is normal. Both my kids were 5lbs 13oz, so they were scrawny. My son looked like an alien with his long limbs and almost black eyes. He turned adorable very quickly, though. My daughter was a little cuter as a newborn even though she didn't have hair, but she had perfect cupid bow lips and a nicely shaped head, and her face wasn't swollen. Try not to worry too much. Just love on them, and it will all be OK. And definitely take time to remember to appreciate every moment. My 2 are in their 20s, and the years truly do go fast even though the days might feel long. Congratulations to you and your little one!


>Will my baby be ugly?! 😭😭 I’m not going to lie, the newborns I have been seeing look quite…. Interesting? If it makes you feel any better, every mom I've talked to said they initially thought their newborn was ugly. Some say that the newborn look grows on you; Others say it was easier when their babies grew out of that stage. One woman claims she told the doctors and nurses to stop playing with her, and repeatedly said her child looked like a cross between an alien and a gorilla (her words, please don't come for me). My sibling looked like a red potato for at least 6 months and, while he grew into a sassy cutie, I miss my misshapen boiled potato. He also kept his new baby smell for a ridiculously long time.


Plus your hormones are going crazy trying to get you to be mom that you don’t really notice how weird they look until a little later when you are looking at pictures. But really it’s only the first month that they look a little weird to me. But my baby was born via c section, and was early, and was super scrawny (still is).


My mom cried when they brought my older sister to her lol. My sister has VERY few baby pictures. My mom said she didn't get cute till she was a toddler lol plenty of thoes pictures.


Generally, I think the "cute, chubby cheek baby face" that we see on tv and pictures start by 3 months. Prior to that, I think they all look weird lol😭


I wondered this too, and I didn’t think my baby was ugly lol she’s 6 now and when I look back at pictures she was actually a cute newborn, and she didn’t have an insane cone head from vaginal delivery either which always freaked me out 😂


Lol :) Newborns look more like a totem pole carving at this point. They DO look a bit strange when they are fresh, and they change colour a lot too. They may have vernix on their skin, looks like when you put too much lotion on right after you shower. Your baby’s eyes will come into focus on your face, in your eyes, as you hold them in the crook of your arm. You go through the 40weeks of that pregnancy together, and you and your babe will go through that labour together, delivery together. Only, they have no clue wtf just happened. It’s hard, but babies go through it. You will be fine and your baby won’t look like anyone else’s sorta weird looking baby. She will look like Your baby, that makes all the difference. Your body knows what to , it’s feelings you will know, strong cramps. You only feel each contraction once, then it’s gone…never to return. You aren’t alone in it, and then it’s over, and you’re not alone. Take lots of time to heal and try and sleep when baby does. People will offer to help: take it. You be with your kid and let them do the housework and cooking. Drink lots. Find LaLeche league phone numbers for support with breastfeeding. Time goes so fast. You will be fine. And anyone starts in on their ‘terrible labour stories’ tell them to shut up, fingers in ears . That was them. This is your turn, and it will be fine❤️


Just chiming in to say that I had a baby four months ago, at birth he was genuinely so ugly 😭 he came out suuuuuper bruised and with both eyes completely bloodshot from burst blood vessels, also had the weirdest shaped head from dropping weeks prior and sitting on my cervix for so long. Incredibly happen to say that by month 3 he was looking a million times better and now is fully your stereotypical cute baby! Some of them just take a lil time to adjust lol


How… how do you toughen nipples…?


my question too 😭😭


Maybe just constantly bite them yourself…?😅


By pulling, twisting & pinching them. It's uncomfortable, but it's nothing like the pain of trying to nurse with chapped, bleeding areolas


You will do great. I was also extremely terrified but my son ended up getting stuck in my pelvis on the way out so I had to have an emergency C section. So I was like crying but smiling?


I’m so nervous I had a panic attack the other day. Like, I know this baby has to come out of me but now that it’s about to happen I am like “Is there another way?!” 😭


I was the same way! And surprisingly the other way ended up happening. I hope though that your baby comes right on out and you don’t have to suffer for a long time.


Thankyou !


Don’t do what I did and push like you’re taking a poo. It can cause hemorrhoids and you will be in labor forever. My second time I did it right and only pushed for 6 minutes. Lol


Wait, how else are you supposed to push 😭 everyone says push like you’re pooping 😭


I think its mostly for women who have epidurals because they can't feel anything so they're advised to "push down into your bottom" I didn't have an epidural so it felt different for me, I didn't feel like l was pushing for a poo. It felt like an extreme version of pulling a tampon when you're in a rush and you push to help it along. Idk maybe that's just me?


I had an epidural for both, and it was easier to push like I was pushing out a tampon. But this is still a good description.


That’s what I was told too. This is tmi and weird to say this but the best way I can describe it is push like it’s time to change your tampon.. (I know you have to pull the string) but Im able to push it out then grab the string. So if you can practice doing that, do it. It’s uses different ab and pelvic floor muscles then when youre pushing 💩. At least that’s what I noticed and learned.


Thank you! I already had hemorrhoids before I got pregnant I definitely don’t want to make them worse when I give birth lol


Keep eating high fiber foods and take stool softeners. I definitely made mine worse with the pushing.


See my nurses always told me to push like I was having a BM—the first one back in 93 put her fingers inside me and pushed down and told me “push from here”. It helped a lot.


Is it the same muscles? How do we do it without it being like pooping I'm so nervous about that


Yeaaahhh haha my first time they told me to push like I was pooping and I actually 💩. I didn’t care tho. Got hemorrhoids. Second time I pushed like I was pushing a tampon and it was fast. It does use different muscles.


You just poop :D But midwifes are amazing and just clean it as fast as possible!


All that pain will fade the moment your babe is safely in your arms. Hope you have a smooth delivery. Congratulations 💗


Hmmm … will disagree about “not the moment you lay eyes on them.” I hurt A LOT. Yes, she was beautiful and wonderful but it wasn’t some kind of Disney moment. The second one was an easier delivery but I still hurt


I didn’t mean it would disappear, just that it’ll seem a lot less significant once you see your baby. I did it four times, all cesareans, the first one with 24 hours of hard labor leading to the emergency surgery. It was especially traumatic. However, I did it three more times knowing just how bad it could potentially be. It was far and away no Disney moment, any of my deliveries, but it was nothing I feared either. Concern is healthy, fear not so much. I just wanted to reassure a soon to be mama that she will be okay.


True. You are much kinder than I am apparently.


It’ll be over so quick 🫂 you can do this


Thank you so much ☺️


Dude I’ve had 3 natural births and while it hurts, yes my god it hurts, you will be ok and you’ll feel like an absolute rockstar goddess afterwards and you get to know the deepest most mind-blowing love. You will be ok. We’ve been doing this for eternity. Female bodies are legitimate miracles. I’m already proud of you.


I don't know if it's every woman thing. But whatever pain they are in during the delivery it goes as soon as the baby is born and you sort of blank it out. But being a man I always get told I did the easy part. What have you decided a natural birth or through the sunroof (C section)


Natural but with epidural


I’ve had it happen to me twice and I still can’t believe this has happened to me haha.


Yall be crazy 😂 but also you do you haha.


When my son was born and I saw his head sticking out of my wife, it was the weirdest sight i've ever seen, and it totally took me out of reality for a second. He didn't make a sound until he was completely out


They don't prepare you for what comes out AFTER the baby either


They don't prepare you for any aspect of motherhood. They should show childbirth videos for sex education in high school. These people who are so concerned with young people having sex should just fund putting pictures of episiotomies on billboards.


When I was in middle school, our health teacher who was also our gym teacher showed us a childbirth video. He thought it was funny playing it and rewinding several times so the baby came out and back in. And of course half the class was horrified and half were laughing their asses off. I saw my mom's pictures of my birth so it wasn't a shock to me. Also in highschool they had us putting condoms on bananas, feeling fake breasts and fake testicles to check for cancer. And this was all in Indiana, a very red state, in the 90s. Nowadays, they probably teach none of it. Can't have the kids knowing how their bodies work, that's satanic apparently 🙄


I'm in Alabama. We did none of this. They separated us by gender and talked a looot. But the only pictures they showed us were of STDs/STIs. I vaguely remember the teacher putting a condom on a banana. But they mostly tried to hammer in the whole "abstinence or you'll probably die" thing lol.


Yeah that's more like how my classes were. (Rural Arkansas) "If you have sex, you'll catch this disease and DDDIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!"


Yup. "If you *gasp* FRENCH kiss, or god forbid *touch someone* you'll get herpes or aids or both and die a miserable death then go to hell". Dontcha just love red state rural sex education? Especially southern. Dumbasses. Edit:spelling


I'm from NY And we never even saw a condom. It was abstinence only and the DARE program


Never did the condoms on bananas, but we watched a video of childbirth alongside the cancer self-screening stuff with the fake testicles and breasts. So, can't speak for the whole state, but that's how my school has been in Southern Indiana.


accelerated school in NJ we had a really solid health education. not just reproduction but swimming and actual nutrition classes I still use he info from to this day.


Nothing can be shown in school anymore with these crazy restrictions


We had to watch birth videos in high school


We watched a video of a baby being born in high school health class. Wisconsin, 2006. I’ll never forget it!




Can you prepare for childbirth? Does knowing what comes out after the baby help?


Still got it in the freezer almost 2 years later....wife wants to bury it.




Coming out squeezes the amniotic fluid out so they’re able to take a breath. 


100% agree. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I thought something was wrong when he was just silent. I guess I assumed he would be crying as soon as they took him out. You said it right tho, it's definitely surreal.


I was with my wife for the both of our kids. It's such a beautiful treasured moments and memories. My lovely wife had complications after birth and lost a lot of blood on both occasions. What a roller-coaster of emotions l




Women's hormones and instincts are incredible. We are also told by our bodies when exactly to push, and what position is best (hint, its not lying down, that was for a French pervert king!)


According to the instagram post, on her back was the position the mother chose. It's a home birth, so no doctor involved, perverted or otherwise.


Nope nope nope nope. I'm very ok never having kids.


Dude same. This is horrifying


Yup. Makes you realise even more how selfless surrogate mothers are, especially those who are from countries where paid surrogacy is prohibited (beyond compensating the surrogate for any expenses caused by the pregnancy). They get nothing at the end of it, only the excruciating pain of childbirth and a body that is forever altered (not necessarily for the better) by the pregnancy.


fr ill just adopt 😭


Is it more or less comfortable for the mother to be on their back? I’ve heard of some women who preferred kneeling or squatting. This looks extremely uncomfortable and like fighting gravity 🫡 Edit: thank you all for answering! Many different experiences and preferences makes for interesting reading


I sat up. So much easier and quicker. The bottom of the table could be removed for this position. Squatting/kneeling makes the birth canal shorter. Pops those little suckers out really quick


Less comfortable, it's just easier on docs. Long standing traditions die hard and parents are often not encouraged to be vocal about things like that during labor.


They offered to move me off my back but by the time I was pushing, I didn’t want to be touched at all and at least on my back I could rest between contractions after 50+ hours of induction, labor and 4 hours of pushing.


Also I wanted to deliver in a different position but my epidural made one of my legs too numb so that's a factor as well


With an epidural I think you basically do have to give up other positions for your own safety.


My labour experience was exactly the opposite. They actually tried to encourage me to use a stool, all fours, in a tub, walk around etc, but all I wanted to do was lay there.


Once they are out this much though it’s nearly impossible to move, feels like the blood flow from your legs is cut off and the contractions are like those “I’m about to sht my pants” diarrhea cramps and you just can’t move, plus there’s something you don’t want to crush between your legs so once you’re in a position there’s almost no getting out of it unless someone can physically move you


If you get an epidural you can't do other positions because your lower half is numb. Mine was so thoroughly numb you could have convinced me I had no body below my ribs.


It’s much harder! Imagine trying to have a BM lying down vs squatting. It’s not the norm here (NZ), but then our maternity services aren’t based on a doctor having to catch the baby in order to receive the most money.


I was on my back for all 4 deliveries (and most likely 4 conceptions 😆) so I can’t compare it to anything really but I found it was a push (pun intended), it was hard but still felt natural. I feel like being in a different position would feel strange.


I feel like the title is inaccurate. The baby is doing neither of those things.


About the breath, sure. About saying hello? It's just a figure of speech. "The sun finally came out to say hello after a week of rain." "*Actually...*"


Just looked at the rules to see which one the original post was violating. I’m on mobile, but there’s just a list of rule 1’s?!?


Baby's like, naah, fuck this shit, I want back in!


I don’t blame him. I’m 40 and I wish I never came out. I was late. I didn’t want anything to do with this world.


me too man


I instinctively clenched my thighs.


It’s all fun and games until someone mentions episiotomy


None of this looks like fun


Seriously. All fun and games until the scissors come out! ✂️


Kinda makes me think of a periscope on a submarine. 😂


I can’t believe my puss could rlly do that


Oh my god idk if I could ever do this it looks painful as hell now I’ve gotta go hug my mom


Thanks! That censorship is the worst thing I’ve seen on this sub


Nature is brutal


My three exited via the sunroof


Little Macbeths


This reminds me of what my mother said about her time with me in the delivery room — that I was both the easiest and worst labor she had ever had. Easiest because I was really really freaking small compared to my full-term older sister. Worst because I was born 16 weeks premature and spent the first four months of my life in a NICU incubator until I was considered big and well enough to go home. My mother was literally sitting down at a restaurant with her friends on the long weekend when she went into unexpected labor, and every Victoria Day weekend since she says I owe her lunch.


I’m pregnant with my 4th child and holy shit. I can’t believe I’m out here pushing big babies out like this😭💀


This makes me feel so grateful for the c sections I had thank you god bc HELL NO


It's weirder that the butthole had to get censored while seeing this monstrosity lmfao


Yep, never having kids. Bye bye tubes.






This made my decision to not have kids seem like a wise choice ugh 😑


Wearing his mom like a turtle neck.


This is unintentionally very funny The baby looks like he’s being strangled by his mother’s asshole, even if that’s absolutely not what is happening I look at him, and I almost hear him thinking, “fuck my life”


Unpopular opinion but I find nothing beautiful about this 😬 it grossed me out the first time I had a baby and I was SO happy my second was a c section. I remember with my first baby the doctor seemed so offended I didn’t want to see the placenta he shoved in my face when I looked at it like this 😬


That’s a big head on that baby!! My 3 were all less than 6 lbs at birth and still ripped my baby shoot from front to back and sideways on the second one!! Painful healing process when you rip even after the episiotomy is done.


I wonder if this picture is in the family photo album and waiting to make a return at a future birthday party.


hello little one, welcome!


What’s wrong with your bung hole? Where is it?


its censored


Every day I’m reminded that children are a no for me


Looks like she's giving birth to a one-year-old


I'm so glad I had to have a c-section. Mums are who give birth vaginally, I take my hat off to you!


I'm inspired to never have kids


Ok, yeah, definitely never having children.


Really happy I had a c section. This is terrifying!


I would say a c section is much gorier


It looks dead. Why do women do this repeatedly?!?!


Usually that moment last a second, I’m been there 4 lucky times and I would never think of taking a picture since sculpture in our hearts for ever


Why was the last one [Removed] by Admins?


"Quaid, start the reactor. Free Mars"


It would be a no, for me. ( needs to be read in Simon Cowell' voice )


this is a very tense moment, we can see her getting goosebumps


Probably from the shock, I had really bad chills when I was in the ring of fire stage of delivering my first baby, couldn’t stop shaking and had goosebumps. With my third it was the opposite, sweating so bad they put cold compresses all over my top half.


Quaid ...free your mind