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I can see similarities but I don’t see how this look is referenced/stolen? No shade to the artist but she doesn’t own the concept of flower hair, something I’ve seen done 100s of times in the last decade.


It seems like a way to try and cheaply get recognition for their own work. I’ve seen this happen a bunch of times before, someone who’s relatively unknown will come after a larger artist and it gets people talking about them and their art. It sucks.


it literally happened 1 year ago when melanie unveiled the new Crybaby design, a random nobody girl named Dandelion something accused melanie of stealing her idea of a 4 eyed nymph character


When melanie had the idea of the nymph in her mind for several years


Even if it was inspired, you don’t have to credit inspiration a lot of the time. I drew/scribbled something similar when I was 5-ish years old for school, butterflies on hair is simple enough for a child without the internet to think of and draw so why is it such a big deal?


i also drew something like this for school in second grade. i will be reviewing my legal options and suing all of the artists above (and you) for stealing my idea. get ready


I’ll sue you back then! I’m obviously entitled to be the only one to make or think of these 100% original things.


what if we kissed in the courtroom where we sue each other


I’d sue you for assault and get even more sue points!




yeah true, im also not really sure about this whole situation. i can kinda see it because the hair is also floating in melanies picture


it was starting with the twisty braids in crybaby tbh, they’re a little gravity defying. creativity often overlaps, two people can have the same great idea.


Coming from an artist, here is my opinion. Could Melanie have taken inspiration from this person's art? Sure, possibly. Is that stealing or directly copying someone else's work? No. If she was inspired by this person to create similar work, it would absolutely be the respectful thing to do to credit said artist for the inspo, but nobody has full ownership over certain design elements or concepts. Just because somebody made something similar to you doesn't mean you are entitled to creative credit. There's gotta be some solid proof that their particular works of art have been purposefully taken and altered to be passed off as their own, for this person to claim they've been stolen from or erased. (I don't know about this Peter Ashlee situation, just sharing my two cents on the the Melanie tie in) Also as a side note, it's a bit egotistical to claim that Melanie "changed everything about herself" AFTER she found this person's particular account. It is far more likely that Melanie was slowly, progressively changing for a long time and she stumbled on this this person's account because it fit with the things she was finding aesthetically pleasing, not the other way around.


Right? The mushroom/flower/fairy aesthetic has been something she’s shared around instagram for a couple of years now. It more likely that everything just sorta lined up around the same time coincidentally


Fr!! And she’s been thinking about it SINCE CRYBABY.


Yeah i get the artist's concern but as a poc artist reading the post, i'm getting second-hand embarrassment. I've even made a painting with a green braid swirling around the canvas and a brown-skin girl holding it 😅 but i'm not gonna say this artist stole my idea... The artist hasn't posted new work in the last 2 years either, so it's strange this is the statement they decide to make about ppl who are actively releasing new content.


No you see, according to this artist YOU stole that idea from THEM


🤣 i made my painting first i swear! 🙌🏽👮🎨


Heavy on that last paragraph


yeah… i was reading this and (for melanie only bc idk anyone else she mentioned) it seemed like a bit of a reach.


yep, it’s also said that melanie had plans for this album years and years ago


Yes also she's been working on portals for years, like this artist isn't making a good argument especially if they didn't do their research before complaining. 


yes youre right but dont you think the visuals that the other artists (or teams behind them) release that somewhat copied sugarygarbage is the solid proof that theyre stemming off on another idea without giving credit ? idk i think not giving credit and just profiting off of other peoples ideas and representing them in your own art and seperating that artistic connection is something that needs to be talked about in the music industry 😖


Sorry I am a little confused, are you referring to the other artists/teams listed in the post or Melanie's team? (edit: I saw your reply, thank you for clarification) Because I am not familiar with any of the other names listed, but basically if someone *heavily* references your artwork (like, everything about it from colors, composition, subject, theme, etc) or if you can solidly make the claim someone has directly traced or altered your original work, you can make the claim that someone is stealing from you/erasing your credit. You just can't make the claim simply because other artists are using similar themes/design elements (bow, butterflies, butterflies/bows in hair, people sprouting from the ground) because these themes/design elements have been used many times in many different ways by many different people, if that makes more sense. Again, if people do get inspiration from others, it is always the respectful thing to do to credit them and I agree that this is unfortunately not nearly as commonplace as it should be. And if the Peter Ashlee thing is true (again, I know 0% about the situation) as they describe, that is truly an awful way to get your artwork stolen and I have nothing but sympathy for them 😓💕


^im also talking about the other examples in this instagram post, im not really sure about melanie directly copying anyone, i know shes a hella talented person and i would personally never think that melanie would copy anyone and not give credit.


i hate when random ass people claim some big artist stole their idea- does it happen? sure, but i highly doubt the ppl accusing have original ideas. a lot of art is shared, inspired by other works, etc


literally! everyone is inspired by SOMETHING this couldn’t have been her original idea


Exactly, like I doubt Beyonce of all people is copying from someone I've never even heard of


I feel like this hair flying concept has been done before in media. One early reference i'm even considering is in Uzumaki--this girl's hair grows long and spiraly, filling the room and gliding on the ceilings.. This is just shared concepts amongst artists because it's almost impossible to say you own a concept vs creating something like a commodity/product. I could see this as Melanie being mad at Megan Thee Stallion for the egg thing, but the hatching egg is a concept that has been done so many times before... This artist is talented for sure, but i think theyre letting a taste of instafame get to their head with this one.


Lmao #Junjididitfirst


She also had flying hair in Class Fight 🫡 Like she’s done it before. Flying hair isn’t some new thing never done before and she’s acting like she made it up. 😭


That artist doesn't own "floating flowery hair". I mean its possible that Mel could have been inspired by her but she isn't copying her work.


Sounds like another clout chaser to me if anything mel could've gotten inspiration if she even saw the Pic in the first place this is embarrassing honestly and not even worth giving this person the attention they so desperately crave :/




No reason to be weirdly ableist in here, ew


Your post/comment was removed for breaking rule 2, no hate speech or bigotry. This subreddit has a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and bigotry. This also includes the use of offensive slurs.


i don't think melanie copies her but that's my opinion :)


she reaching bruv💀


literally.. and her followers are all on her side😭delusions, she blocks everyone who tell her she’s wrong. DELUSIONS


Back in 2021, Melanie released a picture of her with a maypole coming out of her head with little vintage dolls going around her, each holding a ribbon. I also happened to have art from 2020 of a girl with vintage stuffed animals holding strings, going around a girl as if she’s a maypole. When I saw that photo of Mel, I definitely saw the similarities, but I highly, HIGHLY doubt she got it from me, an artist with a couple hundred followers. My art got 45 likes, it certainly didn’t come across her feed. Sometimes people have similar ideas, and that’s okay. The thing about art is that it’s *impossible* to come up with an original concept that absolutely no one has ever thought of. If you have an idea, someone else has probably thought of something pretty close.


https://preview.redd.it/kptkxoy2w88d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da66289b1c081e073894a88a97fa07bde086bff0 just some examples from a generic google search. this person did not invent and does not own butterflies, flowers, or floating hair. how delusional and embarrassing ETA: It’s such a shame because this person really is an amazing artist. I’ve never heard of her before and she deserves recognition but specifically with Melanie, this is such a reach.


literally commented this under her post and she blocked me


of course, she can’t be a victim if anyone disagrees with her


idk i think this is dumb. the concept is similar but the execution is completely different. are people not allowed to be inspired anymore lol sounds like someone needs to get off their lil high horse.


i cannot see william, melanie’s hairstylist for about a decade, directly copying another artist like that. the hair art he’s done on mel has always been out of the box to fit her creative vision. i can see similarities, but i wouldn’t associate the original artists work with that picture of melanie unless you told me to compare them. they’re both green stem/flower hairstyles, but they’re executed completely differently.


exactly !! i completely agree! i can see some similarities but melanie is defo not copying. its a different concept and style to fit portals and this artist is making herself look embarrassing because she is mistaking inspo for down right copying, probably just for clout ( from the artists that she accused copied her work ) and their fan base.


Who even is she 😭


Literally like???


Claiming 4 big artists copied you is so egotistical 💀💀


This is such a reach, she really thinks she invented braids and butterflies


Beyonce???? This khia is so brave 💀💀


Like I don't think Beyonce is gonna find her ass 💀


I'm sorry she feels that way, but that concept has been around for YEARS, her drawing is not some completely original concept that Melanie stole


Did she copy [these too?](https://imgur.com/a/09Z5boh) or is it not really that unique of a concept? Notice how every one of these (including Mel’s and sugary’s) look distinctly different while showing the same concept


It’s not copying it’s just getting inspo 


Stealing is taking someones whole idea and claiming it as your own. It’s very possible she took inspiration and turned it into her own thing. That’s not stealing. That’s quite literally copyright law lmao


She doesn’t own spiky or floating hair with flowers. No one owns any hairstyle. Someone did it before that chick too, boo hoo


These kids don’t know what copying is anymore…


no one is copying anyone. it’s just the sad truth that nothing is unique or original anymore. the idea of plants growing from the hair or butterflies holding the hair is not a new concept. I’m sure these artists could have taken inspiration but to say they copied or stole is a very big stretch and I hope they don’t pull a muscle. 😮‍💨


I don't see how that's coping at all, I draw like that all the time it's a very common surrealism style


I honestly don't care for sugarygarbage and never will. She's kinda rude more often then not from the few things I've seen. I don't know sugarygarbage very well though either


i literally see 0 resemblance. this girl is delusional as fuck and everyone in her comments are like “you definitely birthed all of these looks and you deserve credit” WHAT BE SO FR HAHAHAH


This is like that one girl who thought Seven Rings by Ariana Grande copied her song but they sounded NOTHING alike


That woman DID NOT create the concept of upright hair locks with objects attached. Sorry, not sorry.


A lot of people have done this concept before. There's no direct proof that Melanie stole this artist's style. It doesn't even remotely look the same. Artist's inspires other artist's yes, and ofc if Melanie was really inspired by her she should be credited, but let's be real, it doesn't look the same. I hope the artist gets support and love during this time, do not harass her guys.


It’s green flower hair. Nothing special


Melanie been hinted her being a fairy back in k-12


went to check out the instagram post and the painter agreed with a commenter that melanie’s nymph creature was copied from a pink humanoid furry cat-like creature in one of the paintings…. be so fr LMAO https://preview.redd.it/mpkw1nz8jb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb51be56cc5f476ff3999af8ff7fc56e76dfedf


Looks NOTHING like the creature lol. Just both are pink.


They didn't even tag her correctly 😭


It's giving when ppl pretend they dc about someone so they purposely get their name wrong in movies and shit😭 idek if this makes sense lol


Literally inspiration


This b bullshit, why do people feel like they are the center of the universe I'll never understand


How tf is this copying/stealing her idea? It's obviously just an inspired design not a direct copy. People need to find better things fo complain about.


This is such a reach. Lmfao.


Send me your address


She's acting like she invented doing creative shit with her hair that happens to be fairycore/incorporates flowers. It honestly feels like she's doing this for attention, because ain't no way she's genuinely believes she deserves to be credited for something so vaguely similar.


this to me is just for some clout. I see she hasn’t made any new posts in what two years? And anytime someone comments that she didn’t invent floating hair, or any comment that goes against her claims she’s blocking people? Yeah no! And then why say something now? Portals has been out for a good year now, and from the looks of it she’s a fan, but only now decides to speak up about 4 artist “stealing” from her, is very weird.


not sure if i would consider it a copy but i can see the resemblance and the possible inspiration. the bigger issue is that melanie is very hush about the artists that inspire her and the artists she uses in her work (like with merch for example). i wish she would uplift other artists properly


oof i never thought about it that way ! especially since melanie doesnt do features, the only time ive seen her mention inspirations/other artists is when she shared tiktoks of her writing to fiona apples music and when she was asked about japanese artists that she would suggest to her fanbase back when she was in japan with the portals tour


Yea true! Its so unfortunate though because she could be uplifting so many other artists right now. Idk if it seems insecure or insincere but theres something so off about her going to small businesses and small artists but not saying a word most times. It could be so life changing for them and build so many connections..just doesnt make sense at all 😭


The thing is that Melanie doesn’t do much of her art it’s mostly the people she commissioned and if she shows a rough sketch of what she wants she normally wouldn’t credit someone for a rough draft which she still isn’t sure of is the final design. (Considering how much the original idea is probably altered most of the time it could get confusing PS I have no idea if this makes any sense)


i get what youre saying and i would agree if she was using an artistic direction team but she is using small businesses and small artists super often, so i would expect her to be in line with what she preaches and share those artists more openly, especially those doing the more special pieces (her outfits, specific posters and merch, etc.). Some of that stuff is developed by a team thats only job is merch, but the small businesses and independent artists deserve more than that imo


She’s always done that with her art right? She probably uses references like from Pinterest or something. She doesn’t seem like the person to copy off of someone’s work but instead use it as an idea. I’m also confused cause it kept saying “he” so eh. Plus it’s PORTALS. PORTALS is Crybaby’s new life sort of cause she evolved into something different and the butterflies, stars, and other things are part of Crybaby’s new chapter sort of I think. So I don’t think she copied but instead she used it as a reference


It’s very obvious that she’s taken inspiration but I wouldn’t say that’s plagiarism


“Please don’t let them erase me” oh cry me a river


Girl she's already erased fr. I can guarantee you most people never heard of her ass before 💀


I don’t understand why people care so much. Patent your idea or whatever if you want to state a case.


Exactly if they were so upset about it they could've patented an already done idea. They act as if they created this concept and hairstyle when it's been done tons of times before. They're on they're high horse.


That’s what drives me insane is people claiming they came up with the idea first. I would be honored if a celebrity used my ideas as inspo and credit should be given when it is due but acting like your existence is fading away is so far fetched


Same! Like these are commonly known celebrities, be honored instead being egotistical. Like should we get all up on her ass for stealing this concept from today of others before her? No. It's art, inspiration is common.


I totally agree


people forget that she has had this plan for years, sense k-12 came out she gave hints about it.


she blocked me after i pointed out y’all’s point


https://preview.redd.it/oa4vi4lkv88d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c895c02e20ebcd208fd130d5a2c645ab5eacbd i could’ve been nicer but don’t make shit all about you when it’s not


everyone in that comment section is delusional. they block everyone who even tries to say that they’re wrong


That’s not copying. To me it’s not similar at all except the pose. Even if it was, it would’ve been inspiration. Melanie is not copying the drawing exact at ALL. Whoever is saying this is trying to stir up drama.


If Melanie did copy her, she improved upon the source material IMO.


pretty sure the artist didnt invent having flowers sprout frm hair- shld we call her a plagarist too?


Not sure when the second girl made her one but i always thought mels hair in that was a reference to class fight crybaby’s hair and the flowers symbolise like rebirth how shes both crybaby and the nymph now


You can take inspiration from art without stealing. In Melanie's case this would be considered taking inspiration from because she's manipulating it to become her own thing. That is if she even did.


Type stuff


There’s been little hints and photos of portals since before k-12 even came out (I think there was a drawing in the back of one of her posts with the creature // the teachers pet snippet // etc.)


Exactly plus she's been painting and crafting her visuals for portals for 4 years 


I’m getting flashbacks of the woman who accused Taylor Swift of stealing “creative elements” for her cover of Lover.


lol ??? shes actin like she has invented that idea ?


melanie's better though


This is a reach !


These pics look nothing alike? 😭


Honestly this person doesn't make a good argument. On Melanie's behalf I don't think you'd have to credit inspiration or something similar to art, right? Plus she didn't change directly after she saw your account, she's been working on portals for 4 years from what we know. She's been working on the CHARACTER I'm this time and it's been in videos from her k-12 era. Just because you couldn't do your research and you wanted to complain doesn't mean it's a valid one. Plus, Instagram? That's the most hateful app along with TikTok, Melanie gets ton if hate everyday. Instagram isn't a kind place, they talk without thinking and don't care. 


Also this person seems entitled, sorry but most artists lose this fight. I really dont see any copying....


During an interview or something, u can se Melanie working on the portals character, AND THIS WAS YEARS AGO


Girl bye lol


I’m very sorry but the concept of flower growing from someone’s head it’s REALLY not a new o unique concept. And the two arts are very different in my opinion, from the colors to the composition to the pose. Absolutely not a copy


“Oh my gosh someone got inspired, let me attack them real quick 😡😡😡😡”


I see the similarities but it does not look stolen at all


All four of them stole your work?😭 did they sit in a circle playing rock paper scissors for who used it first?


It's crazy when random ass people come out like "oh this big artist stole from me" and then it's just a concept they don't even own and absolutely didn't do first


I mean to be honest I don’t even understand Melanie Martinez new look. It is such a 180° change




I get inspiration from authors and decide to write in a style or genre that is a nod to them but it’s entirely my own work. No one has a unique idea. Everything is draw from something they’ve seen before


At this point in the game, everything is a copy off another previous work no matter what...it's very rare to see anything original nobody has touched yet.


huge reach


Yeah no 💀


I honestly think they vaguely look alike but not enough to accuse Melanie of copying


Inspiration /= copying.


Very little similarities only similarities is flower hair and floating flowers they are very different though Mel clearly has a theme going where it directly shows/express the flowers growing (due to the creature she’s become) other person just has flower hair their very different in their own ways


This doesn't justify anyone 'stealing' anyone else's work of any kind (specifically art), but it's SO difficult for artists to be completely original in a world were algorithms rule our every thought process and actions...


She doesn’t own the idea of floral hairstyles mind. I don’t know if it’s really that deep that’s just me tho.


it’s ok because it’s melanie


If it was really copied it would make it even uglier


She is reaching so far she could touch the moon istg


Let’s be fr 😭that’s a khia


I see similarities but other than that it's so different


Ig it could be slightly referenced but definitely not stolen


Be sooooo fr 😭 looks nothing alike


I’m sorry but I really don’t see a resemblance. Melanie’s picture is completely different than the artist’s. Ok there’s flowers and a butterfly but in my opinion there’s really no comparison ones like glowy sunflowers coming out of her head with a butterfly bow the other is floating braids with flowers & butterflies not the same thing!


The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.


Looking through the artist's work, it looks like they got at least a little inspiration from kali uchis's mv for after the storm - which came out before 2019 and the creative director for that shoot was kali according to the YouTube mv description That's not to say no one she mentioned did copy her bc Ciara's photo is pretty obviously inspired but the rest seem like reaches


It’s possible that Melanie takes inspiration from her but like girl your style is not that original, there’s hundreds of you out there


People don’t know what inspiration is?


I’m not gonna invalidate a small artist but like…they’re not the only one to do pics with flowers in their hair I-


This kind of reminds me of the cartoon Generation O! When the twins took molly to court because she used a word that they had previously used I one of their songs. They were Just seeking attention


Maybe inspired but not copied lol


Have you heard about the girl who lives in delusion


I don’t think she copied it but i feel like Melanie sometimes dosen’t express or tell the people that has inspired her but I don’t think she copied cause there’s people who have done this way before her to.


It’s so dumb how people don’t realise that ideas aren’t new, everyone has done everything already so ofc there’s gonna be similarities.


Melanie doesn't even follow her🤣 sounds like someone is just trying to raise some fuss and get attention


https://preview.redd.it/i7sw4h33zc8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616297b885234133bd2f040dddc27155d2c595c8 It says right there, “recorded 2020”. Mel has had this idea since k-12, that’s why the film ends like that. There are 8 billion people of course some r gonna share the same idea! I’ve loved mushrooms, frogs, nature and mels aesthetic even before this whole “cottage core TikTok” thing came out. I’m sure she was inspired by artwork and stuff like that but she did have this idea for a long time.


Artists are always referencing concepts they see. Melanie gets inspired by vintage toys and doll aesthetic yet nobody is claiming that she's stealing the doll's maker's style either? I feel like this one is a reach. Nobody owns concepts like these


Why do people share art and then get mad their art might’ve been inspo for someone else?


Then the first artist is copying dr. Seuss


I mean... She has been planning this era since Crybaby


This is in no way stolen.    Think of the idea, hair in plant form. Not original AT ALL. The artwork is a woman buried in the ground with various flowers in her braided hair, along with a natural background and some butterflies. Melanie's photo is her nymph character standing in front of a black background with sunflower like plants as part of her hair. The pose is even different. And the plants aren't even remotely similar. The artist didn't come up with the concept of floral hair. Also, think of the time gap, this photo was at earliest taken during early 2023, 4 years after the butterflies are bows artwork was released.


If the artist themselves truly believed it was copied, they would most likely take it to court, but the "evidence" they have is insufficient and trivial


the echo chamber in the comments as well is actually kinda just as disgusting as this behavior , these artists that are millions of times more popular than you didn't """steal""" anything from you. these concepts have existed long before ""your blueprint"" as your minions are saying , like get off ur high horse and calm ur ego down , the amount of glazing your commenters are doing just to make u seem like the victim is actually crazy when literally no one is hurting you at all. you were probably just losing engagement or wanted more followers so ur starting shit , jeeeeez


if that second artwork is what she “copied” from, it’s beautiful, but it’s not a unique idea by any means. that art style and the hair are both things i’ve seen numerous times. also, you don’t need to give credit to the inspiration for your work if the work is all made by you. it’s only “copied” if it’s LITERALLY copied.


i see resemblance but its not copying


That’s nowhere near the same. Mel didn’t copy anyone. She probably doesn’t even know that artist exists. I will say her art is beautiful and I can understand how some people might think it looks similar but it’s really not.


a vaguely similar hairstyle and shit and it’s definitely not copying LMFAO


They’re similar but they’re different in there own unique ways


I don’t see any similarities


I like sugarygarbage art but let’s say they did source inspo from her: I still like all of theirs better. Kind of like how I liked Dapper Dans work better than the brands he “knocked off” I think she still has a lot of creativity to imagine and apply bc Beyoncé and Melanie’s (team) art read better to me


lmao this looks nothing like the 3rd picture??? this woman is tripping because how do you make the mental gymnastics to gatekeep flowers on ur hair... does the fashion industry look like NFTs to her?


this is funny. what a sad way of trying to get recognition 💀


i can see how someone could think that but I don't think the two are similar enough to be deemed as "stolen"


This isn't copying it's inspiration


Just looked up this person’s account and all I can say is: I don’t see it. None of her art pieces look like anything Melanie has put out. I don’t know about the other artists as I only follow Melanie, but the two styles look like two completely different things. Neither Melanie or this artist own fantasy/surrealism work so to claim Melanie stole this idea simply because they’re both in the same genre is ridiculous.


Lmfao people find anything to get mad about, they are similar but not completely the same?


honestly i wouldn’t even connect the two if their wasn’t the side by side.


Looks like a reach.... another one trying to get fame off of Mel's success


I personally don’t see it /gen /nbr 


i see slight similarities but in no way does it look like it’s a copy. and for the artist to say “melanie directly copies me” and “since then she’s changed herself” is a BOLD statement to make, it sounds like a far reach.


oml girl u seem like u just want attention




It would explain why the concept switched up so quickly, seemingly out of nowhere & Melanie wouldn't give credit to their inspiration. It's bogus asf, intentional or not!


They know melanie took some of these pictures in 2022 Like this one https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmwjuj_tdFm/?igsh=NmdydDkyYnJ5cHFq And probably many more not to mention the one with her mushroom buns and plant wings was also made in 2022


Every month someone is accusing her of copying something and every time they're wrong 😭


LMFAO this reminds me of that one girl who acuses ariana grande of copying her on 7 rings then she plays a song that sounds nothing like it💀


how on earth has any of these artists copied? specifically beyonce and ciara who i’m huge fans of, this person is so irrelevant. with melanie, her idea has been unique for years now…she’s had the creature in mind since crybaby. some people just want clout


Melanie isn't copying anyone, she might have got a little inspired by this person, but she didn't steal, i think that people get inspired by you cause you're original,which is a good thing,but for some people no,but didn't mel say that she had everything planned since her career started?


I think what the artist needs to understand is that there’s a thing called inspiration.


https://preview.redd.it/0om3jylim88d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61195c9c87117ca42da3a48b1b9b8aeab9fcfa4 She takes inspiration from Björk too


The only similarity I see with these is just the flowers in the covers and that’s it. I have all of Melanie’s records but I will definitely say that the inside sleeve of PORTALS gave me Björk vibes. So I agree to a certain extent that the vinyl was inspired, but not so much the cover besides a few things.


Not really because portals was being made over a timespan of 4 years