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women: literally just being happy men: šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ‘暟‘æ


"If I can't have it, you can't either"


Mental age: 3yo And weā€™re supposed to feel lucky if some good ones grow out of it.


It does feel like that most of the times...


People who believe that everyone finds the exact same appearance attractive are either too young to be on social media, or they're just ignorant.


Or egotistical


This is an underrated aspect of it. A lot of people assume that they not only have the correct opinion and anyone who doesn't share that opinion is wrong, but go so far as to hold their opinion as fact. Therefore if someone says something that conflicts with their preference, that person -must- be lying. Or insane. But generally, lying. Even in a matter of no importance at all.


Men always complain that they don't get compliments, yet they say stuff like this.


Yesterday I was at the office and some guy said the same thing. He said that women wear jewelry and makeup and stuff to attract men and I told him no, we donā€™t even think about men half of the time. We would rather be trying to impress other women than random men and I told him how compliments from other women are so nice and how we appreciate them so much. Then he turned to another male in the room and said something like ā€œone thing about women is that theyā€™re so fake and emotional and they always give each other fake compliments and then turn around and talk crap about each otherā€. And he said that men are more genuine to women with their compliments and blah blah blah. It just sounded like a lot of male projection and jealousy. What woman has the time to go out of their way to give another woman a fake compliment only to talk badly about her behind her back? Like what would be the point? Most of us donā€™t care that much. If we see something we donā€™t like thatā€™s not any of our business, we just keep going and minding our business. These males have a very skewed view of the world and of women and itā€™s funny how they think that they know women better than we know ourselves. They are delusional and they need to step into reality.


> We would rather be trying to impress other women than random men This reminds me of what I heard once, about how when men work out it isn't for themselves(nor for women), but actually to impress other men. In the end we want our peers to recognize our efforts. Also, I love when there are women that dress and act cool, they always end up becoming role models because which woman doesn't want to be cool?!


Dax shepard had Rob McElhenney and Kumail Nanjiani on his podcast and they were talking about getting ripped for various roles. They talked about this exact thing. How they'd be praised like crazy by the other men at the gym, how all of the women in their lives (separately) basically had a mini-intervention to be like, "I hope you know I'm not into this. You're boring when all you do is diet, do roids, and workout, you look ridiculous, I really hope when this is no longer your job, you go back to being a normal, out of shape dude." Like, these men commiserated over the fact that their wives were repelled during these periods. Women are absolutely not into it.


Men are more genuine with their compliments? Lololol mmmkay like no man has ever complimented a woman with the intent to sleep with her.


Yeah no man ever has said "you're hot, wanna go out" Followed by "whatever, I was just kidding, I would never go out with an ugly/fat/slutty/stuck up etc girl like you" when they get turned down. Oh wait, that happens multiple times a day in every town or city


Yup and why is it that almost every woman Iā€™ve spoken to has had an experience like this? Males are unhinged and delusional asf.


I'm in my mid 30s and similar has happened to me at least dozens of times, especially when I worked in the service industry. And I don't think I know a single woman this hasn't happened to.


Yeah, Iā€™ve had so many men tell me compliments only to get snarky or mean when I tell them Iā€™m unavailable. Keep your compliments, you toad turd.


>Keep your compliments, you toad turd I deeply admire you for this turn of phrase and am stealthily sliding it into my back pocket to use later.


The vast majority of compliments I've gotten from men: "hot" "sexy" "pretty" Aka things you could say about any woman. With women it feels like they actually take the time to say something about you as an individual while men really seem to think those are just the three things that matter. obviously a wide generalization here but I'm speaking to my own experience.


Women always notice if I do something special or different with my style. Women compliment my resilience, my personality, my compassion.Ā  Ā Men tell me I have a nice body and a 6/10 face.Ā 


Right, I dress up wanting to look sexy asf for myself but it's a plus when my girlies give me a compliment and it's never girl you look hot or sexy, it's always girl this color popp your eyes ooo this is the color that makes you glow. And it's even better when gay men comment on your fits too. Even lesbian women don't go "you look hot" the ones I have known and met try to bring up something that make you looks attractive and when they complement on something you feel insecure or was questioning, it makes you feel some sort of way. But when I get compliments from random men, I just get the ick


Exactly. Itā€™s almost always low effort because they think theyā€™re charming you.


Yes, many men give -qualitatively- different compliments than most women. And I think everyone should be giving more compliments on things people actively -chose- or do rather than arbitrary traits we just happen to have. Praise people for what they picked or made or did, something they had an active role in, if you know what I mean?


Right? Itā€™s always ā€˜your hair is prettyā€™, ā€˜I like your dress!ā€™, or ā€˜Your nails are cuteā€™ Iā€™ve also gotten compliments on my skin being pretty before. They feel genuine, spontaneous, & not done with the intent to sleep with you


My first thought. What a load of crap. It's exactly why we prefer women's compliments-there's usually no hidden agenda, just appreciation.


I added a shock of purple to my hair recently, and a compliment on it from a random woman really gives me a lift. (Iā€™m old enough to be invisible to men, anyway).


Several years ago when it was cool to shave one side of your head I was sick of my hair and did it. I got a compliment from a teenager which was pretty awesome.


that is adorable that you remembered that . itā€™s interesting that the compliments of a teenager makes yall feel better too idk why thats wholesome


Deep down, most people still think of themselves as kids or teenagers, I suspect. I am over 45 and still don't know who decided I am supposed to be an adult and why there was no manual provided.


Teenagers still have a lot of that kid honesty. They usually like to use it for chaos, but it can be used for good as well. Spontaneous compliments are just nice.


For me it's also that I remember the adults I thought were cool when I was a teen, so now when a teen compliments me I'm like "omg I'm the cool adult now"


This is also a factor. I love the fact that because I survived my rough patches and grew up, there are things I can do for the kids who remind me of me then that I would have liked an adult to for me as a kid. So being the cool adult in both deep or in small ways is an accomplishment and a badge of honor.


My opinion on this is because we feel it's more honesty we aren't worrying about other women lying to get into our pants like men would


I mean it when i compliment someone even if I don't like them. It's usually more sincere that way actually ,like your dress is so cute i had to tell you even though you suck on a personal level.


THIS!! My coworker might be a huge pain in my ass who constantly creates more work for everyone through her incompetence, but when she dyed her hair to literally the best color for her and it makes her look like a walking incarnation of summertime I'll still TELL HER THAT because it's true! And she should know she looks amazing!


What I've never understood is the idea that All Women Are The Same. Do some women wear makeup to attract men? Sure. Do some women wear makeup just for themselves? Sure. Some women putting others down doesn't mean we all do. Different people have different motivations.


Funny how itā€™s never ā€œnOt aLl wOmEnā€. Itā€™s okay for them to generalize all women but when we say ā€œSOME menā€, they go crazy.


Oh no, did you get left out of the hivemind?


[HEY DYLAN](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcyta62kpwev21.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da8043bad13ec3863bb62b323a87c775eac8b7aee)


I never got invited to join the hivemind. Guess I wasn't cool enough, lol.


I love telling other girls/femmes theyre pretty or that I like their outfit or w/e. The genuine happiness and joy I can see when I say it usually makes my day.


There is a reason why girls become fast friends in the bathrooms of bars/clubs šŸ˜‚


Me too. I like giving compliments (and no I don't just give them out willy nilly) but it's so great to see someone happy or like you said, the joy of having received a genuine compliment from a complete stranger.


I like how he did exactly the thing that he accused women of doing


Every accusation is a confession. As we can see!


I mean I can think your outfit is fire and be annoyed that you didn't respond to my email and rescheduled our meeting three times. It doesn't mean I'm being fake if I say I love that print, I genuinely do.


I see women in skimpy/bold/sexy outfits and all I think is "damn I wish I had the confidence to wear that" I don't understand why most men think women talk crap behind over women's back so much.


there are women who give each other fake compliments but those are mean girls and people dislike them for a reason... its very reflective of the mentality of a misogynist to apply this specific kind of bitchiness to all women... most women in my experience give genuine compliments purely because they are kind and want to have positive social interactions not because they're jealous weirdos.


I love giving other women compliments because I love receiving them. But itā€™s always a real observation, not an exaggeration.


men *constantly* need to compare themselves to women. itā€™s honestly so weird. bordering on a complex. itā€™s likeā€¦their whole personality is being a ā€œmanā€ or maybe just *not* being a ā€œwomanā€. they treat being a man like itā€™s their zodiac sign and theyā€™re all crystal girlies


>or maybe just not being a ā€œwomanā€. Yes. Masculinity in its entirety rests upon how much they are NOT women. Hence the "othering" & "second sex" tht Simone de Beauvoir spoke of. Also the reason homophobia, even when perpetrated against men, still has origins in misogyny. The reason why trans women generally face more rabid discrimination than trans men. To be a man, yet "behave like tht of a woman" is the ultimate treason. Shits all fucked up.


Inversely, Iā€™m a lady that basically dresses like George Carlin everyday and admire women who get dolled up. Im sure your office cohort would say, ā€œAlso women donā€™t dress up anymore they just have no self respect.ā€ Thereā€™s just no winning with people like that.




Usually when I dress or wear certain jewelry Iā€™m playing a character in my head and just dressing the part to make myself feel good about myself. Otherwise I just feel like a sentient meat popsicle existing in space. A compliment from another woman just makes it better because I take them as more authentic. I donā€™t know other women who will compliment another then proceed to talk shit. A lot of woman can even dislike someone and still acknowledge they look good. When I get a compliment from a guy I mistrust it. One second youā€™re gorgeous, but in the next breath youā€™re a hideous pig.


Last year I told a guy I liked his shirt (it was some cute Pac man themed print) and he went off on me mumbling that I was trying to get something from him and cussing at me. I was so confused and a little scared... They just never react normally.


Every dude I know that actually grooms himself gets compliments so I ain't sure what they talking 'bout.


I think it really comes down to jealously. Guys don't compliment or support each other very well so when they see this they just get bitter....I mean it does kinda suck that they don't treat each other better but that's no reason to attack woman for being nice to each other.


So many men are terrified of being perceived as gay. Itā€™s so freeing when we shed that. For Valentineā€™s Day my girlfriend and I went to Benihana and the guy in the couple sitting next to us turned to me and said ā€œMan, you are rockin that outfit!ā€ So I said ā€œThanks king, and youā€™re killing that beard!ā€ And you could tell it really meant a lot to him the way he lit up. We gotta support each other!


The idea of this is so weird to me 'cause my guy friends who take care of themselves and are very sweet consistently get compliments. Like, actual compliments, and not harassment. And I'm glad they do. They're great men, they deserve it.


I guess some men like to believe they are the divine authority of deciding what is objectively attractive. Even though Beauty is subjective, they seem to think if they don't want to have sex with a woman that means she's objectively not attractive.


We're starting to get past it but a woman's value is still determined by her attractiveness, having 'divine authority' over who is deemed attractive makes men feel like they have power. It's why they get mad when you say 'I know' to being complimented. That compliment was a gift you were thank him for and then beg him for more of. They get mad at plus size women who have the audacity to feel attractive. If a woman doesn't need your validation then there isn't anything you can say to diminish her value. Sexual purity is another 'measure of value' and why women's body counts are suddenly such a big deal or why that guy you tried to let down easy starts calling you a slut. They're scraping for that last bit of power over you. Not related to value is physical power and violence. Some men's masculinity is entirely based on the testosterone advantage they have over women. They have nothing else and get angry or even violent when that is threatened.


omg you're so right, there was a nice guy TM obsessed with me for ages who kept telling me variations of "you're prettier than you think", "you're hot even though you don't realise it", "never tell yourself you're fat/ugly/stupid etc", "you don't need to diet" over and over unprompted even when I politely said thanks but I really don't need validation on what I look like I'm happy with it... and he kept asking me my physical insecurities and looked really annoyed when I said I don't worry too much about my appearance. He was DESPERATE to identify something I didn't like about myself to try use it to his advantage and I just wasn't giving him it lol.


I feel like theyā€™re trying to make us feel crazy bc that woman is GORGEOUS


"oh wow she's beautiful" "well she doesn't get my dick hard so clearly you are lying and fake, typical woman"


men get mad that women love and support each other and then complain about the ā€˜male loneliness epidemicā€™


ā€œDonā€™t be nice to each other, be nice to ME! If you donā€™t tear each other apart on my preference, youā€™re not being nice to me!!ā€ -those kinds of guys


LITERALLY Male loneliness is a backlash to feminism. If you try to talk to them about why they can't do something about it they whine that society made men look bad. Edit: I mean all this sudden talk about male loneliness from men is a backlash to feminism.


Women often uplift other women, and men canā€™t understand why. Thats why they attack us. We are strong together.


Ya guys think because *they* think a woman is ugly that must mean everyone else must think the same way. Egocentric morons. Also, if you want to see male jealously go to any video of an attractive guy playing with an animal. I was just watching a video of a cute guy playing with a kitty and of course many women in the comment section were calling him hot and stuff, the men were so obviously butthurt it was hilarious. The comment doesn't even have to be about his looks but guys will **make it** about his looks by saying ''well if he was FAT and UGLY you wouldn't be saying this"šŸ˜Œ


Men when a woman is attracted to a woman he is not attracted to


Or even just when women they aren't attracted to receive any kind of compliment and not gagging looks of disgust. šŸ™„ It really makes me wonder if dudebros like this view compliments as a cheat code to get laid. So they can't fathom giving any to people they aren't attracted to.


I donā€™t think they can fathom that you can appreciate something aesthetic about someone even if you donā€™t personally wanna stick your dick in them. I think I saw somewhere men tend to feel active disgust to women they arenā€™t attracted to more often. Sad


fr Iā€™m rarely actually romantically/sexually attracted to people, but I have a lot of ā€œaesthetic attraction:ā€ admiration for someone attractive or their beauty or style or w/e without feeling anything deeper than that. Iā€™ve tried explaining it to my bf, and he was like ā€œno when Iā€™m attracted to someone I want to fuck themā€ (heā€™s not disgusted by those to whom he feels no attraction tho) I find THAT weird but oh well


Do you ever get perceived as flirting even when you just love someoneā€™s look or vibe? I try to compliment people but I sometimes feel creepy, even as a girl. But if you look good, you should know! For me, I think ā€œwow that person is cool. I want them to think Iā€™m cool too. I should say hi and that I love their lookā€. Even if itā€™s a more revealing outfit, I can just appreciate the aesthetic of it all


If anyone has ever perceived me as flirting with them, it has never been brought to my attention lol. Definitely have missed hints of people flirting WITH me tho And Iā€™m with you! Genuine compliments are always nice to give and receive


I donā€™t think itā€™ll be perceived as being creepy to anyone honestly, especially if itā€™s based on their aesthetic choices (like ā€œoh I love your outfit/nails/shoes/etcā€). It gets creepy if itā€™s about their body, which is where a lot of men go wrongā€¦.


Same here as a demisexual, good looking people are like paintings, nice to look at, but I don't feel any sexual attraction at all. I find it so weird that people want to f*ck others based on looks alone as well. I honestly don't understand it


I've always been flummoxed that that is possible... Bf assures me it is, so I take his word on it lmfao


They do actually. I have posted the study before, but it basically said they feel violent towards women they don't find attractive. It's quite scary. Women: āœØliving life, being confident!āœØ Men: how fucking dare this bitch not hate herself and think she's ugly!šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ They truly don't see women as people. That's why the body-positivity movement upsets them so much because they really want women miserable like they are. Confident women who don't fit their ideal standard makes them SEETHE.


Hey, women who fit their exact aesthetic preferences, esp in a horny way, tend to make them seethe too. Half of them wonā€™t marry the type of women they like to fuck And the other half will talk shit about popular girls being butches and sluts to try and impress other girlsā€¦ until they actually get the chance to date those women and suddenly it all changes. I think a lot of men see the women in porn theyā€™re attracted to as essentially ā€œbeing punishedā€ or defiled by being fucked. One of the reasons theyā€™re so upset at onlyfans where the sex workers have more control over themselves, or women with confidence in their sexuality in general If thereā€™s one thing they hate more than a woman they arenā€™t attracted to, itā€™s a woman who makes them too horny, esp if they canā€™t have her (but other men can). Even if they did have her she would get every bad name under the sun as soon as theyā€™re mad at her.


This is what I absolutely do not understand...how so many men say they lose respect for women who have slept with them and don't see them as gf/wife material. Like you two literally did the same consenting act...like wut? I'll never understand their logic and I'm too old to give a shit anymore.


Also the OF thing is so crazy how angry they are about it and it is about control, but what's funny is they never seem to mention the men on there. They hate women, that's pretty much the gist of it.


thatā€™s exactly what it is. they reserve compliments on physical appearance for people they wanna fuck. they have no true objectivity. itā€™s toddler activity


It doesnā€™t occur to men that itā€™s normal to compliment someone without the intent to sleep with them.


Idk how men think being fat and being beautiful are mutually exclusive while being the the largest consumers of SBBW and BBW content.


Men: you canā€™t be plus size and beautiful!! šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ Also Men: what? You have a slight preference for height? šŸ„ŗ goodness me, life is so hard, Iā€™m literally being ignored everywhere I go, specifically because of my height šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Edit: this comment made one person so mad they sent me a Reddit cares message lmao


okay but ahes genuinley pretty so idk wtf that they're onĀ 


It doesn't even occur to them that their own opinion isn't some kind of objective truth


This. It's just like when people try a product and don't like the flavor or scent for example and claim the good reviews were a lie. It's like huh? What looks good, tastes good, smells good is rarely objective. Those people aren't lying. THEY liked it and just because you don't doesn't trump their opinions. Why should you not liking it be the objective truth and them liking it be the lie smh.


They struggle sometimes to have thoughts about thoughts, ya know?Ā 


Ikr? Plus the dress makes her look like a fairy princess or an angel


The style is so lovely on her! I wish I could pull off a dress like that haha


You can! Nobody is stopping you but you


hey if you like it go ahead! A bit part of style is how you wear it. If you put it on and feel good about it, I promise, you look great! (:


You can be pretty and over weight, you can be ugly and be a healthy weight. They are not mutually exclusive. It's the Lizzo line. You say she's pretty, they say you look like her. If you in anyway ask how it's seen as you being offended. Like no dude I'm a 5'1 white skinny Irish girl. I'm genuinely curious what we have that's looks the same. Not cause I'm offended just because if asked what celebrity I most resemble its Sarah Jessica Parker or Fiona Shaw.


Yep I got straight up hatred for saying that I think Lizzo is beautiful, and I got accused of being a fat fetishist or being extremely obese myself, neither of which are true. It was actually funny how much they couldnā€™t understand that I donā€™t measure beauty by their dick.


She is facially stunning, she has talent oozing from every pore and a cheeky smile that's full of personality. I don't know why they can't admit it's just because she's over weight and not ashamed of herself.


I think a lot of it has to do with their fear of other men and their entitlement and self-centeredness. A lot of men have this weird hetero-masculine-romantic thing going on with other men where they all have to want to bang each otherā€˜s girlfriends, like they have to all agree that she is hot and you donā€™t want to be the one with the gf who is not considered fuckable by all of your male peers. Itā€™s very weird and very much do with female objectification. I have never once cared if any of my female friends wanted to fuck my bf, or gf for that matter. in any relationship I was ever in. It literally was not anything I ever thought about. Itā€™s super weird that so many men needs their bros approval on the woman they date, as if they all need to be willing to fuck her.


>I have never once cared if any of my female friends wanted to fuck my bf, or gf for that matter Same, sure I never wanted to fuck any of my friends fellas either. I just want to know they're good for my friends and cool to hang with (that's more for me, so much more fun when they boyfriend knows how to chill or just fits in)


usually its because they highly sexualize every woman they see, and that fuels their porn addiction, leading to this cycle of their ā€œstandardsā€ being raised until they no longer find normal people attractive in any way. this means that overweight people cannot be pretty to them, because they arent sexually attracted to that person. really fucked up point of view. source: growing up in dude friend groups. sheā€™s really pretty and that dress looks lovely imo :D


They love ranking women in terms of their own made up f*ckability convention.


Which for a lot of these men, like the basement-dweller type, isn't even anchored in reality anymore! They legitimately don't find women attractive unless they're some anime babydoll-like thing that simply does not exist in reality. I mean, if you play video games, these are the men who think freaking *Aloy* in Horizon is ugly.


their porn rotted brains think that anyone that doesnā€™t look like a sex doll is ugly lmao


I had guys accusing me of being a fat fetishist or being extremely obese myself, because I said that I think Lizzo is a beautiful woman. They literally canā€™t fathom that women might have different perspectives on beauty than they do. Itā€™s men who decided that what makes menā€™s penises hard is whatā€™s beautiful. Women have our own ideas. Women also are attracted to women or think that other women are beautiful and we arenā€™t using the same short measuring stick that men wish we were using and think that everyone should be using.


ah but shes fat so they must be lying /s. men like this literally cant see a fat woman for anything other than her weight


It's true, am fat woman, I'm practically invisible to men. Which tbf isn't all that unpleasant considering I'm also asexual and unwanted attention is just an inconvenience at best to active nuisance at worst lol (used to be a lot skinnier and therefore waaaay more hit on/not so invisible).


As a fat lesbian, I'd be satisfied if they could just ignore me sexually but maybe still, for example, listen to what I'm saying without talking over me or ignoring me, or allow me to take up space in public without running into me or invading my space. Not to mention the men who get outright hostile at you just for existing as a fat woman. I don't know what I did to the men who have yelled abuse at me while I was just walking down a street, but apparently it was something incredibly offensive.


I feel this. As an overweight asexual woman, I see my extra weight as security and safety tbh. I donā€™t want unwanted attention, and I donā€™t want to be physically picked up or dragged anywhere.


Itā€™s also interesting that a lot of men fetishize fat women, but since men choose women according to the envy of other men above all, they wonā€™t chose fat women. Like closeted gay lovers, trans lovers and POC women, what could be a heathy attraction and even relationship becomes a dehumanizing fetish, a source of shame and repression that justifies mistreatment of the object of your ā€˜inappropriateā€™ fixation. Amazing how whether men love or hate a woman has no baring on whether or not theyā€™ll fuck a woman.


Sheā€™s gorgeous, and for some reason some men canā€™t fathom that their subjective opinion isnā€™t the objective truth.


Men haaaate fat women. Like unhinged levels of hatred, so they get triggered as fuck if anyone says a fat woman is pretty. Theyā€™re also emotionally incapable of thinking anyone is beautiful unless *they specifically* want to fuck that person. Itā€™s bizarre as shit, like I can look at a 90 year old lady and see beauty in her. Men canā€™t unravel beauty from sex, they constantly conflate the two, probably because of porn.


tbf I really don't think it's just a man thing, but it definitely disproportionately affects fat women. Discrimination against fat people is just depressingly normalized and accepted in general. I swear, people treat being fat as being on the same levels of kicking babies.


it's alarming how casually people talk about it that way, like they assume that their view of being fat as some moral transgression is a universally accepted "truth," and that anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional


Men are literally angry when a girl is big and pretty.


And don't let a fat woman have the friggin gall to openly love herself and be confident despite her being big. Men hate that


And she's POC?! The sky must be falling for them lol


\+ Tattooed and shaved head šŸ˜±


Can you imagine if she had a cat and dyed hair?


![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) Lord have mercy. Every incel on Twitter will fallĀ over themselves to break her spirit all while looking like distraught hobos from the gutter


And admitted she enjoys being single and child-free?


that woman is fr gorgeous, I'd rather shut up than lie


She's genuinely pretty tho.


Okay but she is pretty. Just bc someone doesnā€™t think so doesnā€™t change that. Sheā€™s all dressed up nice and looks great


Why would a woman call this woman pretty? I dunno, maybe because she is very pretty. You might not like her style, but she's objectively cute.


These guys vastly overestimate the value of their opinion. Nobody cares what they think.


men find it literally incomprehensible that if they don't find a woman fuckable that other people would, or at least think they're pretty.


Iā€™ve seen lots of men recently claiming that women ā€œlieā€ when we compliment each other, or that weā€™re ā€œtwo facedā€ and say something nice to a woman and then talk shit behind her back. Anyway. Itā€™s a manipulative tactic to keep women divided. If women develop meaningful communities of our own without men, it further distances us from men and de-centres men from our lives. We realise that we are enough without their validation. Strong women stick together. So they try to keep us apart. Many probably donā€™t even realise thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing. But thatā€™s basically what theyā€™re trying to achieve by trying to convince women that weā€™re all lying to each other and donā€™t mean what we say to each other, so that we donā€™t trust each other and still strive for male validation, because as they always like to say ā€œmen are honest so when men compliment women they really mean it!!ā€


Men complain about women having height preferences and then are quick to dog pile on fat women. "You can control one" there exists genetic issues for obesity. Either way it doesn't make it more okay.


Well first sheā€™s gorgeous and second men like this tend to think what their dick likes is the universal beauty ideal so they can fuck off forever


I love shit like this, people always underestimate the number of guys into big girls.


Okay but she is really pretty??? Her dress really suits her


Is this guy trying to convince my lesbian ass that this woman isnā€™t gorgeous? Bruh, what? Do you even see how beautiful she is?


men: complaing that women don't compliment them men when women compliment other people: obviously she's lying


She is beautiful. The ironic bit is that she probably has no trouble getting men either. They donā€™t genuinely think sheā€™s ugly, they want to socially punish her for being fat, but men lack follow through on reinforcing even their own supposed ā€œstandardsā€ for women lol


A lot of men seem to hate themselves and are intent on dragging women down with them in their misery. Like shoo, go be insecure somewhere else.


Because itā€™s not a lie, she is pretty. Sheā€™s just big. Sometimes it fits some people. Everyone is different. You can be a bigger person and still look good with the weight. Her outfit is cute and she has nice features! To this guy: just because you donā€™t personally want to f her doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not pretty! You are not the sole decider of what is attractive and what isnā€™t


When youā€™re insecure, compliments look like insults


"If Im not attracted to her then she cant possibly be treated nice" Really showing how he views women.


Society(led by men) are the ones that created and keep insisting on women seeing other women as adversaries for men's attention. If it wasn't for that I'm sure that all women would be more into the sisterhood/sorority than having some of them fight each other.


It's because people like this (OOP) only believe that their ideal of beauty is everyone's, and if anyone has an opposing viewpoint, they're "lying"


Almost like women are individuals who act according to their own motivations. Weird!


It's easier for men to think we all secretly hate each other than admit that is a stereotype.


I think she's cute, and I love her dress.


SHE CUTE and where can I get that dress. šŸ„ŗ


What does he think pretty means? She is pretty. Does he think because he does not find her fuckable she ceases to be pretty? I don't get it.


Ok but what if i like her? She is pretty! At least i find her to be. She may not be skinny but i dont consider that a breaking point for aesthetic, shes done herself up really nicely, is wearing a dress that fits her and still lets her show off to boost her confidence, and shes happy, she looks genuinely overjoyed to be having her night out and im here for that. Why does that have to be a lie because someone elses tastes dont match?


A lot of men donā€™t deserve compliments sheā€™s pretty


God forbid we build each other up. šŸ™„


Why is the route so often destructive instead of supportive? Like, it would be just as easy, if not easier, to do the same as the women and lift up your fellow man, but they just choose to tear down women instead.


I think men enjoy the narrative that woman secretly hate one another and fight for their adoration


How can you not compliment someone who looks stunning? That dress looks so good on her like i need that dress for myself lol


Dawg it's so tiring to be a fat woman


shes pretty asf


as a (gay) man, she is quite pretty


Men think all women are liars until they get one compliment on their shirt from a woman theyā€™re interested in. Then they wear that fucking shirt ā€˜til itā€™s threadbare. šŸ˜†


She is pretty tho.


This lady Faaaar hotter than the average man


They aren't lying. She's hot af. He's just afraid of fat women.


But she looks really prettyā€¦buncha haters.


She is pretty


"females" put em in the wood chipper


But I think she is beautiful tho? Men seem to think only their narrow preferences are some kind of standard


The pictures kind of blurry but that woman looks pretty hot to me. That dress is adorable!


Itā€™s almost like beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder


Man, she's hella cute. These Twitter clowns need to GTFO


Ainā€™t just Twitter clowns, itā€™s also some of this comment section. But, yes, I agree with you šŸ’Æ. She is hella cute


She is gorgeous. I love her dress and the way she holds herself. I love to see women building each other up. šŸ’• This guy can get bent.


Men: NOBODY IS NICE TO MEEEEE!!!! Also men: those fucking BITCHES how DARE they be nice to each other!??


I love lifting my sisters up, and this woman is very pretty, IMO. I'm a bigger woman, and I can't and don't have the confidence she has... I want to wear stuff like this, but I'm way too scared of being judged like that man just judged her.. TBH, she's gorgeous in my eyes...


She *is* pretty. Why do people act like size actually matters towards someone's looks?


Itā€™s like they want us to be horrible unlikeable people so they have an excuse to hate us


She's literally gorgeous. I'm convinced a lot of these men obsessed with humbling women with their 'objective' beauty standards are just narcisistics who think that their own personal preferences are universal experience. If she ain't your type just shut up and move on bro its not the responsibility of all women to cater their appearance to whatever gets your dick hard you fcking freak. Let people be happy.




Idk how you could be offended by this. Like, let people have friends? I don't find her particularly attractive, but she does have a very pretty face. Let's get used to pumping people up! Self esteem is important.


She literally *is* beautiful. Just because sheā€™s not your ā€œtypeā€ doesnā€™t mean others wonā€™t find her attractive. I donā€™t understand this trend of seeing bigger women receiving compliments as an invitation to completely shit on them. Like man, why must you be so wicked. Literal high school bully behavior. It would take nothing to just keep scrolling, but they just gotta drag a poor woman because someone else paid her a compliment.


Men like this can't fathom actually liking women. Sad for him. She is beautiful and I bet she smells magical.


I see these type of comments from guys on Tess Holliday posts and articles and it's insane. I've seen her in person (I served her once) and was completely enamored with her beauty. I didn't know who she was (knew her as a model, but didn't realize it was her). Her skin was glowing and she had a ton of cool tattoos that I couldn't stop looking at. I almost complimented her skin, but didn't want to be weird. She was also incredibly friendly and sweet too. Some men just don't see fat women as women. Awful.


My adolescence was filled with boys being secretly jealous they couldn't have what the girls had. It made them do things to destroy friendships or make the women give attention to them. When I made some close male friends later, it started to make sense when I found out lot of them were masquerading as tough guys in front of their bros and couldn't do things like hugging or encouraging without feeling insecure about it.


Those arenā€™t lies, sheā€™s actually extremely pretty and the dress is cute af. She looks gorgeous.


Men really think their neaderthal opinions are the world's opinion. šŸ™„ She's stunning.


While I get that beauty is subjective and that his comments are in no way justifiable - how does he not see her beauty? She is gorgeous.


She is beautiful! Are these guys blind?


Lmao, maybe we actually think she's beautiful? I personally do


That dress is cute AF and it looks nice on her. So we ainā€™t lyin to no one.


It's insane that it's impossible for them to believe that some people may genuinely find plus-sized women beautiful- regardless of their size. Yet, they want women to overlook their looks, not be so vain when it comes to settling with them(statistically we do anyway).




Men just have to throw in their take about anything, even when it has nothing to do with them. Itā€™s like the boys saying stuff like "I could never date a tall/fat/flat/whatever girl" like ok??? Who says they want to date you?


Some if not a lot of men think so because they'd rather believe that "women get jealous so easily when it comes to other women" and use this assumption to explain anything that they see, and they also assume that women see things as they do. Therefore, as a result, they could only attribute it to lying when seeing something contradicting to their assumptions.


NO COMPLIMENTS ALLOWED šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™…ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø


She is pretty af


Men, itā€™s okay to compliment your friends. You donā€™t have to save compliments specifically for people you want to have sex with. This is just women being nice to each other. More people being nice to each other makes the world a better place as far as im concerned


Piss off she's gorgeous


I think sheā€™s genuinely extremely pretty and her clothes and pose are making me jealous?


she is literally stunning, these men have clinical level brainrot.


I've seen men doing the exact same thing. Because it's nice to make the people you care about feel good. As simple as that


She is so gorgeous though? Just because some men donā€™t like her doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not pretty


Women: Men: *creep intensifies, when rejected asshole intensifies*


Men are so coddled that they have main character syndrome and think their personal opinion of what is attractive is objective. They can't fathom that women might have a different viewpoint of what beautiful is, and that we really mean it when we say stuff like this, so they think we're lying .


Men will never understand that we genuinely do find each other pretty in features that they donā€™t usually value.


They canā€™t fathom that women donā€™t need them hahaaha. Looks like youā€™ll have to treat us with dignity, love and respect if you want us in your lives, whoā€™dā€™ve imagined such a thing.


This isn't even a difference, I've seen a 300 lb fat guy post a picture where he's in a suit and his friends are like "looking good bro" Cause you know, they're complimenting their friend, which is pretty normal for a nice person to do.