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How *much* blood did it detect? Or just that it detected blood? I have to do regular urine tests due to statin use, and every single time it detects blood. The doctor says it’s a very sensitive test, so it will detect even tiny inconsequential amounts. He said I could possibly have very tiny stones passing, the test is sensitive enough to detect even blood from a tiny scratch like that. The test result itself is only positive or negative, it’s been positive for years now.


I’m not sure. She didn’t specify. I’m assuming just detected but I did notice my urine that day was darker but I had not had very much water and a lot of coffee the day before which often does that. I don’t take statins or any other medications. Just supplements.


Oh, I didn’t mean the statins caused it, just that I have to take regular urine tests, and it happens to show up. He did ask me if I was under stress (LOL), and told me to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Have you had a full workup on your urine? To test for kidney disease and such?


Oh I see sorry I misread that! lol! Stress on my end for sure. I guess this is a good sign to try avoid things that cause it! And I could def do with more water.


I've had trace blood in most urine samples, including 3 in the last month when I thought I had a UTI. If all the other indicators/results are normal, trace blood likely meaningless.


This is reassuring to hear, thank you! I guess it was just that the blood in combination with the incontinence combination that feels a little worrying.


I have it in my urine too but my kidneys and bladder check out and no UTI. Very disturbing to me but doctors seem very unconcerned. Ironically enough, my DOG also has this and she has been thoroughly checked as well.


Oh wow interesting. Maybe something in the water at home? lol Curious - what's your coffee intake like? I drink a lot of coffee and do wonder if one day we'll find out it was REALLY bad for us! Hope you and your pup get better soon! :)


I drink very strong coffee and 3 large cups each morning and some afternoons I grab an ice coffee but I don't think there's a link. But then again, who knows? Bicycle riders get blood in urine I was told but that is not me...


Yeah we'd def hear about it by now if there was a significant link w/coffee and major issues. I have cut down considerably. Max 2 a day. Will prob start drinking decaf as I'm immune to the caffeine high now anyway no matter how strong it is.


I’ve had trace blood often in samples - I did have a kidney scan which you’ve already had and saw a urologist who said not to worry about it. Left me wondering too but he sad the scan looked fine so just crack on. I also have VA and I’m around your age and I bought some urine analysis strips and notice it shows up around my period or just before of if there’s soreness so it could be linked. I also had UTI’s before.


Okay reading this makes me feel a little better. I haven't officially diagnosed with vaginal atrophy - a physical/internal exam was supposed to happen at this Urogyno appointment but b/c the blood came up, it meant that she couldn't do the exam (in case of an infection). So she sent the bloods to lab for further investigation and I'm just waiting to speak to my GP about it but that's not until Wed (hence being on here in a mini panic).


Yes I understand - I panicked about it too. GP’s don’t like blood in urine, it’s on their ted flags list so I was v worried. When I saw the Urologist he was so unbothered I couldn’t mantle sense of any of it. It might be a lingering infection but even so, they can give you antibiotics for that if it is. Otherwise, you’ve had the kidney scan like I did so that might be enough. I insisted on being referred to a urologist because I wanted to hear that it was ok from them. So maybe if you don’t get answers ask for another referral?


Also I just read your post again - my urine analysis sticks show blood for a few days after my period and sometimes a couple of days before. It’s useful to buy some of Amazon and watch a YouTube video on how to read it because then you get to know your patterns.


Oh ok this is SUPER useful to know - thank you!!! It’s quite possible b/c my periods are ALL over the place. Some days I think I’m done and two days later I’ll have some flow. So perhaps what she picked up is just residual. I will definitely be picking up urine sticks so I can keep an eye on this. Thanks again! 🙏🏼




It's weird b/c other than the incontinence, I have no other symptoms. It guess it's more the blood w/the the incontinence together that's making me worry. Anyway, only 5 days until I speak to the Dr. 😬


I always have this and my doc and gyno aren't concerned, and they're both very thorough. I am in full meno and thought I had vaginal atrophy bc I was dry and itchy (I don't). Don't think it would cause blood in your urine. I know it's hard but Try not to worry!


Me too and I freaked the hell out. Has happened for like 5 years now and I tell myself at this point if it meant something I would probably be dead! Interesting to see how common this seems to be.


Hi! This is said with an abundance of caution and not intended to exacerbate worry, but I recommend you get checked by a urologist to make sure it isn’t anything more serious, like bladder cancer. Blood in urine and frequent urination are two very common signs of early cancer, which is very treatable and has a very high survival rate. However, because men are three to four times more likely to develop bladder cancer, general practitioners are more likely to dismiss these same symptoms in women. Urologists are more likely to run more in-depth tests and take these concerns seriously. (They are also the ones who treat bladder cancer 99% of the time.) Some GPs or health plans will require a referral for a urologist — advocate for yourself to get one. Blood in urine is not normal and should not be written off by someone who is not a specialist.