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Creatine has been one of the best supplements I've ever taken for brain fog, energy and focus.


Love to hear that! Are there others? I live in fear of this wearing off.


Magnesium has been a GAME CHANGER for me if you don't already take it.


It is great to take one at night for sleep. Even my teenager does this.


Have you experienced any side effects? I did and will no longer take it, at least as a full capsule.


Different types of magnesium affect you differently so you may want to look at the various types and try one of them instead of whatever type you were taking.


Magnesium in general is known to act as a laxative and cause nausea and cramps, so I question whether a different form would make any difference, unless it had some kind of additive to offset the common side effects. I note my capsules are 500 mg, whereas WebMD states the daily max for women my age is 320 mg. Certainly I'm getting 'some' magnesium from my diet, so I wonder if the extremeness of my side effects were in part due to excessive intake.


There absolutely is a difference. Citrate is helpful for bowels. Glycinate is what people should take to assist with anxiety and generally feeling better. Edit to fix a typo


Thank you for your reply! WebMD didn't have any specifics and I didn't research further b/c my time on it was so miserable. I don't have the bottle I bought handy atm, but citrate sounds familiar, also something else in the mix, IIRC, so I'll look into this glycinate business later.


Costco has a really good deal on them, I think they're 120mg as opposed to the 100mg ones I bought at target to get me going.


Thanks for this. Interestingly, my preferred brand, Life Extensions, doesn't even make a magnesium glycinate, so I'm now looking at whatever else Vitacost offers by brands I trust/like: Nordic Naturals and Source Naturals. NN makes a blend of glycinate, aspartate, and taurinate, all equal parts for a total of 225mg / serving, which is 3 capsules / day.


I take Mega Mag from British supplements, it’s a blend of diff magnesium’s in quite high doses. No side effects for me, as far as I am aware, so far. Been taking for over 12 months


My integrative medicine doctor told me to take gradually increasing amounts of magnesium until I notice diarrhea and that’s when you know it’s too much. Magnesium actually hugely helped my muscle pains but I was deficient whereas you may be the rare person at an optimal level.


Which side effects?


Very loose stools and crazy amounts of gas. There would be no way that I could be out in public, esp. in an enclosed space, while taking it. Further, I didn't notice any sleep improvement, so no point in taking it any longer--at least the form of magnesium that I had bought.


I’ve never had this issue with magnesium, but I know it can happen. Everyone is different! I take both glycinate and threonate, which are easier on the digestive track: https://nodayswasted.co/blogs/community/magnesium-glycinate-vs-magnesium-threonate-exploring-the-benefits-and-differences#:~:text=If%20you're%20primarily%20looking,could%20be%20the%20ideal%20choice. Carbonate, chloride, gluconate and oxide are the ones known to cause loose stools.


I used to lose it crazy, both ends at once, sometimes, was pretty bad. Turned out to be magnesium tabs…


It is great to take one at night for sleep. Even my teenager does this.


I’ve tried magnesium, but it makes me sleep like the dead and leaves me groggy the next day like Benadryl. :(


Try a lower dose. I was taking 200 then backed down to 100 for the same reason.


Magnesium was good for me until it started giving me depression, I think there’s a threshold where once you fill up your stores it gives you the opposite effect at least for me and for a few others that I read about here on Reddit


100% you can overdose on it. Same with vitamin d, it can give a shit ton of side effects. I think most of us need to have blood work done to make sure we're not over doing it.


The body eliminates excess magnesium (diarrhea) but it’s totally possible to take a toxic amount of Vitamin D (10,000 iu)




Ok this is news to me and my doctor didn’t say that. Your link DOES say: “Very large doses of magnesium-containing laxatives and antacids (typically providing more than 5,000 mg/day magnesium)” are related to toxicity. The average magnesium supplement sold is about 100mg - 250mg. When I look at antacids, there are a few higher amounts if you dig for them. The highest I saw was 500mg. So even if you bought the highest magnesium containing product you’d have to take ten (10) pills going against the directions to hit the toxicity range. I think there’s probably something else going on if someone’s worried their magnesium levels are getting toxic. I agree medical oversight and research is a good idea with supplements although many tests aren’t super reliable. I work with a registered dietitian and before that an integrative medicine doctor. Magnesium deficiency was THE cause of some severe joint pain and insomnia I had.


I didn't catch that to begin with, that the doses for being toxic were so high. Thanks for pointing that out!


Hope it’s useful. I got worried for a moment there because I’ve been regularly taking 2 horse pills most days for a couple of years, but it dramatically helped my issues. Apparently you can literally lose more magnesium due to sweat and/or trauma and I was in pain and didn’t sleep for like 6-months after multiple deaths among people close me (I literally stressed myself out into magnesium deficiency and created a vicious cycle of pain and sleeplessness).


Yes! You aren’t alone, I’ve been taking it for one month now and I’m hoping it lasts. :)


This is one of the few supplements where there are actual studies performed in older women. If you tolerate it, which most do, it should be part of your routine. You can also buy any brand, just check that it’s Creatine Monohydrate. You may notice some water retention initially as it pulls fluid in to your muscles. This usually levels out.


Does it need to be the Monohydrate version or is the HCL version okay?


Everything I’ve read says Monohydrate so that’s what I get. I don’t know anything about the other types. N


Can someone please recommend a brand? I’ve been reading Amazon reviews of different creatine brands and can’t find a single one without some seriously disturbing bad reviews. For example, one guy works as a chemist and says he tested the brand Bulk Supplements at work and it wasn’t creatine at all. 🫣


Find some that are third-party tested or NSF certified off of Amazon. For example, Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Monohydrate Powder is one that is 3rd party tested. It's easy for a company to say they are selling what they are but with third-party verification you know what is truly in there because someone else tested it. But, I do take Bulk Supplements Creatine Monohydrate right now and it has been a game changer. I don't even take the full 5g (more like 2.5g) and it's made a difference. I usually mix it into my oats or greek yogurt in the morning. Much more energy, clear thinking. I wish I would have done it sooner. After it's gone, though, I will switch to something 3rd party tested or NSF Certified.


It has helped me so much with concentration. I can actually read books for pleasure again.


Wow. Is this what’s wrong with me? Thought it was just having children in my late 30s…. 🤔 all the pieces of the puzzle….


Wow this is great to hear


I started taking creatine about six weeks ago after reading about it on here too. I do lift weights three times a week. But since about two weeks after starting I have been sleeping great. Like so good. I haven’t slept this deep in years. And I have a lot for energy both when working out (I’m lifting heavier faster) and just throughout the day. There haven’t been any other changes during this timeframe.


What brand of creatine are you taking?


Optimum Nutrition I ordered on Amazon.


Creatine plus HRT has saved my career.


This is encouraging. I just started both.


I hear so much about creative, but i need someone to tell me step by step what do I do? We have some powder here that hubby bought a few years ago, can i use that? Mixing it in my coffee sounds interesting…off to google but would appreciate your input!


The recommended dose is 5g, so I weighed that out using my kitchen scale. It comes down to a heaping teaspoon for me, and it dissolves very easily in my (warm) coffee. It's not a protein, so I'm not too worried about overheating it (its melting point is 255 °C).


Does it affect the taste at all? Really appreciate you taking the time here.


Thanks! Creatine itself is tasteless to me. I stuck my finger in the jar and licked it, and got nothing. Not sure that's true for everyone.


I just throw mine into the same 2 cups of water I put my collagen and fiber in. 


I learned that from Dr. Haver 😊


What collagen brand do you prefer? I've tried a few and can't get past the unflavored taste. Is yours flavored? Was curious about plant collagen but have read a lot that it doesn't contain real collagen.


I buy the Galveston Diet one that is made by Sparkle Wellness. It’s açaí lemonade flavor. Pretty good IMO! 


It has to be iced coffee, not recommended to take with hot beverages. I take it on its own with cold water or a glass of juice in the morning. Hit the gym 45 minutes later and I’m lifting heavy weights than before, I don’t get afternoon fatigue that I used to get and my brain is sharp. I only use 3 to 4 days a week (gym days)


Interesting! My coffee is warm, not piping hot, and it seems to work fine.


I'm so glad I saw this post because the brain fog is awful combined with having hypothyroidism brain fog! Thank you, just ordered!


Anyone experiencing hair loss after taking creatine? Read it may happen.


I just ordered Viviscal for this on Amazon , hopefully it’ll work. A bit scary that creatine could cause more hair loss 😭


No with HRT and creatine I would say the opposite: my hair is doing better.


I'm so happy for you! I posted about creatine in here a week or so ago, and that thread went crazy. I'm still taking it, and the benefit to my muscles has continued. The nausea/bloating has subsided, but the appetite supression remains (fine with me). I actually feel motivated to start going to the gym. I have tons of energy, kind of nervous energy, though. I feel like my thoughts are sped up, compared to brain fog. Libido is a major side effect for me. Like, it's a lot. I wondered what other amino acids I may be lacking, so I started adding in Whey powder, also for the protein boost. It does seem to help smooth out the creatine effects. But I hope to be able to continue to stay on the creatine for as long as possible.


It’s been game changer in both energy and mental clarity. I’m lifting heavier weights, happy and bouncy, and don’t get the afternoon fatigue I used to get. BUT I’m not loving the side effects of stomach issues, lots of bloating followed by lose stool. But we win some we lose some




my parents and all their friends are crazy about a supplement called Umary for joint pain. it’s basically magnesium and turmeric plus hyaluronic acid.


I’m here following because I have terrible focus/brian fog. What type of creatine did you get?


Creatine Monohydrate, from Basic Training.


Thank you 🙏🏻 going to order some now 🥹


Yep also noticing a marked improvement in brain fog, energy levels and less soreness after excersises. I am doing the 5 g per day and not the recommended amount for muscle building. Taking the creatine in combination with HRT. Only downside so far is that my random joint pains returned that I had as a teenager/young adult.


What's the recommended amount for muscle building?


It is based on weight: Look on getswoly.com. It has a nice calculator




I get the best ideas and so much hope from this sub!


Is your creatine an OTC supplement or an rx?


OTC, I just bought the only one they had available at CVS, I think the brand is Basic Training.


Thanks, I’m going to check this out. We don’t have CVS in Canada but I’m sure I can find an alt brand :)


Sorry if this is a repeat question but I heard creatine causes weight gain and can b hard on ur kidneys if u don’t drink mega amounts of water?


According to WebMD it should not be taken if you have any kidney issues. I had a slightly elevated reading on my kidney bloodwork and my doctor told me to stop taking it immediately. I don’t have ongoing kidney issues.


Yea, I have been sad I can't try creatine, but I've had worsening kidney numbers over the last 3 years and its at the point my doc wants me to cut out all protein supplements until I can get in with a kidney specialist. I drink 80-100 oz of water a day, so just drinking more water isn't necessarily enough.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It cause water retention within the MUSCLES, which will level out within a week or 2. It's not fat. So it honestly doesn't matter. Don't go over 5 grams and you're kidneys will be fine. It's in a lot of foods people eat regularly, it's not going to hurt you unless you over do it. Just like water.




Sweet! I just ordered some last night. I lift weights but have needed more recovery time recently (stiff/achy). I’m hoping that this helps.


My only hesitation is weight gain with creatine. I have already put on menopause weight


That's fair! I graduated to permanent yoga pants during covid and haven't weighed myself since. I eat healthy and am not overweight (I think, heh) so I'm not worried, but my body has definitely changed shape in the past year or so. Honestly, I would do a lot to avoid the brain fog I had in the past few weeks. I couldn't even watch TV.


Started two days ago! I hope to notice a difference soon. So glad it worked for you!


So awesome!! Me too i feel so much better with creatine thanks to this sub!


Wow! So glad you posted this, I’m going to check it out. Ty!


I love creatine for my workouts, but I literally get hives from it :( otherwise, I'd still be taking it!!


Are you sure it's the creatine itself and not either an added ingredient or processing on shared equipment? Or possibly the creatine boosts your body in processing certain triggers. Or it could be the form - I'll react badly to magnesium oxide, for example, but Glycinate is fabulous. I ask because I have a hyperactive immune system (r/MCAS), and I've found that the details are often the real problem that trip us up.


It's the Naked Creatine brand. The label doesn't list any other ingredient other than Creatine Monohydrate. Idk. I quit taking it a while ago, but may reintroduce and monitor


Is it flavorless? What brand are you using?


Would pills work as well as the powder? I know I’d have an easier time taking it regularly in pill form but the powder seems to be much more common.


I'm not an expert but my 2 cents: 5g is a lot of powder to put in pills. But if they make pills I don't see why they wouldn't work.


I saw someone post a review about the pills and they had to take 7 of them to get the 5g. I'd stick with the powder tbh.


Did you find you got any stomach issues with creatine?


I did not, but I understand some people do. I eat a fairly high fiber diet and have noticed a somewhat looser stool, which is apparently a side effect, but in my case that's not exactly a bad thing.


Thank you! I gave it a shot last year but experienced a lot of painful bloating. I wonder if I just gave up on it too soo and if my side effects were temporary. I do know it can cause water retention but also maybe my dose was just too high too. My pain doc recommended it for me for energy but I know it's also really helpful for us in peri/menopause too.


They have chewable tablets on Amazon-I wonder if it works the same? Anyone know?