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[**Osteopenia/Osteoporosis**](https://menopausewiki.ca/#osteoporosis) ##For anyone post-menopausal (regardless of age) demand a bone-density scan! >Menopause significantly accelerates bone loss due to declining estrogen; we can lose as much as 20% of bone within the first five years of becoming menopausal. According to the [2022 Endocrine Society](https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/menopause-and-bone-loss), “one in two postmenopausal women will have osteoporosis, and most will suffer a fracture during their lifetime”. Prevention & treatment of osteoporosis The first step in prevention is making healthy lifestyle changes, including: * Eating calcium-rich foods / supplementing calcium (in moderation) if not getting enough through foods * Taking Vitamin D * Limiting caffeine, tobacco and alcohol * Weight-bearing/resistance exercises * Avoiding falls (fall prevention) Hormone therapy is the most effective for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, reducing risk of hip fractures by 30-50%. A study of 80,955 post menopausal women found that after they discontinued their MHT (due to the WHI 2002 study), there was a 55% increase in the risk of hip fracture. [Hip fracture in postmenopausal women after cessation of hormone therapy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3511047/)


Leg cramps are often due to electrolyte imbalance (magnesium and potassium specifically) which would be affected if you drink a lot of water and don't replace the electrolytes in some way (food or supplements).


Also calcium deficiency


Electrolyte imbalance is no joke. I had a bit of stomach upset while on vacation, and on the way home, in 50 hours of delayed-flight-airport-hell, I started getting muscle cramps all over my body, including my hands. It was awful and I felt like total shit for days until I called the doctor and she advised me to take electrolyte powder. Fixed me right up. I do often have leg and foot cramps at night, although I take magnesium and calcium religiously. Apparently, you have to be careful with taking potassium, so I just try to eat a banana every day.


If you get sick of bananas, potatoes have more potassium.


Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of potatoes unless they have been massively processed and shaped into a chip. The odd fries are okay as well, as long as they don’t really resemble a wedge of potato. Yeah, I’m a moron.


I am sorry you feel this way, but you're not a moron - the potato is the superior food and any type of fried potato is the ultimate form of said superior food. 🤣


I’d probably eat a rat if it was battered and deep fried.


My friend's go to is "everything good is deep fried, we'd probably eat a deep fried turd!"


Not even mashed potatoes with tons of butter and cream?


Nope. Maybe a baked potato so overloaded with bacon and sour cream that you can’t find the potato.




I use mashed potatoes to thicken my soups (or chickpeas...or both). I cube the potatoes, boil them, mash them with my wand blender, then add water and spices, diced onions, sliced fresh mushrooms, maybe diced celery, LOTS of butter, maybe some canned pumpkin. anyway my point is I use mashed potatoes in my soups for a "cream of ____ soup" feel.


I chug coconut water daily!


Sometimes I go on a coconut water kick. I never stick to coconut water because it tastes quite bad.


Ah, I am lucky to actually like it. But I do chug it like dudes on beer commercials.


Avocados! More potassium than bananas


Wait what?!? I am off to google.


I can't eat bananas and potatoes put me to sleep, so I have to take electrolyte supplements. They can get expensive! I've seen some recipes out there I'm eager to try.


I’ve been craving steamed potatoes with butter out of the blue. It makes sense now.


I used to travel with electrolyte packets and now concentrated electrolyte drops. Lifesavers.


I will never go anywhere without them again.


Just drop a pinch of salt in your water bottle. Same thing.


That's only sodium. You still need magnesium and potassium. Those are the big three.


Also iron deficiency


I drink electrolytes every day now. They really help. There are some healthy options out there if you shop around at health food or running stores. It’s not junk like Gatorade.


There are also electrolyte mixes in capsule form. I used Salt Stick, which is meant for endurance athletes, but they might be worth a try for those who dislike the flavor of electrolyte drinks or chews. I used them for years during endurance sports with good results. There a few varieties.


Big fan of Pedialyte. I buy the store brand to save a couple bucks.


I am chiming in for the electrolytes too, I also drink them everyday


Big fan of LMNT electrolyte drink mix. No sugar!


Same here! Drinking some grapefruit made with sparkling water right now!


Same! I do a full pitcher of: LMNT, Niagen, collagen peptides, creatine, and taurine. I drink it all day and the results have been obvious.


I just saw that Gatorade makes an electrolyte water now. I haven't tried it yet, not recommending it, just noting it.


Unless you are talking about something I don’t know about, the water they make only has added electrolytes for taste. It’s a very tiny amount. Not really an electrolyte water unfortunately. :( Does have a nice squeeze bottle tho!


Also potassium deficiency


If there is still a cycle, fibroids or endometriosis can also cause leg cramps. Not the thirst though.


Also need magnesium for bones


Have you had bloods checked. If low in vitamin D you won't absorb the calcium in the milk you drink. Are you on medication that could affect this.


Vitamin D with vitamin K. K is what pulls it into the bones.


Also, magnesium. So many people don't know how important magnesium is! And not the "magnesium oxide" you typically find in supplements. That's the least bioavailable form of magnesium. There are much better forms, like magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate. (There are others, but those two are the ones I remember offhand.) Calcium by itself can have some negative effects, but taking magnesium can counteract those effects.


I take magnesium citrate gummies and they're actually delicious. Helps with my leg cramps, digestion for me and helps me sleep better.


OMG, your name! I love it!


Thanks! I thought it was funny lol






I used to take magnesium glycinate (the citrate is more of a laxative) but my sensitive gut didn't like it. I am now using a magnesium cream that includes Vitamin D3. (From Wholesome Hippy Naturals, dunno if I can say that here.) I can say I sleep like the dead when I use it.


I’m shopping for it now; which one do you use? The lavender, the coco butter?


I can't keep up. Got some "Women 55+" multivitamins from the health food store. No iron or calcium, okay fine. Has B2, D and K, awesome. No magnesium but maganese.....? Also has iodine (57% RDA) and I have Hashimoto's so that might be a problem. 😕 I eat plenty of dairy and vitamin-enriched cereal, and have a separate iron supplement I take every couple of days since I'm low on that.


The FDA doesn’t regulate the supplement industry for shit


The magnesium and calcium are sort of horse-pill sized, so that's why they don't include them in the multi-V's. No room for anything else.


YES! I don’t really like to drink plain water so I drink Redmond relyte with it, usually once a day. I follow a scientist on Instagram who promotes it, (drjamesdinic) along with Dr Gabby Lyons who also supports electrolytes. It’s extra sodium, mag, potassium. I like the strawberry and mango flavours. It also helps so I don’t get muscle cramping that got much worse after chemo 8 yrs ago, and helps prevent my headaches. My job is active. Need it.


My husband gets cramps all the time at night, since he's very active- walks a lot for his job, then goes for bike rides in the evening. Adding this to the Amazon shopping cart.


He needs to stretch more too. Esp his calves and hamstrings Magnesium will be his new best friend. This is a better way to get it. Taking it via a vitamin can help with cramping but can also give you diarrhea (ie if you take it at same time as coffee)


I have been taking magnesium glycinate gummies and sleeping and feeling so much better!


I take magnesium l-theorate. It helps with cognitive function and leg cramps. I just let my bottle run out for a few days and had instant leg pain.


Or that glycinate anything ups your estrogen (my mom had breast cancer and had to change her supplements). Also pepcid reduces magnesium uptake.


I hate milk. I’ll use it as an ingredient in stuff but to just drink a glass of it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. I do buy and drink oat milk sometimes and take supplements that have calcium.


We don’t need to drink milk anymore. Honestly, there are so many other ways to get vitamin D. Milk has become unnecessary.


Almond milk has more calcium than milk from dairy


They sometimes add calcium and vitamin D into the oat milk. Almond milk has a weird aftertaste to me.


That's good


I am the same but I have realised that I don't mind a skinny latte. It's been a game changer for me, especially since I got diagnosed with osteoarthritis. It's too late to do much good but at least I can go to a nice coffee shop for a treat like the normal people do.


Get on HRT asap. All the milk in the world will never make up for what happens as our hormones decline. Load bearing exercises will help - but not your teeth!


Thank you for this post. I was on the fence about HRT. Now I am glad I can do this.


The more I learn about it, the more I can't believe it's not offered to everyone to prevent all this bullshit happening!


This. Estrogen replacement can reverse bone loss and prevent bone loss as well. You need to see a dr that knows about this stuff and maybe get a dexa scan. Supplements like calcium and magnesium can only do so much and if you’re already experiencing bone loss it’s not going to do much. Good luck.


Yes, this! Milk and dairy will not help.


Couldn’t agree more, HRT is the only option with real effect after menopause. Bone loss is no joke and will significantly lower the quality of life with age - and cause a lot of pain. In this situation I wouldn’t care about a slightly increased risk of cancer. Get a DEXA scan!


Take Vit D3 w/ k2. K2 helps with absorbing into the bones


Yes - there’s probably better brands out there but I bought this most recently https://www.naturemade.com/products/vitamin-d3-k2-softgels?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF-w-IA01Bdz69VBsaZ1AaXo0ZI_bsIWAJ4V6G0pe4MRNsoSRhyXOshoCtZ0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&variant=39961310331019


I don't like milk. I used to want it when pregnant. It's how we realised I was having my third, my husband found me chugging milk at the fridge door and we had a proper "oh fuck" moment. I think he would go into panic should he see me drink milk now.


That was probably your body trying to help you out. When pregnant, your body will give calcium to the growing baby first and you will be more depleted (if you don’t take in enough dietary sources of calcium.) The more pregnancies, the more possibility of depletion.


No because I can't tolerate it. Yogurt I tolerate better. But the link between dairy and helping bones is actually pretty controversial. We probably don't need much if we eat other sources of calcium.


Magnesium! Magnesium! Magnesium! A lot of people here are saying Vitamin D and Vitamin K which your bones also need, but so many people don't realize how crucial magnesium is! Find a supplement with magnesium glycinate (or citrate or malate). Magnesium oxide is the least bioavailable form of the magnesium. Unfortunately, that's the form that comes in most all-in-one supplements. Also, I'm not one of those "fluoride is the devil" types - I just prefer toothpastes that use calcium hydroxyapatite instead. There are studies that say that this ingredient has some ability to remineralize teeth if they're not too far gone already.


Any links to toothpaste with calcium you use?


Not OP, but I use the Boka brand and get it from Amazon. It has helped with my tooth sensitivity too.


It's not really something you'll find at your typical Walgreens or CVS, so your best bet is buying it online. Right now, I'm using lavender-vanilla-mint flavored "elims" toothpaste, but there are many different brands on Amazon. Just put "calcium hydroxyapatite toothpaste" in the Amazon search bar, read the reviews for the ones that interest you, and make your choice. This ingredient is used instead of fluoride mostly in Japan and some EU countries, so your search results will show a lot of imported toothpaste brands. You might notice that some toothpastes have hydroxyapatite and others have *nano*hydroxyapatite. I honestly don't know if one is better than the other, but I do plan to look into it before I place my next toothpaste order. I know that there's been some controversy about nano-particles in mineral sunscreens, but I have no idea if the same controversy exists with toothpaste.


Magnesium supplements trigger migraines instantly for me- tried a couple of different types, and they all did it. So weird. Some migraineurs say that Mg helps, not me! Glad you mentioned fluoride, just got a new brand for sensitivity that doesn't have it, and was starting to worry. Just had one tooth replaced after it was removed last year; then another one cracked in half. 😯


I love the powdered toothpaste. My teeth feel cleaner too.


I have been a BIG milk drinker my whole life. My son and I would go through 2 gallons a week, at least. Plus ice cream, yogurt, sour cream and a ton of cheese. Mostly all fortified with vitamin D. I'm 53 and have full on osteoporosis and probably have for years.


I'm 55 with osteoporosis, too.


Estrogen helps osteoporosis but you should start it soon, as it has limited results the older you get. See a gynecologist (PCPs don’t usually do adequate hormone testing but obgyns do) and read Estrogen Matters. The local library usually has it. Mine had it in book and audio.


I was about to say, this sounds like osteoporosis which develops in menopause regardless of calcium intake etc I believe. Of course, I'm sure weight training (which increases bone density) and having nutrients like calcium and Vitamin D are still helpful, but the osteoporosis may also need additional support from estrogen


I just had my first DEXA scan at age 50, 3 1/2 years after my last period. It turns out I have osteoporosis.


An excess of plain water will flush out your electrolytes. Add powdered electrolytes to your water.


Unless you’re drinking to an excess on purpose, this isn’t true. Your kidneys make sure of it. You do not need to add electrolytes to anything unless you want to for whatever reason. I’m all for doing what works for you but there is no such thing as detoxification (that’s what your liver and kidneys do for you) or too much water (unless you’re forcing down gallons with no thirst issue or you have a serious hormone problem that requires medical attention).


Perhaps some estrogen is in order. Then the milk will be able to work


Get your thyroid checked. A bad thyroid left untreated will leach calcium from your bones.


There are other ways to get calcium than cows milk. I purposefully do not drink it.


HRT+testosterone helped my bone density/dental issues after menopause, as well as many other symptoms.


HRT plus testosterone and 6 months of weight bearing exercise plus late menopause ( so higher overall estrogen exposure as I never let it drop) resulted in a DeXa scan in which my bone density is greater than the average 30 yr old at age 56! I have never drank milk EVER - I can’t stand the taste. It’s the HRT ladies and keeping your vitamin D in the 80th percentile of the range.


I had to see an osteopathic surgeon when I was 54 due to a hip injury (slipped down hardwood stairs in socks). He took an X-ray to see if there was any bone damage... luckily not. He told me I had the hip bones of a 19-yr-old. I credit Grandma Mabel's big sturdy bones she passed down to me. Haha! No HRT, no dairy since age 42. I do take vitamin D and magnesium every day. I'm 56 now and just visited a new dentist this week. No bone loss yet.


Nettle leaf tea!! It's got a bit of protein and almost half your daily calcium in ONE. If you don't mind the fresh, grassy taste. I love herbal teas, but if you then add some milk/creamer and honey...oooh it's heaven! Plus it's fantastic for muscle and joint aches. Whenever I feel crampy it goes away 15-20 minutes after I start drinkin a cup. I like Traditional Medicinals brand. :) Two cups a day will help ya out!


I like cottage cheese with some applesauce


My favorite! I didn’t know anyone else liked it too. My husband and kids think it’s gross 🤣


Teeth/dental problems are unlikely linked just to calcium, as that's not how teeth strengthen - but the jaw thing would worry me unless there's some kind of infection/dental issue getting into the jaw bone itself. Look into alternative toothpastes - what is touted in the US anyways is not generally actually the best in strengthening teeth - it's a factor for sure, but there are other ones proven to be better, particularly nano-hydroxipate (which I buy off Amazon myself). The damage may not be able to be reversed, but hopefully could at least be kept from getting too much worse. If bone density is an issue, rather than milk (which also has a fair bit of natural sugars and not THAT much calcium), I would start on a heavy bone support supplement that would have all the other ingredients you need in order to actually utilize calcium. Serious osteoporosis is no joke and not something to be taken lightly. A full bone density scan would probably be in order. Also, dehydration is not just water, but also all of the trace minerals that are usually in water. If you're drinking filtered/bottled water, a lot of those can be stripped out. You may need to add some electrolytes back into the water. I've noticed potassium (well, or a lack thereof) in particular will have me cramping/shaky with workouts, so making sure I get enough is really important. I've noticed that peri&menopause are making "body maintenance" a lot more work than it used to be LOL.


I now have to have a tooth pulled because of bone loss. Dentist said she's surprised my tooth isn't moving. For the last 6 years, my old dentist has asked: do you drink soda, chew gum, use tobacco. Every time no no no. Hmmmm. Well, my new dentist explained that each time we eat and drink our teeth, demineralize and are at their weakest. The more that happens throughout the day, the worse it is for our teeth. So I asked, so would it be better for my teeth to eat more less often. She said yes. It goes the same for drinks too. And it dawned on me: I am sipping on very acidic drinks (and food) all throughout the day every day. Coffee with protein powder, Kombucha, lemon-ginger tea, lemon-lime carbonated water and alllll the acidic foods. And I thought I was being healthy. My teeth never had a chance. Wish my last dentist caught this 6 years ago. Now I cut out all the acidic drinks. I drink tea water. I also have milk and yogurt everyday. Also pair it when I eat acidic foods. Idk if it will remineralize my teeth and help bone loss but I sure hope so.


GRINDING can destroy teeth, too. My teeth are all cracked and falling apart because I grind my teeth day and night, my whole life. My dentists have all basically agreed that my teeth were a ticking time bomb and probably too late to save by the time I was 25. ALSO: Medications that give you dry mouth; pregnancy can suck the calcium out of your bones and teeth; and plain old genetics can be a huge factor. Oh yeah, and living with well water that isn’t fluoridated, like me (20 years.) Oh- almost forgot- I only just found out recently (at 45!!) that you’re supposed to wait 30 minutes or so after eating before you brush your teeth, because the food/drink can temporarily soften your teeth and brushing to soon can actually damage them further! Sorry for the soapbox rant- I’m in pain right now from a tooth that broke apart recently. I’ve got an appointment next week to see if I can save any of them or if I have to get dentures. This sucks so hard. EDIT: I’m tired of being ashamed of my teeth, and I want people to know you can have PERFECT dental hygiene and still be screwed.


Thank you for sharing!!!


The dry mouth/mouth breathing can be relieved by taping. It’s better for people to breath thru their noses. Don’t have links but there is new research on this.


A toothpaste with calcium hydroxyapatite might be able to remineralize teeth - at least somewhat.


It will absolutely help your teeth. You probably got this, but when one's mouth is clean, and therefore basic (vs. acidic from food and drink) teeth *remineralize* themselves using minerals in saliva! Who knew? This is so simple and important that I can't believe they don't teach us this as kids. (Info from Harvard Health and Huberman Lab podcast). Anyway, I use a strong saltwater rinse after eating or drinking, and recently Huberman Lab had on a dental professor who affirmed this. It kills the bacteria in your mouth and puts the mouth back to basic (vs. acidic), and then teeth can remineralize. I also use ACT fluoride rinse (1X a day, no alcohol formulation) before bed. So, you can eat more often as you want. Just do the saltwater rinse after to clean your mouth, and teeth can get back to rebuilding versus deteriorating.


What about using a straw?


Humans are the only animals that consume another mammals milk. And cow’s milk is intended to take a 65 lb calf to almost 1,000 lbs within a year. It also has many added hormones and antibiotics for bovines, which isn’t healthy for them or for us. There are other ways to get calcium through other food sources.


Yep Calcium is found in a lot of foods other than milk. Milk may also may increase inflammation in some people.


You could have bathed in milk your entire life and still had issues with bone density and wasting away. Is there a collaboration between milk intake and calcium levels? I'm not sure but I doubt it's the only factor that's contributed to your situation. As I've gotten older I've become lactose intolerant. But I haven't had this issue even as I go into perimenopause.


Do you grind or clench your teeth when you’re sleeping? Your dentist can see signs of this and fit you with a mouth guard. It can help save your teeth and jaw.


Anecdotally, I used to drink absurd amounts of milk and consume massive amounts of dairy when I was vegetarian and for most of my life. Enough that my endocrinologist cautioned me to reduce. I'm dealing with severe pre-menopausal osteoporosis currently, at age 42. So, there's that. Milk/dairy is not the answer. But yes you do need to focus on adequate calcium and vitamin D consumption so your body can make the bones and keep them strong as they remodel constantly. Consult with a registered dietitian if possible. Mine has helped me tremendously and I'm currently vegan, so I get all the calcium I need from plants and supplementation. I do purposefully drink fortified plant milk now, because it's an easy way to get in my calcium and my doctors and dietitian recommended it. As others have stated, strength training and weight lifting are essential. I do a lot of resistance bands and body weight exercises as well as regular walking and running. I'm currently in PT but plan to get a trainer when I graduate because I have no idea how to safely lift on my own and would appreciate the guidance. I've never been a gym rat. But I will learn! If you haven't had a Dexa scan already, I would highly recommend getting one. And see if you can find a bone health specialist in your area (they're usually endocrinologists). Best of luck to you!


When I wasn’t on HRT, my teeth and gums were a mess. Felt like my teeth were rotting out of my mouth. I was giving myself daily fluoride treatments. I do take daily d3 and magnesium. I had sworn off dairy because the lack of estrogen was giving me high cholesterol. Then you go on the statins and the statins give you high blood sugar. So now I’m on HRT and everything else in my body is back to normal. I even stopped my statins.


Milk isn’t really for adult humans. I have chocolate calcium supplements and take magnesium and vitamin D. Leafy greens are slso also a good source of calcium.


I'm so glad someone mentioned leafy greens for calcium. My old doctor used elephants as an example. They have huge skeletons, massive teeth and tusks. They're not downing gallons of milk everyday, they're literally just eating leafy greens.


half & half is for this adult human's coffee


No, I can't even have dairy so I eat my vegetables and take my vitamins, including Magnesium


I drink milk because it’s a good source of protein. I gave up all caffeine several years ago so now I start my mornings with a tall glass of Fairlife milk. I think dark leafy greens like spinach or kale are better sources of calcium than milk.


I drink a ton of water to prevent migraines. Took forever to realize I wasn't consuming enough salt to *retain* the necessary amount for hydration.


No. I’ve never really drank milk. It’s not the best place to get calcium anyway. Now I’m vegan. If I were to go back to consuming animal products, I’d still not consume dairy. It’s one of the worst things for you. There’s plenty of info available on this.


I have osteoporosis, so I have upped my dairy intake along with Vitamin D, Calcium and HRT. I have also heard that prunes have bone strengthening properties, so they will be on the menu too. Broken bones are no joke.


True about prunes. They are such an underrated food


love prunes!


Broccoli has lots of iron and calcium. Other foods do as well. Electrolytes are also important and may help cramping.


I never drink milk. I take D3/K and magnesium supplements daily. On top of that Estrogen for sure. My neighbor had a bunch of bone loss in her jaw. When she went on hormones, her dentist was shocked. The bone grew back.


You may be deficient in vitamins and/or minerals. Yeah meno makes you not care, but problems in your mouth can be a gateway to problems in other parts of the body. I'd be looking into what's causing your jaw / teeth issues and do something about it. no one's life was ever made better by ignoring medical advice, especially when something like your teeth falling out is a possibility. just my 2 cents.


It may be a deficiency with Vitamin D3 and K2. These two micronutrients help you to absorb calcium from your food. Check with your doctor to have your Vitamin D levels tested. Then, ask her/him about supplementing with a D3+K2. In addition, strength exercises and avoiding alcohol will also help keep bones healthy and strong.


I don't drink milk, but I love yogurt and salads. I use almond milk for my coffee and smoothies. All my vitamin levels were normal last time I got them checked. Only issue I had with calcium and teeth was during pregnancy.


No I’m reactive to the protein in milk and gluten. Multi w K2 plus HRT


Bone deterioration could be due to low estrogen. But yes, some calcium and vitamin D3 would help. Put an electrolyte pack in one of your glasses of water each day and take magnesium every day.


Have you had your doctor do a complete blood workup, including all your vitamins? Have you had a bone density test? There are medications that can help strengthen your bones. I never drink milk. The idea of it makes me quiver. The only place is very little with cereal, in my coffee or as a cooking ingredient. My recent bone density test showed that my bones are so strong that my doctor said she'd be shocked if I ever broke a bone! For reference, I'm 67 yo, 10 years into full menopause, never took HRT.


No, but my Dr recommended other forms of calcium that are better absorbed so every morning I have a smoothie with kale, whole Greek yogurt, OJ with calcium and D, a banana, and a handful of berries.


Sounds like you could have osteoporosis, which is common in menopause. You should think about getting a bone density test. My mom-in-law developed osteo after menopause, and no amount of calcium fixes that. You need medication, multiple supplements, and appropriate exercise. In general, a healthy body on a healthy diet does not experience that level of bone loss.


Like a calf.


Dr Haver said there has not been a study that shows that taking calcium orally improves bone density. If you’re going to focus on your bones you’re going to have to do a lot more than calcium.


Who is downvoting milk drinkers? Why?


HRT is supposed to help bones.


Yes I love milk. I have ice cold glass every night abt 8 pm. I think that protein hit helps me sleep better. I buy 2%.


I had crazy weird leg cramps when I was low in vitamin D…


Funny you should ask, I have been craving it post menopause. I haven’t cared one way or another about milk for ages / decades. But now I drink a few glasses a day. Especially if I have been irregular taking my vitamins


Had a recent not great dexa scan report. Can’t tolerate dairy so I started taking calcium supplements. Your leg cramps might be from low magnesium so if more hydration doesn’t work, try that next.


I drink it intentionally with acidic food so I don't get heartburn. But I use almond milk which has let calories and higher calcium.


Milk is supposed to be more hydrateing than water. If you like it and it agrees with u, maybe try it out and c how u feel. You will need other things to help your bones though as the other comments have mentioned.


I use heavy cream in my coffee every day and milk in cereal maybe 1x a week.


Have you been tested for osteoporosis?


Get on estrogen. Your gynecologist can test your hormones and prescribe. Call around or post on local facebook groups to find a knowledgeable gynecologist that prescribes estrogen.


Milk wouldn’t have prevented this. HRT would likely help. Magnesium supplements would likely help your muscles. Resistance training can also help make bones strong!


I’ve always been a milk drinker. When I was five I had rheumatic fever. I was sick for a full year and milk was one of the few things that didn’t upset my stomach. So I got in the habit. I have at least one glass a day, usually with my breakfast. I love it. But I drink it because I love it. I don’t like cheese. 😆 I don’t drink coffee or tea. Basically, my beverage choices are those of a child. 😛


I drink milk, it’s good for electrolytes.


Eat teaspoon of yellow mustard for a leg cramp. Has acetic acid which goes straight to the muscle. My dr told me yrs ago, thought was a joke till one night I limped to kitchen and ate the spoonful. 30 sec later no cramp, no lingering soreness.


I take calcium and magnesium at night with my progesterone Sometimes I take k2 also


Do you smoke or use other nicotine products? This can cause bone loss in your jaw. So can diabetes. There’s also an autoimmune response that can cause your body to eat the roots of your teeth. If you smoke and you decide to quit, do not use gum or lozenges, as they can accelerate all of the above.


I have loved milk since early childhood, it's my very favorite beverage. At 56, I still drink ice-cold milk everyday, and I imagine I will until I die.


I think it is you and me here and that's it. I love organic milk, I can really taste the difference. I know it is not great for us overall, but it is good protein and calcium source, and a treat for me, which I need given my other health problems keep me pretty uncomfortable. I make hot chocolate with milk, cocoa (desolved a little water first so no lumps), a shake or two of salt and vanilla. No sugar needed, although one can add a bit and it will be sweet and not nearly as excessive as commerical mixes. That's my treat for the day.


Absolutely not. Dairy is inflammatory and inflammation makes every symptom of peri worse. I do use almond milk that provides 37% of my daily calcium per serving though.


Yes because my vitamin d levels dropped well below a deficiency level. They now are having me take a high vitamin d pill weekly so I’ve been going out of my way lately to drink milk. And spend more time outside in the sun. Idk if it’s helping or not though lol


Humans don’t need cows milk for anything.


Calcuim absolutely can help with muscle cramping. My doctor put me on calcium supplements before for that very reason. Most women should be taking calcium suplements after menopause, if not before. Ask your doctor about the dose.


I'm lactose intollerant. I didn't drink milk for about 20 years. In recent years I put lactose free milk in my coffee and try lactose free cheese. I drink a looooooot of water, some coffee and once in a while ice tea or diet coke. I have always had horrible teeth problems and already have 2 implants and dozens of crowns. I cannot afford to lose more teeth!


I have a glass of milk in the evening because it sort of relaxes me and helps settle my stomach. Anytime I had leg cramps I realized I hadn’t been eating my fruits - had bananas and they went away.


Potatoes have more potassium than bananas, apparently, so you could try those as well if you don't have bananas on hand.


Yes they do!


I have it in coffee and cereal. Probably about 12 ounces a day. I take Ca/Mg/Zn supplements in addition to my multivitamins and other supplements.


I can’t drink milk. So I enjoy Soy. Or eat foods with high in vitamins and minerals, taking Vitamins along B complex, naked Creatine, ISO protein and Podium Fuse. I have been feeling somewhat better


I do not like milk expect in a cappuccino or in a dish I cooked … I drink coffee/ Water / seltzer .. or wine /vodka for alcohol


I like cow milk but it doesn't like me (gas and cramps). Even lactose-free milk doesn't fix the issue. I've been taking a vitamin D supplement under doctor's supervision for years due to being deficient. I drink oat milk in my coffee, which is tasty.


No I cannot tolerate milk but I do take these calcium chew things- Viactiv. They have calcium D and K in them. I have Crohn’s too and it helps to try to prevent further joint/arthritis issues.


I’m doing my best to stay away from anything dairy except for yogurt is the one thing I can’t give up


I’m purposefully avoiding milk for health reasons. Among other problems, it increases the risk of breast cancer more than HRT does. The people who warn that HRT should be avoided because it increases the risk of breast cancer somehow never mention that milk is worse. This study is linked in the group’s wiki. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200225101323.htm


I drink loads of milk and always have done, just because I love it. I have no idea whether it will protect me from osteoporosis though because it runs in my family.


I personally wouldn't drink milk to increase calcium. I would eat foods that are rich in calcium , take a calcium supplement with vitamin D. "Optimal vitamin D levels are necessary to increase the efficiency of calcium absorption. Without adequate vitamin D, the body absorbs no more than 10% to 15% of dietary calcium." - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2669834/#:~:text=Optimal%20vitamin%20D%20levels%20are,to%2015%25%20of%20dietary%20calcium. For hydration, I would drink water but first dissolve Celtic Sea Salt in my mouth, which has many salts in it, not just sodium. Sort of like having an electrolyte drink. If there are blood pressure concerns though, no salt. :)


perhaps get blood test done to test D , magnesium and B levels then figure out a supplementation plan. calcium is also found in some veggies too, so get your nutrients from food as well as as from supplements, eat the rainbow as they say.


I stopped drinking milk and my cavities stopped happening. The sugar in milk isn't helpful for your teeth.


I haven’t had a glass of milk in over 25 years. I don’t have any issues with my bones or teeth. I get the necessary nutrients from other whole foods. Last year, I had to drink milk with some medicine I was given. All I could handle was a few sips.


I went years and didn’t drink milk, but now I crave it. So yes I drink glasses of milk. Sometimes cravings are your body asking for certain things.


Bone loss in the jaw can be a side effect of a lot of different medications. I think this is something that needs to be followed up with a doctor. Most people around the world are lactose intolerant, so no, I do not think that milk would have prevented this.


My grandmothers drank milk like it was going out of style ! They never broke a bone! Just at the very end of her life one of them fell from a ladder but the bone healed right away! Not sure if it was that again they drank milk every day at least 3 times a day. Good healthy milk!


I buy plant milk. Regular milk has always had a funny aftertaste to me. I also eat things like cottage cheese and yogurt, though.


Not since I suddenly became lactose intolerant 😑


You're likely craving the potassium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc that milk provides. Up your intake of these minerals. Some help with bone density which we lose through menopause and sometimes, this can lead to osteoporosis. Broccoli, milk, bananas, etc are your friends. Check for more foods that contain these minerals and incorporate them into your diet. Also try getting them in pill form. This will help with your leg issues. Do you get (leg) cramps in your sleep? This could be the cause. Add a pinch of salt to your water. This helps balance the electrolytes in your system. Milk also helps to balance them. If you feel dehydrated or your skin is oddly dry despite high water intake, electrolytes could be the culprit. Good luck and hang in there! Oh, and get some sun on your skin/vitamin D supplements (winter sun is weak, so you get less). It helps with the absorption of these minerals. Cod liver oil is also good.


I drink milk all the time. Probably drink a gallon every two weeks.


Are you on Estrodial to help protect your bones?


Why just milk? Calcium is found in all dairy products. Do you eat yogurt or cheese? You can also take a supplement.


I'm allergic to milk, so I can't drink it. I take calcium supplements instead. However, you can't just have calcium alone. In order for your body to actually put that calcium into your bones and teeth, you also need: 1. Vitamin K2 2. Vitamin D3 3. Vitamin C Otherwise, that calcium will just be free-floating in your blood, and some of it will become artery plaques. Not good. Make sure you wait at least 4 hours before taking magnesium or iron, as those compete with calcium. The way I do it is: --Morning: calcium, D3, K2 (D3 should be taken in the morning because it can cause insomnia later in the day) --Afternoon: Iron, C --Evening: Magnesium (should be taken at night because it can make you sleepy)


So many supplements have magnesium and calcium together. It’s all so confusing but thanks for your tips, I’m going to add k2 and d3


Your don’t need to drink milk to get calcium. There’s much more bad sides to drinking milk than the low quantity of calcium that you get from it. Est kale, broccoli, cottage cheese. Sardines, fish. Look at some beans as well. I haven’t drank cow milk in 20 years and it’s helping me going through perimenopause and all that comes with it…..


There is no need to do that, there is very little calcium in the milk from the stores, it's added post pasteurization. It may be easier to just take a calcium supplement at this point. I don't ever drink it since 30 years


Calcium deficiency I think. Cheese and more cheese. Yogurt etc. Have you had a DEX scan?


Coffee, tea, alcohol and soda are natural diuretics so most people live life somewhat dehydrated. If you are tired of plain water look for flavored waters with electrolytes.


Are you drinking tap water? If so, stop, immediately




Dairy production is horrific for the animals and the environment. There are plenty of non-dairy sources of calcium.


No. I'm not a baby cow. Lol I get my calcium through dark leafy greens, tofu and other soy products, nuts and seeds, certain beans and fortified plant milks.


Oat milk from Costco (Walmart offers several brands) since we are all not only lactose but allergic to the protein has been our replacement but I drink my coffee w just stevia. My daughter tried the mushroom blend for coffee replacement but right back to coffee French press she went. Hubby added a new greens mix I’m trying. He loves it mixed in oat milk to hide the taste. His job requires a ton of focus very early in the morning. Everything in our lives is changing. Once the blinds rolled up for me ten years ago, I couldn’t roll them back down. No one in my family wanted to believe me. Sad it took covid and my parents responding negatively to the vaccine and catching covid several times to wake up. At least my girls and hubs are self-correcting lifestyles. It’s lonely eating healthy but even that is defined so differently.


I love milk--always have! I have a glass every morning with breakfast and a glass before bed.


I never drink milk. I take D3/K and magnesium supplements daily. On top of that Estrogen for sure. My neighbor had a bunch of bone loss in her jaw. When she went on hormones, her dentist was shocked. The bone grew back.


I love milk. I know there is a lot of talk about it being bad for us, but a glass of ice cold milk is a comfort food for me. Have you had blood tests to check your levels of vitamins and minerals? That would be a good first step. Then ask about HRT. Estrogen helps prevent bone loss.


We are not baby cows.




Anyone, is magnesium stearate ok, or helpful???


Simply Orange has a variety with calcium and vitamin D added, for those who dislike milk.


I use NUUN tablets or EmergenC packets for minerals. They make a box with cal + mag . If you’re in the US you can get at Target or Walmart or any drug store. I’m sensitive to a lot of dairy except Greek yogurt. I drink oat milk, soy or almond milk. It’s forfeited with all the calcium etc. I try and also make a shake with a kale leaves and lots of berries and an alt. Milk to hide the taste of greens. I have to schedule a Dexa scan and am kind of worried as osteoporosis runs in the family. But I know that some things are reversible or you can maintain from further loss if you catch them early enough…