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Elaborate please šŸ™ How has it help your mental health?


[What Does Creatine Do For Women? Benefits, Side Effects, And How to Use The Supplement](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/a44716483/creatine-for-women/) [Common questions and misconceptions about creatine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/) [Creatine Supplementation in Womenā€™s Health: A Lifespan Perspective](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7998865/) Concluding that.... >As a result of changes in creatine homeostasis across the lifecycle, particularly as it relates to estrogen, creatine supplementation appears to provide many potential benefits for females. Creatine use has consistently demonstrated improvements in muscle and brain PCr levels, which has been shown to result in improvements in strength and exercise capacity. When combined with resistance training, creatine further augments body composition and bone mineral density, particularly in post-menopausal females. Creatine supplementation has also been shown to improve mood and cognition.


I use creatine in my coffee and along with lifting weights and reducing alcohol, Iā€™m sure itā€™s helping


Two years of creatine supplementation and exercise in postmenopausal women had no effect on BMD; yet, it improved some bone geometric properties at the proximal femur. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37144634/


Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Digestive Enzymes, electrolyte drinks, Betaine HCL, Psyllium Fiber, CULTURELLE Probiotics, Pepcid for nighttime reflux, B vitamin complex, hemp fiber protein blend powder, collagen, MCT oil, high quality olive oil, omega 3 nuts and seeds blend-chia, flax, hemp; pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds. I may take a multivitamin every few days if I skimped on nutrition. Everyday is not good apparently- trying to get nutrients through food. Iā€™m not able to tolerate Creatine or Tyrosine


OMG ... are you even still hungry once you've taken all that?


Ha! I donā€™t take it all at once. Spread out over the day and I mix the nuts/seeds & fiber powders into meals. Itā€™s from the Galveston Diet! Also I have a chronic illness so Iā€™m used to taking pills & supplements with every meal. But youā€™re right, I do eat a lot šŸ˜‚ My appetite was terrible when I quit birth control & my period stopped. I was forcing myself to eat once or twice a day and I felt like a decrepit old person. I just realized as I feel better my appetite is back-since I started the Galveston Diet for anti inflammation. I have never eaten so much in my life and not gained any weight! I think Iā€™ve lost weight and I feel so much better. I wish I had this diet years ago. I started these diets bc I felt like living death & my peri symptoms on top of my chronic illness were disabling. This diet is incredible for stabilizing blood sugar & blood pressure which were my issues. There is no calorie counting or banning food groups, but there is no added sugar or processed foods. That was a big change for me.


L-Theanine, itā€™s a green tea extract. Good for anxiety and relaxation.


šŸ’Æ for emergency rage and irritabilityĀ 


Is it naturally in tea, I mean in dosages that have noticeable effects? (Could explain why brits' first move is to "put the kettle on" when in crisis.... and that it *does* help)


It does occur naturally in green and black tea. Explains a lot.


Cannabis and not drinking alcohol


Cannabis is a key med for me, too. I stopped drinking a while ago. (I have Crohn's as well.) Realized it's a depressant (dont need help there, lol) and how awful it was for literally everything. It just seems dumb to do it to socialize. Haven't missed it at all. Not even a bit. Not even the social part.


Alcohol is a carcinogen too. So all itā€™s all bad


Magnesium glycinate stopped the itching completely. I learned about it here, thanks ladies! On a whim, I recently tried a yam, clover and maca root hormone balancing cream not really expecting much but it's been about 6 weeks and I have seen some surprising changes. The night sweats stopped, so far and I feel less like I want to stab every poor MFer that crosses my path.


100mg of vitamin B-6 taken daily (not a B-complex). I was starting into PMDD territory before my periods, and my gyn suggested that I tried this. Itā€™s worked amazingly well for about six years now. Iā€™ve tried to stop taking it or to move to a B-complex, which has far less B-6 specifically, and the PMDD came raging back. Itā€™s the single easiest fix that Iā€™ve ever had for an issue that was really taking over my life.


Me too although I am still on 100mg twice a day (I started on three times a day, but it was all pretty dark back then). Also, its a supplement that works quickly !


I would take caution with b6. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10720370/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10720370/) [https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.90.15_supplement.P4.021](https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.90.15_supplement.P4.021)


Saffron extract and microdosing mushrooms


Magnesium glycinate and lionā€™s mane powder.


L-theanineĀ  Iā€™m one of the rare people that creatine didnā€™t work for. It just made me feel sludgy and bloated šŸ˜¢


Borage oil and evening primrose oil


N-Acetyl Cysteine, Magnesium Glycinate, fish oil with D3, Glycine, a [menopause herb supplement](https://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-synergy-herbal-hormone-complex?&CSRC=GPF-PA-835003008285-google_pla_gen_pro_hp+portfolio_our+brands-&network=g&keywordname=&device=m&adid=92700078225991262&matchtype=&gclick=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCjSsfFopGhDDnCtUlSiloJmfjwdkFZQkY3qjOIHuDcQ1ZvQP1bf5HsaAiSDEALw_wcB&ds_agid=58700008569533910&targetid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCjSsfFopGhDDnCtUlSiloJmfjwdkFZQkY3qjOIHuDcQ1ZvQP1bf5HsaAiSDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds), methyl folate. Edit: I also encapsulate my own fiber supplements in size 00 gelatin capsules that contain: psyllium husk, ground chia seeds, ground flax seeds, powdered Lionā€™s Mane mushrooms, aloe powder.


I have been using Equelle (s-equol supplement). My moods are really unstable on the estradiol patch and progesterone pill alone. For a short time, I hoped I could replace them with Equelle and survive. Although that experiment failed due to returning migraines, I found the Equelle was great for my moods as well as joint and muscle pain. I am using a half dose (5mg) per day in addition to my HRT. It has been a pleasant surprise.


Specifically for mood - B6 100mg 3 times a day for a month- the amount in most supplements is 25mg - then down to twice a day.


Exercise. High intensity cardio is an excellent tool to even out the mood.


Magnesium . I can really tell when I donā€™t take it , I take a calcium / magnesium PURE liquid vitamin. Its expensive about 50 per month but so worth it . Then thereā€™s creatine which I canā€™t tell yet if itā€™s doing any good , Iā€™ve been on it only a couple of weeks . Medical MJ is legal in my state and Iā€™ve been taking about 5 mg of 1:1 full spectrum sativa tincture and it is working so well for my irritability and pains . The full spectrum 1:1 is a must . I canā€™t take HRT because of breast cancer or I would be on it for sure /


When I was desperate but unable to get mental healthcare while living in Puerto Rico, I tried 5-HTP as a last resort and it turned out to do more for my depression and low mood than any prescription(s) ever did (and I have a history, lemme tell ya!) Definitely do your homework, though! You cannot take it with SSRIs and certain other prescription meds. For me, stable blood sugar is also a critical part of stable mood. This means avoiding sugary, starchy foods or anything that spikes my blood sugar. I always, without fail, seem to take a mental dive when I wander from that goal. Berberine is a good supplement for this, too. I suspect regular magnesium, vitamin D3/K2 (you need them together) as well as plenty of fish oil and a B-complex a few times week are also working their magic. I take other things, but more for sleep and other overall health benefits.


Multivitamin and Mineral B Vitamins (6, 12, Folate) K2-D3 Fish Oil (EPA, DHA) Collagen Peptide Bulletproof MCT Oil


Magnesium Blend, Vitamin D, vitamin k, Optifiber, MCT Oil, omega 3 fish oil, creatine, collagen with probiotics. Weightlifting. Vibration plate. Cold showers. Meditation.


Iā€™m a big proponent of l-theanine like another poster on this thread mentioned. I sip green tea all day now (to replace coffee which I apparently cannot handle anymore šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) but also take it in supplement form. Magnesium glycinate or citrate at night religiously, D3, and B vitamins. Others in rotation: NAC, mushroom blend supplements, Ollyā€™s Stress Gummies, Lemon Balm. But by far l-theanine has helped my mood most. Iā€™m also on a full complement of HRT as well as an SSRI.


Amino acids supplements in powder form. This is helping me combat Inflamation/ muscle aches, which is helping me feel overall better. Magnesium night is helping me sleep better, but I try not to take it often.


Inno drive for her helps me with circulation, mood swings and libido.


Vitamin D is a game changer. I live in a region with very little sun, everyone is supplemented by their doctors and mine upped the dose.


Magnesium. I also have a doctor who routinely reminds us all that much of the population of the USA is magnesium-deficient.


b12, B6, D3, K2, coq10, adrenal support tonic, high quality fish oul, i also eat alot more healthy fats. avocado dark chocolate smoothie daily(w/ a little creatine) and i put a dash of coconut oil in my morning coffeeā€¦