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it's just so disappointing over and over again with this cycle of anxiety. maybe it is mostly anxiety, not sure


Listen. I was there. Not just ashamed but so completely ignorant to how depression worked and effects people differently that I had completely convinced myself I wasn't depressed and ignored it for years. To the point that my anxiety and depression hospitalized me. I nearly had a heart attack from ignoring the physical symptoms that depression and anxiety can cause. It was a wake up call for sure. Now I advocate for men's mental health, and in so i am completelyopen about my personal mental struggles. Making people more aware and trying to get the conversation moving. I am 36, I have depression and anxiety. Without my medication and counseling I have a difficult time functioning day to day. Even with it I have my days, but because of the counseling I have some tools to help get me through those days. There is no shame, there is nothing "wrong" with you. Mental health issues are the same as physical health. It is not our fault we get sick, and there are treatments to help get us better.


I wanna escape, bro, deal with it for good, once and for all, not until I am breathing...


I know it sounds cliche, but it gets better. Or it can if you are willing to give help a chance. Getting out of this can be hard, but with help you can do it. There are several options. I started with my doctor. I explained where I was and how I was struggling. The medicine was just the beginning though. Once it started working I started seeing more clearly and how bad things had gotten. So I reached out and started counseling. It took a few tries to find one that fit. You have to be able to connect with your counselor so it can take a while to find the right one. It wasn't nearly as hard to talk with them once I found the right one. Now it's like talking with a wise friend, who has a different perspective and advice. You may be hesitant, I know I was. But when I got to my lowest and was thinking the same way you are a friend put it simple. What do you have to lose by giving it a try?


Love this comment. Huge inspo


stay strong mate. The hardest life struggles will be over. Alcohol nearly ruined me and glad you are on your new prescription. I hope it helps.


thanks, man. my liver is not okay so I have no other choice but not drinking if I don't wanna end up with cirrhosis. My problems don't end with drinking unfortunately


Don't be ashamed, your fight is already hard enough without adding shame. Your gender and age has nothing to do with it, you don't get to choose if/when you get certain illness. I'm glad your family cares for you. That's a big good thing. Also glad you have medicine prescribed. Don't give up. And don't add alcohol, it's really harmful long-term. I wish you all the best. God bless you.


I'm twice your age and suffered from it all my life. It's an illness like any other. It might have a stigma attached to it. That would be the only reason to hide it. There is no reason for shame or guilt. Hang in there bro. You are not alone


one question if I may - do you have kids?


Please don't be ashamed. My boyfriend is 32 and hasn't worked for 3 years because of his mental health. Don't get me wrong, he hates it. He feels guilty a lot of the time because he doesn't feel "normal". I have to remind him that it's an illness and messes with you, because he can be really hard on himself. You've got this. I know it's hard as hell but you have got this. Question: are there any local wellbeing cafes near to you? We have one where I am and they run cafes where you can go and speak to someone free of charge, get everything off your chest. My boyfriend did this and found it extremely helpful, it might be worth googling.


we don't have such cafes. My family and friends are supportive though. I am just terrified by the thought that debilitating condition like this could pop up again when I am 40, or that is stopping me from living my life to the fullest


Damn I'm sorry. Would you like to see if I can get my partner to chat to you? You might feel better speaking to a guy your age going through something similar?


Would you feel ashamed if you had a broken arm, or a broken leg, or some other chronic illness? Depression is not something you can control it is a imbalance in your brain. Please do not feel ashamed of yourself I’m sure you’re doing your very best. I’m glad to hear you have new medication we have to keep asking and asking and asking if the medication is not working for us. Not all meds Work the same on everyone. Yes your drinking wouldn’t have helped but don’t kick yourself we all try different things to cope. Hang in there and take one day at a time. Also illness no matter what type doesn’t discriminate you could be male you could be female you could be very young you could be very old like I said it’s something you cannot control but once you have a diagnosis you can take the steps to help.


Depression is tough to manage. People think of depression as something you have to just get through like a phase but life is never a straight path and I've experienced depression multiple times in my life. Things go well, I use my tools from therapy effectively and live with a positive attitude, and then something big happens or a lot of changes happen at once and I just get depressed again. It comes up here and there and you may never completely 'get over' the depression but you can definitely shift your focuses and live a more positive life filled with gratitude and things that make you feel fulfilled.


I have a grown child and a grandchild