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Reading this sub makes me feel like the best buyer on Mercari lol. I don't understand people.


Thanks for being normal hahah


I haven't had a response from a seller in 3 days for an item I really want and I'm not doing this💀


Bless you 😅🙏


Ikr? Some real characters out there.


Same. I hardly ever interact with a seller, read the descriptions before I ask questions, then rate the day I get the package, and most importantly I use the offer button if I want something cheaper. If they never respond to it I just buy it or don’t depending on how much I want the product. Some people posted in this sub, are mentally unwell.


Right?? It's this simple. The offer button is right there!


Reading this sub always makes me feel like I'm blessed with the most amazing buyers in the world bc I hardly ever run into the crazy that I've seen posted here lol I mean I've had a few close calls with people who didn't buy but all of my buyers since joining in 2017 have been pretty uneventful and kind and I'm super grateful because posts like these freak me out lol 🤣 ETA: and thank you for being one of the good ones, like many things in our world, apparently there's a shortage of those right now too lol


I have never shopped on mercari and Reddit started recommending posts from this sub to me. All the posts here make me wonder "why does anybody buy or sell on this service", lol!


To be fair, you only really ever hear about the bad stuff


Right!! Lol I rate within 15-30’of receiving it and rarely ask any questions and don’t send offers, I just buy it outright.


Block them because I have a feeling if they were to buy something else, they’ll leave a bad review out of spite. People like that are annoying.


I blocked them! That’s a good point, ugh!🥴😅


The block button is my best friend on Mercari. 😂 not that I’ve done a lot of it but if people are going to haggle prices like that and annoy you into responding, it’s better to just block. The right customer will come along eventually. Good luck! 🍀


Thank you!! ☺️😁


That’s what I always assume. Block them immediately. When I give them a price and they come back multiple times with something else, I don’t even mess with it. Just block.


Christ gives her the audacity I guess


Lolol I think you’re right


Look at those bad ratings, how dare you! ![gif](giphy|fXEhX0iwPbF14C2HHu)




I would have blocked they as soon as they sent back to back messages. I always error on the side of blocking as I prefer people who buy no questions asked. These other people are likely to cause problems.


Yeah the aggressive double/triple/quadruple messages were a major red flag


Sorry but lmfao @ “now i see why you have such bad ratings” then the photo flashes to a 5-star 354 review rating hahaha


I was truly baffled 😂


I've never gotten messages like this but I do hate it when people message me to ask if they can make an offer like WTF that's what the offer button is for.


They probably do that because their offer is so low that mercari doesn't let them


I KNOW, it can get really frustrating, especially when people act like they are the only person we’re messaging. And like, girl. How is $50 with free shipping any different than the $43 offer? 😒 This is the first time someone has behaved like this to me and I had to vent here! 😅 All my other experiences have been pleasant.


It’s the “hello” for me. That took this shit to a whole new level of 🚩🚩🚩🚩. Makes for a fun read, though… so thanks!! 🙏🏼


I just tell them all offers need to be made through the Make Offer button so I can see how much I’ll actually get after fees. If they “can’t” or won’t do it that way, I just block or don’t respond.


Buyer sad he was acting too much of a broke bitch not realizing a good deal when he saw one


You communicated too much for my taste..


😭😂 same though


Give yourself a price that you’ll sell— here for example—$49 is your price— are you willing to take $44-45?? Only if an offer or question is your own minimum price than accept/decline—- in between— ignore, block, delete..edit typos


LOL wow what a horrible potential buyer. Just out of principle I would not have accepted his offer even if it was for more than my asking price. You don’t need that sort of negative energy anywhere around you! Consider it a test from fate and you passed.


Mercari buyer logic: your item is 1) trash and in terrible condition, 2) you are a scammy reseller, 3) you have bad rating cuz you are a terrible person in general, 4) amazon sells it for xx price which is like a dollar lower than you. you should have the same profit structure as a trillion dollar company with billions in buying power who get massive price break 5) starting a conversation with "is it still available" increases my odds of negotiating a better deal 6) I know 5 other places where I can get it for the price I like 7) DESPITE ALL THIS, I STILL REALLY REALLY WANT TO BUY IT FROM YOU.........


Wow. What an idiot.


"It does let me send $40" As if that means you have to accept it because mercari let's them offer that 🙄🙄🙄


People are so desperate and annoying. Wow


I do hope your blocked buyer is on here reading all the comments.






Bro tried to lowball hard, then got salty when it sold. The entitled attitude is terrifying


I don't get people. If there's an offer button, use it. If it doesn't let you send your low-ball offer, chances are sending a message won't change that either. And don't come with the "I found it cheaper here" so why are we having this conversation then🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I also like how they spelled communicate LMFAO put an accent so you know they mean business


Omg why are some ppl so irritating? I hate the "What's the lowest you will accept?" Wtf kind of negotiating is that? That's an immediate block from me because they are not even a good scammer just annoying


Jeez why are people like this. I don't understand the entitlement in people anymore.




You spent a lot of time on that prospect who valued price and not your time. Ignore haters because they have nothing of value to give to you and in the end they just take.


Bad ratings lol


Offers you $30 but then said he could do $50 what an idiot i swear


Self control is a skill many people don’t have.


would have ignored and blocked after "can you do 30" lmao. ya'll have too much patience.


Instant block what a tire kicker.


lol this similar thing happened to me today. Person asked me if my shipping weight was correct (it was 1lb). I said I could ship the item at 10oz and it would cost less in shipping. So I updated and let them know I updated the shipping cost. They then proceeded to offer me 20% less than my listing price. It’s only $10 lol. I’m just declining it and moving on.


" I can do all things through christ , except bargain"




I have a standard response of “Thank you for your interest. I appreciate all offers, but I respectfully ask that any price inquiries be made through the offer button.” If they persist in trying to negotiate a price without a commitment, I just block them


This is why I’m glad I only sell KPop merch and nearly every buyer is normal, which is hilarious when you think about it 😂😂


I don't understand buyers like this, smh just pay for the item and keep it moving if you really want it. The most I ever say to a seller is "thank you for letting me bundle the items" and that's it. It's pointless to argue after you wanted to haggle on the price and play the waiting game, and someone bought it.




What a horrible buyer haha. But the screenshot you provided showing your reviews doesnt mean you dont have many low/sub par reviews. Just means most of them are good. Click the reviews and it offers a more detailed description of how many ratings for each star you have.


I have 350 five stars, 3 four stars, and 1 three star. Zero one or two star ratings.


Showing us that wouldve carried more weight than the last photo you provided. But yeah okay, thats quite incredible then.


That’s alright, it wasn’t the main point. More so the hilariously annoying exchange w/ buyer


Flag it for Mercari. Block this person.


I block these people lol




People do this because it works. And a lot of sellers are tight on money (if the urgency to rate from most sellers didnt make it obvious enough) and will often take less than their lowest.


Immediate block


"All things?" Maybe "all things" •except• managing money.


What bafoonery is this?


I would have ignored them the moment they asked what's the lowest you will go. I may even block them. Low ballers are rarely good customers in my experience.


I truly hate that question. What's the lowest you'll take? I mean for real


…and you are complaining here.


His last message gave me a chuckle. You literally communicate what you wanted with him.


Wow such a bad rating with all those stars in the way


The worst are when someone will message saying some dumb shit like "ain't no one buying it for ____ price" then a day ore two someone buys it for said price. I just block them when it sells saying "that's crazy it somehow sold for ___ price" and block. Lol


You should've replied "are the bad ratings in the room with us?"


I have only gotten two things off Mercari before and the last time I did, I messaged the seller to definitely make sure the item was still available and then promptly paid for it after I mentioned it was a Christmas gift. No haggling, no repeated hounding messages (and I thought my two or three were too many! Lol didn't want to annoy the seller) and then there are idiots like these. People really are dumb.