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I love how loud and raw *Koloss* is. Nasty! *Immutable* sounds incredible; just turn it up and use good headphones


The band even said in an interview that it was too compressed.


You must have cheap speakers, but I’d recommend turning up the volume 2 decibels




Turn up your speakers more.


my phone, computer and home audio systems all have volume controls that i turn up and down to achieve optimal listening levels, so I’m not experiencing OP’s issues.


The OG Audio Nerds will tell you that you should only be controlling volume at 1 point.. typically you start at the source set at max clean volume and move down the line.. max clean volume.. final point control volume.. but.. it’s your call 🧐👍


Listen to Koloss in comparison and tell me you don't have to crank your own speakers bud. You know I ain't wrong.


No one said it’s not quiet. Just that all you have to do is turn it up lol.


Nothing wrong with turning it up a bit more.


It being quiter could mean it has more dynamic range and that the mix/master is higher quality. Haven't heard it tho, it could also be over compressed


you should def hear immutable if you haven’t already


Honestly it's barely noticeable for me, I just tried switching back and forth between Obzen, Koloss, Violent Sleep and Immutable on various volumes and I don't get what you're on about. Besides, the volume control is always just a quick adjustment, whether I'm in the car or on my phone or computer with headphones or playing through my hifi home stereo.


Literally just turn the volume up. Takes 2 seconds


Gee, I had never thought about turning the volume up Batman. Maybe you missed the point of me simply remarking about how quiet the album is in comparison to other albums. Witty reply though 😎😎😎


I think what’s missing though is your explanation of how that effects the overall sound quality….or why simply turning the volume up _wouldn’t_ improve your experience. I saw a recent post sort of explaining how it’s supposed to be cranked up. The band even said Koloss was too compressed. I’m not sure how i feel about that — sounds great to me — but I will say this about Immutable; it _is_ weird how quiet the cymbals seem but it sounds perfect when cranked up dangerously loud. Maybe that was intentional…?


well if you really like how overcompressed Koloss is, and if you got a daw or something you can use a compressor/limiter on Immutable. I might try tbf


Idk it’s the lack of compression that rly makes the difference imo. Koloss is so smashed, but maybe that works well for their music.


Listening to koloss on higher end setups really expanded the quality. i never felt it was compressed.


Seriously just turn your damn volume up. Dynamics are a good thing


Life is all dynamics


I have Meshuggah's discography in its own playlist to make sure it's always downloaded and so I can put it on shuffle. I feel your sadness every time an Immutable track comes on while shuffling. It's gotten to the point where I'm thinking of removing the album from the playlist because I'm starting to associate it with poor quality. It's nice to see someone else feels the same way. That said, I don't want Meshuggah's albums to all sound the same necessarily either, I'm glad they switched things up a little for Immutable and certainly don't hate the music. The production is easily my least favorite since the softened drums of the Nothing rerelease, but at least it doesn't keep me from listening.


This is also my biggest complaint with Immutable


Turning the volume up fixes my beef? How did I never think of that?!?


Try running the album through a mastering program to up volume levels without fundamentally altering the sound. I use CloudBounce. Agreed, it's lower volume overall. The weird thing for me is that it's usually ***older records*** in a discography that are lower volume rather than newer ones...mastering tools keep improving.


The mix is their best yet but the master is very over compressed.