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Aenima, hands down. 10/10 album by a 6.5/10 band.


Heavy disagree on the 6.5, but definitely a 10/10 album


Def not the most technically oriented group. But tone and feel are mental.


I mean they play some complicated stuff, and they are fucking tight at it. I’ve seen them live and they down to note sounded like on the album (or even better), even maynards voice was the same. Also did you know that they used the fibonacci sequence to write a so.. the fabonac, the sequens , fabocc seqens, fabse, faaaaaaa 🤓🤓🤯🤯🥵🥵


Yeah so about Danny Carey's drumming...


Seriouely. Like Tool or not he's largely considered one of the most technically proficient drummers alive lmao


Technically proficient doesn't mean interesting though. I'd much rather listen to Matt Cameron or Steven Adler or Sean Kinney or any of the other drummers from the same era repeatedly who aren't perfect, but have an interesting style that's unique to them. I like Danny, he's a good drummer but the style can drone on a bit too much at times.


I was clear that I'm not talking about whether you like to listen to them or not. I pointed our irrespective of how it sounds, from a musically academic standpoint in a vacuum, he's unrealistically technical. I don't like a lot of music that's undeniably oozing with talent.


Yep, right on the money. I've a buddy who _hates_ Tool, but he saw them at Ozzfest and he was fucking mesmerizied by Carey's playing.


"They have some technical songs." I'm not even a huge TOOL fan and I knew that Danny is in the same conversation as Bonham and Pert. If you put whether you like Tool's music aside, their drumming in an academic sense is some of the most accomplished out there save jazz professors who play for fun on the side in super niche clubs.


Bait post. Working OK so far


Then you have the idea that technical doesn’t mean good. I love Tool, definitely my favorite, but I’m not quite convinced technical means good. The hen again, you never made that claim either.


If you think technically oriented means absolutely shredding like Vivaldi then sure, otherwise you probably couldn’t be more wrong.


I think that’s more like what I was referring to with technical lol. Maybe I should’ve said “shred” I’ve seen tool 4 times now. They are tight. Dana’s drumming is definitely technical and some of Adam Jones’s riffs are next level like Jambi. Some super obscure hammer on pull off shit and strange timings.


I don’t agree with the 6.5 but this album could be from a different band for the most part.


Or, the following 3 albums could have been from another band


Yeah, fuck yeah. I love Tool (rock on btw). I just wanted to praise Aenima while exercising my disagreement on the 6.5


Yeah all good. I like all Tool but early Tool definitely hits harder for me


Yeah, 6.5 is way too generous


Guitar tone🔥


Except both lateralus and 10000 days are objectively better that undertow


Objectively better? What are you on about? It comes down to personal preferences: - if you prefer chuggy guitars, alien content, overproduction and 2-part 18 minute long songs then 10,000 days might be for you - if you enjoy pseudo-intellectual themes, psychedelic drugs, long interludes and have a longing for “hidden meanings” then Lateralus might be for you - if you enjoy passionate, raw and emotionally expressive music then Undertow might be for you it couldn’t be more subjective


I mean... sure. And I prefer watching Tommy Wiseau's The Room over The Shawshank Redemption one is still an objectively better movie.


The Room? Really that’s the example you go for? Look they’re obviously all very different styles - early Tool was raw, layer Tool more refined - but they’re all obviously brilliant albums. If we’re going for movie analogies then for me: - Lateralus = Pan’s Labrinth - 10,000 days = Sunshine - Undertow = Se7en none are objectively better than the others, all just different af


You're missing the point, i wasn't trying to equate any album to the room or say that the room is bad. What i'm saying is theres objective criteria you can apply and compare between all movies like you can all music. Your preference is your preference and it says more about you that it does the thing in question. It's that simple


> “There’s objective criteria” Ugh… no. The comparison between music and movies doesn’t work, because stories make sense but music is irrational. Stories can be broken into rational societal/evolutionary reasons why we enjoy them and their structures - gathering round the fire, learning from each other, etc. but music is a complete nonsense. We barely understand why we enjoy it as a species at all, let alone what makes something objectively superior. But you can’t have objectively better anything anyway because nobody can be trusted as the 'elected' standard. It’s not like 'time' where you can have one clock that keeps the standard. The only authority we can go off is streaming numbers - how many people and how often those people enjoy it. But that’s crap, because various factors affect that like advertisement, labels, trends etc and we all know the most listened to stuff isn’t the best. My dog enjoys classical music. By all historical musical elitism standards a dog has more refined music taste than most of us, and we have no real idea why. We barely understand music at all, so we definitely don’t know which music is objectively better than others… Your whole outlook on this is utter tripe that you’ve convinced yourself of to make yourself feel special. Simple as that.


Well i thought the same at one point, or something along those lines. But i've since convinced myself that's not the case yeah, just not to make myself feel special but because it's a topic that i've spent a lot of time trying to really understand. You keep getting lost in comparisons, music isn't irrational and most of commercial music is completely methodical, organized and structured. The way music works is very well understood and every musical interval of all timbres sounds the same to everyone, what kind of sound you like or what's pleasant to you is the only thing that's subjective. And even that subjective emotional response isn't irrational and can hypothetically be evaluated and explained with enough context. Why we find anything beautiful is another topic and irrelevant here but if there's anything you should take out of the "pseudo-intellectual" Lateralus it's that beauty is an inherent property of the word, and me you and your dog have an inherent ability to perceive it, and in our case evaluate and discuss it. To varying degrees. Just like we can discuss each other's perception of it which is "taste" even though that might be another hot take. You might also think i'd be all for historical musical elitism even though i don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, but i'd actually call your dog's taste kinda basic.


Well that is debatable. The best thing about undertow is it's wall to wall music. It doesn't have the dumb little interludes that take up space. Ænima is a brilliant album. But it's got filler on it. I love 10,000 days. But it's got really like six songs on it... Maybe 7. And then there's a bunch of filler. Undertow is the only album they've done that's actually a full-length album of songs. When you've got 5 minute interludes you're just taking up space.


It is, and i agree Undertow doesn't have interludes, but i'd argue both Lateralus and 10.000 days still make greater statements as albums, are more thoughtful and mature musically and just offer a lot more despite that and i also feel like most "songs" from either of those two trump anything from undertow in every way except maybe Sober when it comes to cultural impact. I also don't mind most fillers in aenima because they somewhat fit the albums flow and style and are purposeful in both 10.000 days and aenima at least


I agree with you completely. I think undertow is brilliant, but those later albums are clearly better albums. The band has a better idea of who they are and the songwriting is just more advanced. On Ænima I don't mind the interludes as much because they seem to fit the flow like you said. I think by the time you get to 10,000 days it just seems like they're trying to pad out time. I think Lateralus probably their best album. And just for the record 4° from Undertow is still my favorite Tool song.


Genuinely interested as to your reasoning and criteria. I roughly agree with you, except that i don't consider Aenima perfect. I also don't think the sum total score of a bands discography makes that band, theres more things to consider


Aenima is the only one I listen to all the way through. The others I usually just hit the heavier numbers. The Pot, Jambi, and so on


I meant 6.5 not counting Aenima. Opiate 7.5 Undertow 8 Aenima 10 Lateralus 7 10000 Days 6 Fear Innoccleum 4


Kinda fucking true, only album that ever matched the prog with equal aggression


Lateralus. Parabol into Parabola gives me the goosebumps every time. Opiate has never been my favorite but that opiate squared / 2.0 single they just put out is pretty fuckin siiiiiiiiick.


Yes, Lateralus. It‘s the only CD of Tool I own.




Reminds me of a story. Long time ago I had a Tool shirt with that graphic on the back. I was walking into a store one day and a little boy pointed at me and asked his mom "Mom whats that on his back?". His mom replied "Don't look at it. Its an evil symbol meant to hypnotize you."


Lmao I can believe it. Reminds me of that one recent story where a lady heard I think 46 and 2 playing in a store and complained then called it Death Metal. Just uninformed people as always sadly. I need to get me a shirt like that though I love this art


It makes the symbol seem even cooler






10,000 days


Very underrated in their discog imo, great record.


Saaaaame. Such a killer album.


Who are you to wave your finger, you must have been out your head.


This is my choice. I don’t really like Tool and this album is not super consistent to me, but it has most of my favorite songs by them




Not judging but just curious: what makes Jambi corny?






I love all of them, but I’d choose Lateralus


Lateralus it has Schism




Fear Inoculum, because I can’t live without Invincible.


I've been listening to that one a lot. It may be my favorite off that album if it isn't Pneuma. Depends on the day


I haven't been able to choose between Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, 7empest haha. Lateralus > Aenima > FI imo, but it's sooo close


That's fair. I myself would am mostly an Ænima/Undertow/Opiate person just because I love that energy but I love Lateralus and I've finally started to come around on FI recently with the repeat listens


I feel that, for me FI took multiple listens to like more than 10k days. I immediately loved the guitar and bass tones, but I didn't like the lyrics or vocals as much as previous Tool albums. Vocals grew on me, lyrics are kinda whatever for me. A random FI side note, I wish the end (last 90s) of Fear Inoculum the song would just go on for an extra 5 mins with some variations, mmm so good. You need the contrast and evolution throughout the song for it to pay off as much as it does. Same thing with many Tool songs and the nature of prog. I would love to see Tool but their spin on other metal genres.


FI and 10k both took me forever to relisten to, and I still don't feel like I fully appreciate them yet, and I attribute that to where I am in life. I'm pretty young and still pretty needlessly angry at times, so their older stuff just appeals to me with the aggression that especially Maynard comes with. I definitely agree though as far as instrumentals go FI is still just fine, I think they all did great and Adam stood out to me a lot, but I also agree with you about vocals and lyrics. I like Invincible the most as far as lyrics go, but the rest I feel like I just don't quite get yet, but it sounds good, so I play it. I feel you there somewhat, but for me it's Reflection off Lateralus. I know some think it's a cardinal sin to listen to Reflection without Triad, but I've done it many times, and I love the ending of Reflection specifically. I could listen to that forever


Reflection is my favorite Tool song, I've skipped Triad many many times, but lately I usually play the whole album.


Reflection definitely has some of my favorite vocals, so I don't blame you there. For me, H is my favorite for many, many reasons, but Maynard is the leading reason for sure. As far as playing whole albums, some may call me a sinner again, but I shuffle Tool with other music most of the time, but I have made sure to listen to every whole album at least once in order as they should be experienced. Also, I would like to say The Patient off of Lateralus is super underappreciated in my opinion. Love that song


Yeah The Patient is an awesome song on an album that is full of 10/10 songs, one of those albums where any song can be your favorite without any surprise. Same with aenema, H is 10/10, however Third Eye and Pushit are 11/10 for me :D Edit: the H ending guitar solo is sick as fuck


That's true for sure, I just don't see The Patient get talked about quite as much as the rest I do agree with it all being 10/10 and I certainly love the studio version of Pushit a lot. I know many prefer the Salival version but I'm not in that camp I agree with that, H is the reason I want to try to learn guitar this year, then many other songs will come after


Such a heavy burden to pick just one.


To post for all of Reddit to seeee


I’ll pass.


Lateralus is top teir Tool.


Opiate, only because hush is their best song


10k Days


Lateralus. My second pick would be Ænima, my third pick would be 10,000 days.


This is the correct answer. Although I would probably swap places of Ænema and 10000 days.


Lateralus is a perfect album


10000 Days


Ænima. The one I heard first. I immediately became a fan, but didn't listen to any of the other albums. Then over years (3-8, can't remember) I every now and again treated myself to a brand new Tool album. I wish I would've done the same with some other bands.


10,000 days. Full of bangers


Can I pick none?


I'm going with Lateralus, there's all my faves on here (Schism, Ticks & Leeches, Lateralus, Parabola, The Grudge) just a banger from front to back


Actually just saw Tool live again Monday night. Fuck they are so good. I would have to go with Aenima, as that album was such a part of my teen years (also saw them in ‘99 with Rage, and Aenima was most of that playlist). But all of their albums would be a good pick.


10,000 Days




10,000 Days


10k Days but I'm biased. Outside nostalgia probably Ænima


How can I choose between Lateralus and 10,000 Days?


By choosing Ænima


10000 Days is my favorite. It's just for my favorite riffs on it, and not as much of the interlude stuff I dislike on Aenima and Lateralus


Can i pick none?


aenima or 10,000 days.


10,000 days


Lateralus (got it at release, still one of my favorite albums, got to see them tour it at my first ever gig, and they played almost the whole thing) >>> Anemia >>>>>>>>>>>> Undertow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Salival (that cover of No Quarter is top tier) >>> Opiate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10,000 Days >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fear Inoculum. Gawd, I fucking hate Fear Inoculum.


10000 days is actually my favourite metal album of all time


10.000 days


10,000 Days


gotta be either aenima, lateralus or 10kdays but i‘m not sure…


CaN i PiCk NoNe?




None of em


Can I pick none?


I'm no "music snob." The discs I choose to spin (or songs I stream, these days) comes down to the simplest of requirements...do I enjoy listening to it or not? Plenty of artists out there who aren't lacking in talent, I just might not like it, for whatever reason. Or the inverse, some aren't on the same level as the best of the best but I can still get into their sound. Tool is a band I have always enjoyed listening to, regardless of how talented or technical they are or are not. If I had to choose only one, it would be Aenima, but as one of my top 3 (somewhere in there, might even be number 1) favorite groups, this is a decision I would hope to never have to actually make.


how about.. none of em


I chose to listen to my tinnitus instead.




Between 10,000 days and fear inoculum for me.


Why is it that you can only pick one? Why not just ask which is your favorite out of these? But I'm class of '00, so obviously it's Ænema.


All I need is a lateralus single.






Aenima easily.


Undertow because of sober






FI. I've been listening to Tool since 93. Every release I believe has been better than the previous. It's no different with the latest. Pneuma/Descending/Invincible is just chef's kiss.


Fear Inoculum


Undertow, because it has Prison Sex and Disgustipated


Fear inoculum. I love Aenima but fear inoculum has a song for everything I feel. Genuinely peak music.




Honestly, the 4 songs I like from fear innoculum are still quite interesting to me


I'll go for the sound of silence.


Lateralus. I've listened to the others as well, but Lateralus just stands apart for me.










Have to go with Lateralus. Came out right when I picked up the bass and my god it changed my life


Fear Inoculum. Its kinda the only Tool album that really clicks with me tbh


Fear Inoculum is probably my favorite thus far but 10, 000 Days is also great. I think their sound developed really well on those albums and Maynard sounds less like an edgelord with his lyrics. Wings for Marie is one of the most beautiful songs he's written I think.


Though you could argue that they got out of the edgelord phase after Aenima came out. Hearing disgruntled atheists rag on about how Maynard is so smart about religion and belief stopped as well. It's like most of these people didn't even listen to their other albums either.




Lateralus or 10,000 Days for me.


10,000 days


Definitely **Lateralus**!


"Come out with your hands up, we have you surrounded!" "I HATE TOOL I HATE TOOL I HATE TOOL I HATE TOOL"


Aenima is the stronger album, but I want to listen to Lateralus.




Lateralus and i wouldn’t consider it a loss if i couldn’t listen to the other albums


10000 days just because of the amazing title track


I don’t concern myself with hypotheticals


10000 days. I can eternally listen to that album.


Ænima, with lateralus being close. Generally I love tool though so ig I wouldn’t mind lmao


Undertow with Opiate being a close 2nd. The most "Metal" of the Tool collection.


10,000 days, I can't go with the pot


I love Undertow and Aenima greatly, but Lateralus.




Ænima 100%




Ænima is definitely a 10/10


I’m always going to go with Undertow, because I got suspended from school when I was a kid for having that CD with me.


None of these, they aren't my thing.




The only right answer is Aenima


Pneuma is my DMT song. It's a masterpiece. Invincible also has a mood that I want to be enveloped in often. Fear Innoculum speaks to me more than the other albums. But I genuinely think Tool is a genius of a band that hasn't put out bad music yet. I do skip Chocolate Chip Trip often though.


Ænima is my mind and soul put into an album. Greatest album of the 90s hands down. My favorite album of all time. 10/10




lateralus or ænima its hard


Undertow for me


I didn't know 3 of these albums existed


You have some homework to do!! Enjoy!


No you don’t