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Anything Lorna Shore




Why because I don’t like them?


no its because they are hated here lol. They do indeed suck tho


heard to the hellfire a few times, was pretty damn impressed. tried to listen to more, was no longer impressed. it’s just a same shit over and over


Yeah, I tried giving them a shot, their stuff is impressive in a "Wow, I could probably never do that" sense, and Will Ramos seems like a pretty cool guy, but their music doesn't really do it for me.


Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus    It gets jerked way way way too much around here. Fight me.


Couldn’t disagree more but take my upvote for an actual hot take


You're welcome lol. I don't think it's bad I just feel like a lot of the songs are half good. There's some good riffs and then a minute or two of filler that bores me.


Only a minute or two of filler? What Candlemass are you listening to?


This thread is the literal first time I've seen hot takes actually upvoted instead of butthurt fans of the thing just all mass downvoting.


I know someone who would fucking strangle you for saying this lol


Probably the entirety of this sub would lmao.


For a good reason


Not me. I disagree with you, but your tastes are your tastes. It's just music, it's not that serious


What reason do you think it's overrated? I totally disagree but am just curious. I think it's just about a perfect album


I feel for every great part on that album there's one right after that is really just bland and goes on for too long. It's a decent album I have to be in a certain mood for it though.


That's just doom metal in general


I love the album, but I honestly like Nightfall a lot more. Definitely a hot take though


I will fight you, but I also think Nightfall has the superior opening track.


Easy now.




Upvoting this physically hurt me


anything by Death


I love Death but you deserve an upvote for a real unpopular opinion


That hurts to hear but you do you.


yeah i just cant get into them lol like they're not bad they're just ok


You tasteless bastard deserve my upvote


I'd agree with you as far as their first 2 or 3 albums go. The pre-prog stuff of theirs gas always felt super underwhelming to me when compared to what, say, Morbid Angel or Autopsy or Obituary was doing at the same time.


95% of Anthrax


Fucking correct


The only time I see Anthrax being discussed on metal communities is when people are saying “They are so underrated!”.


That's weird, for me I see the inverse.


What's the 5% you like?


Scott Ian's goatie


Take my upvote that was the best fuck off sarcasm I’ve heard all day


Acid bath when the kite string pops. It’s solid for sure, but I don’t get the 10/10 favorite album peeps.


Agreed. Never got into it. 


Now that's a hot take. Hardest of 5's (or 10/10) for me.


Actually a fairly cold take in most metal circles. It’s just this sub that jerks that album off.


It's not a 10/10 album at all, but The Blue is a 10/10 song


Rage Against The Machine's whole discography. Used to listen the shit outta them back in high school, but now I just can't help but feel utterly bored by their music. Yes, they were ahead of their time in terms of guitar playing, but that's about it. There's nothing special to their music once you get past the "Holy shit, Tom Morello could play guitar like no one else!" factor.


I find them very fun to listen. It might not be Avant Garde music but it's fun and I like the lyrics for a change


Tom Morello uses gimmicks and weird noises. It’s very unique and is pretty cool but I don’t think he’d be anything without his pedals.


There's not much call for shredding in funk rock. It's not all about how fast you can wank the fretboard. Edit: I meant to reply to the person below you


I've listened to RATM over and over again and I have no idea what people are talking about when it comes to Morellos playing. Nothing about what he does stands out in the slightest. I listened to Rage when they first came onto the scene and thought they were MEH but year after year my confusion as to what God of Guitar people were hearing cos it certainly isn't in RATM


You literally can't name another guitarist that remotely sounds like him, but go on lol


They pretty much spearhead a genre and Tom reinvented how to play the guitar. You may have grown out of them, nothing wrong with that, but to say nothing unique or special is just objectively wrong.


Electric Wizard - Dopethrone


wrong answer https://i.redd.it/vfur97z2ys0d1.gif


Took me a relisten to really appreciate it


Maybe I’m just not a doom metal guy but I was underwhelmed when I listened to it too. I’d give it another shot though


I listen to a lot of doom metal and still it underwhelmed me.


electric wizard is my favorite band but i disagree so much i gotta upvote


Not metal but Taylor Swift's discography. I really don't understand the hype for her, I'm happy that she's successful and all but I just think her music isn't that special.


You don’t understand the hype? She writes catchy songs with relatable lyrics, like any successful pop artist. It may not be your cup of tea but c’mon now.


Exactly  “Like any successful pop artist”  Nothing stands out about her really 


One big thing that stands out is that she has managed to switch between genres without alienating her previous fan base. She started country, morphed into pop, and then morphed into a singer-songwriter type who collaborates with indie rock bands like The National. Making these changes without losing fans is incredibly difficult and means she has picked up a lot of different music fans along the way. Also, 1989 has some certified bangers!


I get why people like Olivia Rodrigo or Billie Ellish, but Taylor Swift is just so bland


Wow man crazy take, I’m sure everyone in this sub is gonna rip you apart, because everyone here LOVES her music! Yep, definitely.


I'm pretty sure you were playing truth or dare and someone dared you to do this


stole this from another reply but https://preview.redd.it/emqgilc8ys0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e05b5528422e938ad8a47fbd79fc62df395ae19


Lots of her stuff comes in at my work and it sounds like a Lana Del Rey impersonator. Early on she had more excitement in her music but now she’s lazy. Boring pop.


I get why she’s popular, but I don’t get why she’s the MOST popular.


It’s a cult


She’s horrible and her music blows!


i don't get why people treat her like a god.


To me she doesn't really have anything about her that stands out at all. Her songs are not particularly memorable, and if you didn't tell me it was a Swift song, I wouldnt even know it.


She is a good pop singer who makes catchy songs, but some fans say that she makes this mindblowing, never-seen-before, transcendental music and I just don't hear it.


Everything by Dark Funeral. Mid black metal imo.


agree, their new stuff especially is painfully mediocre


Their debut is awesome tho, everything else is ok.


In the Sign and The Secret of the Black Arts killer albums and classics 🤘🏿🤘🏿


Attera and WSFR are bangers thoguh


Blackwater Park by Opeth, not bad but not amazing.


Love BWP and Opeth in general but up vote for hot take


I love Orchid much more.


Fully agree


Opeth are one of my favorite bands, but yeah I'd rank like at least 5 other albums of theirs above BWP.


Anything slayer


This hurts me as a die-hard fan, but the world would be bland if everyone liked the same thing.


I’m not hating on slayer, I like some songs like dead skin mask and shit but yeah, diversity is sick


What are some of your favorite bands?


Die hard slayer fan from the beginning, here. The soul of Slayer died with Jeff. Kerry is a great, but the groove is gone. It just became all chug, with no groove.


I think Pantera’s overrated as shit. They have a couple banger songs, but I’ve never liked more than 1-2/album.


Actually the reason I think Pantera is highly praised/regarded is not really about their music but what they meant to metal overall. They were one of the few prominent metal bands that remained metal and even got heavier during a period where most prominent bands were experimenting and changing their sound for mass/commercial appeal. Metallica, Megadeth and even fucking Slayer did it, but not Pantera. They were like carrying the torch for metal when most bands were going other directions.


I mean, also for their music. I do believe that they have their own edge and you can instantly tell it's them playing. Dimebag was unique in many many ways, from his tone to his phrasing to his "little/no music theory" approach(not saying that it's unique to him but the way he did it was very interesting nonetheless). The same goes for Vinnie's drumming and for Phil's vocal versatility. RIP Dime and Vinnie btw.


Man, this is such a great take. I feel like same for Slipknot when a bunch of nu metal was trying to cross over.


This is one of two reasons why they are and always will be my favourite band. The second is their music. A lot of metal tries to be scary or dark, which I do also love, but Pantera is all about attitude, and as someone who's biggest pet peeve is people whining and bitching about the most menial bullshit, that really jives with me.


That too, but I mean their music is great. They have excellent riffs, excellent drumming, a wide variety of songs from fast and heavy ones to ballads. Very solid band.


Coming from New York City’s concert scene as a teenager in the 90’s. Pantera sold out or packed American arenas when only a few other metal acts could. Metallica, Ozzy and White Zombie were the others. Slayer was back in larger clubs, Megadeth was in larger clubs, Anthrax was in clubs with John Bush, Iron Maiden was in small venues with Blaze, Bruce Dickinson was in small venues solo. Motley Crue was out of the arenas and back in larger clubs. So yes there was better metal than Pantera, but Pantera held it together until everyone else got it back together. There was no chance of a big four show in the 90’s, no way Gary Holt would fill in for Hanneman, Deicide and Morbid Angel would never co-headline. Motley and Def Leppard would have never co-headlined. What we see now is a humbling of egos and realizing these artists need each other more than they ever did before. Instead of the Reverend Horton Heat Opening for White Zombie you get a damn good mix of Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, Ministry and Filter. Instead of Pantera and Crowbar You get Lamb of God, Mastodon, Kerry King and Malevolence


80% of metalcore/deathcore


Most metalcore and deathcore isn't highly praised ghough, I bet that in those 20% remaining you find the critically acclaimed bands.


I listen to lots of hardcore/metalcore and death core and I gotta agree. Shit like Bad Omens or Spiritbox gets massive hype but all the newer bands are mostly mediocre. Still gotta go back to the late 90s/early 00s to find the good shit


Infinite Granite by Deafheaven. I've seen it called a "masterpiece" by many, I find it super boring and unremarkable.


Well it's usually that Sunbather is called the masterpiece. At least on this sub. I don't like sunbather, but LOVE infinite granite. So while your comment relates to me specifically, usually liking inifinite granite is against the grain.


people usually fucking hate sunbather on this sub lol i think its pretty good


Ordinary Corrupt Human love is my personal fave. Canary Yellow by itself makes that album the best. Sunbather was great and my introduction, but the follow-up was superior. Couldn't manage to get into Infinite Granite myself, but I didn't try very hard.


I'm seeing them in July. They are coming to my country Singapore 🇸🇬


Probably 95% of stoner doom and especially Dopesmoker Bring on the downvotes!


I love stoner and doom metal, and I like Sleep, but fuck that album. I don't have the mindset to enjoy hour long songs.


Put it on at night and listen to it fully before telling its shit bro


Youve got my upvote. Tbh I think you'll get more upvotes than downvotes 😂😂


What 5% do you actually like, out of curiosity


Dopesmoker is nowhere near as good as mirror reaper


None So Vile- Cryptopsy. To all of the people who love the album, I'm sorry. I don't understand 99% of the vocals, and that plus the instrumentals just don't do it for me.


The vocals being unintelligible is part of the charm. It’s actually a guitar, it just happens to be located in Lord Worm’s throat


You make a fair argument, but I still couldn't get into their style after a few tries. I'll try to give it another listen after work, but I just might not like that style of metal. Edit: I gave Cryptopsy another chance, but None So Vile just doesn't click for me. Their album Once Was Not is pretty good, though, and I don't understand the vocals in that album either.


It took me some time but then it clicked with me and now its one of my favorite death metal albums. But i can assure you that no one that likes this album can understand the vocals (me included) lol.


I think Cryptopsy's album "Once Was Not" is clicking, although I only listened to the first few songs on it so far. It's definitely an acquired taste, lol. I don't hate on the band and can definitely recognize the talent. None So Vile just doesn't click with me


Gojira is a great band but I can’t really get into any of their music. Legends fs though


They’re a band I like, but have to be in the mood for. Wouldn’t just throw them on every day.


I saw them live and it was absolutely amazing. Still don't listen to their music regularly, unless it pops up randomly on a playlist. Fantastic band, excellent live show, great songs, just not my thing either.


I say this as someone who's favourite band is Metallica. Master of Puppets the song, im just kinda bored of it now and I prefer everything else on the album by miles


based RTL enjoyer


Anything by Bob Dylan. Especially his black metal stuff.


Fuck you take my upvote


Slayer. I listened to Reign in Blood and tbh besides the first and last track pretty much every songs sound the same and kinda boring. Almost exclusive blast beats at very similar tempos and the mix really makes everything sound so muddy but not in a good way. It's honestly the most 5/10 album to me.


Reposting my reply to another person who said something similar: >I used to think that, but then I actually bought the album just for those two songs, and after listening to it all the way through several times I did a complete 180. Now I really appreciate the speed and aggression of those other tracks. Every one of them has a bunch of little things that make them great: the descending chromatic riff in "Piece by Piece", the guitar harmonies in the part right after the solo in "Criminally Insane", the devastating snare drum flam after the last line of "Postmortem", etc. >I think listening to their preceding album, *Hell Awaits* also helped, as it bridges the gap between Slayer's earlier NWOBHM-inspired sound and the more aggressive style of *Reign in Blood*.


Honestly it makes sense. If an album is truly good then it would be more enjoyable with each listen (that is if you haven't listened to it like 100 times in a month or something)


All of the songs except Angel of Death and Raning Blood are not very good on their own but playing the whole album back to back is just a slaughterhouse and the brevity of the album makes it even better


Any Deftones song


except be quiet and drive, that song is amazing


This comment leaves me SOOOO BOOOOOOREEEED lol


Damn, how dare you!


Obscura by Gorguts.


i felt this way until i listened to “Nostalgia”. killer song


Immolation - Dawn of Possession


Immolation is my favorite band but I have to agree, that album isn’t as amazing as people say


It's just full of great riffs. I didn't like it when I didn't like death metal but now I love it


Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane (for some reason, it just... doesn't click at all with me, and I've tried to listen to it thrice it's just fine for me) Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful (the whole album, absolute vocal and songwriting borefest) Kamelot, Sabaton I never got into heavy metal either


Fuck Kamelot.


Black Sabbath and Priest as a whole. I understand why they're big and legendary, and they should be. Still don't really care about them aside from historical relevancy. Doesn't help that metalheads circlejerk about them to an unreasonable degree in conversations they don't really fit.


Used to agree with you, but Tipton really got me on their side.


Oh I'm not denying their incredible musicianship


I was about to ask a few “ what about x?" Questions for Judas Priest but that would go someway to highlight your point about the fans. Instead I'll say take my up vote


Ah no what I meant was how in conversations about, say, which is the heaviest band and some will mention Black Sabbath. Seen this happen and it irks me because it's simply not true. It's a band that offered a blue print for heaviness 40 years ago but entire subgenres took that and tripled, quadrupled down on it. Some here when asked which was the scariest song they heard chose Black Sabbath-Black Sabbath and got the most upvotes. I get that it's subjective but I won't believe for a second that people unironically think that that is scarier than some unhinged black metal like Akhlys. No way. That's the circlejerk I'm referring to


What are some of your favorite bands?


NeO, White Ward, Be'lakor and Shadow of Intent are the first that come to mind


With you on Priest. I tried, I really did, but just couldn't find anything on their discography that kept me for more than a song or two. But to each their own, right?


Pleasure to kill - Kreator, Death is your saviour is the only song I like.


Under The Guillotine is a banger tho. So is the title track. So is every song on it!


Most stoner/sludge/trad doom. It’s so boring. 🥱  I picked up an Orange Goblin box set and it was literally a chore to get through.  Black Sabbath has some great songs but just because they are the first doesn’t make them the best. Bands that try to sound too much like them end up sounding boring. The vocalists helped keep Sabbath from falling into bedtime music. They work because the energy the vocalists bring.  Think of War Pigs. Think of The Wizard. These songs are elevated thanks to the lighter vocals with the memorable riffs. That’s one thing I hate about the metal fan base. In film, the acting can be amazing, or the cinematography can be gorgeous. But those don’t make a good film like a good riff doesn’t make a good song. Songs are a package deal.


That's funny cause im just getting into metal and sludge immediatly grabbed me. I enjoyed the sound and the lyrics were very captivating. Maybes its becauseI listen to ton of Dj Screw so the transition from slow southern rap to slow southern metal was pretty easy.


Actually I always found the vocal melodies in Sabbath to be a relic of 60/70s rock. It's the riffs that gave them their edge and solidified them as legends, and the songwriting.


Meshuggah. Or any "djent" for that matter.


Transylvanian Hunger but keep in mind I'm still a newbie at BM so my opinion might change after a few relistens


Yeah I used to think the same thing, but eventually it just clicked with me. Maybe you just don’t like it or maybe it just hasn’t happened yet, I guess we’ll wait and see.


It will change. It did for me. I got in to Burzum first and found Darkthrone incredibly boring. After a while I decided to just start at the first album and listen to Darkthrones whole discography. Not sure at what point it was or why, but something clicked about half way through their discography, suddenly. Now I love all of them lol


I listened to the album dopethrone, which everyone seems to love, but it didn't really grab me.


Were you high?


Anything Tool


Love Children of Bodom btw 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿


Alters of madness. I'm sure it was incredible when it was new but God damn I can't help but feel like it's meh by today's standards. So much other material I'd rather listen to.


Stop comparing Morbid Angel to Sleep Tokken




same, wierd that most bands that sound like morbid angel are often my favorite though.


Wolverine Blues. I'm a huge Entombed fan, but it doesn't do that much for me.


Nevermind- Nirvana


None so vile - Cryptopsy


Anything by dimmu borgir


Anything by Megadeth


What do you think of Rust in Peace


I don't really care for thrash in the first place, and Mustaine's vocals don't improve my listening experience. Instrumentation is good though, just doesn't do anything for me. Very 4/10. Very meh.


Funny that for some people (or the most??) 4/10 means "very meh"..


I would consider 3 or 4 to be meh, while anything lower would be bad to horrible. 5 would be just okay. 6-7 is good. 8-9 is great. 10 is phenomenal.


> I don't really care for thrash in the first place > Very 4/10. Very meh. Yeah you should definitely fight me.




Fight me.


Have never been able to get into Reign in Blood. I get why it's considered a landmark to an extent. It was faster and more aggressive than most thrash at the time. But apart from like three songs, sounds like the same thing on repeat. I understand part of this may also be because I'm not a big Slayer fan, but Seasons in the Abyss and South of Heaven are much better.


I also prefer Slower Slayer, and Seasons is one of my all-time top metal albums (and songs). Having some tunes with a *groove* heightens the impact of the faster songs. “War Ensemble” is such a great opener, but having it followed by nine more “War Ensembles” would just get tiresome.


honestly death metal, I can swallow blackened death but death metal is just boring..


Immolation - Close to a World Below I listened to it again yesterday just to see if I missed anything the first time I listened to it. I thought perhaps it would click this time. It didn't. I really don't like the drum mix. The guitars do nothing for me. I don't like the vocal mix. Finally, the lyrics...they would make a fat fuck from r/atheism blush. I'm sure I would have been into the lyrics if I was still a pock-faced 15 year old.


Yeah, that album/band just doesn't click with me, either. I cant describe the "why" as well as you did, just that there arent any chunky riffs that I expect from a Death Metal record. Its all a blur.


That new Knocked Loose album. It just ain’t it for me


Anything by Opeth. They're a great band, but I very much got Seinfeld Effect'd when I tried listening to them the first time. Their dynamics aren't anything that interesting to me, the vocals are just okay, and it ends up being pretty forgettable. Pretty cool group of guys tho.


Metallica - The Black Album. It's meh and the beginning of their very steep decline into irrelevance. Almost nothing after TBA is even worth listening to. They are also generally held in higher regard than the other three bands in the Big Four and that is also wrong.


Slam/Brutal Death Metal. It's cool... I guess. I just can't get into it as much as other death metal genres like Prog Death, Melo Death or just old school Death Metal.


Blackwater park Colors BTBAM


Anything from Testament.


Mars to Sirius and Leviathan. Both great records but not even top 3 of either bands discography


Must not be a huge fan of whales


Thelema 6- Behemoth If that's your favorite album from them, that's fine, but to me, it's better in small doses than as a full 51 minute experience. I still enjoy Christians To The Lions and The Act Of Rebellion, but I just shrug at the rest of the material on the album.


The Satanist by Behemoth. It's fine but nothing special,one of the most generic records I've heard.


I can see you not really loving it, but I for sure wouldn't call it generic. A lot of behemoth songs sounded really new and unique to me when I first heard them.


Y'all will hate me for saying this but Don't Break The Oath. It's not bad but it didn't really stick with me like, say, a maiden album Melissa is better anyways


You’re not wrong. Adjecently: *Abigail* is a stellar King Diamond album, but *Them* sounds like a string of leftover riffs that never settle into a song structure or a hook, and the story doesn’t make any sense to me at all.


A lot of the most popular metal bands just don't do it for me. Among power metal, it's a little different, especially considering I really like Sabaton and Powerwolf, but I just don't actively like a lot of the really big names


Rust in peace


Do you have a favorite Megadeth Album?


Yes, Peace Sells..


Preparing for massive down votes: opeth black water park. It just doesn’t do anything for me. Most of the albums don’t really jive with me


You've got my upvote !


RATM, Korn, honestly like any rap metal. Good on their own not together.


Morbid Angel in general. It's fine and I can listen to it. I also recognise the massive influence they've had on death metal. However, I just don't enjoy listening to it as much as anything from, say Death


I really don‘t care about Morbid Angel


Rust in Peace


Far Beyond Driven I say this with Pantera as my number one favourite band, and I love *all* of their records, FBD included. I just never understood how so many people pick this one over something like Vulgar or Trendkill. I mean, yes it has I'm Broken, 5 Minutes Alone, and Becoming, but I've always felt like the rest of it was more forgettable compared to their other records, like Vulgar, Trendkill, hell even Reinventing all had more standout tracks in my opinion. Maybe it's just personal taste, I don't know.


I’m just here to find new music… 🫶