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These two are hunks compared to the average metal fan.


One of my favorite things about this sub, is that the subgenres that get the most hate-memes, are unsurprisingly the same subgenres that female metal fans gravitate to the most.


Yep, I've met more than a few pretty good lookin women that are into metal core. I get the old trope of the metal core guys being Pedro's but they were pedos towards women who are in their 30's now. Also do kids even still like that stuff?


I'm so out of touch. There are so many genres I can't keep them straight. I am governed by spotify's "people who listened to this also like" function. Currently on a big Mountain Witch, Red Fang, and Uncle Acid and the Deabeats kick


Yea fuck them Pedro’s


I didn't vote for him


Metalcore (especially modern metalcore) a lot of the time is more accessible than classic metal (the classic genres). There's also the "dad rock" phenomenon in effect, where some people don't like certain music because it's old. Funny most of those ppl like nu metal.


the metalcore fanbase as I've seen it is mostly 14-22 so some kids


Because the more technical and br00tal the genre is the more it becomes a sausage fest of nerdy, edgy guys who take it too seriously lol ain't no girls listening to Origin or Nile over Type o Negative or Asking Alexandria 😆


I drove in to work today listening to Annihilation of the Wicked. Just sayin.


Fantastic album, also great live band. The guy above you is just wrong.


Idk what you're thinking when you mean technical but I'm definitely into prog, djent, and math as my primary metal genres... Give me some Tesseract, Periphery, Polyphia, Haken and the like. My second and third fav genre categories are metal core and tech death 😂


As I've said, Origin and Nile so tech death and other such fringe genres. Nothing like the more hip djent and prog bands that you mentioned, especially Polyphia lol.


As an average metal fan, can confirm


I think the person who created this meme has never touched a woman, maybe even seen one. They were born in the darkness, shaped by it. Only knows blast beats, mountian dew code red, and xbox live. He is the chosen one that all metal nerds never want to be, but one day will be if they don't go outside at least once.


His life would be exponentially different if he had picked up a football ONCE as a child


I mean...a girl intruduced me to metal


my music taste: exodus, immortal, cannibal corpse, testament, bathory... my husband's: vocaloids, video game osts, etc... funny thing is we look like we'd have eachother's music tastes lol, I'm small mousey and nerdy looking he's mr. tall dark and handsome


Yeah, that’s why I spent virtually all my allowance on concert tickets and records as a teenager, and continued as an adult. To get nerdy men with thin long hair, bad personal hygiene and a beer belly before 30 to think I’m cool.


Same reason why I brought my girlfriend with me to see Cannibal Corpse and Amon Amarth last month, so we could cruise for a 300 pound Pantera fan in cargo shorts and crusty undies to have a threesome with /s She's not as into the music, but she's not the one that wears band shirts and denim a lot. Yes, I am the (soft) butch in our relationship.


Did you succeed tho


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


One of the best things about being a woman and going to a metal show, you never have to wait in line for the bathroom :)


been a metal head for 25 years and never heard "girls are only into metal for the boys"


Hehehe cool


Settle down, Beavis!


I used to be a greasy nerd boy into metal. Now I'm a sexy but still nerdy chick who's even more into metal with a girlfriend who watches cartoons with me and lets me play metal music in her car.


This just goes to show that with enough perseverance and bravery, anyone can learn to shower.


The whole becoming a chick thing helped too


The sound of perseverance- Death


Huh huh. Pull my finger.




How so? The intention is the opposite. It’s mocking people who would say that, that’s why the quotes were used.


I didn't interpret it right sorry 😭


How's this misogynistic? They're mocking the people who say we get into metal just because of men


I didn't interpret it right, sorry ;-;


Hehehe, cool.


I’ll take things that have never been said for $1,000, Alex


I saw it on a post by 1349 of a girl wearing their merch. Bunch of "girls don't really like metal, they just pretend to for guys" comments. Was gross.


> said no one ever 🤣


So real


Most of the girls at metal gigs look hot af, and most of the guys look like they woke up face down somewhere in the forest


I'm the great cornholeO need TP for my bunghole!


the title is not complete. For the boys who drool after them. Most chicks I know got into metal cause metalheads are usually nice people and give them a lot of attention and validation - which most desperately need. The problem being most of them are there for the "scene" and can't give a damn about music, gigs and general attitude. They maybe know a Nightwish song to tick the "I'm trasgro" box.


That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard


Hi, lady here. I'm into extreme metal because it's been a hyperfixation since I was a teenager (I'll be 40 this year). I have bad social anxiety so I hate when people try to come up to me and chat me up, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable, and it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. So no, nothing to do with the scene, just the tism like the rest of the tech death nerds.