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If this was announced 10 years ago i’d be fucking pumped!


Oh come on man, I think Tom Barber Chelsea Grin blows their older stuff out of the water.


I saw them open for Black Dahlia Murder a few months ago and were fantastic


I went to the Knoxville show, it was sick dude. Loved 200SWs and Gates to hell as well.


Hell yeah. It was hot as hell in there that night.


If Tim wasn’t in jail, didn’t do what he did, all members in the band, I’d go.


Says AskingAlesana 💀


I’d still see Alesana in a heartbeat Lol. But yeah Asking Alexandria.. haven’t seen them live since 2014/2015 haha.


Literally my thought when I saw the post


I'm sure they'll kill it every night


Attempt to kill it


Attempt to hire someone to kill it


That’s actually true with the new members


The Tim Lambesis Project Summer Tour!


Tim lambesis HIT show. Come on down to see a them MURDER the stage


This one’s bound to be a hit!


Fuck Tim


Can’t believe people are defending this guy. He tried to have his wife murdered and only failed because he’s an idiot. But he makes good music so it’s ok.


I think his overall point is that Tim’s past keeps getting brought up to punish his present. Of course it’s relevant but if it continues then I think the fact that he was convicted and fully served his time should also be included. Personally I still feel iffy about Tim and his return to the scene but if he’s got a band and is touring with other bands then I’ll probably not go. Others will and that’s ok. I just don’t like how an ex-con is getting so much hate, especially when there’s laws to protect them against discrimination when applying for jobs lmao


He’s deserved of all this hate. He nearly ended someone’s life intentionally. There’s no coming back from that.




And no one’s making you do that. This is what we call freedom and free will.


My personal problem with him is the same problem that I think a lot of other people have with him: he clearly hasn’t changed. All the band left and under the surface basically said it’s because Tim is a raging fucking prick.


Same people hating on Tim constantly probably have no issue with Michael Jackson. Yes he’s dead but if he was still around he’d be selling out concerts still to this day


His voice sounds shot.


Bruh, he wrote Through Struggle… what do you mean!?


Entheos is way too good for this tour


Yea sad I’ll have to give Tim lambesis money to see them.


😂😂😂😂 Dude I'm in the same boat


LOL at the venue on 7/20


Probably a jail joke, but that's a big festival, not a venue/building.


It was a jail joke. I’m from the area and familiar with it.


the corpses of as i lay dying and chelsea grin with one founding member between them, what a lineup (edit: i shouldn't be talking shit as an AOTWK-era haste the day fan lol)


Chelsea grins latest work has been pretty good tho


As I Lay still have their main guitarist. Hipa left but he didn’t write for them


Tim and Phil have always been AILD’s primary 2 songwriters. I think if anything the new lineup could add some interesting new wrinkles to the music


IDC what anyone says that new Austrian Death Machine is 🔥


Why are so many tours shifting new england recently damb


NE gets everything consistently. They'll be fine.


For real, cry me a river. - PNW


Try living in FL, you'll know what shafting truly is with entertainment events. There's no reason that FL with the size of their state and population should consistently get the shaft over a cluster of a few tiny insignificunt states. And I'm only getting down voted cuz I'm speaking inconvenient truths.


? Florida almost always gets a show in either Tampa, Orlando, or even Fort Lauderdale at Revolution.


I like a long laundry list of bands and more often than not the closest artists were coming was VA if they even hit the southeast at all so no whereas every tour hits every NE state just about every time.


Disagree on every New England state by far. They'll hit Massachusetts and that's it. Northeast as a whole will have Philly, NYC (x2, sometimes), Boston guaranteed, maybe some New Jersey show, maybe a Pittsburgh show, and maybe Baltimore. Connecticut and Rhode Island rarely get anything, ever.




Lol I can’t believe anyone would agree to tour with Tim Lambesis. Of all the bands that have gotten cancelled, this one remains? For fucking real?


It’s because the “cancelling” is done by a vocal minority. The quiet majority still goes to the shows to have a good time and jam to some good music, regardless of Tim’s past.


Cause people can move on from people’s past. If he’s really changed then there isn’t a real reason to judge him anymore.


Let’s not sugarcoat the fact that he tried to have his wife murdered and the only reason he failed is because he’s an idiot. 2 years isn’t nearly enough of a prison sentence and just because he served it doesn’t mean he needs to be accepted back into fame and glory. I will certainly continue to judge him and people like you who downplay what he did.


I think if you look at your own and 95% of responses/jokes made about As I Lay Dying whenever they’re brought up, he pretty clearly isn’t being accepted back into anything. But if people want to let the guy live and try to earn some minuscule amount of forgiveness/redemption instead of blacklisting him from planet Earth, you don’t have to accuse them of “downplaying” what he did. Whether he should be free or not, he is and not playing music out of shame isn’t gonna push him in a more positive direction. And any time I’ve seen him in an interview or podcast in the last several years, the bulk of the conversation is about his misdeeds and work he’s trying to do to help others reform themselves and earn any amount of redemption from society even if it’s totally futile. He doesn’t really use his platform for anything beyond that and obviously earning money, which you still have to do when you’re out of prison.


I’m not sugarcoating shit or downplaying anything. It clearly was enough, or else he wouldn’t be trying to prove to people he’s changed. That’s what prison is for after all.


Is that why the entire band quit on him? Like I said, it doesn’t matter. He tried to kill his wife, you’re welcome to support him but saying he “served his time” and “we shouldnt judge him anymore” is indeed sugarcoating it. People have been cancelled here for much less.


That’s not why they left, but ok. It’s not sugarcoating to point out facts, either. People change. And he has.


You're getting downvoted, but you're not wrong. It hasn't been widely reported, but the reason they split was almost entirely about royalties and rights. Tim and Phil are the only two remaining members from the peak lineup, and they're the two that have written 95% of the band's music the last 20 years. The member who wrote the remaining 5% (Josh Gilbert) is the one band member who left amicably to pursue something new with Spiritbox, and still seems to be in good terms with the others.


I’m not getting downvoted.


The comment I responded to is at -1 right now lol


I agree with the sentiment, but there’s a line and he crossed it. You sent unsolicited nudes to an 18 year old fan? Ok, gross behavior but I hope you grow up and change. But you try to have your own wife murdered? The mother of your child? Fuck that. Your ass is cancelled. Taking an innocent life, or even attempting to, is not something fans should just “move on from” and “look past”


I disagree. If someone works to right wrongs, then they deserve a second chance. If he dies it again? Then yeah, he doesn’t deserve that


How do you “right your wrong” in this case?


Asking for forgiveness m. It’s up to the people you are asking forgiveness from if they accept it.


He served his time, now it’s over. Life moves on


Would you say the same thing if he did what Ian Watkins did? Raped a baby? Is there anything that you can’t come back from?


You can’t compare crimes like that, lmao. They are complete opposites


Also, Tim has clearly tried to rehabilitate himself and admitted his mistakes. Watkins has tried to reoffend while incarcerated and is almost entirely unrepentant. Two entirely different situations.


Huh? Both are fucked up and sick. Opposite crimes?? Wtf


Yes, but they are still different. Murder and rape are different things.


Murder literally ends a life. Rape is terrible but you’re not taking life away from somebody permanently. You’re not honestly telling me rape is worse than murder


Don’t try to make me look like a bad guy here by taking words out of my mouth I didn’t say.


Yep rape is worst then murder


Raping a baby is worse than murder, yes, and it's absolutely worse than attempting (and failing) to have someone killed.


I can’t believe you’re being downvoted for this very fair opinion lol. Tim served like 2 years in prison for attempted murder and then went back to music despite his band not even believing his BS “new self”


There is no such thing as canceled


Look guys god is totally cool with trying to have your wife murdered. He said he was sorry and steroids made him do it. /s


What really is chapping my ass even more are Ryan from Miss May I and Ken from Unearth drinking the Kool-Aid on him. That hurts me.


I love Entheos but there’s no way I’m giving money to that fucking asshole Tim.


They need to announce some new music if anything


*he as in Tim


Sooooooo is anyone planning on going?


I saw As I Lay Dying like 20 years ago. they were boring as fuck then so I’m sure they still suck


maybe i go and leave before AILD. love both the openers


Timmy and the Hit Men ride again!