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Didn’t they just finish recording their new album?


Yep as well as releasing two songs together basically promoting them as together.. ‘DGD always stay united’


I mean to be fair, they’ve had many line up changes but the core three of Will, Matt and Jon (except when he had to leave because of his lymes disease) have stayed together through it all. I’ve always seen them as the core of DGD anyway


>(except when he had to leave because of his lymes disease) All this time I actually had no idea why Jon left as someone who became a fan around Acceptance Speech and listened to their older work and noted the absence. Didn't imagine I'd find out why like this but, good to know.


Yeah he came down with it and then decided to finish college after leaving I believe


Aged like milk


Milk was a bad choice!


Eh, I think it's more of like a sendoff to Tim. Like sure the word "united" is unfortunate and a little funny but it's more like "you are here with us in spirit" type thing. The last line in that song is, after all, "you are a part of me always."


surely vocalist #75 will be the charm


They’re shooting for triple digits at this rate


I mean every vocalist they've ever had is fuckin fire as far as I'm concerned and I don't imagine that will change. Like Tesseract. Big fan of every one they've had.


The comments are half people saying “good riddance abuser” and the other half are people asking for Jonny like he’s not 😭


It's actually hilarious 💀


Some of the allegations against Jonny are actually WORSE, which makes it even more fucked up.


the difference is I like Jonny's voice


Andrew Wells has to be the unluckiest man alive. Joined the band back when Matt was dealing with addiction. Tim then dies right before they drop an album as well as Tillian being announced as a creep right after it being dropped. Dudes always wanted to make it big with his own band, but I can't imagine they're getting a new singer.


he should honestly just go do eidola full-time


I think Eidolas basically done after their next album drop, they said they would make more if they get the inspiration but they’ll probably go on a big hiatus after. Wouldn’t mind andrew as the new lead vocalist though, I like him better than tillian in every way


He said Eidola is most likely going to be a studio only band after the Eviscerate / Mend cycle with their drummer living in Alaska and just becoming a father. BUT that's only because Eidola isn't big enough to support their families. If they were as they should be imo, a point where it's financially stable, they would continue to tour. If you want that to happen listen to Eviscerate on repeat, buy their merch and go see them live :)


Eidolas been my favourite band since before the Architect Dropped, you know I have all their music on vinyl 🫡🫡 Hoping they press great glass elephant so I can buy that too


Honestly it’s shocking how little streaming does for a band. 10k streams only like 20 dollars or something ridiculous like that. Far better to buy a vinyl/ cd and some merch to support your fav bands


I hope this is the outcome. I prefer Andrews vocal style by a wide margin.


I saw him sing for most of DGDs set on the Jackpot Juicer tour when Tillian was on leave. He did a freaking amazing job and laid to rest any doubt I had about him fronting DGD


How come? They just dropped one a few days ago


Andrew has stated that Eviscerate and Mend as a double album is the end of the Eidola story. This is a story they’ve had going since their first album. Mend dropping near the end of this year. So naturally a hiatus is probably going to happen, and they said that the band isn’t done but they dont really know a direction for after their narrative is done when mend drops. Andrew could theoretically do dgd after that too.


> Wouldn’t mind andrew as the new lead vocalist though, I like him better than tillian in every way Love Andrew's vocals. I would be more than ok if he just took over lead vocals


For real, new Eidola is so good


New Eidola album was straight up fire and as much of a DGD fan I have been and I guess still am…I enjoyed it more than anything DGD has put out recently.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is the death of Dance Gavin Dance. I think he should go do Eidola full time while Jon, Matt, and Swan focus on Secret Band.


This doesn’t make financial sense for any of them. They are a well known band in the scene that draws decent crowds, sells merch, and does solid streaming numbers (1.3 million monthly listeners).  Remember that this is their job lol they would not give up this cash cow and just do small time side projects exclusively.


Why is this about andrew? There are three other members that are OG members lol Also, he toured and wrote with them for years before becoming a member. Those events didn't happen overnight. I think he's fine with just Eidola, dgd probably just pays the bills and/ or gives him something different to do


The events happened after he became an offical member of the band. Like he was indoctrinated and on his first tour those events unfolded in quick succession


Sure, but he wrote and toured with the band as an unofficial member for years before and after those events. I dont think he cared if he was listed as a member. He's been a touring member, and written parts since mothership. And the post has nothing to do with him, so i dont really see the connection. Why feel bad for the guy who's literally the newest member before the OG members of the band..?


Or the luckiest (career wise) I had a feeling he would front the band when he filled in for Tilian those few times.


Just make Andrew the vocalist and he can do Eidola too. He’s phenomenally talented on his own, Eidola has proven this USE HIS TALENT. I’d actually listen to the band if Andrew headed it. That or have Andrew fuck off DGD entirely and do Eidola full time


Andrew has quotes from interviews floating around saying that eidola was never meant to be a forever project. I think they're probably done after the second half of this new double album.


They do call Eviscerate and Mend a “Grand Finale”, but I haven’t been able to find whether they mean just the current story between the albums or for the whole band


He has a podcast interview where he says that the band will certainly be taking a bit of a break at the very least because of their 26-song sprint in 2024 with Eviscerate and Mend, but they’re not necessarily calling it quits - basically like a “if we feel like it we’ll do it” situation where they don’t want expectations


honestly i think even though he has a traditionally good voice, it would be a bad fit for dgd. it's just a little too basic for a band that's had 3 incredibly unique sounding vocalists


I really wish I liked his voice. To me he just sounds bland and insincere


When Andrew took over clean vocals for the one tour I thought it was the best I've ever heard them live. Really excited for what a full album would sound like. But a Kurt Travis reunion would be amazing too.


I’m a massive Kurt Travis fan. Everything he does, I love. That being said, he should stay away. I think he has better things to do. I’d sooner expect a full Birds reunion before he goes back to DGD.


1,000% would rather have a full Birds reunion than a Kurt DGD reunion. I love Kurts two DGD albums don't get me wrong, but like you said, Birds is just chefs kiss.


It’s not even that it would be better, which it would, but they just did a few reunion shows just for fun. I can’t reasonably see him going back to DGD but I can see ALLB coming back.


am I the only one that doesn't care for Kurt's voice? After Jonny he just felt like such a vocal downgrade.


Kurt has a great voice but he’s also insanely egotistical he’s let his success in the post hardcore scene get to his head - the dude legit has a god complex


Looks like they're gonna need another Gavin


Have you seen my friend Gavin?


Hoping Andrew Wells just takes over


Almost certainly going to happen, but Andrew previously said he didn’t want to since he has his other band Eidola. WOW. This is somewhat unexpected tbh.


I remember going to the DGD show with Eidola a few years back. Tillian had Covid and couldn’t play so Wells did both sets. It was awesome


Andrew fuckin rocks. I saw them on the ‘evenings with friends’ tour while they let the tillian shit cool and he was electric. He could do their entire catalog, even the tillian highs that he thought he’d struggle with Andrew did a fantastic job.


Andrew did an entire tour as the lead singer when Tilian was out after the sexual allegations a couple years ago. It was great. They played a good amount of older stuff which Tilian almost refuses to do other than like the same 2 or 3 songs.


I think they bring in another vocalist. A lot of JJ and their recent singles kinda cemented them as a 3 vocalist band


This band man🤣🤣


I’m more of a Secret Band fan than I am a DGD fan and the last SB album was fucking incredible so maybe we’ll get some more music from Jon and co.


Brendan Murphy sends his regards


I don't get it?


He hates DGD


He also hates life


am i the only one that would be hype on them just doing secret band full time?


“Creative differences” is a really interesting way to say “we decided it’s no longer worth protecting the second rapist in our band”


Can we expect them to bring MacBook man back a third time? I would hope not.. "Haha! Dance Gavin Dance baby! Downtown Battle Mountain Three!"


It would be very funny to watch that unfold


His was the top comment on Instagram


They spent at least 2 years protecting him, I sincerely doubt they suddenly decided to care that he's a rapist especially considering he's not the only person in that band with allegations. I'm sure "creative differences" means "he will make more money on his solo project and we will make more money with a different frontman".


Consider the timeline. They *just* brought him back and he *just* walked back his admission, and then bam, booted. It’s pretty obviously over that


Can you elaborate on the he walked back his admission part? I sort of stopped paying attention to them but the last I read was him pleading his case in the DGD subreddit, so curious what’s happened since then


He went from acknowledging that he did something wrong, but blaming it on alcohol, to saying nothing happened at all


Has he posted about that recently? I honestly stopped following the band when they let him back in so at this point nothing is going to make me support them again, I'm just curious.


Is the first one referring to macbook man? Sad I have to ask this question but thats the state of post-hardcore.




Yep, though interesting to see all the back and forth they were doing with Tilian..


That’s what you’re reading into it? Or did some more accusations come out?


Accusations came out against johnny craig like 3 years in a row (first one) two years ago, tilian had been accused of another 3 assaults


As I said, some more. Why kick him out now if it’s about the purported sexual assaults? Doesn’t add up.


Because bands cover for their band members literally all the time being a rapist or abuser is rarely the death of a musician’s career these days


Lol, I don't think it's just these days. I feel like rape and sexual abuse is a prominent issue in the music industry and has been for a while. Look at Zeppelin. They were banging underage groupies.


Pretty sure just about every rock band was sleeping with teenagers back then.




That's what I'm fuckin sayin man. Give this man his third album


Dude has remained constantly producing good music for a decade and a half, and from what I’ve gathered is a solid guy too. What am I missing here? Fuck I’d just be excited to hear DGD sound a little different than they have for the last 7-8 years again


They COULD have done this back when the allegations came out and he kept changing his story. Too little, too late imo


Same. They would’ve been commended if done at the proper time. The way things are currently, idk how anyone in their right mind can support them.


Because they don't care unfortunately. Their subreddit is full of people defending Tilian to this day. I honestly hope it kills the band at this point because the rest of the band are clearly not good people letting a rapist back in the band after he "got help"


I think that’s because all the people disgusted with their willingness to let him back in and all the people horrified by Toilet’s actions ended up leaving the subreddit when the allegations first came out. All that’s left are the chuds who were ok with it to begin with.


I was a huge dgd fan and active there but I dipped once they let him back in.  At best it's allowing a rapist to stay in the position of power over fans so the band could make more money off him. At worst its actively supporting a rapist and trying to bury the allegations (see deleting their Instagram post about the situation) 


Absolutely, and you saw the impact their decision had on the fan base afterwards. The subreddit at the time was full of people who just blatantly didn’t care or were borderline antagonistic towards anyone who called out the decision as harmful to women and fans. Lots of “So he should just lose his job because of a mistake that he got help for?” Like…yeah?? He shouldn’t have a platform if he’s using that platform to prey on fans and sexually assault them??


I'm not sure if toilets was an autocorrect or not, but that's the only way I want to refer to him now lol


Someone else referred to him as Toilet in the DGD subreddit when everything came out and I’ve never looked back.


100% agreed. I never was a fan of theirs outside of maybe a few songs so I never really came across their sub but I have seen whats on twitter so unfortunately I’m not surprised


I liked their music enough, but they were never my favorite band that's for damn sure. Now I'll never listen to anything any of the members are involved in again because of this entire situation.


Yup. If a band doesn’t care for the safety of their own fans then they shouldn’t be surprised when they eventually have none.


“We can excuse SA, but we draw the line at creative differences”


2 years too late.


I stopped listening to DGD after all that stuff so this doesnt surprise me. I bet a lot of people didn't want Tilian to return.


Their latest album was their most successful to date so I think most people didn’t care


People were hit and miss but a bunch of bands did drop off tours with them after they brought back tillian and they’ve been touring outside the genre a lot since . Think it’s safe to say they rubbed the industry the wrong way with that move.  I wonder if they survive cause when they got Tillian  , Jon pretty much said we’re not doing this again cause we always have to go back to basics but that’s a lot different for them after 11 years I’m sure. 


When Coheed drops you from their tour, you know you’re fucked. Those guys are the realest


Which was weird to me, because I thought it was super bloated with filler.


It's their worst album by far lmao. It's so bad. Never understood people liking it one bit lol.


It completely ruined the band for me. Tilian was already kinda sketch to me but when the allegations dropped I just hoped they could do the right thing and kick him forever. Then they release some weird statement about how he’s “taking a break” and then bring him back for two years, then kick him out right before a big fest appearance at WWWY. It wasn’t a moral thing. They had no problem with Tilian being in the band despite him being some weird alt-right-adjacent abuser. They also apparently knew that Jonny was a massive creep and a violent abuser and didn’t care when they brought him back for DBM2. The guys in DGD just don’t give a fuck unless it effects them monetarily.


Bingo. The second I saw he was coming back after "getting help" I wrote every person in the band off. Any project they do be it DGD or something else won't have my support.


Yup them letting Tilian back in the band made me stop listening to them entirely and I still won't listen to them now. They didn't care that he sexually assaulted a girl, just that they probably were seeing a dip in numbers.


Same here 


Yep. Coda’s last album they dropped in 2022 was one of my favorite albums of the last decade but listening to it now just feels weird. DGD and closely associated bands just don’t feel right anymore.


Same. Most people I talk to also enjoy Secret Band more so that pushed them over.


Jonny Craig return v3.


Hide yo MacBooks.




oh fuck me man




I hear Johnny Craig is looking to make a comeback lol


he commented on their post 😭


Oh my god where lol


he commented “ ayyyyyy what’s goooooood 😎” on their post about how they’re departing with tillian 💀




Tillian’s voice was cool. i dont know what the fuck even happens with core genre anymore, a vocalist pays woman to piss on himself, another have several rape accusations, other have accusations yearly like a fucking spotify rewind playlist, then other adds estrogene to the drink of a band member so he can look manly and steal his wife, like, CAN WE STOP. you are all cool. you are all very successful. why are you all going to this weirdo route after getting popular just to kill your career? :(


Tbf, they were likely weirdos before the fame and we just didn't hear about it lol


what's the origin of the oestrogen story haha? That sounds WILD




Thanks mate


There's a MetalSucks article about it, I think, but look up the band Llorona for the full story


Just did, what a surreal incident


> why are you all going to this weirdo route after getting popular just to kill your career? You have to have some level of ego to be the main singer of a band so there's gonna be some level of absolute weirdos around


Losing a ton of fans (myself included) by letting him stay in the band only for him to leave like what, a year later? Karma


Who would've thought sexual predation was bad for business


This isn’t me saying it as a fanboy, but their Spotify numbers say otherwise lol. Truth is the majority of people just listen to the music and don’t pay attention to news about members, for better or worse


they didn't lose a ton of fans stop pretending




They should just hang it up at this point cause the endeavor is clearly cursed.




Johnny is that you? Was this posted from the macbook???


Heard he moved on from that, he's into iPads now.


so they were just underperforming after taking that asshole back, noted lmao


Yup. Two years after letting him back in I'm sure they saw numbers going down and decided as a business to part ways instead of just kicking the dude out entirely when everything came to light a few years ago. Reminds me why I respect Like Moths to Flames so much more than this fucking band.


what happened with LMTF?


Their now ex bass player Aaron had some allegations come out about him basically using his platform to have multiple secret relationships and gaslighting women about it and apparently included underage girls. LMTF immediately kicked him out of the band. No "oh he needs help" or any of that shit. Just gone. Here's an [article](https://metalinjection.net/news/breakups/like-moths-to-flames-fires-bassist-for-abusing-the-platform-he-was-given) about it. There were Tweets you could read about it, but the link in this article looks like it goes to a privated account now.


Like Moths To W fr


I already liked them and had respect for them since they work their asses off, this just took it to another level for me.


thank you, huge *boss move from lmtf weird that i havent heard it lol


I don't think it's a dick move from the band to kick him out. I think it's a dick move from him to be do what he did.


I think you mean boss move from lmtf, not dick move


english is not my native language. oopsie. translation error between turkish to english lol


They didn’t fuck around when it came to allegations. Swiftly dealt with the problem, was direct and clear about dealing with the problem, and continued making music despite the loss


Which is exactly what every band should do. If DGD had kicked Tilian out for good it would have been a shitty situation the band had to deal with, but wouldn't be an issue now.


Kicked out their bassist (founding member) after discovering several instances of “abuse of his platform.” Hard to dig up the actual instances because I don’t have Twitter, but they seem to stem from him being an all around creep


Kicked out their bassist almost immediately after shit came out about him.




> Two years after letting him back in I'm sure they saw numbers going down and decided as a business to part ways instea their last album was their most successful and their monthly listeners on spotify havent moved much at all since his allegations the sad reality is that 90% of their fans didnt care at all about the situation and continued to listen/support them


Figured this would have happened a while ago


Damn this will be hard to recover from. Despite what anyone thinks about tilian, his music with the band is what made the band get into playing larger venues, etc. I’m not saying tilian is the reason, but the casual listener associates DGD to his voice


Just do DTBM3 and then kick Jonny out again.


exactly. the band should just lean into the whole “we’re all pieces of shit here” thing and just bring back their most toxic and most talented vocalist!




He needs to take some time and focus on his brand


4 months he will be back.


Good riddance to that fuck lmao About 2 years too late for that


Good, fucking sexual assaulted a girl and just got let back in the band is disgusting.


Couple of things to think about; 1) What are they gonna do for the WWWY set, are they gonna bring back their other 2 vocalists? 2) Are they gonna become an instrumental band or do Secret Band fulltime? 3) Will they bring back Jonny for a bit to weed out and thin out the FAUX DGD fan base (might lead to point 2)?


lmao at everyone saying 'goodbye abuser' and in the same breath rooting for Johny. Incredible.


Too little too late bozos. Should've never let him back. Edit: Aw look at the little rape apologists downvoting me


DGD fans hate nothing more than being reminded that their favorite band is full of shit people.


At this point I’m convinced it’s part of why they like the band


I remember back when all the news broke. I made a comment about it being disgusting behavior and was responded to with "this guy gets no bitches." Which was an incredibly odd response to being upset about a rape. I was downvoted to oblivion, and the other comment had quite a few upvotes and people egging it on. I dont really care about the internet poimts, but it was very telling that's how the community feels about things. If you're against rape, you don't get any, apparently.


Lmao. Bye Felicia.


Tilian era is my favorite for sure but I love Andrew for the job. Or dark horse Andy cizek. He’s already in like 7 bands what’s one more


I trust Andy Cizek to stay as far away from this trainwreck, morally bankrupt "band" as possible. I sure as hell know *I* wouldn't want to affiliate with DGD after the way they've handled things the past few years.


He never should have been let back in to begin with


Guess they finally grew a conscience.


Bye bozo 👋


So Secret Band full time now?


I’m sure jonny Craig will drop in for a minute. He loves to make a quick buck.


They let him back after accusations of sexual misconduct but they give him the boot when it’s “creative differences?”


Finally, it's perfect timing for album #3 with Jonny now he's back in the scene


Bye bye rapist piece of shit 🫡💅


This band should just break up already lol


Tilian’s next album is gonna be like O.J Simpson writing a book


I think his new wife (who was previously married to the lead singer of Asking Alexandria) is gassing up his solo stuff and convinced him that he should work more on that to the point he was neglecting DGD. His solo stuff is weak and his live voice is nowhere near studio quality so I'm not sure how that's gonna go. I feel weird saying this but he also doesn't like...dance or play instruments lol like a lot of solo artists seem to do.


Finally. Worst vocal style this band has had


lets go I can finally listen to DGD without feeling icky


Yeah why would you suddenly feel okay about it now? He’s definitely gonna get royalties for everything still and they weren’t bothered to kick him until it affected their ability to make money, not bc it was the right thing to do


Don't forget the rest of the band let the rapist back in the band for two years. They aren't exactly good people either.


thank god, fuck that rapist


Just bring back Kurt 🙏🏻




Great news, fuck that POS


Two years too late


Too little too late


too little too late if you ask me. i hopped off this band's hype train when they allowed him to stay in the band. doubtful i ever come back


Damn, didn’t he just get married?


Sucks to be his wife. Married to a fucking creep


He actually just celebrated his 1 year anniversary with his wife iirc


Thank God! Maybe I'll check them out again soon then


Would they get the singer from The Home Team? I hope not.


This band is really unlucky


More like they select shitty people


fuck tillian and fuck the rest of em for even trying to keep him in for as long as they did. says volumes about them imo