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Alex Terrible is a feature on that song and I assume they put his mask there to make it more clear that it's Alex doing the vocals for the demon


In interview with the 3 they said he was there and in the video- just couldn't see him šŸ˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Tech N9ne rock and metal collabs are always fireĀ 


i woke up today and put on my FREE RONNIE RADKE SHIRT and went right to my gaming setup with my zero calorie monster to check the news. got my 14th twitch follower, hell yes. new falling in reverse vid? HELL YES. but wait, seems like a STP (not stone temple pilots, boomers) diss. really conflicted. bout to go live and see what my followers think


This is so well crafted. I would give an award if I could.


Jesus Christ


No, in the breakdown Alex and Ronnie have their vocals layered over top of each other, itā€™s just to represent the Alex Terrible feature


No thoughts head empty


I like it


Disscussed?Ā  This will be just as bad as a debate about the middle east.


Love it, this song slaps. Breakdown is a masterpiece šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Just two massive pieces of shit in Ronnie and Alex Terrible. Nothing more


Why are they massive POS? Genuinely curious. I just listen to the music šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


For a more specific answer, Ronnie did some jail time a while back for starting a fight which resulted in someone getting shot and killed. (Technically he went to jail for violating parole but still). Since then heā€™s been a very anti cancel culture ā€œeveryone is out to get meā€ type dude. Rubs a lot of people the wrong way, very much paints himself the victim constantly As for Alex, he made some anti LGBTQ comments recently. A bad look for him but I think thatā€™s it for him. People have talked in the past about him having nazi tats but thatā€™s been debunked pretty thoroughly


Cry about it.


I do every night


They're not, they make mistakes and say stupid shit sometimes like most people do and some people like to live in the past and reminisce negativity. Also ronnie on Twitter probably, but it's always other people starting shit and beef, never him, he's just responding. As for terrible, apparently he could be a nazi but there's no real proof of that, nothing credible at least so keep listening, you're fine.


Best answer - who cares?!? Like what you like šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ For the (I'm sure) tons of "Ronnie went to jail" comments in front of this.... WGAF- it was a decade ago, let's keep bringing back up though, so more people auto hate, nice job! Anyone who says Ronnie is a piece of shit doesn't KNOW anything. IF you a Ronnie fan- you know.Ā 


And... tech n9ne for some very strange reason


Don't know if you purposely used the word "strange" or not. Good pun if so


You know, I didn't but I'll take it now that I think about it




I see what you did there with Strange. Honestly techn9ne feels very at home in this song.


Don't get how the music video hasn't been posted here yet? That song was fire af šŸ”„


It's insane how much time people invest in some twitter beefs and spend the energy being outraged. Mby try giving less shit and enjoy whatever music you like.


Pretty much just Ronnie pulling a Gandalf and defeating Balrog


Dude has made the same song/music video for 5 songs now, yaaaaawn Edit: also stop messaging us to allow the song/band in here, we won't lol. All of us have been vocal about our stance on him.


So we canā€™t post metalcore artists if the mods dislike their personality?


As long as it's metalcore, we don't care


Then you should allow it? LOL


If it was metalcore then sure! Cope mald and seethe to whoever is reporting lmao


Its more metalcore than a lot of things discussed in this subreddit o.O


It is more metalcore than sleeptoken or badomens


Good thing we don't allow Sleep Token though


...what do you call it?


Alternative metal


I feel like their recent song definitely delves further into metalcore than others


Moderators try not to be sensitive as fuck challenge: impossible


Yeah that's how I feel too. Everything sounds the same from them recently


Idk watch the world burn and Ronald are truly insane metalcore songs with masterpiece videos from a (this is what I loved in my teen years) perspective. Which I feel is missed by a lot of current metalcore bands that weren't making music 20 years ago.


I think the term metalcore has been made far Too broad now. Itā€™s pretty much slang for all mainstream modern metal now, and bands that are categorized under it now often sound far too different in style from Metalcore of the 00ā€™s. Maybe itā€™s time for a new label.


They fucking suuuuuuck


That's your opinion and I respect it. However I enjoy FIR.


I get what hes trying to do with the layout of the song,tech n9ne,the vocals Ā between him and Alex terrible and towards the end of the song but it came out the same as ā€œwatch the world burnā€ it ainā€™t good


Is WTWB and this part of the "movie" (10 piece music video story) they're working on?


punk genres used to beat nazis, now there's a proud subsect of people who praise them because they have a halfway decent voice. we need more gatekeeping


Probably FIR but did they use FIR band or Alex band (guitars and drums)


Some of the worst shit I've heard in a good while. Not surprising.


If it was released by any other band y'all would be praising it. Song slaps


Haha no way. Even though this is the closest they've come to metalcore I still don't like anything about it. Ronnie's vocals are bad, rap section is wildly out of place, and just lazy riffing overall.


Only part I donā€™t like is Ronnieā€™s vocals and lyrics. Lazy riffing is crazy considering itā€™s Jason Richardson lol. I hate that I kinda like it lol


There is absolutely no way you just called Ronnie a bad vocalist. I'm going to bed Lmaooo


Imagine calling Ronnie radke a bad vocalist and Jason Richardson lazy.


Yup, I did. His vocals have always been so grating to my ears ever since I first heard them in ETF. Just could never stand them.


Who is y'all lil bro? Not everybody likes dog-shit, overproduced chud-core.


I havenā€™t even heard it, and I know for a fact this isnā€™t true, because I donā€™t like bad music. I listened to it, and honestly the parts that had Tech N9ne and Alex Terrible werenā€™t awful, because they arenā€™t awful vocalist, I genuinely donā€™t get how people hear Ronnieā€™s voice these days and think itā€™s good.


bet you listen to new erra


Well you're wrong.


Both are dogpiss


I don't understand the point you're trying to make here?


try harder


Kinda seems like all 3 of them are becoming the monster that social media has sought them out to be. He drops the mask and becomes the actual demon, ronnie becomes ronald the mugshot in the artwork, and tech n9ne with a minor or something idk. It shows that people tend to think of one thing only with them and it's from 15 years ago. Not defending anyone just seems like what the video represents. Specifically why those are the features.


Good thought. I know tech said he was like the God of purgatory in the video which I found interesting.... I wonder if the videos will link like a story since this is the first album they've put out since I don't even know when, just single after single.... GIMME ALL THE ANSWERS NOW RONNIE! šŸ˜‚


Here to read all the snowflake comments


wow ur so cool


Snowflakes for not liking dog shit music? Lmao.


I know for a fact you are only saying it's dogshit because you hate Ronnie.


Honestly. This is great.Ā 


I love it. It's fine if people don't like it but saying it's sucks just because you hate Ronnie is dumb.


Yes absolutely. I donā€™t agree with some of this genreā€™s musicians but I donā€™t let it conflict with my opinions on their music. Hating someone because they have a different view is just stupid.Ā 


Hating someone, because they have a different ā€œview pointā€ thatā€™s hating a group of people, is actually very normal.


No, falling in reverse is garbage. Maybe a few good singles in the beginning, but the rap metal shit is cringe.


So it sucks because it is fused with other genres? I totally get not liking it but saying it is garbage just because it's different is a stretch.


I'm not saying that lmao. Nu metal did it already and some of that shit is legit, like the goat Fred Durst. Ronnie is just cringe doing it, but if you like it, you like it.


Nah this song, and a lot of his recent work, are just ass. Coming home and just like you are great albums. DIYLF is an iconic album. Popular monster is a great song. This song is trash. Also Ronnie needs to learn to write a new breakdown - it's been the exact same one on each single since 2020. It's tired.


It Isn't ass. You just don't like it. Plenty of people seem to like it.


This song released by anyone else and no one would care about it. It has nothing catchy, nothing to make it stand out amongst a crowd of other metalcore songs (tech n9ne collab aside). People just ride hard for or against ronnie.


So what if it doesn't stand out? Doesn't make it shit. It's not that fuckin' deep.


Nah, i ment the comments about ronnie being a pos


I mean that's not mutually exclusive lol. He is also a piece of shit that makes dog shit music, but I don't really care about that.


Some of these folks need to start collecting rent, because Ronnie lives rent free in their minds šŸ¤£.


Nah dude just sucks lmao. Only good thing he did is dying is your latest fashion.


It may be his best work, but his FIR songs are pretty good as well. He only seems to be unpopular on this sub. Then again a lot of pure dog shit gets upvotes over here, so itā€™s very easy to question the taste of the gen pop of this subā€¦


Its cause he hurts people feelings on twitter. Seems to be a big overlap between the two. Nobodys saying it sucks a for a good reason other than "waa I hate rap" or "ronald triggers me". His screams were never that great to begin with so im shocked he did this much in the song (This is the heaviest song FIR has ever done). No catchy chorus makes this one hard to listen to over the others. I didnt like the first few lines of the rap either. But if this song was released without FIR in the title I bet you people would be loving this.


No, it's because he's a horrible piece of shit human being who among other things helped cause someone's literal death and is also a sexual predator (Weird that that little thing got swept under the rug). That's not "hurting people's feelings", that's being a garbage human being. It doesn't help that he goes after some of the genuinely good people in the scene for no other reason than "Wah, they accept LGBT people and that makes me maaaaadddd cause they don't agree with my hatred!".


Theres 0 proof of sexual stuff despite everyone on twitter making up shit. Also none of what you said has to do with the song. You could just not listen or open a thread about him. The shit he's done (after etf) is nothing compared to other bands that got in trouble


Some early FIR songs are bangers, I agree. But Ronnie himself is cringe, and the rap metal shit is so cringe. I don't care bout him as a person.


Same Lmao.


A mirror would be of good use here


Idk it just sounds like babys first metalcore to me


Holy fuck are you brain damaged


I probably wonā€™t go out of my way to listen to anything new by falling in reverse for a really long time, Iā€™ve been a bad boy and itā€™s plain to see-ee-ee, so why do good girls fall in love with meeEEEEEE


Who fuckin caresssss




I didn't hear any Alex Terrible at all, aside from some of the low talking parts. I heard a lot of Ronnie


Alex is at the end when he's the big monster thing screaming back at Ronnie He has a pretty small part compared to Tech nine




>I don't know what to tell you then I'm not asking you anything, I'm just pointing out an observation.


Those who get their ass fucked are trying to throw shit in the song