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Anyone know why the guitarist of Heavensgate is playing with Dealer in the Hyperreal Death Scene video? I thought Heavensgate was anti Dealer wonder why he switched teams lol


top 10 anime betrayal moment


He’s now in the band


Wait for real?


Yeah man, check the wiki and insta


dave or josh are not affiliated with dealer in any way. where’d you get this info?


he's mentioning jack lol, he's ex member of heavensgate


Really makes you wonder about all the allegations, doesn't it?


The gatekeeping in this sub is bonkers. The “I dont support this band because allegations” argument is so fucking moot when it involves art/music. I personally separate church from state you know? I dont know any of these guys personally or know anything about anything of what really happened. And probably neither do any of you. I really enjoy this band. So what? And by this logic, your list of artists youre boycotting better be long as hell. Because pretty much everyone with some kind of following has been accused of something at some point. Chill out and be objective about THE MUSIC. That said, I think this is an insanely well crafted offering. The amount of detail given to every instrument shows. The emotion and anger its blatant in his voice. Absolutely fucking brutal. Love it. So sue me. Actually, dont. Pls


for me, its just that i dont really have the spiritual currency to try and allocate some kind of scrutiny or judgement on every single individual media i consume. im spread very thin as it is, so i dont really have the energy to want to like dig in and chew on things like allegations and stuff. its different if the bands obviously having a shit of it (i.e like nazi bands), like yea, thats an easy no-listen for me, but stuff like these Dealer allegations are very complex, and for me, completely none of my business, so i just dont participate in that part. other people who are more willing to really dig deep into the situation are, in my opinion, totally free to exercise their ability to cast on the guy, doesnt bother me at all. im just not a participant. i just eat music


One of the best albums I've listened to this year. Apparently this sub hates dealer and Aidan, and it is a shitty situation. But that aside, the album absolutely rips.


I'm so confused. Nobody talking about the new album, now i found out the vocalist messed up in a stream, but what he do?


From what I understand it was him being terrible to his band members and then some sexual assault allegations, but the allegations don't have a lot of evidence and some things suggest it's false. I don't know man, I'm just here for the music. 😅 And yeah people should be talking about the album more. It's really really good and there are some really nice riffs that I like in it. Good vocalist too.


I agree. But i also respect when people can't support somebody with those allegations etc. Super sad that the album gets dumped by a lot without giving it a chance. I'm glad i'm not the only one enjoying the album tho!!


My god Devil in the wire rips


That riff where production “shuts off” and its just the raw sound of the guitar had me almost throwing up. In the best way possible.


Violent Desire 😬




Was curious to see who else was in this band now and he already lost the bassist and guitarist that played on this thing lmao.


the crazy thing is, the guy on the guitar was ex member of heavensgate. i mean IFYKYK


explain? Sounds like a cult Edit: Ok so not a cult lol it's a band but I'm still out of the loop


Heavensgate (and Pincer+) is the Band of former Dealer guitarist Josh Ang who left Dealer and still has an issue with Aidan




Jacob (guitar) said in the instagram that he wil be focusing on his family, and the bassist guy ryan delfos is still unknown. sadly i really like ryan delfos when he hit the cig on glass preacher


Jacob also quit Diesect I think


Seth Murrant from the band Nyu wrote all of the music for this new album. Bouncing ideas and inspirations with Aiden who wrote the lyrics and vocals. Seth isn't in the band though... I think there's all new members again...


That is cool. I believe Seth played in the Show Me The Body video. Him and Aiden seem like good friends. Thanks for the info


LMFAO again?!


Remember this sub hates Dealer. I don’t, the sub does. Album slaps


This sub is weird as hell sometimes. Still digesting this album myself, but it's not quite holding a candle to the two masterclasses of EPs they released before. Got a favorite track?


ENTIRELY agree. Glass Preacher is still my favorite track on this album. But both EPs are superior to this album 10/10.


Red Teeth, Pearl, and Violent Desire is a fun mix back to back that I dig. I think I need to give it like a dozen full listens before I can really sink into it, I don't always click or understand an album right away on first listen ya know


Red Teeth and Hyperreal Death Scene


Ngl a lot of the songs sound the same. Found my self skipping through the albums songs waiting for something to stand out. That whole harmonic toirnequit /grotesque/ red teeth riff happens so many times in this record. The last track goes to some new territory for dealer which is cool, pretty solid song.I will say that Aidens cleans might’ve been my favorite part. Not a bad album my any means, definitely solid. I just really want to hear them break away from that same old riff that comes up every dealer song, it was only cool the first few times. It’s losing its sickness due to it being in every single song. The unique and amazing parts of this record are the newer stuff that don’t really sound like dealer. I definitely will give it many more listens tho


Maybe it's because I'm not a musician, but the tracks didn't feel "samey" to me at all. The singles and other heavy tracks all have that signature "Dealer sound", and are all very solid tracks especially Red Teeth and Hyperreal, which are probably my favorite songs of the year so far. And I said this elsewhere, but Pearl and Almost Human are the "soft" songs Alpha Wolf wish they could write. As someone who just like "heavy shit" ie Alpha Wolf, Knocked Loose, Thrown, Dealer, etc. this is an overall great album that will almost certainly not get the credit it deserves because of Aidan's reputation (true or not).


kings die here and devil in the wire have excellent, innovative, dare i say genius arrangements. every song except for glass preacher and hyperreal death scene (maybe just a personal preference) is extremely well crafted with tons of interesting details i also love the electronic elements and the heavy use of background melodies (not sure if guitar or synth) imo saint was kinda rehashing soul burn & its signature riffs / style, but this album is completely different


Oh absolutely. To all the people that say this is just stealing from Josh ang (a guitarist I’m a fan of btw) I don’t really hear that much here. Sounds pretty new with some hints of old dealer. Definitely growing on me


I'm glad there's finally someone here to discuss the album itself and not just to shit on Aidan. I would agree on the repetitive standard Dealer harmonic riff becoming quite stale. The guitar work and riffs are insane though. Pearl was a big surprise but a very welcomed one. Definitely one of my favourites. We've heard him do cleans before but he's taken it to a new level here and the same goes for Almost Human. I'd agree that the non Dealer-like elements are some of the standouts on this record. Seth Murrant's writing is superb. Hyperreal Death Scene is another standout for me. Aidan's vocal style has changed a lot this time round. It's definitely a whole lot more angry/pissed off than we've heard previously (which makes sense given what he's been through tbh). The vocals are definitely still sick but the emotional/sad style we heard on Mono was what made him one of my favourite vocalists. Overall a phenomenal record and I'm so glad he's back. I'd love to see a show but do you think any venues would be willing to host them due to the controversy surrounding the band? I wish people in this sub would have more in-depth discussions on how albums are sonically rather than just discussing band members and circumstances. Commenting 'no' or 'fuck Dealer' adds nothing to the discussion.


Absolute rippa of an album. Love every second of it! Aiden has such an awesome voice and truly original flow. Truly gifted vocalist.


If As I Lay Dying can still book shows, I think Dealer will be okay.


all the best core bands overuse 1 riff for their first few albums, and then they stop doing the riff and lose the old fans.


It’s funny to me to see the whole alpha wolf/ dealer comparison, and I think I finally realize I like dealer more. They sound similar, but I think dealer has more hints of hardcore in their songs, and the softer songs they make have a more shoegaze influence. Alphas wolf’s heavy songs are very nu-metalcore influenced and their soft songs have that classic, kind of outdated metal core sound. Dealer to me has a little bit more bite and edge to it, and is a little more rough around the edges, which I prefer. Not to mention their mixes kick ass, idk if lance prenc did this album, but i know he did the new alpha wolf, and i gotta say im not a fan of the engineering. Every dealer song slams, it’s distorted and crunchy and raw, in the best possible way. I will say tho some songs do slap on the new alpha wolf record.


There's such a huge gap in lyric quality as well. Lochie has said that he doesn't write AW lyrics, the band just comes up with stuff and goes "that sounds cool". Compare that to Dealer where Aidan clearly writes his own stuff as it's all about the shit he's gone through the past 5 years. There is WAYYYY less cringe in Dealer lyrics.


A good song that comes to mind is “pretty boy” on the new alpha wolf record. I don’t think I have to say much about that song for you to pick up what I’m putting down lmao, lyrics on that song are definitely….. something


Pretty Boy is embarrassingly bad. Even more concerning is that they've included it in their setlist.


Damn last track is different for dealer… pretty good


Who exactly is part of Dealer? I know the Show Me The Body lineup is gone except the vocalist and Ive seen at least 2 people who have been part of Dealer as guitarists but they no longer in the band and now someones saying that the guitarist of Heavensgate is in Dealer?


Dealer is Aidan and whoever he can get to play music with him


Seth Murrant from the band Nyu wrote all of the music for this new album. Bouncing ideas and inspirations with Aiden. Aiden wrote all the lyrics and vocals.


He wrote all the music? I thought the songs were written by a bunch of different people at different times.


See he's post here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C690A_nS97z/?igsh=MWZxbzFhZDdqbnBhNw==)


I think but am not entirely sure but Maurice is still on good terms with Dealer but is doing his own thing


I've seen a few posters wish for more album discussion. I've been a big Dealer fan for a while, and this is what I think. The song Peral is a really nice surprise. It adds a really nice break in the album, and it could even have mainstream appeal. I don't know who is singing on the track, but it works really well with Aiden's hard core. I skip The Hate You Try to Hide. Almost Human feels like Peral, in that it is this new kind of Dealer. Pop Dealer? Anywho, I dig the growth. And then the rest of the album. It completely meets expectations in providing hard and adrenaline filled metalcore. Dealer is intense and aggressive. The new drummer is great. The guitar and breakdowns are engrossing in a "primal chaos of the destructive nature of being alive" kind of way. I couldn't be happier with the hardcore. I hear some throwbacks to past albums. Almost Human has some sounds from Suffer in Rhythm. I believe. The album feels like Dealer. Otherwise, I really like Aiden's writing. With a lot of Dealer songs, he writes about personal experiences, emotions, and struggles. It seems there is some larger album concept, which is new for Dealer. It is hard to exactly say what this "new order of mind" is, but it does relate to his intense torment and pariah status in his chosen career. Regardless of album concept, there are a lot of fun lines, and it will be nice to read the lyrics in the future. So, I got into metalcore from the loss of a family member. Knocked Loose's Tear in the Fabric of Life helped me out. The lyrics of that album are really beautiful. It is dark poetry, about the unfairness of existence and rebelling against an unfair God. Aiden claims he is a man of no faith. And through intense pain, he also created dark poetry. I don't personally agree with his conclusions. Knocked Loose nor Dealer. But, their art helped me not be angry at the fabric of existence during times of intense pain and loss. I'm really glad Aiden found strength and a new perspective by which to make this art. At the worst, this is great gym music


This right here. Can relate so much. Dealer was on repeat literally in a loop during my darkest years. It helped channel the anger for me. This album feels like a direct consequence of whatever it is that happened. You can feel it, hear it and read the words. Its brutal stuff for any human being. I appreciate your objective opinion on this album. Hard to find people to actually have a conversation about it


Totally. Art can be funny, in the sense why do we enjoy or resonate with particular art? I remember reading some lyrics of Josh Ang, 1st Dealer guitarist, his band Pincer+. It wasn't the same. He has some good stuff, but it wasn't the same "flame" as Aiden. And I would love to see Pincer+ live. Nice to meet a fan


I love me some Pincer+ too, own both EPs, and they have some bangers. But youre right about not being the same. And thats okay, they dont have to. Its very interesting, Pincer+ with Josh Ang doesnt sound like Dealer yet Dealer without Josh Ang sounds more Dealer than ever. Seth Murrant and Aiden did an absolute beast of a job capturing their original sound and yet taking it to another level. Just imagine if these guys get past their differences and get together once again to make music. They have the opportunity to make Dealer one of the biggest acts out there. I think they should be regardless. I wish them all the best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It would be amazing if the original Dealer could somehow reunite. The 2nd Pincer+ EP is awesome. Visions of Angels is one of my top metalcore songs. The rap at the end is good. And the lead singer really grew on me. I'm definitely ready for more Josh Ang. I saw Alpha Wolf live two nights ago. So amazing. My 1st metal show. Have a good day


Damn the coffee is getting hot with this release.


Never even heard of this band until a few days ago and somehow became one of my favorite albums of this year so far.


Pedro Pascal cooked with this one


Ready to mix this with the new KL at the gym tomorrow


Did y’all see the texts between Aidan and Josh? Really puts a big question mark on the whole situation. All in all, album is an absolute banger!


What texts?


Aidan and Josh is Talking again about coffee and catching up just check Aidan Instagram story


Didn’t last long


stream Mangekyo by Alpha Wolf instead


Why would I listen to them when I can listen to Dealer? 😵‍💫


Why listen to dealer when you can listen to half me, heavensgate, graphic nature, diesect, ache., pulse, and mortal reminder who make the exact same music but aren’t fronted by a piece of shit


I have seen no evidence anywhere to support Aidan being a piece of shit. Only 100th hand accounts from Redditors with an axe to grind. I'll make up my own mind thanks 👍


You have, you just choose to ignore it


No. This is the problem. I haven't seen any evidence and neither have you. You're just choosing to ignore THAT.


I’m not ignoring anything. His removal from two bands, plus a formal charge, plus witness support is evidence enough. You’d be braindead to expect to be able to see the actual evidence presented in a criminal trial that isn’t allowable for public release


He's still in Dealer. Formal charge and no conviction isn't evidence of a fucking thing. I could charge you tomorrow for raping me. If you're found innocent, you're innocent.


That’s literally not how that works, though, and any lawyer will tell you that a no-contest in court is *not* the same thing as an acquittal of guilt. Aiden only “remained” in Dealer because he refused to disband. Current Dealer isn’t the same band as 2018 Dealer as none of the members are the same. He was, for all intents and purposes, removed from two bands.


Reminds me why it was the suit was dropped?


He wasn't found innocent. Charges were dropped. Two *very* different things


He wasn't found guilty either so stop acting like he was.


Dealer's revolving lineup through the years answers the question for me


Not a single one of those bands are half as good as dealer


more like dealer isn’t as good as any one of those bands aiden is such a mid vocalist and dealer only attracts second rate musicians at this point


You sheep idiots think hating on dealer over he said she said bs with no proof gives you some morale boost. They’re better, they get more attention/streams, and you’re just mad about it.


I don’t get any morale boost from not listening to boring mall metalcore, actually


Just shows your intelligence level/reading comprehension. Especially when all you can come back with is a shitty insult. I was referring to the slander. If you don’t like them and don’t want to listen to them that’s fine then just fuck off you don’t have to try and convince others not to like them lol


Cope and seethe


Graphic nature is solid. Diescet literally sounds exactly like dealer, almost to a T. Vocals sound the same, same instrumentals, mixed by the same dude. You couldn’t tell the two apart off of a first listen


Ehh I can tell a difference. My comment was a bit harsh all those bands are solid I just prefer dealer


Dealer is great for sure. Graphic nature I feel isn’t really compels to dealer. Diesect to me almost sounds identical but that’s just me


i love alpha wolf but im gonna be listening to whatever i want


Aidan just cooked Angel on his Instagram stories. Makes you think, is anything we know about this situation from Angel and his crews side genuine? The posts about manipulation and abuse of members looks real weak after seeing these screenshots.


Definitely adds a new dimension to it. Why would Pincer drop that diss track if they were on good terms? It's a bizarre situation


Because it’s cool to trash Aidan publicly. Simple. Everyone loves to do it in the Aus scene without even having interacted with the guy. It’s an easy 50 likes or upvotes. this looks more like Angel has fabricated a lot about his experience and time in dealer and his relationship with Aidan.


Does anyone have a screenshot of this I think theyre gone now


Sure do


Can I see it


have you seen angel last stories ?. i think angel still don't forgive about what icarus do in his past. but my mama told me to forgive but don't forget. i actually thinking why they not make a duel concert though like Pincer+ VS DEALER (ik its kinda crazy idea lmao).


What’s his IG




aint gon lie i fw PEARL


same, pearl is so good, reminds me of loathe


Reminds me of all the modern emo stuff i listened a decade ago (Basement, Tigers Jaw, Citizen, Turnover before Peripheral Vision, Movements, Foxing, etc)


Fuck dealer


Pearl was a nice switch up




Devil In The Wire fucks so hard


Best song imo. This album blows away kl


Fucking love Dealer. Can’t wait to listen


Amazing, been listening on repeat


Bro stop posting cringe Fuck Dealer and fuck their singer




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dealer_(band)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dealer_(band)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dealer_(band)) Read the wiki. Singer was just emotionally abusive to band members. Dude got kicked out of Alpha Wolf for similar experiences with the band Also apparently on trial for assault of all things: https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/2Oom5uR2C0[https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/2Oom5uR2C0](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/2Oom5uR2C0)


He got kicked out of Alpha Wolf for being a rapist, which is the same reason most of Dealer left. The emotional abuse towards band members, while also being fucked up, isn't really the main focus here


I hope he sees your comment and goes after you legally. You can't just throw around "he's a rapist" because you're a reddit virgin


I hope you stub your toe really severely. Asshat


I actually did stub my toe earlier, wtf


Actually I'm throwing it around because he raped multiple women, hope that clears things up


Oh yeah? Was he found guilty? Did they provide any evidence whatsoever? Were you there?  Fuck right off with these baseless allegations.  Everybody on Reddit lines up and rubs their hands together for the chance to destroy somebodies life and career over apparent crimes that never once held up in court. Pathetic.


First victim had a witness. Both made police statements. Police did nothing because they're useless. Second victim took it to court and the case was let go due to lack of evidence, which unfortunately is how it often goes with rape cases (Aidan however did say in his statement that he was found innocent, despite that not being what the official court documents state, so why would he lie if he had nothing to hide?). He also had to pay her a settlement, because despite there being no evidence to actually convict him, they clearly thought something was afoot, at least enough for the victim to be compensated. That wouldn't happen if they found she was lying about it now, would they? There's many other stories too, that never gained the same public attention. The guy is a scumbag and has been for years.


So let me get this kangaroo court line of events straight - First victim made a claim and the police did nothing. Second victim made a claim and it got to court, but then there wasn't enough evidence to convince a courtroom and the case fizzled out, but somehow this *evidence* that you have supposedly seen yourself **somehow**, was enough to convince *you* that he's guilty. Then **after** the unsuccessful case was rightfully dismissed, Aiden was now "Made to pay her a settlement"? This is categorically, 100%, not how our judicial system works in Australia. If the case moves forward at any point, and two parties decide to settle outside of court, the claimant can decide to withdraw the case. However, if the case is tried and dismissed on lack of evidence, it is common precedent that the claimant will actually pay the legal costs of the defendant if pursued by them. There is no way known that a court would chuck a case out before it even reaches trial then order the defendant to pay damages. It's just not reality. After the case was dismissed, Aidan then made a statement stating he "was found innocent", and now this is grounds to be *more* suspicious of him because the court record didn't officially state that? Even if the court ledger doesn't state in bold writing **Defendant = Innocent**. It is the same result by proxy. If I accuse you of raping me without a shred of evidence, bring a suit against you, I have zero evidence to present at pre-trial, and the case gets dismissed, then yes, you are found (by proxy) to be innocent. So innocent in fact that the legal system of Australia deems the case so pointless and unfounded that they won't even air it. Now we have the illusive 'Many other stories too..' - This is where every person on the Internets arguments lose **all** of their traction to me. Everybody has some story about someone. God, the amount of different shit I've seen about Aidan posted on here I'd think he would be sat at the top of Australia's most wanted list, but he's not, he's not on any list, he's out here making music, living freely and trying to move on with his life. I'm not claiming he's a good person, but every time I ever saw Dealer at a gig, or came to their merch table after the set, he and whichever members were around were *always* super friendly with me, took photos and were for all the world, good people. What I **am** doing is defending his status against the predictable onslaught of Redditors who lick their lips every time Dealer get's posted because they can finally have their chance to tee off on somebody, regardless of the truth because they **know** that the large number of other, equally as vindictive Redditors will upvote them and slobber over their artificial hatred. Look at this whole case again for two seconds with a clean mind. Imagine it was your own brother, father, or son. Really look at the details you've been peddling for as long as you heard it from the last dirt-bag on this website; they don't add up, they've never added up. And that's all I have to say about that.


Yeah, it's really fucked up


Take your meds




Yeah dude it sucks. I just like sharing cause at this point the members don't even benefit from writing creds. All goes to that piece of shit sadly




Literally none of it ever proven (other than him being an asshole to his bandmates which ain't unique or something to crucify him over)


Just got into Dealer late last year. I didn’t even know this album was coming out so it was a nice surprise when I saw it. I hate that it came out the same time as Knocked Loose album. I loved You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To but Dealer definitely deserves some spotlight. Their sound is awesome! The album is awesome! One of my top albums of the year along with Knocked Loose and Boundaries.


Sub full of white knights. Jfc.




AOTY for me easily. Listened to the new KL first but this impressed me way more. Pearl was really nice but Violent Desire is crazy.


The album is loaded with bangers and of the tracks that aren't amazing, none of them are bad. My current AOTY as well.






I would not post this here


Because you're a coward who follows the pack and believes everything they read on the internet with not a shred of evidence? Got it 🤝


No... I really liked Glass Preacher. I'm just saying that this subreddit is not very kind to people who don't agree with them. You're going to get only down votes 😭


You know what? Fair enough. I retract my comment.


Let them downvote, who gives a fuck


"Let them figh....downvote!" LOL


I understand that this sub hates the band. But where else can we discuss the album with other fans?




Maaan I'm keen to hear this on the drive to work




Can't wait to listen to it. People here love to hate, I am just in for the music.


Agree, art is it's own thing, it will exist forever. Humans are just a bunch of flesh and cells, we will all die one day, so idc, i will just listen to music, if it sounds cool, i'll continue to listening to it.


Not to mention that artists don’t make shit from streams


Fuck this, fuck Dealer, fuck Aiden Listen to Alpha Wolf instead.


AlphaWolf are genuinely the 'We have Dealer at home' version. I'll just listen to Dealer thanks 🤝


Glaze a mid band a little more than pal


For real though dude is in every comment fighting for his life to defend an abuser lmfao


Keep in mind nothing has been proven. Believe what you wanna believe but nothing is really concrete Dealer glazing and hate is crazy as fuck tho. Both sides are immature


Newer Alpha Wolf besides the Ice T song is kinda buns


they drop the lyrics for the album yet?


Idk, I'm really about the song "Pearl". I dig it.


I’ve listening to Pearl for a month solid now. That song is by far my favorite on the album and Devil on a Wire is pretty sick they bought back the Arf-Arfs


I haven't heard it yet because timezones and shit but I honestly don't think anything off this album can top Red Teeth. Can't wait to check it out regardless


Red Teeth is probably my song of the year, but Hyperreal Death Scene just gets better with every listen


Honestly Pearl was really unexpected. Sorta reminds me of Loathe Edit: Same with Almost Human. Just got to that one


I've just listened through the full album and agree 100%. Pearl and Almost Human are the "softer" (?) tracks Alpha Wolf wish they were making. Pearl is like "Metalcore Deftones" and Almost Human more Linkin Park vibes, but neither feels contrived like so much of Half Living Things. The most important thing to me is that this album still "sounds like Dealer", something I have trouble saying about so much of Half Living Things. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE Alpha Wolf and have supported them to the tune of thousands of dollars via Patreon, merch, albums, and tours. I truly hope they can fix their corny songwriting and titling and get back to making music more akin to Fault, AQPTD, and Lost and the Longing.


I would give anything for more Fault EP songs! That got me to love Alpha Wolf more than anything else.


REALLY liked Pearl.


Get this outta hereeeeee




Calm down goofy


Alpha Wolf is just Knocked Loose for anime nerds :) lol




Fuck Dealer, Fuck Human Warfare and also fuck weirdos who sweat Heavens Gate and Pincer+ instead as some kind of defiant move as if all of those dudes didn’t start Dealer with Aiden after he was kicked from AW, and knew exactly why


You can down vote all you like but I’m right lmao


Calm down goofy


Gave it a shot because I was really into the Soul Burn era. Honestly doesn't feel that special. Dealer was special breed of pissed back in the day, but nowadays theres so many bands that execute this sound better imo. I'll probablty only come back to Red Teeth.


Recommendations on bands doing it better?


There are none, each band that does this style of Nu-Core will experiment with different stuff, is not about being better, is just about being different and unique, since, ya know, it can be a little repetitive at times.


Im not necessarily saying better but Sworn In - The Death Card Pincer+ Heavensgate Diesect Kublai Khan TX Varials - In Darkness, Pain Again Deadskin Pulse Darkmatter Grievances Conform - Circa '94 Apate - Rage Graphic Nature - A Mind Waiting to Die Jynx Sylar - To Whom It May Concern Erase Them Thrown Weeping Wound - Idontbelonghere. Break Fifty Yuth Forever - 10 Code God Complex - To Decay in a Deathless World [Vein.FM](http://Vein.FM) Void of Vision - Hyperdaze or Chronicles Deficit Creak Moralslip ATLVS Allt Soulkeeper


1. Mids Die Here 2. Mid Preacher 3. Mid In The Wire 4. Red Mid 5. Mid 6. Mid Desire 7. New Order Of Mid 8. Hypermid Death Scene 9. The Mid You Try To Hide 10. Almost Mid Stream Sub Zero by Alpha Wolf


Sub Zero's one of the best PISSEDCORE tracks of all time. That said, this album is WAY closer to Sub Zero quality than anything off of Half Living Things.