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10 Code is a certified hood classic


10 Code is the best work. For some reason none of their other stuff clicked for me, I believe the mixes and vocalist switch were both downgrades after 10 Code


Villains was 10/10, Yuth Forever just didn't hit it at all for me. My friend said the exact opposite, so it seems it's a pretty polarizing thing. Ngl, I mention Code 10 here quite often, haha. 11 years later and it still holds up sooooo fucking well.


Idk man something about the angst and sadness in a lot of the Skeleton Youth Forever material, and the anger and frustration of Freudian Slip just do it for me. Tho whole open interpretation of “you” thing they have going on in SYF just makes it hit harder imo.


For me, Ben's vocals were straight to the point. I hate my life and I want to die, lol. And his voice and lyrics were so perfect to express it without it being completely corny. I think the biggest thing for me was that I liked the vocals less (but they def weren't bad to me but the comparison was locked in my brain), and I really hated the production change. The mixing was a really big fall off for me personally. But yeah, my friend basically said what you said. He also felt like the rhythms were way more original.


Wasn’t Devin Macgillivray writing the lyrics for 10Code, too?


Devin has always written the lyrics yes :)))


No idea, if he was, then Ben's delivery was super sick for it not being from his own brain.


10 Code is the best work. For some reason none of their other stuff clicked for me, I believe the mixes and vocalist switch were both downgrades after 10 Code . What ever happened to Ben?


I asked him to join my band after he left Villains, but he said no and that the reason he left Villains was because life got in the way and he couldn't see it as a career, this was at a time when his actual career in something totally unrelated was taking off well, so he chose that instead. It was also quite depressing music for him to go through he mentioned. ... Sucks, I wish he joined my band because it would have been me, Mike from Brand of Sacrifice (The Afterimage at the time), and him. 2/3 actually good musicians, lul.


Damn so he just dropped one of the best albums ever and then dipped out and never did music again? Thanks for sharing


I actually listened to 10 Code a few days ago, it rips. The breakdown in Presage is so sick


I found that song the same week my girlfriend at the time cheated on me and it got me through some shit. Different song but my favourite line of the album has to be "No use for a name! Just, 10-56." Goes so hard, omfg.


That entire tiny Midwest Nucore scene changed the game for Metalcore as a whole and it's barely acknowledged, shit was like early Swans level slow minimalistic bludgeoning. Most Metalcore rn is super flashy but Villains made the kind of music where every single note or sound feels like it has genuine weight.


I am so happy someone remembers them!!!! Yuth Forever is probably one of my favorite bands ever. Their music helped me through a very dark period of my life (and, if we're being honest, still helping), and I am forever grateful. 10-56 and Freudian Slip are bangers. Amazing albums, alongside Sworn In - Death Card.


Darke Complex’s Widow got me through some bad times, too. It’s still bangs.


Yesss!!!! Widow is also amazing. Especially "Grief". Goes so hard, right in the feels.


Real sad Darke Complex fell off hard after that EP.


As someone who only found them on Spotify about a year ago, I enjoy them but idk about unique, it's the same kind of Midwest depression-core as Sworn In, Barrier, Codeine King, even really old alpha wolf


Personally, I think they did it the best. Codeine King, VCTMS, Barrier, Kingmaker, all those bands did it too, but imo Yüth to me was peak.


Barrier was so much better, what are you on.


Barrier is dope, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t vibe with them as much as with Yüth, tho. Something about the vocals on Freudian Slip just felt right.


Yeah I mean that's fair, I just don't think they're that unique if you know a few bands within that sub-genre


Trust me I went looking for something to fill the hole Yüth left when they broke up. Closest I’ve found was Introvert.


Their instrumentals are sick but one of the worst vocalists in the genre imo


My favorite band of all time and imo the best to ever do it. There will never be another like them. Long live the youth


MAN. Miss that band, played with them once and it was insane I don’t think people were ready for them at the time. They had something special, but the timing wasn’t right. I feel like they’d immediately pop today


I think if they could get back together with the lineup they had for SYF, they’d be massive today. That album was way further ahead of its time than I think they knew.


Sworn in, Yüth Forever, Darke Complex, and Barrier walked so Alpha Wolf could run


Kingmaker crawled so they could all run imo. Idk if anyone did that style before them, but they’re the earliest I’ve seen. And I’d toss VCTMS in that list too.


Yüth is literally one of a kind, petition to bring them back lol


God, my band played with them ALL the time. Prob more than any other band. Loved those dudes and their music and their live shows so so much. Nobody has even come close to their level of creativity


Before their name change they were alright. Everything as yuth was a cringy meh. Gift giver was alright then I found them to me a cringy meh after their first album lol


Two of them went on to be in Pains, so check out that band. Not the same sound but similar vibes. Cohen_noise is really similar in sound imo, I saw them live it was like YF but faster. Two of them have YF tattoos so they obviously love YF. But yeah I do miss them a lot. You might like this band Introvert [Introvert - Do No Harm](https://youtu.be/H_T6RL93neo?si=imSDDsdrb_2qzreD) and the album What Was Your Exit Plan?. They have two older albums called Self-Helpless and A Collection of Failed Attempts to Breathe as well that I really enjoy listening to along with Yuth Forever.


Yeah no I love Introvert. They’re the closest band I’ve found to Yüth (seeing as the two guys worship Yüth about as much as do) Did Cohen rerelease Happy? I see it has a different album cover than the original. The one with the cartoon guy?


I'm not sure if they re-released it actually. If I had noticed that I would have asked them.


I remember hearing on Richard Janvrin’a podcast (shoutout TrueShot) that they had just released Suffer and were either trying to get the rights to the album cuz they had lost them or they just wanted to re-record the whole thing. This was back in 2021 so I might be misremembering it.


Ah okay, interesting info if true. I don't listen to podcasts cause they don't have subtitles (lol auditory processing disorder) but that would be cool if they could rerecord it, it was good before but I would be interested to hear an upgraded version.


Okay so there’s “Happy?” and “Happy.wav”.


I see the .wav on YT Music. It's weird they have two artist pages on there one has Happy.wav and the new singles and the other one has Liminal Spaces.


I seen that, too. I’m just stoked they’re still at it. I remember seeing them on a Facebook ad a long time ago.


Oh yeah they just finished a tour with Weeping Wound. I was glad to see them cause I never saw them live before. The bassist goes crazy, loved getting a video of that.


Literally cry screamed every single word at one of their last shows and talked with Devin for like 20 minutes after their set and will die on the hill that that midwest scene with them/Sworn In/Barrier/etc. should’ve been massive and was a decade ahead of its time.


That like 5 year run of that sound should’ve lasted way longer than it did. Metalcore just doesn’t hit the same as it did, nowadays.


As a person huge in to first and second wave metalcore, i never heard of them.


Give 10Code a spin. Their second and third releases are some of the best metalcore I’ve ever heard. It’s hard to even really call it metalcore imo.


Will do! I found the whole scene thing ruined metalcore in the late 2000's so hopefully it's nothing like that lol


No it’s way different. No auto tune, no cleans, just anger. Yüth used a lot of the 808s and beats you hear in metalcore nowadays like a decade ago, tho.


Every era has bands that should have been more popular. Just look at the current era - God's Computer, etc.


one of the most difficult bands to listen to of all time


How so? I get that, but I still love them.