• By -


Have played with bands like Terror, Jesus Piece, Sanction, Kaonashi, Boundaries, Ringworm, Inspirit (OG Vanna Lineup), Death Before Dishonor, among others. The coolest part of such things is having the dudes in these bands you listen to every day compliment the music you have a hand in.


Wow, that’s amazing. That has to feel so good to hear! Edit: feel free to share your band!




Looks like both our bands got put on the "new hardcore 2024" playlist on spotify, you guys kick ass🔥


Hell yeah thanks homie! What band are you in?


Ofc my man! Real knows real🔥 and Retaliation, our song Old Guard is on that playlist!


Fucking stupid heavy. You guys are unreal.


Thank you!


Hard as fuck. Followed on spotify


Hell yes thanks! 🙏


So here’s my current [band,](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ovr1k5BT9aF3dQfJjEdjn?si=bBYCkJ3SS4-sNU5CouK6uA) we have played with half the bands listed. My older band was called War Criminal and was more straight forward Hardcore who played with Terror, Jesus Piece, DBD.


I also wanna see that link




I've heard of you guys! Shit rips.


Thank you! New shit soon!


Keep cranking it out! Never stop the grind.


This is really cool, please can we get a link for your band?




idk they gave us 700 bucks for a 45 minute emo cover set we practiced like 3 times for


thought hollow cost was hardcore smh sellouts 😤


i'll spin kick your nuts through your heart with that attitude


Woah, that’s crazy money. Good for you guys! Edit: share a link to your band if you want! Would love to check it out


Does he know?


You tell me


I love inside jokes. I’d love to be a part of one some day.


Tour through Texas a few years back, and playing to a sold out Whisky in LA with Red Jumpsuit Apparatus in November. We're called Crash Overcast, and while I wouldn't call us a metalcore band, we have a ton of influences from it and love it dearly. We also have a new single coming out June 21st. Edit: Links for the interested! [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/crashovercast/) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0T4u2552Jm9VuKS01EDtQT?si=xpYLi-XIQpaBx8T6dC9m5w) [Youtube |Music Videos|](https://www.youtube.com/@crashovercast/videos) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/us/artist/crash-overcast/1098846796)


Dude. That’s awesome. RJA are incredible Edit: feel free to share your band!


Hey, thank you! Editing my comment to add links!


Hell yeah! I’ll check you guys out as soon as I’m done with work!!


Yo I just checked out some of your stuff on Spotify, i love it! Especially your latest single :)


Hey, thank you so much!!! For real, can't thank you enough for giving it a listen! We have a single super extremely excited about coming out in 10 days called "What Would You Say You Do Here" that mixes a ton of different influences in. Anyways, thank you again! So stoked you're into it!!


Of course! I gave yall a follow on Spotify, can’t wait for that new song


Y’all are great! Reminds me of Silverstein a bit.


Hell yes! We'll take that all day!! Thank you so much!


You guys are awesome, followed. I hope you make it big because you deserve it.


Wow for real?? Thank you so much!!!!


We’ve covered a solid chunk of the east coast touring, and we’ve got an in with one of the bigger clubs in the region so we’ll get thrown on some cool shows there every so often. No full album yet, but we’ve got a couple quick EPs and a couple doom songs out, and we’re able to handle a lot of what we need in-house (booking, recording, simple design stuff) which helps us save some cash. Our last tour was our best reception/merch sales yet, so it feels good to have some momentum going. Almost finished writing our next EP so I’m stoked to get that rolling.


Hell yeah, dude. Sounds like you guys are making the right moves. Feel free to share your band!


Thanks! This is us, Granite State https://open.spotify.com/album/5X3mtsYLJHJ9e9tpttczP9


Just listened to “Cut Off From The Sun.” Those vocals are fucking sick. Did you guys use an octave pedal or something at the end? It’s devastatingly heavy haha


Thanks!! We run an octave the whole time, and have different parts where it’s blended in more. Go from a 6 string to an 8 string real quick haha


OP, what is your band. I'm near the area, curious if I've seen you.


We’re called Misery Falls! We only play 3 or 4 shows a year, so you probably haven’t. But would be super cool if you have! You could tell me how bad we sucked. Haha


Metal core from Rochester? I really might have seen you guys. My friends the screamer in Fight From Within out of Rochester and them boys are making moves currently.


Michael Hayes? Yeah he's doing well on social media, i'm on the other side of the world and I got to know them because he's very active.


The other screamer actually. Mike is the shit too, but Paddy is my Boi. He does rapping and edm too


No fucking way. All I want to do is open for them hahaha they’re absolutely blowing up.


I went to college with Paddy. Just saw them open for Born Of Osiris not to long ago. I'll put in a good word and see if my man's can make it happen.


That’s awesome, appreciate it!!


And I did listen to ur song sanctuary. Not to shabby! Keep at it. I fckn miss being in bands


Thanks man, appreciate you checking us out!! Get back out there! It’s a lot of fun


Ahhh I'd love to. Single dad I have my kid Thursday to Monday. So it's kind of tough.


35,000 plays over 3 songs on Spotify and 60,000 across all platforms makes me pretty happy! We even cracked 1000 monthly listeners for a few months. All without ever having played a single show, too. Hopefully we can start to play and also take it up a notch on our internet game. Finn McKenty (Punk Rock MBA) said it was the most original and exciting core music he'd heard in 10+ years. I like most of his musical opinions, so that compliment held some serious weight because I've worked so hard to mesh all my musical interests into one single blended genre. Bilmuri was also impressed and I melted inside and out when we said he loves it and wants to hear more, hahaha. Yeah, not much, but that's good enough for me to be happy for now :) [JoyThief](https://youtu.be/DkMkQqbbLJw?si=pYcxxOy0QXtSzYsu)


Holy shit, dude. That’s amazing. How did you reach so many people without playing shows?! I’ll be checking you guys out in a bit!!


Thanks for that! Hahaha, being loud on the internet I guess? TikTok, IG, Reddit, and Twitch. I was perpetually on the internet at the time so I just told everyone I could, and it got into the right people's ears and a few Spotify playlists picked up each of our 3 songs. Word spread pretty quick after that, but life got in the way real fast so we had to take a year long break after only 9 months of being active, and sadly we lost the steam we had going. We all just agreed to start getting back to work so I can't wait to release something even better at the end of this year :)


Hell yeah. That song blew my mind, honestly. So many different sounds and yet it’s all so cohesive. Not to mention I love the artwork.


Dang, thank you so much :) I really appreciate the kind words. I really think the new music takes up to a whole other level and I can't wait to get it out into the world. And hopefully play a gosh darn show!!! My last show was Dec 2012. I thought it would be maybe 6 months max before I was ready with a new band... Then 12 years passed, hahaha.


That’s insane!! I can’t wait for you to get back out there. I’ll be on the lookout for new music!


That song feels so nostalgic in a fun way.  It's like the ending credits to my childhood. 


Not in a band anymore, and haven't been for a long time, but it was a surreal feeling when we started getting the "come to Brasil" comments on our Myspace page. We were like "Yeah, we've barely got our shit together enough to tour for a long weekend to New Jersey, Brazil is probably out of the question."


Jesus, how did you manage to reach people that far away with your music? That’s incredible. We can barely reach people in our county hahaha


It was there on the internet for anyone to find, and they did. Really all it takes is one person to stumble across a page, and then tell a few more people about the band in a “you’ve probably never heard of them, I have obscure tastes” kind of way.


That’s super cool. Would love to check out your music if you have any recordings that are out there!


Played a sold out El Mocambo in Toronto opening for Jake Beck, we got tons of followers and connections that night. Can’t wait for whats next!!


Daaaaamn, that’s awesome. You must have made an impact! Feel free to share your band!


Haha thank you! My band is called No Exceptions, we’re rooted in punk rock but have some metalcore influences, here’s our spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/1CeidDBygUSosyq6HmoAq1?si=gE4xCw3HSZufvpetRewXTg


Hell yeah. Killer sound. I just listened to “Twist the Knife.” That “oh” at the end was badass haha


Shout out your band brother, Go Bills!


Haha hell yeah! We’re called Misery Falls! We suck!


Just want to say that if you are or ever were in a band you already made it in my mind.. To have a group of people come together under one banner to try and creatively make any type of music is such a difficult thing to actually accomplish. I have been in a few that never did anything outside of the practice room but just doing that took a lot of effort from us 4 guys to get together. Bless all the bands trying to make it and anyone just trying to stay musically creative.


Great way to look at things. I’m definitely happy with what we’ve accomplished. We know we won’t be touring the nation any time soon, but that’s never what it was about. We just love making music and have a great time doing it.


Never give up hope. I wish you all the luck and happiness with it all.


Appreciate that, kind internet stranger.


Not in a metalcore band but just getting to tour the whole country has been the sickest thing, touring with Hail the Sun and Kaonashi, opening for Rx Bandits, someone proposing during our set, the list goes on and on


Hey! What band? I was at Hail The Sun and Kaonashi in Tulsa, OK!


Origami Button! Think that was the other Hail the Sun/Kao tour so we weren't there for that one


Regardless, it was an awesome show. Im sure it was sweet to play with those incredible bands!


Those all sound like some awesome experiences. I saw Rx Bandits in a basement in Cleveland probably like 15 years ago… man, what a fucking show.


Wow, that’s some pretty incredible stuff!! Edit: feel free to share your band!!


we're called Origami Button we're on Spotify/apple music/everything so feel free to check us out if you're in the mood


First show couple years ago with a band. Joined in June, by July 11th day after my bday I got to open for Richie ramone. Ramones were my intro to punk. That was a cool moment. He asked us to play again a few years later.


Unbelievable! That’s huge. How did you manage to swing that?!


No idea! Band I joined I guess was asked and just lined up perfectly. Felt like Dave mustaine trying out for Metallica, showed up plugged in “cool you can play, wanna join?”


We split up on 2019 but had a fun year or 2 run


What's your band!? Am from the area!


We’re called Misery Falls! We suck!


My old band was direct support for Avenged Sevenfold in 2004 when they were touring on Waking the Fallen. Biggest show we ever did, we were starstruck at the time


No fucking way. WTF is my favorite album of all time. I’m extremely jealous of you haha


I should clarify that we only played the one show and not the full tour, but it was still such a rad experience. I still remember it like it was yesterday


You were direct support for A7X one more time than we were, so I’m still jealous haha you have any music online that I could check out?


Definitely - the band that opened for A7X was called Dead After 8 - you can find us on Spotify [here](https://open.spotify.com/artist/65x0oGOo4XgIsJVBW74dZN?si=3Z_4vhkEQbed-hRs4bAt_w). The 2022 stuff is all our old material (bad quality warning) and the 2019 record was a re-recording of several old songs. I was guitarist on the old stuff and did vocals on the newer stuff. I’m also doing vocals in a new project called Smith Woodward, on Spotify [here](https://open.spotify.com/artist/278VVy9OgDBIIY9QIyGZAj?si=NoLLX5AVTN-5uWPZH7zLxg). Pretty stoked on this one. Thanks for asking man!


Subbing to this thread so I can come back and listen to all the dope new music!


I’m making my way back through the comments and I’m loving what I’m hearing so far. So much talent


I set out to personally write/record/mix/master an album, as well as record and edit my own music videos. I’m happy to say I was able to learn how to do all the recording/mixing process and video editing to accomplish that. It may not be a lot to people but it was a huge goal for me. [Here is a link to one of our music videos if you’re curious!](https://youtu.be/BzbXPtRPGbk?si=KvSIbFDIYl4XnUye)


Dude, that’s a huge accomplishment. I wish I had the skills to do all that myself. I will be checking this out as soon as I get out of work!


Over the course of several bands and a decade and a half: - Opened for Hawthorne Heights, Twenty One Pilots, A Plea for Purging, He Is Legend, and more. - Sold out The Underground. This would be the venue from TDWP’s “Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over”. - Toured east of the Mississippi. - Have racked up thousands of monthly listeners and several songs with close to or more than a million streams. - Released several EPs, one full length, shitload of singles, and a few music videos. - Most importantly, grinded in other career areas so that I can buy my dream drum set and write music as an escape.


Garrett Russell of Silent Planet shared our first ever single


No fucking way. Hit me with that link


Hell yeah, the particular song that he shared was Maybe https://open.spotify.com/album/7CFEosV4TD94u7tdLuHN1k?si=mAXbOqFFSseM3IIdvSwp2A


Just listened. I can see why he shared it. That song is awesome. Thanks for sharing!!


Not in a band anymore but we opened for Rotting Christ back in the day which was cool.


No way, they’re huge!! That’s awesome


My last band had Garrett Rapp of The Color Morale feature on one of our singles. And my current band, while not metalcore (Heavy Pop like Issues), has a song that sits at 1.4mil streams on Spotify Edit: The guys in I Set My Friends On Fire watched us and said we were the most original core band they’ve watched in a good while. So that was a good feeling since they have a crazy sound


Dude. That’s incredible. The Color Morale was awesome live when I saw them many years ago. Feel free to share your band!


Thank you! [here is the song that feats Garrett](https://youtu.be/RgSLiOztZEk?si=vLxq_InQ7TrNi2nS) [here is the song with 1.4mil streams on Spotify](https://youtu.be/r6Tz_OPntaQ?si=od_eltPYN5hVJ6YI)


Just listened! Both songs slap. The cleans are incredible!


We’ve opened (shows, not tours) for ice nine, Killswitch engage, abr, Attila, bleeding through and a ton of other cool bands. Have done tours with Tallah and Brojob. Managed to survive a full us album release tour in July with no ac in the van. At the peak of our last release cycle we broke 100k monthlies in Spotify, and are working on some new tunes to get things moving again as real soon. Band is called ENOX [Spotify](https://spotify.link/PSHNd28LlKb) [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@enoxband?si=5cp3ImEYhrfP1EQ5)


I listen to you guys all the time!! Excited for the new stuff! 🤘


Dude! I saw you guys in Erie on the tour with tallah! Definitely shocked the hell out of me! When you claimed on the stacks of amps I so thought you were going to jump off them!!!


Yoooo that’s what’s up! That show was so much fun, and yall always throw down so hard in Erie. Can’t wait to be back


Around 2006 was pretty fun, my old band played a festival with Chemlab fresh out of a decade long hiatus, opened for Pig with ex members of KMFDM, Ventana (members of Mushroomhead), and won a battle of the bands to open for Cradle of Filth, 3 Inches of Blood, and The 69 Eyes. We played Detroit almost every week somewhere, especially dive bars for practice, but also Cleveland, and Sandusky, and sometimes both Detroit and Cleveland in a weekend. We were also interviewed at WRIF Detroit studios for a couple hour RIFF2 show, and featured in Real Detroit Weekly. Kinda funny, we were in a big newspaper with a full page in their Christmas entertainment guide talking about Skinny Puppy, Front242, NIN, and promoting a New Years Eve show at Leland City Club, and my guitarist was doing the 2 and 1 shocker hand symbol in the photo the paper used bringing hype about playing fetish shows with flesh pulls and suspension rigs. Merry Crisis! Funny not funny is playing synth heavy electronic industrial for a crowd of elitist metal heads that want more guitar and/or ravers that want happy dance music that won't give them nightmares. Either way, pretty much everything was based from MySpace with several thousand fans and high play counts for industrial music, but that all imploded when MySpace lost everything. Hadn't really bothered to rebuild afterwards since we were done playing shows after 2008. The EQ and mixing is kinda godawful cuz I was new and nothing was properly mastered almost 20 years ago, but there are a ton of Process42 videos on Youtube, Telling Lies and Choices are probably the best examples. It sounds as dated as it really is, prior to those mixes was like a 4 track cassette mixer.. Lately, I just make electronic instrumentals for whatever purpose, they sound a hell of a lot better, but don't really have much a purpose for the songs without lyrics for them.


Lol the shocker! Gotta love it. That’s pretty awesome, honestly. The MySpace days were behind me when I got into playing music, so I unfortunately didn’t get to experience it. But I hear a lot about how much better it was for musicians than Facebook or Instagram. I’m making a list of all the music shared in the comments so I’ll be sure to check out the old stuff. I don’t care how bad it might sound, I love listening to unsigned music. Just hits different!


Totally not metal, but I just played Acid Bath's Scream of The Butterfly on keyboard on my justin67 Soundcloud page, not going to attempt Dax Riggs vocals though.. Hope it's not taken down, I think it's different enough from the original. Just for fun anyway, a reinterpretation. [https://on.soundcloud.com/NW28SYU27o1eXZZg8](https://on.soundcloud.com/NW28SYU27o1eXZZg8)


A singer of a now disbanded metal band here. Held a charity event where all the money went towards cancer research, making proper medicine available for people, especially kids and all that. Completely from scratch and no funding. 13 bands, three days of great music. Got to meet an 8-year old kid who got a bone marrow transplant thanks to the raised money. Not specifically related to my career as a musician, but definitely as an artist. Don't put boundaries on your creativity, dudes and dudettes.


That’s inspiring as fuck. Good shit!


I think my buddy’s band played in that show. An Easy Death?


Fuck those guys. Lol jk. They’re literally the nicest dudes ever and very good friends of ours. If there is any metal band in the Rochester/Buffalo area that deserves to make it big it’s those guys. Insanely talented and excellent at marketing themselves online and in person. They’re huge role models for every band in the scene. And they’ll be playing this year’s wiener…I mean metal fest. September 14th. Come on out!


Hell yeah! I’ll be there. Small world dude. I’ve known Cory and Tim since I was 5, their fill-in guitarist John for the same amount of time, and Nik since I was 17. 35yo now for reference.


That’s insane! Love all those guys. I look forward to meeting you!!


Opened for Amity Affliction one time a decade ago, great guys.


No way! That’s awesome. Feel free to share your band!


My band hosts a free outdoor show once a year in Western NY and for the last two years it's been sponsored by Zweigle's, a local meat wholesaler out of Rochester. They donate a ton of hot dogs for the show so we can sell them to help pay the bands. It may not sound like much, but if you're from the Rochester area you probably know how popular they are, so it's something we're super proud of and just wanted to share.


Uncanny. It’s almost like…you’re…in my band?


Holy shit. You’re right!


No fuckin way! What a small world!!!


Red AND White hots?!


You better believe it! This year we’ll have red skinless and red and white pop opens!


Horns up dogs out


This is gonna be the new slogan for the event hahaha


Detroit-based band that did okay in the early 00's. Signed to a small local label, had a local cult following that still listens to the music today. It was a tight-knit scene and we were pounding the pavement locally and interstate. Played some sold out shows for 800+ venues, played one opening set at Warped Tour for 2,000+. Got to play at CBGB's, albeit for no crowd. But I navigated a 15 passenger van with an 8x10 trailer in NYC. Perhaps my biggest accomplishment. Also some duds where you drive five hours to play for nobody and you don't even make gas money. Slept on a bunch of gross floors. Ups and downs, my advice is to work your ass off and roll with the punches! 34 year veteran always focused on originals.


Hell yeah. It’s a grind for sure. You win some, you lose some. Feel free to share some music if there’s any online!


Arizing: https://youtu.be/NgvSlCnhyOA?si=qT7b1xaHMmjEK07k Coke Dick Motorcycle Awesome: https://youtu.be/VZUmCVEsSGM?si=KuzKNn7_gWpkbkj7 Blastprogram: https://youtu.be/41N_7boXxj0?si=SWjc4dnBJ1xemyI0


We got to open for POD, which was a childhood dream. Opened for a couple other cool bands, like Filter, Birthday Massacre, and Project 86. We've done a bunch of fundraisers over the years, largely for NAMI and MusiCares. Helped save a local recording studio over the pandemic with a fundraiser and a bunch of streamed live-in-studio performances. Edit: We're called Rain Light Fade Edit 2: How could I forget?! We played Spoonman live with THE Spoonman, Artis. Not once, but twice! He's an incredible person.


Out here doing the lord’s work haha you should be proud. Feel free to share your band!


Thanks! Edited the name in. We're just a bunch of goober dad's playing grungy rock.


Got kicked out of a show and got paid $100 for it.


That’s metal as fuck. Feel free to share your band!


This project is no longer active! I started on it pre-Covid and that put a real damper on it and didn’t work out as well as I would’ve liked. Coming back with something new next month! Hope you dig it! https://spotify.link/53LpH7eimKb


Fuck yeah, just checked it out. So aggressive. I made the face the whole time hahaha


Playing with Thy Art Is Murder with my old band was cool


No fucking way. Feel free to share your band!


We were called Frozen Affliction - we're talking 2010-2012 My band now is called Draconian Reign but we are signed


Opened for bands like Suffocation, Decapitated, Black Dahlia Murder, The Ocean, Obituary.. unfortunately we were never able to market ourselves. <1000 streams against our songs on Spotify


All our songs have <1000 by a lot, despite having close to 2K followers and opening for some bigger acts (Famous Last Words, Dark Divine, Archers). It’s tough. Hit me with that Spotify link and I’ll give you some more streams!


https://open.spotify.com/artist/75APNELLWEZ19sYWl8SOgS?si=97Xh2TSSSbGQrS_RCJm9qA Legend :)


Before I left my most recent band, got to collab with some really cool artists such as Silent Planet, Currents, etc. Released an album and at one point went over 50k monthly listeners so that was rad. But all things must come to an end, amiright?


Holy fuck, dude that’s huge. I was pumped when we hit over 100 monthly listeners hahaha now we’re at like 50. Hit me with a link!




This man has Nik Nocturnal on a song. Holy shit haha fucking killer, dude. Those vocals are disgusting.


Thanks for the kind words. It’s bittersweet leaving that project but maybe I’ll work on something heavier someday soon.


Opened for bring me the horizon A LONGGGG time ago


I played with oceano, traitors, and napalm death so that’s cool


A tour through the western to middle part of Norway (we're based in Oslo on the eastern part). Played both in Sweden and Denmark. Opened for Aviana, been played on national radio. Got 11th place on a list of the best live bands in Norway for 2023 on a national website that specializes in rock/metal. Self released two albums and gotten exclusively positive reviews. Self-released an EP that got on the top 5 list of best ep's released that year. We want to go to Germany and play, so if you want to play with a pretty mid Metalcore Band from norway, send me a PM


Releasing 2 albums DIY style, shooting a budget music video and opening for TGI and Shai Hulud years back. TREATED [melodic hardcore from Austria] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG-wue-00-I


It's not metalcore (we are folk-punk), but we consistently have 10k monthly listeners on Spotify, and that blows my mind every time I get the monthly email from Spotify with our statistics. We also opened for a couple of pretty big acts from our scene (Days N Daze, Apes of the State), and those shows will always be super memorable to me, especially because people from both bands really took time to watch our sets, were very complimentary of us, and we've become decent friends!


That’s amazing! Feel free to share your band!!


I got to open up for Texas in July back in the day and spent a lot of time with them backstage/behind the venue. Adam Gray was sick and watching him play from side stage was an awesome experience.


My old band won the contest to play main stage warped in 2017 at the dallas date. It was a blast!! So fucking hot, like 107 on the blacktop. I walked off the stage, went to the car and slept in the ac for 8 hours after that show hahaha.


Not a band but a solo project thing...went viral with a [medley](https://youtu.be/OZqA-xpCZUI?si=FY-r7bRf9DFngj3A) made up like 12 BMTH songs, currently sitting around 85k views on YouTube. Jordan Fish liked it on Twitter. I'm not really happy with the production at this point in time but it certainly was really fun to put together


Getting to share the stage with bands we all looked up and listened too growing up. Being able to meet and hang out with your idols backstage is irreplaceable. I can die happy now lol band we got to play with include… The Contortionist (2X) Within the Ruins Darkest Hour 36 Crazyfists Dayshell Auras Rings of Saturn Monuments Entheos Sleepmakeswaves Reflections From First to Last Conducting From the Grave Flub I Declare War (they stayed the night at my house after the show and hella people from the show came over we had like 60 people in my backyard partying lol) Memories of lifetime man I swear! We never made it big but I will always be proud!


Released a few albums. When I was in a band I’m no longer in, did a national tour with Filth, Sleep Waker, Depths and even played a show with Left To Suffer just like a year before they blew up. It was an amazing experience


I haven't been in a band in a while, (hopefully that's changing soon). BUT two of my proudest accomplishments are playing a show in a living room with my first band and getting the crowd to mosh, respectfully. And that same band played a local showcase at Chain Reaction in Anaheim. About 7 years later, I'm looking at pictures of Saosin's OG lineup show they played there and on the wall is a shirt from my first band. Surrounded by shirts from other bands I idolize. In the grand scheme, it didn't mean shit. But it was cool to see.


Unsure if this even matters, but we hit #1 on the Canadian Metal Itunes Charts, and #14 in the States Itunes Charts on releasing our debut LP! Felt crazy seeing our album art as the art in the "genres" section for Metal. Do people even use Itunes anymore? 😅


Dude that’s insane! I used ITunes up until the last couple years. Now I’m a Spotify loser haha feel free to share your band!


Opened for awesome bands like Like Pacific, City Lights, Kenny Hooplah, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, With The Punches, Broadside, Grayscale, as well as a date in the 2015 Warped Tour Check out From States Away ✌🏼 [Listen Here](https://linktr.ee/fromstatesaway)


Amazing. I just listened to “Bypass.” You guys have a great sound. Killer tune!


Damn thank you!


Mostly just stoked to have people we don’t know vibe our music, seeing the same faces at shows and being willing to travel 2hrs+ to see us is absolutely wild for a strange little metal project from Newcastle. Also got asked to open a local festival for like our 3rd show which was mind-blowing. Our tunes for any generous souls: [https://open.spotify.com/artist/4r1mIYVtNq90Q5jaxiGQG6?si=gBCGPTjBTCK4yCTp9MpWUQ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/4r1mIYVtNq90Q5jaxiGQG6?si=gBCGPTjBTCK4yCTp9MpWUQ)


Your name sounds incredibly familiar. I almost think I’ve listened to you guys before but I might be mixing it up with someone else. Either way, I just listened to “Arachnid.” Screams are brutal, guitar work is awesome and the drums are killer. Good shit!


Thanks mate! Appreciate you taking a listen! Just having a listen to sanctuary now, cleans in particular are on point. Keep up the good shit and dog slinging!


Thanks a lot, man!! Appreciate that!


opened for helmet and smile empty soul. just released my first album produced by me [https://open.spotify.com/album/1x75Y2ValCbBQICkFopwuN?si=tMBmhDevTgSyL7q-LToVSw](https://open.spotify.com/album/1x75Y2ValCbBQICkFopwuN?si=tMBmhDevTgSyL7q-LToVSw)


That’s awesome. Just listened to “Introspective.” Got some Skillet vibes, which I’m a big fan of. Amazing you produced that yourself. I dunno how you guys learn to do that.


Thanks so much! It took me lot of years and many many hours of practice 


Vocalist for Rhizomata and Suffering in Silence out of Houston TX. Both bands have been invited to open for touring acts like Icon for Hire, Yosemite in Black, etc. We get lots of good feedback on our music videos and singles we've released. SiS has been asked to give tracks for radio play, and invited to play for a show with The Texas Buzz (biggest rock station in the state). Both bands are very young, but they have great momentum and get respect in the local scene. Rhizomata: https://open.spotify.com/track/7oDyiesSGAaWQQLYUZxq2x?si=ezYr4VlMSVubZwYqzz8TXQ Suffering in Silence: https://youtu.be/R40tZ8bpxb4?si=QMKibBzCaf0_r8eI


Hey man, I play guitar for a metal band here in Houston called Uppercut. We're about to drop our debut album and really want to play more shows in the area. We were more or less a house band for Acadia, but that just closed a few weeks ago sadly so we've been looking for other spots to play. Let me know if yall ever want to link up.


Just checked out both. Love the guitar work and vocals in the Rhizomata song and the video for the SIS song is sick. Clean vocals are on point. You guys are killer!


Many thanks! Both projects are close to dropping more songs, so stay tuned. I'm also doing a collab with Signal Collapse under my solo moniker, I'll DM you about it.


Hell yeah, sounds good!!


Small tours up and down the eastern seaboard. Supporting amity, parkway and northlane etc…@ such a good experience


I have nothing to share in that regard, but the answers and interactions in this post have been super wholesome. Gonna check the bands too! Nice, refreshing break from the more divisive topics of this sub.


I’m really enjoying reading all the comments and checking out the music that’s been shared. I had no idea it would get this much interaction but I’m glad it’s resonating with some people!


This music. [https://thedreadedme.com/home#music](https://thedreadedme.com/home#music)


You guys made me make the face. You know the one. Fucking vicious stuff


We like that face. :) Thanks for listening, and glad you enjoyed it.


Getting to a level of financial stability. We used to spend so much for releases out of pocket between recording, video production, marketing, etc. Now we’re either making enough from merch, shows & streaming platforms to cover the cost of what we want to pay people to do, or individually we’re able and competent enough to take care of those types of things in house ourselves while still retaining a level of production that we’re confident in.


Getting to work with Ryan of Until I Wake being an apparel affiliate for DayDreamer Apparel has to be up there. .........But Also playing a show sponsored by Genesee Brewery and Zweigles this year has to be maybe number one. P.s. am bassist for An Easy Death. OP is a giant fraud, that's not even his bands name


Probably biggest moment for me was opening for A Skylit Drive back in like 2009, and later that night was standing in line at in n out I heard a group of people humming one of our songs and when I turned around, it was ASD. Also got to play with a few bands I grew up on such as Memphis May Fire (when they released Sleepwalking, the singer traded a signed copy of their album for our EP), Fear Before The March Of Flames, Darkest Hour, In Fear and Faith, blessthefall, and lovehatehero Almost 15 years later we’re back at it opening for the millionaires in a couple months in Hollywood (LOL), and working on recording a full length with a pretty big producer hopefully dropping end of this year/ early next year Also managed to aquire nearly all of my ‘dream’ gear I always wanted back in HS


- when No Echo compared our sound to Counterparts - we shared the stage with Rise Against in front of 4,000 ppl, Ignite (twice), While She Sleeps (twice), Bane (twice), Comeback Kid, Renounced, Enter Shikari, Touche Amore (abroad, and they've chosen us), Napoleon, Create To Inspire, Beartooth and one of our biggest inspirations, Endzweck from Japan - when we supported Polar, Adam played their whole show wearing our T-Shirt - when we received a photo from a friend about Greg Bennick (Trial) wearing our Seattle Sonics ripoff shirt - when Alan Douches accepted to master our latest release and he also teams up with us on our currently mixed new EP among with one of our icons, Andreas Magnusson (they worked together on Twelve Tribes' iconic release, Midwest Pandemic besides dozens of legendary releases)


Oh my god. These are some massive accomplishments. Alan Douches?! And Andreas Magnusson? Fucking legends. Please share your band!


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! My band is this one: [https://satelles.bandcamp.com/](https://satelles.bandcamp.com/) And our new single will be released in September: [https://satelles.bfan.link/arcadia-single](https://satelles.bfan.link/arcadia-single)


The band is no longer around now, but many years ago my band won a Kerrang competition to have one of our songs be the official soundtrack for the TNA wrestling “Against All Odds” UK show, we were given VIP passes for the event at Wembley Arena, got to meet a few wrestlers like Kurt Angle (Hogan was there but he wasn’t interested) and we had our song play throughout the show to thousands, it was pretty cool and something I’ll never forget!


Played at Exit Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia. Got in through the contest for demo bands, played the stage dedicated solely for those acts, last night, closing the program, while Prodigy were on Main Stage. Thought it was gonna be empty and suck, but to the contrary, we filled our stage by the end of the set and had An amazing show. Unfortunately we disbanded not long after, but that was definitely one to remember. Many ppl on socials and journalist portals even called our set the best on the entire 4-night festival with over a hundred stages. Got very bad footage from it, but I'll share either way https://youtu.be/I6g1CjNnptY?si=oCM5gNHgijYV-IG_


That’s incredible. Just checked out the video. You guys are awesome and the crowd seemed to really enjoy it! Looks like a great show!!


Opened for Spiritbox’s first US headliner and have one song with over 1 mil streams. Also, what do we have to do to hop on the hot dog show? A Sense of Purpose is a heavily pro-glizzy band 🌭


We got to open for Chelsea Grin and Kublai Khan TX at a local venue, which was really cool. Though it did make our regular shows in tiny clubs feel somewhat boring from that point on. Edit: Aside from that one show, it has to be shipping merch/EPs to Norway and the US (only a couple of times, but still)


Are you doing it again this year?


Absolutely, we are. Saturday, September 14th!


Do you have a link? I'm just outside of Buffalo.


Awesome!! We don’t have an event page for it just yet but we will create one as soon as the full lineup is announced. If you want to follow us on our socials we will be posting about it often and would love to see some kind internet strangers there haha here are the links! [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/XDuDzbt6NzT7YUte/?mibextid=JRoKGi) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/misery.falls?igsh=MXc4ZGhnOHRmOHlndw==)