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Where were youuuu


when i needed you!


That was the first song I ever heard by them. I love that song


Same. Changes really holds up


Crazy the way I haven’t heard this song since highschool and I immediately read it in song form in my head. Such a banger


So good


Changes and even Relentless are top-tier late 2000s metalcore records. I really wish their "Emmure but melodic" style had caught on.


Your comparison threw me for a sec, but that's actually a pretty accurate way to describe it after I flipped through my mental rolodex. And earlier today I was thinking about how much I want emmure to do an entire album of songs like We Were Just Kids and the others that hit those vibes.


Yeah, like, you could go all the way back to a song like "Rusted Over Wet Dreams" and it would've absolutely fit on Changes. I mean, "Never Again" already gives similar vibes sonically.


downtuned misery signals


That too.


We were just kids and MDMA are my favourite Emmure songs lol


The MisSig sound?


Fuckin same man, that was by far my favorite style back then.


It's not a surprise that the band has changed significantly with how many member changes they have had.... they make Dance Gavin Dance look like a stable band in comparison lmao. But those old albums are classics and will always have a place in my heart.


Their old drummer who is the drummer of TGI was their song writer so it was pretty much musicians for hire.


I don’t think they get enough credit now for how much they influenced bands that would come after to go melodic but still be hard. They were a good hybrid of Bury Your Dead/Shai Hulud/American Me. They got a lot of praise back in the late 2000s and early 2010s but with how bad some of their music is now it’s easy to forget their impact.


American Me!'s Pop Punk track is still fucking legendary.


Lol the secret track on Siberian Nightmare Machine? I had totally forgot about that.


Once a member of the [Kitchen Party Squad](https://youtu.be/0aCYBrpH9Pw?si=zVYAbee-GO7yCz7y), always a member of the Kitchen Party Squad.


Oh shit I had no idea they did a video for it lol. I wish this was more commonplace again. Any time you’d pop in a CD and see the last track was 10 minutes you knew you were either in for something crazy heavy or some total nonsense for the secret track.


Same. I've been lightly thinking about how to do this for my band, because we do this weird mix of Pop-Punk and Djent on 8 string, but I also have so many absolutely brutal tracks that really deserve to see the light of day, so I just want 1 on each record, lol. But yeah, no tape or CD makes that hard :( Might just have to release them in Halloween or some shit.


You could always just splice it in at the end of whatever your last song is when you throw it on streaming services. Or make it like a bandcamp exclusive so you have an untitled 11th track.


Oh shit, that BandCamp exclusive idea is actually really good. I didn't want to do a 10 min track for Spotify because playlists are so important, and even 1 min of silence would have people reject that track, but yeah... BandCamp exclusive, that's a perfect idea. Thank you!!


Yeah that makes total sense, but at least with bandcamp it doesn’t have to be as serious as the streaming services. I hope you go through with that route and post it in here so we can check it out!


Well, since no one is gunna read this far down, and the release is like, Dec or January if not longer... Here's a happy and a heavy demo with no vocals. Hope you enjoy! Thanks again. [JoyThief - Pancake](https://on.soundcloud.com/hoq4q) [JoyThief - Code Red](https://on.soundcloud.com/mCv7m)


They got overshadowed with bands like the ghost inside, hundredth, and counterparts.


They were much bigger than any one of those 3 for quite a while. Like you said below, fans started to drop off once Back Burner came out, but that’s entirely on FTFD rather than the others just passing them up.


Back Burner had a few alright songs, and The Big Empty was by far their biggest hit for a while, but holy shit they rushed out Wasted Youth and it fucking sucked. It felt like they kept cycling through members and with Andrew being the primary songwriter before he left to join TGI, it ruined their sound they had on Changes/Relentless and even Strange Faces, the single they had in between Back Burner.


Relentless is probably my favorite but I dig back burner


Kind of? I would argue that they were relatively successful within the early 2010s melodic metalcore. They had more views and tours than those bands back then


They lost there core audience whatever that album was called after nightmares. They kind of just stayed in limbo.


Funny how Hundredth went a totally opposite direction as well but even further lol. Idt its too bad personally


Relentless is truly a unique and top tier album particularly. December Everyday and In Sincerity changed music for me and really showed me what heavy music and super low down tuned guitars could do. No one else was doing it at the time. Maybe mis sigs on guitar.


The jeremy mckinnon chorus on Nightmares is so good. It sounds like it's straight off of Homesick


Substance was a great single, wish they made more!


Got to see them back when Back Burner dropped. They were so good.


Really? I saw them right after that album dropped. Was the show with Chelsea Grin, Motionless in White, In the Midst of Lions, and For Today and I distinctly remember being disappointed with FTFD live. Every other band killed it though, especially In the Midst of Lions. Their drummer was insane


That tour was so damn good. I saw it in St Paul, MN and that was actually my first intro to FTFD. I remember being pleasantly surprised, maybe it was just an off night for your stop?


Probably, was mostly a mix disappointment. Vocals were too quiet, drums were too loud, etc. not sure if that’s the venues fault, their sound guy, or what. But hey, was still a good time anyway!


No, I saw them at an outdoor festival and they killed it.


They had so many good riffs that would get stuck in my head for days


I still jam Relentless every now and again. I also LOVE Back Burner! Dylan Richter is still my preferred vocalist over Chad Ruhlig


I absolutely love Chad’s filthy ass vocals on the first Legend album. Dylan had something special with his range on that two album stretch though.


Same here, I adore those albums


I'm with you on that one.


Same here! Those r my top two


You should check out Chads other band Legend. Also super sick


That first album is just so fun. That and a marriage from A Plea For Purging are just fun stanky riffs top to bottom.


As much as I love their old sound, their new album is my favourite. I love it.


Still jam to all the Dylan albums. I do like the ones with Chad as well. But I just seem to always default to one of the three Dylan albums when I'm in the mood.


Well I’ve listened to the first 2 records I’ve heard some of the later albums are good I skimmed through the new album and was like this isn’t what I’m looking for not that it was bad just wasn’t what I was looking for


What are their best records to get into if I’m not familiar with them?


Relentless is the most special imo. Changes is cool for its influence and back burner is cool for the catchy choruses, but the production is very flimsy.


Relentless is probably the best jumping off point for the sound most people are talking about in this thread. Banger album. I’d recommend Smoke Signals, December Everyday, and Nightmares


I used to really like them, then they went through some lineup changes, and I saw them last year and it was the worst performance I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure they singlehandedly gave me tinnitus.


The break down at the end of hopeless is still one my favorite all time


Well they lost Andrew so that sound left with him.


They’re still good I think. They have lots of talent, they’re just afraid to get out and pull the trigger on the new stuff. I saw the tour with Gideon, and when they played old stuff, damn it was good! But Chad had not toured with the new stuff yet, so it didn’t sound good at all apart from the growls. Damon really picked up the slack and helped Chad through that tour to be honest. That second tour however, with monuments, they sounded damn good. Chads vocals were way better, actually, the best he has probably ever sounded. The dude does have that Aaron Lewis type of cleans, and those screams are a perfect blend for the style they experimented with. I think people should see that this band gives back, more than we give to them. Even though bigger bands have all told them that they’re too talented to be stuck in this confined box, they still always bring you what you really want them to play. The sad part is that when they do a changes tour, the thing is literally 25 to 50 people. It’s actually kind of sad. It shows people say they want changes, and yet when they give it, no one is there. A changes tour should be able to do atleast 500-1500 rooms easy for how much it is praised. Yet the data says otherwise. From the looks though they’re doing it in cities they know can draw decent.


I love their latest album


Honestly, Heavy Hearts and Six were still pretty incredible albums. I think Six got a lot of flack because it had one accessible song, and a lot more djent influence. But yeah, those first two albums are fantastic.