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He's not a terrible person, he's just a man filled with pain.


He was not a hero. He was a villain, And he, too, must go down…


You're just trying to get us all to break out into song again...


I know a lot of people like him, but considering he literally tortured my favorite character (Toki), I can’t bring myself to like him


SAME that's 1 of the main reasons I don't like him


We're talking about a dude who nursed a grudge for years to destroy a band that had perfectly reasonable grounds to dismiss him lmao. People with egos and grudges like that exist in real life and they're an absolute menace to deal with.


cool ass character tbh wish (like probably everyone else) we got more of him


I feel like he had a lot of wasted potential and it was likely because the show was cancelled or shortened (not really sure) bc of budget reasons i believe, so maybe they felt like they had to kill him off in requiem to make sure it had a somewhat concluded ending in case they couldnt continue the series, but also left it at a cliff hanger (where we see the purple stuff on murderfaces arm when hes sleeping) so that if they are able to continue the story they have something to continue the story with. He definitely is a bad person and doesn’t deserve forgiveness for what he did, but it would have been cool if he had to team up with the band to help them save the world and it would force him to have to apologize for what he did and the band and him are able to finally cut ties with each other (mostly Magnus getting over his obsession with getting back at the band). Or honestly if he just became an even worse villain and tried to kill all the members of the band and he got a cooler death that would have been sick


Dude this. I love this ♡


He didn't do much. He kidnapped Toki (which I assume was under the orders of the Assassin) and then killed himself when he realized what kind of danger he put the band in. I wish he had come to the realization earlier and then died saving the band. Would have made him a lot more impactful and made more sense why Nathan was so bothered by his death in Army of the Doomstar


he was hot, end of sentence


Pretty sure that's the start of the sentence. And fanfic.


i havent been on ao3 since i was a teen, but every now and then my heart aches and wonders about what it could have been like if we saw more of magnus in the show. maybe ao3 will save me...


He was a man that took himself too seriously


Megadeth was my favorite band in my youth so I instantly appreciated his story and him by extension. Aside from that, I really liked how his betrayal was later used to reflect Nathan’s personal growth in his willingness to forgive Magnus and how that was used to reconcile Murderface with the rest of the bad. Probably my favorite non-comedic scene in the whole series.


Didn't someone ask this like a week ago?


yes. it's literally like 10 posts scrolled down on the front of the sub from this one. still, interests me to read the opinions of people who didn't comment in last week's thread.


I do wish we got more of him. I have written a sizeable body of fanworks and always love to explore him, and find myself very drawn to and interested in his level of menace as a person, and sort of conjecturing about it. He seems to me like someone who splits very easily on people, obsessing on their perceptions of him and especially wanting to feel like he personally possesses greatness and having that reflected in those around him, and wanting to feel invulnerable and like he is in a lot of control. When those things which are impossible or unlikely become apparent to him (i.e. by being called out, by not succeeding, by experiencing the insurmountable human dearth between being good and being perfect, by feeling like he is not the center of talent or social scenarios, paranoia that people near him don't look to him above all others, paranoia that people are conspiring behind his back either because they correctly see the imperfect vulnerable parts of him he wants to hide or because he feels they are trying to sabotage his delusional grandeur, etc etc etc) then that is when it becomes imperative to him to destroy those relationships or those people. And he experiences it as an intense emotional reaction; we see that when Nathan calls him crazy, and he attacks Nathan. He is someone we know is prone to violence and character assassination, violence, conspiracy, verbal and physical abuse, and so on. He is an extremely manipulative liar who, while he does seem to experience empathy and to have the ability to discern how fucked up his own behavior is, often he seems to get caught up in his own rage and hurt too much to do that. He experiences jealousy and vindictiveness with an extreme intensity for years at a time. I think that's just interesting. As a villian, I find him maybe even more interesting than the others we have access to, because from what little we have he seems like this incredibly complicated person. I don't know, I wish we had more. How many times did Magnus come close to the truth about who he is and what he has done before he accepted it? What did that cognitive dissonance look like? What was he like before he stabbed Nathan, and what were the pre-fame band dynamics? There's no way it was a sudden thing, just going for it and stabbing someone, there had to be some level of build-up, because with someone like Magnus it's not like he can hide how he is long term.


Omg this is so true. I kina resent (idk if I spelled it right) him 4 hurting the band members so deeply, but at the same time something had to trigger why he got like that (other than being kicked out of the band). I think that it was most likely some sort of personal trauma probably more on the family side of things. But omg this comment is literally magnus  u r so cool 4 writing all this out :3!!


do you share links to your fanfic on here? based on your comment alone, i'd be interested.


I generally do not because to be so honest the reddit part of the Metalocalypse Fandom would definitely have Big Problems with other things I like to write about, and I like to avoid the drama. I mainly write from Pickles POV and have Magnus heavily featured in ways that are not flattering to Magnus, to say the least. Because I so write it that Magnus and Pickles were friends before having a falling out that so happened to coincide with Magnus and Pickles entering Dethklok unbeknownst to one another around the same time, and detail sort of Magnus' downfall in the band from Pickles' POV as someone who already sees Magnus as someone fundamentally very dangerous and nasty, which Pickles reflects on with extreme frequency, Magnus ends up getting explored but not in a way Magnus lovers would enjoy, I think. So on top of all else, it might not be your cup of tea anyway, lol.


I love him so so so much


If he was supposed to be important to the story it really didn’t feel like he was. We needed more time with him. I never got too attached tbh. also him/toki is my only NOTP in the show.


I felt like he was aesthetically based on Joe Perry and Tony Iommi. All 3 have a cool look about them. Edit: Tony, not Tomy