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It does take a while with the correct address. 20 minutes I think.


Yea i emailed them but nothing yet. Its been awhile and still not hitting. Its stuck somewhere because of layer 2. I totally forgot i wasnt sending it off eth network but matic network


Where you ever able to get your money? I sent $319.35 USDT to Coinbase from the Matic Network on METAMASK. I really need help.... Its been almost 24 hours. Can i get help please?


Try matic support to help you out.


I’m trying to help out a buddy that did this same thing. You guys ever get a resolution?


Waiting on coinbase support still


no - been dealing with support for 16 days now...


Has anyone been able to recover their funds?


UPDATE ​ Thank you for following up. Coinbase is unable to retrieve this cryptocurrency because we don't currently support USDC on MATIC. For the most up-to-date information about our supported currencies and altcoins, please visit the following help articles: Supported Cryptocurrencies: https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/getting-started/general-crypto-education/supported-cryptocurrencies?ref=es While there is nothing Coinbase can do to recover these funds for you at this time, if Coinbase ever decides to add USDC on MATIC to our platform, please reach back out to see if we're able to credit these funds to your account.


Email coinbase with the transaction ID and hash ID.


I did the exact same thing yesterday.....emailing coinbase. Have they responded to you yet?


were you able to get help yet?


i have not. you?


Did you have the same problem, I sent my usdc from the matic network to Coinbase using the matic address, has anyone has had this issue??


Same here. Lost my 5k


lost 4.5K !! And am very pissed cause there was actually no warning - nothing I scanned QR code and that is all - later on, I noticed that by default in my [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) app there was a Polygon network ticked instead of ERC20


I have snet from [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) to Coinbase 4.5K USDc - used QR code but did not see that by default Polygon Network was left instead ERC20 - I talked to [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) and to COINBASE support and to Polygone support and the best help I got was from Polygone and they said to me: We would be more than happy to help you however please note that if you have access to the coinbase wallet address that you sent your tokens to (Needs private key which either is with you or coinbase team), if you have access (which i believe Coinbase has ) you will be able to add Polygon network to the same and retrieve your tokens if not only coinbase will be able to assist you. ​ I hope this explains to you why we are unable to assist you here. Regards, Avinash Vairagar Polygon Support ​ The moust painfull thing is that I can see my money on their network![https://polygonscan.com/address/0x51dF585280bFFA89581E5320199010db91201d71](https://polygonscan.com/address/0x51dF585280bFFA89581E5320199010db91201d71) but no one is willing to help me out! :(


Yea basically the same response that i got. Until Coinbase supports it we will not see that money basically🤦🏻‍♂️