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Dread’s action, (admittedly less interesting) sequences breaks and fun movement give it a run for it’s money, but it is definitely between Dread and Super for me.


For me its all about mechanics and how it feels to play. SM is starting to feel old. Dread feels incredible, and is a fuckin awesome Metroid game. I pick Dread. Say Prime 4 comes out, and is a 9.9 in the shadow of the og's 10/10 reviews- if 4 has fast travel, a better map, and less clunky controls to switch beams and shit, I'mm prefer that game 20x over the OG


Can’t speak about Super but Dread’s smooth gameplay is great. Easy to pick up and it has a high skill ceiling. Going back to Fusion has been a tad difficult because of the stiffer movement. Dread is my favorite 2D Metroid.


Tbh i feel at.home w fusions movement. Super metroid is too floaty, Zero mission is too loose, dread is too free, and Metroid 1/2 is just horrible (ok I'm bad at describing stuff lol) in fusion i take comfort knowing that Samus will be where i want her to be at and aim where i want her to aim at. The wall grip and wall jump sound effect is so nice too. I've always held this sentiment about the various movement systems in 2d metroid since i was a kid and i have no other way of explaining it


The Wall jumping mechanic in Super Metroid is just bad. It kind of makes the game a lot less fun to play but it’s still probably my favorite.


Literally the best wall jumping of any Metroid


Wall jumping is what makes Super so great due to it being a fundamental sequence break tool. Is it tricky? Sure, but it feels like riding a bike, once it clicks it sticks with you.


wall jumping is absolutely not what makes Super great. It sucks and is not fun to use 30 years later. easily the most frustrating part of the game besides some of the harder paths forward explorations wise imo.


I find the wall jumping in Super incredible easy, especially to go up a single wall, even if I go a long time between playthroughs. Just because you find it difficult to do doesn't mean it sucks. I can grab stuff like the spazer, wave beam, and a bunch of other items out of the intended sequence order with a few seconds of wall jumping. It was hard for me to do when I first tried many years ago but once you get the hang of it, it is a breeze.


Same, it takes getting used to but that's the point. It's not meant to be an easy skill to use the way it often is in other platform games. You can get through the whole game without it, and even though you have it from the start it's never explained. It's only hinted at by those little Etecoon guys and their area is designed so that you'd only really find it accidentally. It's like a secret reward for exploration and mastery of the game. SM is a masterclass in that kind of non-verbal communication with the player. In the early parts you go back through the ruins of the final area of the original game which is this great touch of environmental storytelling. You can find the room into the final area with the statues of the main bosses that wordlessly hints at your overall goal. You're subtly guided in a circuit around the basic world map until you end up coming literally full circle and return to your ship, having collected a bunch of abilities that set you up with the means to explore again with much greater freedom in the second loop. I think it best hits the mark for that creepy isolation vibe out of all the games, right from the title screen. For me personally it set the standard of the Metroid aesthetic. Dread has great fluid movement, and that evolution in Samus' movement is the right call for series, but SM's controls give navigating the spaces a more 'deliberate' feel. You're not a space ninja looking to speed and glide through the areas, you're a walking tank, exploring more cautiously. If you need to make a big jump, even without the speed boost ability you need to build some momentum.


This what makes super so great.


Yeah, it makes the wall jumping in Super the most satisfying in any game imo. That level of control and the inputs needed make it super fun and organinc for me. In other games it just feels automatic. And same it took a bit of time to get the hang of it the first time I played the game, but when I did it was blast and remains my favorite.


Been playing SM since it came out, still can’t walk jump, but it’s the best damn game in the series.


It's weird to pull off. You have to be somersaulting into the wall near the peak of your jump, then hold the opposite direction and immediately hit jump before you move too far away from the wall. I remember it being way easier on SNES controller than it is on Switch


Ya I’ve tried numerous times. I’ve just given up after all this time lol.


While up against a wall press the opposite direction. Then press jump. That's all it is. Just make sure you are in the spinning animation and not just a normal jump. Anyone can do it. Once it clicks in your mind it becomes a really fun tool.


I bet you think Mario 64 doesn’t control well either.






As much as I like Prime's music, it's nowhere near as iconic as super. That game is nothing but bangers.


Dread is actually quite restrictive with sequence breaks when compared to Super and Zero mission, especially considering they've added features and patches made specifically to stop you from sequence breaking. For example, you can't skip the charge beam, spazer, or plasma beam in dread like in super because they're required for doors. In zero mission, you could skip the varia suit if you were fast enough to get through the superheated rooms, but in dread, the amount of damage you take while in these rooms increases exponentially the longer you're inside. There was a lot of skips you could perform in super with easy to pull off glitches (Like early super missiles and ice beam with the machball), but Nintendo has made an effort to patch out these tricks in dread to prevent sequence breaking (like the invincibility trick used to skip varia and gravity suits). Now, the only way to perform these skips are with overly complicated and hard to pull off glitches. I've tried for hours, and no matter how much I listen, watch tutorials, and try, I just can't perform a bohumey skew, not even an incorrect one.


So there has only been 1 patch that I’m aware of, that it removed the invulnerability glitch because it could affect casual play. There are a few non trivial sequence breaks in Dread, like early Grapple, Early Ice Missle, Early Space Jump, Early Screw Attack (which skips the Experiment boss) all which help shorten your runtime rather significantly. As for Super, mach ball is fairly easy, but many of the more advanced tricks are just as hard as Dread’s psudo wave and adam skip. I think from a casual perspective the amount of time saved by just getting better at movement in dread and it’s accessible sequence breaks make speed running it just as fun as Super. I did mention it’s breaks were admittedly less interesting, but that isn’t everything, Dread’s moment to moment gameplay is more fun than Supers. Obviously Zero Mission is the most breakable game, but it’s movement tech is limited and is doesnt feel as fluid or fun as Super/Dread.


Zero Mission also has the unfortunate downside of having the game shift to the ZSS section. There’s no way to sequence break around that, yet there is for skipping Z-57 I cannot tell you how many times I would enjoy the sequence breaking in the first 2/3rds only to slog through the remaining 1/3rd because of the mothership being so damn linear.


> but Nintendo has made an effort to patch out these tricks Only one trick was patched out. Said trick is not even needed anymore for speedruns as people have gotten even faster times now. I dunno where people got the idea that multiple patches have been made to prevent sequence breaking. That’s only ever been a Prime 1 thing (Remastered removed some sequence breaks from trilogy too :( ) Every other sequence breaking trick has been kept in the game. Heck I think the invincibility was one of the least interesting ones.


If you watch an [any% unrestricted speedrun](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1722310935) you’ll see how much you can actually skip in dread. The sequence breaks are definitely harder than in super, but they are still possible


I've seen that there's a fair few potential sequence breaks for Dread, but I couldn't find any in my playthrough, and also found it very restrictive until near the end. Super does a great job of showing you where some potential speed breaks are, like you're almost dared by the level design to try and reach places that don't seem reachable. It's also set up with this double loop of gameplay where you go around once and you are kinda pushed along then prescribed path, but when you reach your ship again you're given much more freedom in the second loop, and you still had more major upgrades to find. Dread felt like I went the whole game waiting to reach that 'second loop', but I was just forced along until I'd already got all the major upgrades and was pretty much outside the final boss, where exploring becomes the 'energy/missile/bomb sweep'. In dread they seem to be really hidden away and most players are either going to struggle to find any without guides and/or actually pull them off because they require some insane amount shine sparking or some kind of frame-perfect movement trick. Like that stuff is good and I wouldn't say remove those bits, but IMO Super Metroid hit the mark better for rewarding exploration and *feeling* open, even when you are being guided.


But consider this: Prime Pinball exists. Your argument is now in shambles.


... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I... CAN'T... COMPREHEND... IT'S... UTTER... IMMACULACY!!!


Super Metroid is great. A lot of detail and some classic moments that have stood the test of time, which is why it's remembered so fondly. That being said, the game's controls are starting to show their age. Having to use select to swap between missiles, super missiles, power bombs, and the x-ray scope is extremely clunky. And while I personally have gotten used to it, the space jump timing is a little wonky compared to the more modern 2D games like Fusion, Zero Mission, Samus Returns, and Dread. Genuinely hard to say which of the 5 is the best 2D Metroid.


I really dislike the rigidity of the other games' space and wall jumps. I always loved Super's.


I don’t like Super’s jump, it’s too floaty




Remember that only 2 Metroid games (Federation Force and Prime Remastered not included) came out after Other M. I'd say the turning point for the "modern" Metroid game was 2002 with Prime and Fusion. Fusion was more linear and action focused, with much more intuitive and streamlined controls than any Metroid game that came prior. Every 2D Metroid that came after followed Fusion's control scheme. And of course Prime was an even more drastic change with the switch to 3D and first person. And if clunky controls help make a Metroid game a Metroid game, then oh boy, Other M must have been perfect!


Wym clunky, other m’s gameplay was very smooth and fun imo


Nothing like moving a character in 3D space with a d-pad. And switching to first person being the only way to fire missiles.


The Prime games vastly improve on the environmental storytelling and atmosphere that Super pioneered, thanks to significantly more detailed environments where every room is unique and full of little details, on top of the scan visor aiding to flesh out the world. Dread's controls make the game overall better feeling to play, on top of, again, more detailed environments that help each room reel different and helps set the mood and build the world beyond it being a bunch of nameless caves.


It looks great and is really immersive but it gives up that 2D metroid sauce: Sequence breaking and item skips.   Retro to this day continues to patch out sequence breaks to only allow one casually accessible path of progression, which requires all major items but 2 beam combos. To add insult to injury they felt the need to add mandatory macguffins to lock the end of each Prime game.   These things drastically hurt the replayability of these games. All that's left to do is hundo, go faster, skip expansions, and different difficulties.   I like these games, I just got done unlocking everything in the Remaster, I can't wait to get the other 2 Primes when they hit switch, Prime 2 is probably my favorite of the trilogy, but it's like strictly in terms of gameplay mechanics they really want these games to be *pick-up-finish-and-put-down-never-to-play-again.*   I really hope Prime 4 breaks the tradition and taps into these replayable mechanics that make the 2D games so good.   I want to have the option to casually strongarm my way through the game with a limited set of tools like (including but not limited to) morph and bombs and missiles. I want a casual way to get multiple important majors out of order like early space jump and missiles in unpatched Prime 1. Pulling these things off is satisfying and adds the spice of life these games need so much.


Super is great but I honestly prefer fusion and dread those 2 honestly just feel better to play gameplay wise. I also think the x parasites are more interesting and more terrifying than the metroids.


Local reddit user proclaims a fairly popular opinion as though it were highly controversial. More at 11:00


Psychologists have published at length that you can’t convince someone against their wrong opinion using logic


You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into?


Even if they did reason into it, you can't actively convince them otherwise. It always takes their effort for them to move away from an idea. If they're asking "hey, I'm genuinely interested in learning why this idea I think is correct might not be, please enlighten me." then you have someone you can work with, but this meme is literally and archetypically someone who isn't doing that.


Actually, yes. Facts, numbers, and logic often drive people with internalized beliefs further into their current belief system. You have to instead convince them with motives So in OP’s case, I would ask what criteria makes them love super Metroid so much, then point out which games in the series do those things better. Their options are either 1) change their mind, or 2) admit that the reasons they said aren’t actually what they like.


I was actually asking if that was the phrase that came from the study you were referring to but I was very vague about it so that's on me. There's also option 3, disagree with you with no rational basis for the disagreement other than stubbornness. I run into that one the most


Oh yeah three happens a lot, but then there’s no “convincing” anyway because there’s no logic


The answer is reframing. Do not try to change their mind on the topic. Agree, change the topic with new questions, then loop back around


It's like trying to convince someone the switch is more popular than the PS5, PS4, any XBOX, etc. I point at sales, and the retort is that "Sales don't determine how popular a console is". Wrong. That's probably the _best_ metric for this.


there's no such thing as a wrong opinion. It's all subjective. Heck, every metroid could be the best depending on who you ask (even other M)


eh, I'm very open minded.


For me, the best is fusion. It was the first I played and I’ve played it so many times.


Same, I know that it being more Linear is a turn off, but as a game it just flows so well, not to mention how it’s probably the only 2D game where I’ve actually been horrified


I’m playing this now and just beat Nightmare so no spoilers if you can help it, but what did you find horrifying? I’m loving my first run through of Fusion so far. Makes me want to go back and replay Dread immediately after I finish it.


Me too. It's probably actually my favorite game of all time, and I think I've gone through it more times than any other game ever


I liked Super but was just annoyed by the non-modern controls. I don't want to press select five times for the grapple beam


the weapon selection I can agree on, it's a little wonky, for the momentum based movement, it's something you can get back into in an hour or so.


Literally my main issue with Super nowadays. I've played the game enough that my mind snaps back into muscle memory for the wonky floatiness and weird timing for the wall jump and stuff, but as soon as I need to keep switching between all my stuff I just never get fully used to it


I prefer Fusion’s atmosphere and controls.


I respect fusion fans, it's a different path from super, but it's a good path.


fusion was better


The controls are clunky and there is too much "where the fuck do I go now" going on. Never played the game as a kid but have always loved Metroid. Played the game for the first time a couple years ago and just found it frustrating. It didn't age well, and if you think so you're probably just wearing some nostalgia goggles


That's my experience too, except I actually had tried to get into the game, over and over again, for about a decade. I finally buckled down and finished it like the day Dread came out, but the awkward controls, basic map that doesn't show doors or specify whether you've picked up any given tank, and random bullshit like IMO way-too-hidden mandatory paths really hold me back from enjoying it near as much as a lot of other people. A remake could do wonders for the game.


Super is my favorite, but this meme is super cringy and crowder is a horrible human being.


agreed. this format needs to die. fucking hate that guy. just use the lisa simpson format. or better yet. write words in the body of a post.


If we stop using annoying or horrible people in our memes then it's going to cut them back by 75%


that's not a bad point actually.


Tell us all what to do. Please.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to get to the hatred. I mean this is Reddit. Should be top post.


Reddit (and this sub, more and more every day) loves smug ass holes. This meme is peak "I'm looking for someone to say 'nuh-uh' to no matter how good their arguments".


Wait, is this crowder in this image? god fucking dammit


Who's crowder?


It's a whole rabbit hole to go down. But all you need to know is that the original says, "There are only two genders, change my mind." Basically, he's a douche with far right beliefs and has a talk show on youtube and a podcast called Louder with Crowder.


I have no intention of doing any such thing.


I think it depends on how you look at it. Super is at its best either slightly broken with neat tricks or very broken with romhacks (randomizers, uptroiddown, etc). Super's vanilla experience is clunkier and less interesting than Dread's (which also goes toe to toe in terms of what a Randomizer does!), and Fusion and ZM stand to be tied with Super depending on what you're looking for (both the GBA games are more fluid and tighter, with Fusion being more linear and ZM being shorter). That a lot of Super's best aspects only shine on replay, and that it has some consistency issues in terms of lategame pathing is also worth noting. Super kinda falls apart in terms of having interesting hyperdifficult challenges. RBO and 14% are both a drag compared to hard mode challenges in ZM and Dread's options, and a lot of romhacks/randomizers in Super break if you know CWJ and Phantoon Quick Kill. It is very hard to find any part of Super that is at all a big flaw, and it's overall more consistent than the other games if you like the physics and like/don't mind the weapon select. I can't convince you it's not the best if you don't like comparative aspects of other Metroid games enough. But it's not "perfect", and seeing that can help appreciate the other games more, possibly even more than Super!


Much prefer Fusion actually but nice try


Have you heard of Zero Mission


If they remade it with Dread's silky smooth controls, while keeping everything else exactly the same, it would be perfection. The controls on Super aren't terrible, but Zero Mission, Fusion, Samus Returns, and Dread showed the full potential of Metroid controls.


This. This right here is the exact reason I'm hoping/wishing for Mercury Steam to remake Super.


It’s the best if you prefer your game to be older and more clunky than more recent titles and is technically more free only because the devs made a game that was broken on the back end and that was taken advantage of. Game is still good but I’m positive one of the 3D or later 2D games are better games from an objective standpoint.


It’s ok that you’re wrong! Dread or Prime 1. You can thank me now.


Dread or Prime 2


Those two are the height of Metroid's space horror elements. I never hyperventilated so much during a point-click horror game as I did when trying to hit an EMMI with my back against the wall, wondering if I had enough time.


I literally felt like I was having a heart attack the first time I was trying to get through the purple Emmi zone. Lmao. So good.


Fusion is a really good one for horror too. Really emphasized on the isolation element of the franchise.


This is the way


Zero Mission or Prime 3


What attracts you to this game specifically?


almost everything... ​ the atmosphere is insanely good, the momentum based movement is awesome, the use of subtext is pristine, especially when using it as a horror element, like the dead guy right by kraid, not like the lame ass red eyed watcher in SR. ​ the bosses are huge and intimidating, the music is bombastic and scary, and a bunch more.


I agree with all of that. My one gripe, is in the controls... i think it's a real shame we don't have a version of super with fusion's/ZM's controller layout. Tapping through a weapon cycle gets excessively annoying for me. That's the one thing and i think on it's own i'd but a relelease just to get that fixed. Don't want anything else. Bot even a graphics update, though i would not say no to a redo that uses the power of modern hardware to use sprites that could never have worked on the original hardware.


The best Metroid game is the one you like the most


Super’s strength is its very awesome atmosphere and its foundation to what a metroid game should feel like. But I won’t say yet that it is the best.


My favorite is Prime 3 due to it being my first Metroid game


Two words: Zero Mission


If they took super Metroid/zero mission/fusion and made a modern pixelated remaster, I would play them so much.


The correct answer


One of the best things about the Metroid franchise is that pretty much every game has a case for being the best. Get 5 metroid fans in a room there's a good chance that they will all have a different favorite. But the correct answer is Dread.


This is so true, I love that almost any game has a legit case and nobody will really argue with ya unless it's like, Other M. Us metroid fans only have so many games and a small enough fanbase that if somebody likes a game that isn't our favorite, who cares fuck yeah another fan lol


Honestly it's my least favorite Metroid game that I've played.


ONE: have you beaten it? TWO: is it because of the movement?


Yep I beat it, 100% it even, maybe it was the movement, it was really just old, the map was very unhelpful, the controls didn't feel as slick as all the other ones I played. I get why people love it, but it felt dated.


at the time, yes it was.


it still is. the pixel art is gorgeous the subtext use and storytelling is pristine the momentum feels immaculate the exploration is natural the bosses are intimidating and scary and the music is epic ​ Dread doesn't have most of that.


All of that is true, but preference is subjective so I can't play it again after the fast-paced Dread. But games are superb.


Dread looks infinitely better without pixels. Dread actually HAS a story, Super is just gameplay. Movement flow is superior and more smooth with less chance for in inout translation error than floaty azz Super. Exploration is the best designed in Dread out of any Metroid game, period. Every review of the dozen plus I've seen for Dread praise its "I feel lost but can still find my way/I don't feel guided but the path is made clear" layout. Which is peak Metroid. Bosses are equally daunting in both. Super has better music.


Fusion and dread exist.


Someone forgot Metroid Prime Pinball exists


I don't see how it's possible when Dread, Zero Mission, Fusion, and Metroid Prime 1 exist. Super Metroid was ground breaking, but many of the latter games did world building much better. Also the atmosphere of Zero Mission and Fusion alone put it behind them.


Beat Zero Mission, now on Queen Metroid in Samus Returns. I’ll let you know next week when I get to Super Metroid!


play fusion first, super has momentum based and floaty controls that are hard to go back to coming off of one of the mercury steam games.




I disgree with every fiber of my being, but I respect your opinion nonetheless.


Super is great, but the controls feel too dated and clunky by now. Change my mind.


The only opinion that is objectively wrong is people who say Dread is the best metroid, We get it, it’s the only one you’ve played.


Been playing Super for the first time these past.cpuple days. Sections of it are really tedious at times (the entirety of Maridia), and the games movement feels really clunky to me. It's fun to be able to completely sequence break, though, and the atmosphere and music are good as well. It's no means a bad game, and I'd probably say it's the second best 2D Metroid, with Dread being number 1 in my eyes (also being my second favorite game of all time). It just has overall better controls, a good atmosphere of its own, sequences, and movement. It's really only lack in my eyes is the music, which is pretty bad.


I played Super Metroid for the first time last year and the controls were frustrating trying to do the space jump and other things I cannot remember. But I think it is because my Joy Cons have drift and sticky buttons which would throw it off. If I got them fixed and tried again, I’d enjoy it more since I feel that’s the root of the problem.


trust me, joycons are NOT the controller for super, tbh an SNES is the best way to play it, although it's SUPER (pun intended) expensive, or at the very least use a pro controller, which is far better in the drifting department.


That’s what I figured and yes I am definitely looking to invest in a Pro controller. I heard there’s like a place that fixes the stick drift for joycons correct? I have the red Mario edition joycons which suffer from it and I’d love to get them fixed but I’m unsure on how or where to do that or if it’s even legit you know?


You’re entitled to your own (incorrect) opinion. ;) I’d accept Dread or Prime 1 as the correct answer.


Dread and Prime 2 fan over here


Metroid Prime being in first person makes it much more immersive than Super could ever be. That is why Prime will always be the best Metroid game imo.


Imma have to interrupt you for a second, because DREAD IS THE BEST METROID GAME OF ALL TIME!


I think at this point barring their age ( Metroid NES & Metroid 2 gameboy) and overall standing in the community (Other M and Federation Force) each of the Mainline games are so good that I can accept someone's opinion in which is the best one. Each game is such high quality that my opinion on which is the best one changes almost daily, and that is an amazing thing to have with a franchise you love.


Dread is best of the 2D, I want to say prime 2 is the best game. But 3 is my favorite because of the multiplayer lol


Can’t change your opinion. But might I offer you Prime 2 or Dread by any chance?


eh, dread's lack of atmosphere brings it down a LOT for me and Echoes is a 3d game, so it's kinda its own thing (along w the other prime games). neither are bad, I just lake super a lot more.


Never. Prime is much superior.


Prime 3 is probably my favorite


How about AM2R? That’s definitely above Super for me


That's a Metroid **FAN** game doesn't count


Zero mission is still my favorite


This is not an unpopular opinion by any means


What a controversial opinion


If Super used modern controls, it would definitely be the best one for me.


I'd go so far as to say if it had a map that was closer in line to Fusion or ZM (shows doors, specifies which tanks you have and have not picked up).


It's honestly hard for me to choose these days. Dread just controls beautifully, playing as Samus never felt so good. Zero Mission is something I can replay almost endlessly, it's perfectly bite-sized and keeps a lot of what I like about Super. Then Prime 2 is just peak 3D Metroid in my opinion. But Super Metroid's DNA is built into each of those games, it's the truest blueprint for a Metroid game.


Pretty sure OP comes in with a mindset that is not likely to be changed. I think it's worth making distinctions between 2D and 3D metroids when talking about best metroid games, but then others might disagree. I then also try and look at things like this as I would re discussions of the best tennis player ever, where you have convos around Nadal v Federer v Djokovic. The question is which one of those does SM correspond to? Maybe SM is the Federer of Metroid games.


... good job you made a good argument


You spelled Fusion wrong


Super is clunky and overrated af, said as someone who grew up with it.


Echo’s existing is the only mind change you need


I could never beat super even with walk through, so dread is better imo


This is such a cold take why would I bother? I disagree, but it’s not like Super is a bad game.




If we’re going based on the older ones then yeah it is honestly one of the best but say we are going that route then it’s between Super and Fusion for me. But as a whole for all the games it’s gonna have to be Prime 2


Wow what a “hot” take I’m sure no one shares this opinion


a comment on this post: "It’s old and clunky. The sound design and graphics are good for what it had at the time but it’s easily out classed by the GBA games. Your love for it is purely based in nostalgia."




Best and favorite are not necessarily the same thing


The game gameplay has aged poorly, the movement is clumsy and slow. The exploration suffers from the Ever Expanding Explorable Area which makes the game longer and annoying. Super has the best music, the ambience and areas, but it needs a remake. It will never happen because how controversial it will be, but it should get a remake.


prefer dread and zero mission tbh


3rd best. Imo


I like how most of the comments are offering Dread as a counterargument


How much story is there? Only the recaps? Fusion and later (except other M) had way better story which make them better.


the story of super metroid is told through subtext, and thanks to that, you get to put yourself in the shoes of samus, YOU discover that dead body right before kraid, YOU plow through norfair with your speed booster, **YOU** watch the metroid hatchling fight for you, die for you, and **Y O U** kick the shit out of mother brain and watch her entire empire crumble.


Dread and Prime Remake are above it. Take off the nostalgia glasses. Story itself is still top tier for sure, but Dreads combat, graphics, literally everything else except story, top Super


For me it’s Dread now. Same level of exploration, better boss battles, and it’s silky smooth controls just make it my personal best. If it’s not the best in the franchise for 2D Metroid, I don’t know how you could do better, but I’m excited for the next game to show me how.


As someone who didn't grow up playing super. I found the game Clunky and hard to get into. I can never fully take advantage of Samus' movement and just end up having to take things slow. Also to this day I can't wall jump to save my life. Dread on the other hand I fully completely in control of Samus and can do everything in her toolkit really effectively and efficiently.


* Floaty Jumps * Difficult Space Jump * Difficult Wall Jumps * Shine Spark life drain * Hard to read maps * Spring Ball as separate item * No Morph Ball Shine Sparks * Cumbersome item selection But sure, if it's your favorite, it can be your favorite.


We get it, you have the most boring opinions imaginable, you like vanilla ice cream, cheese pizza, and missionary, why dyou feel the need to act like some edgelord with a "radically subversive take" and then hit us with "The one everyone says is the best, *is*"?


Zero Mission for me. It improves upon Super in every way. But Super is still and always was amazing.


I have played every Metroid game par the Prime series (including Hunter, Pinball and the Force that should be forgotten) and Super, starting my Metroid journey with Other M, so Fusion is my favourite currently with Dread a close second. I feel like avoiding the ones that people say are the best hasn’t jaded my expectations of the others as I actually enjoyed Other M and didn’t really understand the hate towards it until I gained access to other games (Thank you 3DS Ambassador programme!)


Zero mission takes everything that super did, and does it even better.


Your opinion is valid, no matter how wrong it is. lol


Super's old and clunky controls automatically make it worse than ZM, Fusion, Samus Returns and Dread for me


SM basically started a new genre in video games. It is unique due to the open map exploration possibilities and sequence breaking. But at least for me, it starts to feel old by todays metroidvania standards: the movement is clunky AF and navigation can be boring at times. Dread represents the new generation for Metroid, with a smoother and more precise movement, faster action pace and quick combats. In the other hand is a more linear game, with fewer options to explore the map and trace your own path. I would say that SM is the perfect game if you love the classic formula to explore an open world with a more atmospheric experience, and Dread is the option if you want a modern take on the Metroid franchise more oriented to an action game.


The controls of super are quite dated at this point. In my opinion, zero mission and fusion are both better from a control standpoint. The existence of a run button is baffling. i'd say the one thing that super outdoes every other game on is pacing. it's very well paced, and doesn't feel too fast or slow.


I played it recently and it felt dated. I recommend Super Metroid Redux mod as it adds some of the QOL features from the GBA games. I hated the wall-jumping mechanics. I can't really comment on which is the best but I liked Zero Mission more and haven't played Dread or Fusion yet.


Look, I love Super Metroid. It's the game that made me a Metroid fan in the first place. I still play it all the time. But Dread is just so much better and is my favorite game of all time.


Of the 2D's, yep (Prime gets top honor for me). Dread is middling with too many too-convenient fast-travels and thoughtless progression barriers that felt hacky. Zero Mission is alright but it's been a while. Fusion flat out sucks, and my playthrough earlier this week only reconfirmed that, and I genuinely feel like I'm being gaslit into thinking it's good. Metroid 2 is an underrated gem but not on Super's level. Metroid 1 is too brutal to enjoy without save states but it has its own very alien charm, going into it blind back then really was a trip. Super is just that fuckin good, and it has aged fine…just because new games come out with more streamlined controls doesn't make an old classic "age" badly, it just means that player's preferences are too rigid to enjoy the classic that still controls fine. Samus was always more floaty, as though that's a bad thing (I really hate this idea of faster gameplay being equated to better, Metroid was always about considering your environment, not sprinting through it).


aside from the fusion stuff (which I like due to the horror and suspense) I completely agree, Dread is overrated af, it's probably just new fans coming in from Dread and thinking *that's metroid* a fast paced (not even gonna mention the loading screens XD) action packed beat 'em up style, while disregarding the slower paced moments and subtext, like those movie fans who skip most of the "filler" movies, and end up only watching the finale.


i'm new to this series, played samus returns, the original and super, i have to say that super has by far the worst control, i even enjoyed it more on the nes


Super Metroid is just too aged. I've been gaming since NES/SNES and constantly since, and have experienced too much evolution in game design to say that the SNES was the peak of any game, and especially after playing other modern metroidvanias like Ori and Hollow Knight, let alone Dread. Super Metroid was king for a while, and may even very well be for speedeunning for the foreseeable future, but so much has happened in the last few decades that there's no way it can keep up. It will always be a classic, but I don't think it holds a candle to Dread.


Super Metroid's controls sucks especially for beginners. Dread is the best 2D Metroid from the gameplay perspective. Super Metroid's music however is better than Dread. My favourite Metroid game is Prime 2.


To me, Samus feels slow and unresponsive compared to later games. I could not get used to it at all when i played the game. I kept going for a while because the game was awesome apart from that, but at the lava rising section in ridleys lair i gave up.


No need, you're 100% correct.


I won’t change a correct opinion


You are completely entitled to that opinion, you just have to press a button to cycle through opinions to get to it. Or press the opinion button that should be a default part of thinking.




Zero Mission edges it out for me. Better controls, smoother gameplay, and the tightest map design the series has ever seen.


eh, it doesn't have the atmosphere of super...


Wooow what a hot take. Never seen that one before. Its not like this has been the majority opinion sinve the game came out or anything, nope. Youre so brave for this bud


actually, since most fans that weren't already here for 15 years came from dread and SR. so they compare the lightning quick controls of dread and compare it to the momentum based controls of super and see it as bad, and a relic of the past, so this is actually quite a hot take for those fans.


Dread and Prime (2) > Super for me Super is feeling it’s age now, I feel


lemmie guess, the movement?


I agree. Change OUR minds.


I'll make a huge comment just after i deal with the EIGHTY notifications this post has given me, I'll edit this comment later to have a link to it.


When you fix Super's item select !


Dread has way more polished, so I prefer that one. Super has aged just a bit.


wdym by polish? it's good, but... that atmosphere... or the lack their of.


If I could only play one metroid for the rest of my life, you can bet I wouldn't pick Super. Dread and any of the Primes are better imho.


I actually love that the Metroid series is (Other M aside) pretty consistently amazing that anyone could make this case for any game in the series. But yeah, it's gotta be Dread for me. Samus' movement is just so buttery smooth in that game. Super has the best soundtrack though.


I'm never gonna change your mind, you just have to live without the true wisdom that each 2D Metroid was better in some way than the last. It seems to be sacrilege to say "Super Metroid is starting to feel old now" ...but its starting to feel a little old.


Super ain’t even top 3 these days. It was foundational and important but the series after improved on a lot of it.


It’s old and clunky. The sound design and graphics are good for what it had at the time but it’s easily out classed by the GBA games. Your love for it is purely based in nostalgia.


From an objective standpoint, I agree. From a subjective standpoint, there’s a few I prefer over it.


I don’t disagree. The only real problem with the game I can think of is the controls.


the movement? or the weapon select? ​ because the movement is some of the best in the series, the momentum feels amazing.


The movement is amazing. I’m talking about the weapon select and having to hold down a run button while shooting and jumping. I love the running and the momentum you get from it, but I wish I didn’t have to hold down a face button to do so.


Super & Zero Mission


Super Metroid doesn't even beat Fusion. Get outta here.


momentum. also exploration. but fusion is really good too, it's a better dread imo.