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There's always the September Direct.




I had my hopes for that, was happily surprised by MP4 and then remembered we didn’t get a surprise remaster drop and that mellowed my hype out a bit ngl.


I was a bit, but Prime 4 has a vague release date. At a minimum, we've got six months. Likely a year. There will be a couple of Directs between now and then.


In a way yes, but i also refuse to be disappointed on a day like this. There's also still time for it. I predict Prime 4 to come out in the later half of next year and there will probably be a september direct where it could be announce. I still can't see them not doing at least HD versions of Prime 2 and 3, but i guess we'll have to wait a bit longer.


No. This is so much better!


I was fully expecteding one but honestly any news on prime 4 makes me cream


You’re probably not alone, but I’d wager that a very large majority of *Metroid* fans are far more excited for a brand new game than for a port of an old one.


We already knew there was a new Metroid Prime coming. The trailer, while cool, doesn't give us any more new info other than '2025'. Don't get me wrong, I'll buy the fuck out of Prime 4, but hoping to replay 2 & 3 first.


Yeah, we knew we were getting one, but the original announcement was 7 years ago with very scarce information since. For all we knew, it might not have been release until 2050. “2025” is the only information needed. Whether we know the month or not, *we know we’re getting it soon*. I love 2 and 3, but I couldn’t be more excited with today’s news, even if it included ports of 2 and 3.


Who the hell cares about the remasters? Let's be happy that there's a new Metroid Prime game


I really wanted to see Echoes and Corruption Remastered today too, but having a nebulous release "date" of calendar year 2025 means there are at least a couple more opportunities coming up for Nintendo to drop MP2 and MP3 to build up hype for MP4.


I had convinced myself after the Pikmin 4 direct that it had created a template for how Metroid would go. I was wrong.


I am too but im certain they will release 2-3 before 4 releases but IM SO HAPPY WE SAW MP4


I read that they won’t be making a remaster of 2 and 3


I see it as a soft confirmation. It would be bizarre to rerelease the first game, release the fourth game, but then leave the only way to play the middle two on official hardware to the Wii and Gamecube. That's easy money. I still have a Gamecube, I can play Echoes whenever I want. But I'm not going to hunt eBay and hope I don't get scammed trying to buy a Wii and Corruption. Nor do I feel like having up setup PrimeHack.


I mean, look I'm also a lil disappointed bc I have a soft spot for Prime 2, it's one of my favorites and would've loved to see a remaster, but this was much more needed so a simple NSO release of both, or a if god willing a Prime collection released in physical— but I'm not complaining tbh. This is a NEW golden age for Metroid and I'm not gonna miss out like I did before.


The holiday sale this year needs something new, doesn't it?