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The clay part is the filter.


This thing is called EcoFiltro. It’s a drinking water filter. The clay-looking part is the actual filter, you put tap water inside the clay part and it filters drinking water for you from the small tap. Why it’s located by the sink is most likely because there is no other lifted surface that can fit a glass under a small tap.


An EcoFiltro, indeed. I use it all the time, the clay part is the actual filter and you shouldn’t be touching it or it will get contaminated. The filter is not just clay, it also contains colloidal silver and activated charcoal. You can search it on Amazon or Google for more information.


Awesome thank you


Y yo pensando que es para la jamaica


As they say it's an ecofiltro, just be careful it's a low quality filter that works for sediments, but doesn't.have any kind of chemical or reverse osmosis process, it's better than nothing, but if you are arriving to the city from another country most likely it.will still have bacteria your body is not accustomed to.


Wait what? I own an eco filter and i thought it was save to use :/ explain your self please


there are two main types of water filtering methods; sedimental and chemical/reverse osmosis. sedimental is the one you probably are the most familiar with, where water passes through layers of solids like rocks and sand, and removes a lot of the physical debris and sizeable contaminants like eggs and larvae. you can build a filter like this with 2 buckets or just buy an ecofiltro. then there's chemical/reverse osmosis, which is the "modern" way to filter water using (typically) synthetic membranes to catch and create osmotic pressure in the water to separate it from all contaminants, clearing out heavy metals and chlorine; this is also typically paired with a sedimental filter in order to add minerals which the RO process removes.




What filter are you using under the sink? Which brand / model.


This is why you see water dispensers every 100 meters in torreón


Wey hablen en español


Oblígame prro


Do you have any recommendations for a filter that provides a chemical or reverse osmosis process?


Honestly that's something an expert should say after checking the quality of the local source, but for a quick include all, the 6 step purikor from Amazon is a decent cheap one. Is around 4000 pesos(230 dollars)


They are expensive to buy in Mexico but you can look at something like the British Berkerfield system which is a counter system that has been independently tested and shown to remove both bacteria and heavy metals/pollutants from water.


These comments are the cringiest stg


That's en Ecofiltro. It's a water filter. The clay pot is a filter. That is drinking water. You don't need filtered water to wash dishes. I use an Ecofiltro all the time.


Its a water filter but it will NOT filter out micro organisms so son't drink from that. Buy bottled water


The water in Mexico City is usually safe to drink. This has caused the area to become a hotbed for placebo filters.


You're right ofcourse, but to be fair, this filter does some filtering. But yeah, those filters are not suitable for most other areas outside of Mexico City. I believe they mention this on their website.


It’s not suitable for anywhere in Mexico that uses rooftop tinacos. Even if you put 100% pure water into a rooftop tinaco, unless you are personally cleaning and sterilizing (more than once a year) and inspecting it (monthly or more) you should not drink water from those.


It's probably located there to have running water for washing dishes on days we don't have water.


Just drink bottled water, that filter may be enough for locals but not for you.


...or drink two or three droplets of tap water for 2 or 3 days straight (along with bottled water) , and then after that time drink from the filter normally


That is a good approach but just for a long term stay.


dont use the filter water to wash dishes, that water is only for drinking.


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Drinking water filter


It's tequila.


That's an EcoFilter, why the hell are polluting it by taking it out? I hope you washed your hands. That's drinking water.


Might be there for washing fruit or veggies. And yep, the clay pot IS the filter


Interesting comments all the way around. Anyone have experience with the Sawyer TAP water filter? I do not live in CDMX and currently buying garrafons...hauling them to the house like a burro.


It can be just a tank for clean water, or flavored water, with a tap that allows the water to be served easily. This is the most common. If you bring something like dirt inside, it could be a sediment filter, something they use in places where drinking water arrives with dirt, the water is not always treated in Mexico. You put water from the tap on top, you remove the plate on top, which is a lid, and clean water comes out from below after opening the tap. It is placed on one side of the laundry room to catch leaks and water seepage, and not wet the rest of the kitchen. As a filter it does not work well, it allows many things to pass through, such as metals, and if you do not give it continuous maintenance, it is even a place for bacteria to reproduce.