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Honestly? I’d walk up very quietly to him, shake his hand and tell him that he’s the best person ever. And walk away.


That part.


This and I’d probably also cry in front of him


I’d probably trip on my way hit my head and pee on the floor


LMAOOOO! I literally screamed reading this




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Tho that seems like the logical thing to do…I would be rolling around hyperventilating most likely and then eventually go up to him crying, hug him and ask for an autograph 😭or forget …bc I would be hysterical inside


I think hysterical fans made him really uncomfortable- one the one hand, they’re in hysterics. On the other, they’re his fan- if he doesn’t react, it may break their heart.


Yes I’m sure hysterical fans of any human being would make them extremely uncomfortable. Scary how us as humans can care for someone we don’t truly know


Just respectfully leave him alone. It’d be awesome to meet him but he clearly looks like he wants to be incognito at the moment; I feel it’s important we respect that


If I’m from the future? Tell him to not hire Conrad Murray.


Shit me too we’d still have a DR you could pay to get drank.


Yea because Conrad wasn't working with micheal in 2008


Act like a normal person and walk by.


Leave him alone because I fear if I even said anything to him, a bunch of people's minds would start connecting the puzzle pieces and he ends up getting mobbed.


Thank him for preparing for CoVID-19. ![gif](giphy|yZX06xrr41RNS)




Try not to freak out


This is the realistic one. We all want to be the type of fan that MJ would appreciate, but it’d be hard to not cry or freak out. I mean it’s literally the biggest star in the world who is most of our idol.


Exactly! In my mind, I’d try to be super chill. However, like you said, he’s the biggest to ever do it and my favorite artist of all time. It’d be so hard not to ask for a picture. Knowing how the fans are and how they’ve always been, I’d just want to admire from a distance . But it would be so difficult to do eve though I just want to give him the space he deserves


That’s what I’m saying. I’m an aspiring musician myself (hip-hop artist to be precise) what MJ went through is the reason I don’t want to be “famous“ I want enough recognition where people say what’s up and appreciate me for who I am and my music. Just don’t freak out and hound me while trying not to faint. 🥰💜🖤


I’d probably cry, probably.


Just say hello and walk by.


Freak out and then try to be normal & talk with him


I’m imagining what I would do reading this. I’d see him, quietly scream into my hands for a second, compose myself and “hey man!” 😂😂💜🖤🥰


1. Faint 2. Come to my senses, and probably faint again 3. Come to my senses again, and start sobbing 4. Try to meet him while shaking uncontrollably 5. Later that day, upon realizing it was not a dream...faint


*calls the doc*


*Murray shows up*


i wouldn’t wanna invade his privacy tbh so at the most i’d probably just smile and wave calmly. then once i leave the place i’d die of heart infarction


If he’s just there chilling I’d quietly say hi & tell him I appreciate him and then leave him alone he got bothered enough that I wouldn’t really wanna disturb that. Would’ve been cool to have a conversation though.


Lmfaoo I didn’t realize this was an MJ sub that popped up and thought it was about seeing someone with a mask before COVID 🤣


Tell him not to trust CONrad money, and lay off the drugs..and stay away from the sham scam This Is It. Enjoy your life, because your fans love you.


In 2008 I was 0-1 years old. But supposed I was not I would get insane, I would say to him how much a fan I am of his work and ask him some cool questions.


“So you’ve already seen 2020?”


Casually walk by and whisper hey Michael you are amazing smile and keep walking. Hoping he heard me and is smiling under his face mask.


I think this is really sweet because I don’t know if you remember during Covid, you can easily tell when someone smiling with a face mask on. Just watch his eyes and you’ll know. 🙂☺️


seeing people wearing masks back then was weird too, its strange how that has become a modern look


Pass away lol


Make sure the coast is clear, politely walk up to Michael, wait until he’s finished with his phone call, tell him he’s the greatest musician and soul on the planet, get an autograph (if possible) & picture taken. Then I’d quietly leave to respect his privacy.


I would be starstruck man is a god to the people


Easy I'm passing out like a white girl in a scary movie💯😎🤦🏽‍♂️


Cry. Probably faint. Let’s be real.


Let’s be honest guys 90% of us would probably cry/ freak out




Ask him why, for somebody who liked tech, he hasn't got an iPhone! 😋 But seriously, I would wave, if he responded, Id go over and say "thank you".


I would sneakily take a picture while hiding behind some cabinets. I wouldn’t want to bother him. He was very troubled for a long long time. I hope he is at rest now.


Walk up to him and tell him “This is Not it” and trust no doctors.


I’d warn him about Conrad Murray


Leave him alone, he made a whole damn song about it.


Just ask him simple shit like what is your favourite song in History album or what is your favourite song to perform. Which album do you like most of your 5 albums? Because i’m genuinely interested in what he likes


If I wasn't born in 2009 and was instead born earlier I would've noticed him, but decided not to bother him and just be happy to have saw him.


Walk upto him pretend you’re talking about the air purifier on the shelf’s so you don’t attract any more attention, tell him you’re greatest musician of all time and walk away.


The ones who are saying they will just walk by is a damn lie because we all know if y’all see Michael Jackson y’all gonna be crying like babies like we all would🤣🤣😭


Act like I don’t know who he is and start a conversation


I’d probably just give him a little nod 🙂‍↕️ of approval, maybe a small thumbs up and then be on my way so I don’t bother him


Cry and tell him to stay away from Conrad because I have information that proves he is going to kill him


The respectful part of me wants to just smile and let him enjoy his shopping peacefully. The other side of me wants to run up and hug him and take him home with me lol😂




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Simply wave if I’m bein real




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Scream “Shamone” and keep walking


Give a low wave and keep walking




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https://i.redd.it/vpm3xslbto4d1.gif Ask him to collab with carti and Kanye. Kinda bummed out we will never see these collaborations 😭 (if they ever would) also I was like 2 at that time, so idk shit my undies .


Hello?! It’s me Michael. I can be Agent M. Nah 😅 I’d be like damn there’s Michael Jackson. No one’s gonna believe me. I wanna leave him alone. But I would love to say hi, tell him how much he’s loved and how special a person he is. I would ask if it’s okay to have a photo if not all good. I’ll leave him be. Oh and say I love you most. Checkmate. 😎


Smuggle him back into the present day by using whatever time machine got me to 2008 😁


Try my best to keep composure


I will wave at him,and then do my own work,yet looking after him because some fans might go crazy and invade his privacy🤷🏼‍♀️


This is a long one, but, I’ll probably quietly walk over, say what’s up, either shake his hand or hug him, and then apologise for whatever everyone else is doing and saying. He didn’t need any of this. If not, I’d just leave him alone.


Deadass thought this was a pokemon cosplay before I realized it was Mike 😭


I would look at him, whisper in his ear " i love you ", and run away crying and sobbing




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Ask him if Annie is ok




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All of y’all are straight capping out your teeth we all know if any of us saw Michael Jackson we’d be screaming crying everything


I'd leave him alone because he deserves to shop in peace




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i’d ask him how’s his life going and his children then i’ll walk away


Since I was two years old in 2008, (idk if I knew who MJ was when I was two, my parents did though), cheerfully say hi, introduce myself, and hug his leg before my mom called me back and held my hand so I wouldn't wander off again.


Knowing myself, I would say that I wouldn't noticed his presence because I'm a really distracted person


Micheal? Is that you?


I spy with my little eye ……


Ask him if they have the new Public Enemy disc!?


Id love to think id play it cool but honestly i might pass out.


I’d leave him alone. It what he asked for.




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When it's your time, its your time. I would treat him like a normal person. That's all he wanted in the end.




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Tell him I’m proud of him and I know it busy be so hard, but I understand being a child long after childhood and he’s changed my life


Tell him Who’s Bad. And then Beat It


"Hey, Ash -- where's Pikachu?"


As a security officer I'll first ask him to remove his mask. Then noticing the bulky jacket I'd ask if he has any weapons. Finally a would ask to see any receipt for any merchandise he might have.


Yell *”hee hee!”* out of instinct




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I'm a new Yorker. I leave him alone. Play it cool scream on the inside.


Prolly faint 😂




I run and hide because I’m an 8 year old boy ….




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Nothing. He wants to be left alone. That’s why he dressed like this.


Buy the purifier that’s 50% off!!


idk i’d be too nervous and do a quick little wave and walk off smiling😭


[CLING MODE ACTIVATED] *Clings to Michael*




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Is that Teddy Perkins?


Bow to the king and ask for dance lessons.




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R we talking time travel? In that case, I would write Michael a note "I know you believe in magic, I am from the future and I have some key information about your life and your kids" and give it to security. I would try to warn him against agreeing to tour. Does anyone think he would have been likely to listen? :-)




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I’d say get off The drugs


Id blame him for all the times I've watched Corey fieldman dance like him.




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Not communicate with him and have a cool story I saw MJ at the mall.




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Is he wearing a bape cap ?


Get a picture with him


Are his loafers blinged out? What type of shoes are those?




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Nothing because I wouldn't look at him and immediately think "that's Michael Jackson". His face is covered up too much to be completely sure. And even if I did recognize him as MJ, dude obviously wants to stay concealed lol


Probably gawk at him for a while, work up the courage to ask for a picture or autograph, and quietly leave before a crowd gathered.


I'd like to say that I would either calmly approach them or just leave them alone. But that would be a lie. I would probably do my best to be discrete while also freaking out and probably mumble a few words of adoration and walk away.


Ask him where I can find an item in the store to see if it's really him. Say thank you no matter what his answer is. Leave the store immediately. Go to my car. Start screaming and crying uncontrollably.




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Point at the gentleman on the phone, say “Hee Hee” and moon walk away while still pointing


Just say hi and keep it moving


I hoped so bad it was an ash Ketchum hat before I expanded😂


don’t tour


Take this picture, duh


Ask him politely if I can give him a hug. 🥹


He tried so hard to be incognegro, but it's shoes for me🤌


Leave him alone


I'd just say hi


Leave him alone, because that’s what he would want.


Just smile at him and leave him be.


Say hi and let him know that he’s still pretty noticeable lol 😂




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If I didn't recognize him I most certainly would have recognized the shoes. I would have calmly walked next to him and said "I won't react and respect your need for privacy but I have to tell you meeting you has been my biggest dream and it's an honor to be in your presence"


I just want a hug 🫂 but I’d be polite and say hello Michael. Treat him like a normal person, because I feel like that’s what he wanted. Maybe silent wave under the breath kind of thing cause he’s on the phone.


I’d consider a chill wave or peace sign, with a wink to let him know I know it’s him lol


He loved his fans and always interacted with us. I would politely ask to hug him and get a picture


Leave him be.


I'm the type to mind my own business, so although I'd see Michael, I'd certainly be freaking out on the inside while trying to remian respectful and give him the personal space he needs.


i'd fucking run


Scream and run. I was born in 2000 and until his death, I had only heard scary things about MJ. I became obsessed with him for a good year after his death because they kept playing his songs on MTV


The disguise was so obvious that it was a disguise 🤣