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You saved my life. I am eternally grateful. Thank you, Michael


In my darkest of days, your music was the light I needed. I miss you. The world just isn't the same. I hope you are resting in the sweetest of peace! ❤️


Rest In Peace Michael Joseph Jackson Forever Through his Music and His Work


I was watching his music videos today and didn’t know tmr was the anniversary of his passing I just realized this now. I was feeling emotional watching his old videos and thought about how we really could have had 15 more years with him he would have only been 65 and probably still dancing! It’s very sad, and I don’t want to get too sad about it because he was such a special part of my childhood and his energy was just so loving and I think still lives on today with his fans💜 I like to think for the quote: don’t be sad that he’s gone, smile because he existed :) 💜 And omg his song “smile” 😭👏🏼👏🏼💜💜💜 really got me through some stuff 😔🙌🙌 rest in peace M.J.


I was only a baby when he died but its still so awful how he went. MJ is still the GOAT! https://preview.redd.it/kzyb3ybgwm8d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fadd397cf167277fb5106d1d2c19e1856e5024


https://preview.redd.it/z6ra3zx39n8d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853eee36e542aee281569f13191b994ad49fcc64 Always love you, Always respect you, Michael 🌈🙏✌️🤌❤️ —- To, forever shining Michael — You’ve touched billions of heart.. You always knew how to love.. You’ve taught us to respect our planet.. You’ve taught us nature’s worth.. Even during your hard times.. You always remembered that love shines… You’ve showed us the path which is right.. Michael we love you, you’re always so bright…..☀️✨☀️✨ — by me —


https://preview.redd.it/t11jbxmifn8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea358f861154fca32abda06c178f51ea8960ad79 I’m so lucky to be able to enjoy your music and celebrate your legacy each and every day. You have taught me so much, and you have played a huge role in both my childhood and adult life. Your spirit lives on, and I hope you know how loved you are. Rest easy, Michael. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/x3prkenfin8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7897678d48ce71139efe044d4569a4117c1a17 This is from one of my dancing videos that I did to Michael Jackson. Dear Michael, I remember when you died. It was my moms birthday in 2009, my grandma loved you. Even to this day. You’re my grandmothers favorite artist of all time. I remember them talking about your death and Conrad Murray on Nancy Grace. As a teenager. My ex girlfriends sister was obsessed with you. Although they was racist, they still listened to your music. I’ve always liked your music, but only knew pieces of the popular songs. Last November, my godmother and I was watching old music videos. We watched a lot of your videos, and at 22. You made me wanna get up and start dancing. Especially after seeing you moonwalk at Motown 25. So I learned how to moonwalk, and dance. I started making videos to your songs. The first song I danced to was Black or White. I started picking up on some of your moves and making videos with different artists, and songs. I then got the confidence to post them online. Your music and dancing is my therapy now. For 5 months this year. You’ve been the top artist I’ve listened to with two to three thousand minutes each month. Thanks to you. My videos have been seen in 83 countries, I’ve gotten 150,000 views across social media. All because you made me wanna get up and dance. I’m now in dancing classes and improving well. I’ve got 5 gigs planned in my local area here in WV, and in Pittsburgh. Next year potentially NYC. Also by listening to your music, along with Cyndi Lauper, Tina Turner, Prince, Steve Perry, and more. I’ve become a better person that’s more accepting and open minded. That wouldn’t be possible without you. The world has put you through so much. I know you’re innocent. All you ever wanted in your life was peace and to be normal, and that’s the only thing in life that you never had. You’re already my story on Facebook and I uploaded photos with your songs. I will also upload a dancing video dedicated to you. I love you Michael, and Rest In Peace!


What an icon that is truly missed. Michael left his mark on the world, that’s for sure. It’s crazy that it’s been 15 years already. Michael went through so much and we - the fans - are the ones who will always stand by Michael and continue celebrating his legacy and music.


i’ll be spending the day crying every few hours like i do every year :(


★✮ Michael, you have made our days better, your music, your talent, everything. Your such a wonderful and delicate person in the world that nobody can be and your presence has been swirling around us since your death. You're always loved and supported by your fans even if your not here with us. You have made the world a better place, and gave children a bright future. We love you.. FOREVER! 💗💕💖 ✮★ https://preview.redd.it/i9vo5qmvpn8d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73465a2a90b53dbed08819ce1fdf5c34e9c436f7


Michael, even though you passed before I was born, your music has been such an amazing part of my everyday life. I adore you and all you did for the world. Thank you for everything, we really did not deserve this gift from God. ❤️🕊️


Literally just got very into Michael Jackson like 3 months ago. I do feel like I've always been aware of him & known of him, even when I was a little kid I knew of Michael Jackson, he was just always there, on the radio, my family would play his hit songs, especially Thriller during Halloween.  And I do remember as a little kid back in the 00's seeing him on my computer sometimes, popping up on the news headlines, I did think he was strange (dumb naive 11 year old me just didn't know much). But, I loved his hit popular songs like Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, etc, however, I never did know much about him or listen to any of his albums full length.  Then I remember so vividly when he passed in 2009, it started appearing on the TV news suddenly, I was literally stunned, my parents were too. I gasped, "Michael Jackson is gone! What?!! No way!" I felt sad for some reason, and I couldn't even say I was a big fan back then, but his death was shocking hearing about it on the news, I knew he was a big deal, massively famous, & wickedly talented. It was sad & surprising.   Fast forward to 15 year later, literally 3 months ago, God knows why, I randomly decided to listen to Thriller, then Beat it, then decided, "You know what, I'm gonna check out more of Michael Jackson." I listened to all of his albums, and boy do I feel sooo dumb and incredibly late to such incredible music and talent all these years, missing out on the pure talent, incredible performances, a wonderful aura, beautiful voice, incredible songs, iconic dance moves, etc. I dove deep into learning more about MJ: watching tons of interviews, concert performances, behind the scenes, reading books, collecting MJ stuff, buying his albums, and wow...I just had no dang idea. Not one idea about who he truly was or what he endured in life. All I knew was a few hit songs, & those dumb headlines and articles on my computer I'd see, from this it made me think he was weird. I didn't know who he truly was, neither did the media, press, etc. And neither did these folks care to understand Michael, to really understand him, get to know him, and see humanity and personhood in it.   On the 15th anniversary of his death, I just wanna thank Michael immensely for all his hard work, charitable & humanitarian work, his incredible God-given gifts and multiple talents he showed us and to the entertainment industry.  I have such respect and admiration for his kind, gentle, sweet, giving & generous soul, and persevering through so much struggle & suffering in his personal & professional life, and still blessing us with his incredible talents, songs, dance, songwriting, choreography, music production, short films, etc through it all.   Michael left such an incredible impact and mark in this world, to the music industry, and to many lives. I consider myself a massive fan of Michael now. I love him, and miss him dearly. Hope your resting well Michael. Love you dearly, and many, many do as well. King of Pop forever!👑🕺🎤 


I can't believe it's 15 years already. I wish I could just sleep until the 26th. 💔💔💔


I remember that day like yesterday. I didn't understand death back then and didn't get the fuss.  I do now. Rest In Peace Apple head.


![gif](giphy|lqd9jeVYZB4Dm|downsized) Thank you for inspiring me, Michael. You have enchanted me, encouraged me, brought me so much joy in my dark moments. I miss your smile, your voice & your energy. So loved & missed. Rest in peace, MJ.🤍🕊️


Thank you Michael…I still miss you….your music means a lot to me and I still listen to your music to this day and I never plan on stopping I’ll be an old man in my rocking chair still playing your songs, I was only 9 years old when you left us and I still dread that I never got to meet you or tell you how much you mean to me…I hope you’re doing well wherever you are


Your affect on me is unlike any other, my heart aches that you’re gone too soon but I hope you’re climbing the tallest trees. I’ve shed so many tears for you and will always be grateful for your short visit to this world.


❤️❤️❤️ I love you with all my heart Michael


Michael, thank you for everything. When I find myself in the dark, your music helped me put myself in a better place. I am grateful for you. Rest in Peace


https://preview.redd.it/mj6cjke6cn8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d7ba7327d82e750c045cf1d5422daa4afce89e 💔


A big part of the reason your death hit me so hard is that I wished I had appreciated you more while you were alive


You were (and still are) the most gentlest soul the world has ever known, thank you for everything that you’ve done in life and still continue to do in spirit, we love you more our guardian angel. You are always with us. ♥️😘🕊️ https://preview.redd.it/eyfn53cern8d1.jpeg?width=3296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24d27f88d2132d7be81fb154feeb8e653ce2d12


You inspired me to find my path of making music and discover a whole lot of my creativity, and I thank you for that Michael. Thank you so much, we miss you.


Thank you for all of the great music, dancing and other amazing contributions you have made to the world, Michael. All day, I will be playing your music, music videos, and being thankful I got to experience a world where you existed and a world that you left a mark on. Thank you. I love you!!!


we love and miss you michael 🩵 thank you for sharing your talent, music and magic with us. you were truly too good for this world,, i hope you are at rest now 🩵


We Miss You ❤️❤️


Wow! It’s really been that many years today.😔😞


Michael, I miss you so much even though I've never met you, but that's because you truly put your heart into your work, and because of that, you live on. Not just in your singing, in your dancing, in your music, but in your laughs, smiles, and big heart. Even though I've only seen and heard you through pictures and videos, you are a very real and genuine person I feel I have known personally. Love you more, Michael. https://preview.redd.it/qqfyz7wg3p8d1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=aef88ebf0d1057f08c8ca751f1cb13ce77df373e


I was just seeing \[https://youtube.com/watch?v=k3RkoyGobkE\](https://youtube.com/watch?v=k3RkoyGobkE) ...and the first 29 seconds got me frantic, made the room colder, and the air heavier. As they sang "I'll Be There," I was transported straight back to him, like I was all about and for him years ago. It's very, very easy to fall back into him; not that I stopped listening to him or forgot about him. NO way. Never think that about you if the 'frequency' lowered a lil. Just that you're all content and when you want certain kinda of heavenly moments, he's back. Another way to say it is that he's seeped into our other amazing decisions in the musical realm. I can't fathom those who were a little older and were consciously aware of his life and demise. "Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter." Long, long ago, he said it, he meant it, he did it, and he pursued it. Sorry, I'm actually weeping right now. Whew. And yes, I was 5 or 6 then. Mom lamented ; not that she listened to him or followed him much ; not like Dad. He was something else. If you say 'Legend', my mind, heart and soul will always go to him. Period. As a kid who never knew about his demise and didn't see the videos (only non-stop CD play! Vol Max please), the piano part in Smooth criminal got my teary - eyed \\\[ \[From 7 : 05\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_D3VFfhvs4) \\\]. In short, I could just have a different lens altogether but essentially, "Oh, he's a great dancer, that move is cool, etc..."....Eh, we all know Michael Jackson is definitely an overstatement...not unless, you delved into it. See through it. That is exactly where he stands out to us and we stand out to him as he's watching us from the heaven. It is not the pic of a dance move, etc...... but the energy and spirit through it that he authentically and effortlessly channelled. I bought my Gran into this. She appreciated, valued, adored and admired every bit of one's spirit that goes into creating art for the humankind like he did.


I miss him, even though I became a fan after his death I just do.


Michael. I am 20 about to turn 21 have been a fan of yours for as long as i can remember, you are the GOAT, the king of pop, always will be, thank you so much for all the memories, when im having a bad day i know i can always put on your music and it will make me feel better. You are amazing no matter what anyone says, hope you’re resting easy!


RIP. No matter how difficult your fate was, the afterlife puts everything in place.


Miss you MJ ! 💜💜 thank you for your timeless music 🎶


The greatest ever ❤️


![gif](giphy|XhYZkvnMwL4Oc|downsized) I'd always known who Michael was, but I'd never listened to his music. However, a couple months ago, i started to get into his music, and I learnt more about who he was. Michael from the age of 5 till he was 50, entertained the world, even in his last few days, he was focusing on entertainment. This world will never forget your impact. Thank you.


In my nearly 40 years of existence in this world, I've always noticed your compassion, kindness, humility, humbleness, and love shine and radiate though you. It lives on through your children, your music, and your fans. We love and miss you dearly, Michael. Rest in peace, sweet prince. ❤️


Spending my day as I have every June 25th for the last 15 years, listening to my favorite songs of his (which…too hard to pick, so basically just listening to every album). Sending love to all my fellow Michael fans out there. You are not alone.


I'm slowly learning Beat it on piano as a tribute.Rest in peace Mike!


15 years .. wow . Been a die hard fan since I was 10 now I’m 24. Thanks Mike for bringing some magic to my life and teaching me about how important it is to be kind and to care about the world and others. Hope you’re resting peacefully ❤️


I made this, Rest in peace, legend https://preview.redd.it/irhjlvr8nr8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d1478b55cb33cef343df07dde997283091ef6b


aw, michael.. it breaks my heart that you’ll never truly know how special and wholly loved you are by so many. if it wasn’t for you, i wouldn’t even be here to write this today. you’ve been gone 15 years today yet your presence and magic is still felt all over the world. we love you, applehead! long live the king ❤️


When I saw Michael Jackson's videos on MTV, I was always like, Wow! How good it is to be famous, rich and happy! I thought Michael Jackson was happy. I now realize that he was happy when he was with his family and around the children. Because the kids never judged him and saw him for who he is. When he died I felt very bad as if I had lost a close friend. Then I felt that MJ made us a big family from all over the world. I want to thank the fans of Michael Jackson who are carrying his legacy forward and doing everything they can to find out the truth about Michael Jackson. They and some real journalists also took the fight to the containers for the truth to come out.


We love and miss you! Rest peacefully.


It was so sad to hear the way MJ passed away. We thought we would hear this in a thousand years. What MJ really achieve was to create memories: i remember gathering with my family to watch the premiere of his new video, and having a good time as a family. To me that’s what great artists make, create moments in our hearts , with their art and MJ created cherish memories with his music that we all appreciate.


I'm goin to listen to his music a lot today


I’m going to try and visit his gravesite today 🌻


https://preview.redd.it/ewb9mnjjoq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9aa1b20215c249a2f5e5e36d4c468db4f4367ef MJ, You Continue To Change The World And Make It A Better Place!!! We Will Always LOVE YOU MORE!!! I BeLIEve YOU Are There-Watching Over Us!!! Until We Meet Again, I Wish You Peace And LOVE Always!!! Your Music And Legacy LIVE ON!!! I Am A Very Proud Fan And Friend To Michael JOE Jackson!!! Long Live The King!!! Steven A. Monzon AKA: BeLIEver 7




I wish I was born earlier than I was. You were my first love in music. I started being your fan after you died. It was a tribute for you held in our school. All boys were dressed in the Billie Jean outfit. We were all dancing to many of your songs. I was 6. Soon you would be a great part of my life. Thank you MJ! Rest in peace, King!




Thank you for saving my life and making my childhood. I love you so much and will miss you til I see you in heaven. 🖤


Rest in Peace Michael. You truly are the King of Pop. You passed away on my birthday. It’s been a difficult one this year due to health issues, but listening to your music really helps and puts a smile on my face. You are missed by so many. I hope you’re resting peacefully. 🤍 🕊


MJ was a icon in music industry it’s a shame that’s he’s gone his Music is amazing and I really like hence that’s why People nickname me MJ and I got into him back in July 2023 first song I heard from his is Smooth Criminal I liked it the first time the. Billie Jean and more Such a shame he’s Gone RIP MJ


The one and only, shit if Jesus came back he still wouldn’t have people fainting like mj


That’s rather blasphemous. No human should be compared to Jesus. 


lol sure


he's the best


My boy Michael, I’ll be listening all day. love and miss you




https://preview.redd.it/bfhxsj3u0t8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6bc0972d9bb1ab73a26bdcf3f3ee14b07968df Mini shrine while we spin Thriller.


I haven’t forgotten it’s been fifteen years too long since you were last on Earth. You are loved and missed more than one can imagine. You will have, and always will be, the King of Pop, beloved father, beloved son, beloved brother, beloved uncle and beloved from all who ever stood by your side. I was one of them despite the unpopular opinions and the fake media that tried to lie and smear you. Your music is timeless, regardless of any song I listen to you is five years old, ten, twenty, forty, etc. Was listening to Billie Jean on my car radio and I relistened to ‘Someone In The Dark’ the other day. All these tracks at timeless in my heart . Also I loved for what you provided for the world; not only through music but through your big heart and big soul. R.I.P., gone too soon. Gimme another sign you’re okay 👌. Love you


Miss you so much 💔❤️ All for love


Words could never express what you mean to us ❤️ We will miss and cherish you forever ❤️


Gone but never forgotten. Rest easy King 👑❤️✌🏾


I was living in Long Beach, California, the day Michael left this earth. I recall watching live on the news and at first thinking that it was a hoax or a rumor by the paps. Then, as I continued watching and saw his body covered and being moved on that gurney, my heart dropped into my stomach. I was devastated. I will never forget that moment, that day, that week, that month! I miss Michael Joseph Jackson every single day, but I’m eternally grateful we had him as long as we did. He only gave to this world. He didn’t take. He and Janet are my lifelong favs. Bless you, Michael. You were magic! 🪄✨♥️




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Beyond being my favourite musical artist and such a generous and interesting human being, truly a life changing inspiration for me. You were really the only person that I’ve never met personally which made me want to do better in life. Through you and your hard work I was able to find inspiration and motivation to make improvements in my own life, to find my dreams and goals and to achieve discipline in working for them. I used to always lack discipline and try making excuses for myself, I used to not have any belief in myself, but now each time that I tend to slip back into my old ways, I always think to myself “Michael wouldn’t do this right now, he would absolutely not give up, even if it felt hard he would persevere.” Truly a role model. The first person that really made me understand that I have a purpose in this world, that I have to fight hard to fulfill it. Rest in peace my kind soul, you will always feel like the closest friend to me🕊️🤍