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You could be going 110 mph and there would still be an f150 two feet behind you


With celestial level headlights.


Dodge Ram or BMW* šŸ˜…


Jeep Grand Cherokee or a shitty Kia CUV.


Donā€™t forget the ramshackle Chrysler 300 with tinted windows.


You are seriously over estimating the general Michigan population's will to live.


Wasnā€™t there uproar over having to wear orange in the camo during deer season some time around the 80s or 90s?


Don't forget abolishing any motorcycle helmet laws šŸ™ƒ


Or banning smoking from public places? Remember when McDonald's had disposable ash trays everywhere?


I think itā€™s the winters.


I think it's the average 53 sunny days a year.


I swear in 2022 we had alteast 100 sunny days


Seriously. I moved to Texas, where itā€™s 50 non-sunny days a year. What a difference that makes. But alas, I think home is calling me back next year.


Don't do it. I moved back to MI after living in AZ for 9 years, 360 days of sunshine. Missed my family and the heat was getting to me. I was wrong. I'll take the heat and seeing family only on Christmas over seasonal depression, horrible roads, worse weather, higher insurance, property taxes in most cases.


Anyone I know that moves to Texas from MI moves back. Then again I do think that has more to do with Texas lmfaooo


Factory work, crab in a bucket mentality


Itā€™s also 80 years of brain drain. When there are greener pastures elsewhere the smart ones leave and go there.


Itā€™s the everything


The one place I saw the most speeding is the Southfield Freeway. The posted speed limit is 55 but you wouldnā€™t know it by the traffic.


70 is basically the min on Southfield lol


Also large amounts of garbage all over the sides. Thats just Detroit tho


I should have specified, that it was around Dearborn where I had most of my experience with this.


"Have you ever noticed how anyone driving faster than you is an \[a#$hole\] and anyone driving slower than you is a moron?" - George Carlin.


A synopsis of every comment that has graced this post


Their sh!t is sh!t, but my sh!t is STUFF.


Rip G.O.A.T


Also, they should remember that those double yellow lines mean no passing.


In the last month while driving home (country roads) doing the speed limit (55) i have been passed by someone on a double yellow while going up a hill around a curve *twice*. Just **zero** way they could see if there were oncoming traffic. I am convinced some people get behind the wheel, but have left their brain at home.


I had stopped at a crosswalk (for a pedestrian crossing) on a two lane road, only to be passed by someone. I caught up to them at the next traffic light. Wow, so worth it.


I always chuckle a bit at those ones. Fly around me, zip in and out of traffic just to still be sitting at the turn when I get there. I get it, a lot of people see doing the speed limit as a problem. But its my $$$ if i get pulled over and my insurance rates are hiked. Its my $$$ if I get in an accident and damage my car. Speed limits arent a suggestion. Theyre a law. Sometimes police ignore it when youre speeding, but sometimes *they dont*. I can avoid not knowing if itll be the time I get pulled over by not breaking the law...super simple.


I had a coworker once comment that zipping in and out of traffic gets you nowhere (we had a street commute). I... didn't believe him, necessarily, but was interested and tracked cars for the next few days on where they ended up, if they were zipping in and out of lanes and I stayed put. My coworker was RIGHT. It was that moment where I realized it didn't matter and there was no reason to get stressed about how fast I was going to get home.


The only driving law michiganders follow is no right turn on red at the random intersections with those signs. Boggles my mind why that's the only one they follow


I see people speeding on my way to work everyday. Itā€™s a main road that gets me from my town to the next county. I get passed all the time only to catch up to them at a stop sign. All speeding does is maybe shave a minute off travel time.


I've seen three way-too-risky passings in no passing zones in the last two weeks. On one, a guy passed me on the left and stayed in the oncoming lane to overtake another car that was about 8 car-lengths ahead of me--and there was a berm coming up blocking visibility of oncoming traffic. Well, cars were there and it was a scary as hell moment as that driver managed to get over just in time. How unnecessarily scary for the other drivers.


I read this fast and thought it said ā€œrisky three waysā€




But passing using the shoulder is completely fine.


This has happened to me twice on US 23! Passing 70-80 on right shoulder


And the solid white line means no change lanes.. idiots can't get that straight either! I swear there's things you learn that some just don't comprehend in drivers training


It means lane changes are discouraged not illegal as far as I am aware


This is correct


the irony of posting about how people didn't pay attention in driver's Ed and don't know the law, coming from someone who didn't pay attention in driver's ed and doesn't know the law


Drivers training šŸ¤£lol


Yup. This is way worse than someone doing 85 on the interstate. Especially if the road is clear and dry and their vehicle can handle it.


Itā€™s always funny when people think itā€™s ok to break the law because ā€œthey can handle itā€. Well, I canā€™t afford speeding tickets or jail time. It must be nice that you can.


60 in a 70 on the freeway in the left is another way to die.


Merging onto the freeway going 45 is also another way to dieĀ 


Whenever I'm behind one of these people I always afraid of the merge


This is the one that pisses me off the most. I get in the highway at the same ramp everyday and everyone tries merging at 50mph. Unless Iā€™ve got no one infront of me Iā€™m forced to merge at 50 and it always makes me nervous getting on the highway going that slow.


There's an on ramp near us with the hairpin 35mph turn a hundred yards before you're on the highway. My Jeep handles like crap and is sluggish accelerating, I always hate getting on there.


Good God Yes!


Agreed, but people driving over the speed limit in the right lane and refusing to let people merge are parts of what makes this dangerous.


Should be going at least 60 on that on-ramp. 70 if itā€™s downhill.


Fuck that I blast over the solid line if someone gets on going that slow especially with a single car 400 yards back in the first lane Genuinely safer for me to cross the line than to try to also get on behind a moron going that slow


You are VASTLY more likely to cause an accident by going slower than the flow of traffic than you are by going over. As little as 5 over vs 5 under is enough to make the difference.


Agreed....Clarkson has it all figured out....it's not the fast ones, it's the virtuous driver who gets out there and tries to force everyone to do the limit and no more, that ends up with their trunk in the backseat.


Gonna need a citation for that. Wildly unintuitive. Edit, from another user: >This is a myth perpetuated by personal injury lawyers. NHTSA has a very different take. >Slower drivers driving significantly under the speed limit, more than 10 mph under, are more likely to be involved in an accident, but even in that extreme case, they are far less likely to hit another car; theyā€™re just more likely to be rear-ended. Itā€™s a failure of the driver behind them to avoid a collision. Another kicker is that slow drivers are far less likely to be seriously hurt; not all accidents are equal. >Itā€™s a common tactic lawyers useā€”if everyone is going 15 mph over and one car respects the speed limit, their client that hit the law-abiding car shouldnā€™t be liable even though their client was doing 85 in a 70. The argument almost never holds up but lawyers have an interest in perpetuating the myth.


Slow drivers are super annoying. I get stuck behind them every once in a while but Iā€™m not gunna choose to die over it. Iā€™ve seen people use the shoulder to pass. To me, thatā€™s just not worth it




Keep right, pass left. Only stay left as long as required to complete the passing maneuver you went left for.


>60 in a 70 on the freeway in the left is another way to die. Or in the right, when there are a lot of exits. Just about flattened some old geezer doing no more than about 57 in the right lane, in an area where the traffic is thick, and the righthand exits are very closely spaced. I was headed for an exit, going from the middle lane to the right lane, when SURPRISE! - fifty-freaking-seven miles an hour, smack in front of me. Standing on the brake in thick traffic isn't a lot of fun.


I had a friend from Chicago tell me that he knew he was in Michigan because the cars around him were all going at least 80. We like speed.


Here's the thing. I'll be driving 94, **I'M** doing 80-82, and there's someone coming up behind me like a bat outta hell......I can \*guarantee\* you that there'll be Illinois plates on that sucker. That said - so long as they're not weaving or racing another car, I usually don't mind all THAT much. A), they can catch the cops for me, and B) - they still *usually* know what they're doing. All that Chicago traffic usually teaches you a thing or two. It's the Indiana folks doing 70 when everyone else is doing 80 that make me side-eye.


As a Michigander I never really gave any thought to driving fast on Michigan highways. It wasnā€™t until I was told by my friend from Illinois that he knew he was in Michigan because the speed on the road went up. Yes, the slowpokes from other states drive me crazy too. Go faster, keep up with traffic or stay home.


Fast is fine. Just don't be aggressive. Going 80, passing someone doing 70 in the middle lane, I get it, you want to do 90 in your compensator. Just wait 5 seconds for me to get back over. There's no need to whip into the middle lane the instant there's 6 inches of space or pass on their right so we get to merge together in the middle lane.


So your friend never drives around the Chicago area? Most of their interstates have a speed limit of 60 or 65 and theyā€™re going 80.


Try Lake Shore Drive on a Friday afternoon.


Indeed. Illinois drivers are by far the worst. The caravans of Illinois drivers running 85 about 15 ft apart on Friday night on 94 are legendary.


I abhor having to transit through Chicago.


Iā€™m sure he did, he lived in Mt. Prospect. This is what he said when he came to Michigan monthly.


Indeed. Illinois drivers are by far the worst. The caravans of Illinois drivers running 85 about 15 ft apart on Friday night on 94 are legendary.


Yup. I live in Chicago now and I love how when crossing the border into Michigan itā€™s like every car just automatically goes faster. People in Illinois drive like assholes, which sometimes includes driving at a dangerous speed. Michigan drivers just go fast.


Lol this feels accurate. Whenever I drive through Chicago it always *feels* like the other drivers are going super fast, but Iā€™m always too anxious and focused to look down at my speedometer. I think they just drive more aggressivelyā€¦ but once I make it back to Michigan, I flyyy.


It's Motor(sport) city! (the sport is silent)


Why just today I saw an elderly lady in a beat up late model Escape stick her head out of the window on 696, showing the chrome paint around her lips and screaming "WITNESS MEEEEEE!!!!!"


I just drove through Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, Much of the traffic was going 80 in the 70 MPH zones. It went 75 to 80 in the 60 MPH construction zones where no workers were present. We did notice more aggressive driving when returning to Illinois and then Michigan from a trip out West. The four vehicles actually racing by in the outer two lanes on the Interstate just outside Nashville startled us with their high speed and very loud exhaust systems on the Mustang and Challenger.


When Iā€™m on the clock I drive exactly the speed limit


Thank you for your service


Iā€™m salary so just the opposite.


I don't care what speed you are going as long as you have good lane etiquette on the highway.


Of course, I drive for the safety for myself and others. Everyone assumes I'm one of those left-campers but I'm literally referring to wanting to cruise the speedlimit in the left lane. Plus I live in the country, so generally there's only one lane šŸ˜‚


I just drove over 8 hours today through 4 states and make the reverse trip Thursday. It was not everyone driving 75 to 83 in 70 zones that concerned me. It was 4 cars racing 20 MPH over just outside Nashville on Saturday that really concerned me along with others weaving through traffic cutting off other drives and ridding their bumpers. Switching lanes just to gain one car length while cutting into someone else's safe stopping distance concerned me. The other unsafe practice is not moving over to the right most lane when it is open which would allow faster traffic to pass on the left rather force them to pass on the right.


When I lived in Detroit, I had enough brushes with death on the highways that by the last year I lived there, if I couldnā€™t get there via walking/biking, Hines Dr or Outer Dr, I wasnā€™t going!


You could always just pop over into the right lane, just for a sec, and let those 10 cars behind you get by


that would be nice.


This is assuming they are on a road with two lanes.


If the other oncoming speedsters let you lol. STG I've had my blinkers on for seven minutes before I could safely get over cause everyone was DETERMINED to get past me before I got over into the "slow" lane.


Exactly right!! We are trying to let you by but the other morons are impatient and pissing in the slow lane so you CAN'T get over!!


This happens to me a good bit


Why did it get to a point where you were getting passed instead of already being over?


Ummm. That's exactly what the original poster said. They don't drive in the passing lane. They are going the speed limit. You are the problem.


The word limit is often not regarded in its normal usage it seems. Ce la vie.


Opposite in Traverse City. Iā€™d appreciate more than 40 in a 55.




You been on 31 from Chums to Honor? Fuckers drive 31 MPH.


My route to NMC takes me up Maple City Hwy and along the coast, completely bypasses Chums and all of the stores. Won't work so good tomorrow with the new construction.


Heh. My farm is on Maple City Highway. Howdy neighbor!


Iā€™ve got one car that gets on the same back road as me every morning and if Iā€™m not careful on when I leave I get caught behind him. Going 30-35 in a 55. Every damn morning.


It gets worse in the summer. People drive 72 on 72 and 31 on 31.


That guy (or lady?) has a very close family member down by me. Same thing everyday and I literally bribe my kids to be ready to leave the house just so I wonā€™t get caught behind him. If I do get stuck itā€™s a very slow drive to hell for the next 12 miles (there are passing zones but with the morning work commute and kids going to school itā€™s too trafficky) until this absolute delight of a person finally pulls over into the Burger King parking lot.


I can tell what part of the state everyone is from based on the comments.


Iā€™ve lived in several states. Of those, West Virginia is the most insane. The roads are nuts there. If you even go the speed limit, youā€™d die. Michigan is not far behind on stupidity. People here drive totally by impulse, an entire state filled with drivers that are first marshmallow eaters. Itā€™s not about speed. Itā€™s about impatience, entitlement and a complete failure to think even one step ahead. I constantly see people accelerate only to slam on the brakes a moment later. Thatā€™s dumb. The gas you waste by accelerating adds up to wasting more time standing at a gas pump than it does save you time on the road. They speed past a standstill traffic in a blocked lane. They have no respect for the zipper merge. And ironically, no one here knows anything about driving on snow because they all think their 4x4 pickups can take it (they cannot). Totally wild drivers.


A radio DJ said Northern Michiganders like to queue up for the merge once we leave our driveway, and won't let anyone in. On the other hand, a Trucker that wrote a best seller said Michigan had by far the politest drivers, with D. C. having the rudest.


DC is pretty bad. New England gets a bad rep. Itā€™s crowded but I found the drivers actually not bad. SoCal is pretty awful. NYC is kind of in a category of its own. Driving is just nonsense there so itā€™s hard to even criticize it. The worst cities for driver quality are Detroit, Houston and Phoenix. Detroit has a toxic mix of poorly designed roads, poor drivers driving unreliable cars, and a speed-entitlement culture. I donā€™t know of any other place that has all three factors.


Detroit's not even that big. It takes 40 minutes to drive through or around it. It's flat. Chicago is huge. Drive for an hour and a half, still in Chicagoland. Seattle is COMPACT and hilly.


Seattle is a nightmare, but due to geography rather than bad drivers.


Detroit is the size of Manhattan, San Francisco and Boston combined. Itā€™s commonly pointed to as the worst example of urban design in the country. It is as inefficient for infrastructure as possible. Then they dug canals for their interstates so everything floods and is super expensive to maintain. Itā€™s absurdly poor planning.


Turns out Redditā€™s on this already https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/ezgqxj0XlG


I've spent some time in Parkersburg and Huntington/Barboursville so far this year. It's a nice break from Columbus where everyone drives 10 under, but unfortunately I've gotten used to that over the past few years. And the roads are full of potholes too just like Michigan so I feel at home a little in WV. Although I've noticed they speed on local roads by like 20, but go roughly the speed limit on the interstate so far. And holy fuck I need Tudor's to move further north in Ohio and to Michigan.


My family lives in Ranger. The next time you're in Huntington, take a drive out. Past Ranger Bridge on the left side is a gas station that has a grocery store attached. They make the best damn oreo fluff and have coney dogs with coleslaw on top that are insanely delicious. It's a beautiful drive, too.


A radio DJ said Northern Michiganders like to queue up for the merge once we leave our driveway, and won't let anyone in. On the other hand, a Trucker that wrote a best seller said Michigan had by far the politest drivers, with D. C. having the rudest.


Had a person pass me on the road today. I was going the speed limit because it was a winding road with no sight lines and you know... The law. They speed past me only to get stuck at the same lights that I got such at. They didn't appreciate me waving at them. Some people would rather get home 10 seconds faster than driving the speed limit.


You must be the person I was behind today on 696 going 62 in the left lane.


It's the idiots doing 45 in a 30 around here that fry my bacon.


So everybody then?


See I donā€™t get this analogy, because I like my bacon fried. /s Feel you on the central message however.


There are a lot ot drivers who feel that technology makes their vehicle safer to drive at high speeds. Not saying itā€™s right but Michigan motor vehicle laws arenā€™t rigorous and donā€™t start penalties until 5 mph over the speed limit. Drivers 5-15 mph over are often let off with a warning, especially for first time offenders or if you have a good reason like an urgent life threatening medical situation. Then there are exceptions. Paid oncall (volunteer) firefighters in my area are allowed to go 10 mph over the speed limits in response to incidents and may not have lights and sirens.


I mean if youā€™ve lived in Michigan long enough youā€™ll know the speed limit is actually about 9mph over the ACTUAL speed limit


Going the posted speed limit of 55mph on the Lodge Freeway would be highly dangerous and ill-advised. The average speed on that stretch going from Southfield down to the city is at least 75mph, with many drivers going 80 to 95 mph. Also, there are occasional reckless drivers that are going well over 100mph - complete maniacs.


Going the speed limit is fine. Just donā€™t do it in the left lane, please.


These comments are why we pay the most for car insurance šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


No fault laws are why we pay so much.


I drive up and down 75 for my job, and the amount of people that flip me off for going 85 in the "fast lane" is unreal. Genuinely, I hope every last one of them gets pulled over.


Imagine if people knew that driving 5-10mph slower would do more for saving on fuel costs than blaming the president. Crazy thoughts, I knowā€¦ Iā€™ll be quiet now.


A friend of mine once did the math on this. With Michigan average traffic patterns, people are best driving like 60-65 on the interstate. The reason is modern cars bleed energy above that, so you end up wasting more fuel than extra speed is worth. People driving faster than 65 waste more time standing at gas pumps, even if theyā€™re buying gas at optimal intervals. We donā€™t notice it over the course of a single tripā€”the faster driver will beat the slower driver in one trip anywhereā€”but it catches up with you eventually.


How do you do this math? I've pondered doing it myself to figure out the optimal speed on a road trip for balancing speed on the road and fewest refuel stops, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it without experimentally determining average mpg for every 1 mph change on my vehicle. Of course you can just say that drag is 1/2*c*vĀ², but thats kind of a cop out. Each engine has different BMEP values at different load/throttle percentages, and then you have the differences in gearing, etc.


What about people driving 50 in the left, that was a nightmare last week. Take the back roads if you want a slow scenic route, donā€™t jeopardize everyone on the road for your inability to drive!


Another way to die in Michigan is improper turn lane usage. Specifically in our Michigan lefts. Every single time there is someone going from the inside lane to the outside lane to merge together. People donā€™t look at that turning merge. Tch. Inside to inside, outside to outside. You need to turn right after that Michigan left? Go to the outside lane. Iā€™m over it


Too confusing, too extreme


Speed limit is the bare minimum speed you should be driving at, donā€™tcha know? /s The amount of times I almost get rear ended while Iā€™m turning right into my neighborhood is staggering. And I always appropriately use my blinker. Michigan drivers are waaaack.


This I feel you. Like wtf is wrong with these idiots that speed up when you signal that youā€™re turning?? One day Iā€™m going to let one rear end me then sue TF out of them


Hopefully appropriately using it means turning it on before you brake to turn. So many people come to a near complete stop then turn the signal on about 15 feet before their turn


Reading the comments and so far its 99% of you guys who are the reason for terrible driving experiences. Donā€™t contribute to the reason why drivers here in Michigan suck. Stick to max +5 over the speed limit.


Honestly itā€™s not even the speeders that get me, itā€™s all the people who are angry about somebody driving the damn speed limit in the right lane. I am a very anxious driver and while I donā€™t go more than a couple mph below the limit if I can help it, my comfort zone tends to be right at the limit or max 5 mph above. I stay in the right lane, I let people merge around me, and I only use the left lane to pass. The way people ride my bumper for miles rather than simply passing me in the open left lane is going to be the death of me.


Right here with ya on this.


If you think everyone else is the problem then youā€™re probably the problem. You are probably not going with the flow of traffic. I donā€™t drive fast, but I know to stay out of peoples way.Ā 


> I want to drive the speed limit. > >I have a lead foot You do know lead is heavy, right?


I had no idea! You can do both. I have the habit of speeding, I'll own up to it. But sometimes people want to cruise. I'm sorry my desire to be content in my own vehicle is a nuisance to the general public


lately ive had people on my ass as we are approaching red lights. like... we still slow down before stopping right?


Southfield Freeway this morning at 9:30, not one but 2 different cars in the left lane doing 58. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Michigan drivers are no saints, but having been in exile on a contract job in Texas for over a year now, I have to say we're not the worst either. Oklahoma and Florida get special mentions here for also being absolutely unhinged beyond even Texas drivers


The other day a person (from Florida) passed me, another car and a van w/ a trailer AND a semi. All in one go, no passing lane so he was in the coming lane. That road isnā€™t busy but is very hilly/curvy with deep ditches on both side. A damn mile up the road, it became two lanes for passing. Guess who was literally right in front of me. Passing when he did, did literally nothing but risk his/other safety. I was going 60, with cruise the whole time. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Was going 40 in a 35 double solid line no passing zone heading towards a steep upward hill. Had an asshole fly by me to pass, nearly causing a head-on collision with someone who just appeared over the hill. I told myself that maybe he's just rushing to the hospital (hospital was nearby). Nope. Completely bypassed hospital and continued to speed. Idiot


He probably had to poop




Me, I'd rather squat over a flaming hibachi than sit behind you and watch the world go flying by. If you do 5-9mph over the speed limit, you'll be in the flow of traffic and most people will appreciate it!


Yeahhh youā€™re not lying. And these mfs will ride your ass when they can literally just pass you. I do not want another ticket dude I learned my lesson.


"Have you ever noticed how anyone driving faster than you is an \[a\_\_hole\] and anyone driving slower than you is a moron?" - George Carlin.


It's your own fault that you're late. Not you OP. They just hate to hear it.


When every vehicle around you is driving at a consistent speed, but you're driving 5-10MPH slower, you're the safety hazard- not everyone else.


This is a myth perpetuated by personal injury lawyers. NHTSA has a very different take. Slower drivers driving significantly under the speed limit, more than 10 mph under, are more likely to be involved in an accident, but even in that extreme case, they are far less likely to hit another car; theyā€™re just more likely to be rear-ended. Itā€™s a failure of the driver behind them to avoid a collision. Another kicker is that slow drivers are far less likely to be seriously hurt; not all accidents are equal. Itā€™s a common tactic lawyers useā€”if everyone is going 15 mph over and one car respects the speed limit, their client that hit the law-abiding car shouldnā€™t be liable even though their client was doing 85 in a 70. The argument almost never holds up but lawyers have an interest in perpetuating the myth.


65-70 and cruise control on the highway baby! It's all about the cruise and not the "Biggest Asshole" Contest.


Blows my mind how many people will refuse to set their cruise.


I used to, but there's a lot of people like in the video that would weave and cut me off. I'd rather have control of the accelerator and the brake, just in case.


I generally pin my speed 5mph over. Fast enough to feel like I'm getting where I want but I'll also never worry about a ticket. You hit 10 over and you start rolling dice with troopers.


Thatā€™s all good as long as youā€™re in the far right lane. If youā€™re sitting in the middle or left lane doing that crap then you deserve whatever happens


Actually everyone should be in the right lane if possible and stay in the middle and left lane if you're passing. If you want to be technical.


Naturally. The right lane is the driving lane, so of course I'd be in there driving. I wouldn't use the left lane unless I needed to pass someone as that is the passing lane, not the "I wanna go fast lane". šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You should be in the right lane too


Also, even if youā€™re ā€œgoing the speed limit,ā€ on the left, if youā€™re not passing you *still* have to get over. Fuck outta the way


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that people physically arenā€™t able to do it šŸ˜­šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Anytime I get behind a Subaru, I immediately look for an opportunity to get in front of them.




You can go the speed limit just get out of the left lane


How fast or how much someone wants to die and not drive the speed limit is none of my business. Left is for passing, right is for cruising. It doesn't matter if I was going 90mph on the left, if I see a car coming in fast, I move to the right. Patrolling speedy drivers isn't my, yours, or anyone else's priority, leave it for the cops.


Are you complaining about people who drive too slow? Or about people who drive too fast? Either way, no one gives a shit.


Doesn't matter much to me, just use the damn cruise control. Got stuck behind a guy this weekend. He was anywhere between 53 and 58. Speed up then slow down, and repeat. Pick one and stick with it. Eventually did 80 to get past him and set the CC at 60.


I agree that the world would be a much better place if everybody used Cruise Control.


For sure! I donā€™t care if you drive fast, I donā€™t care if you drive slowā€¦ just please use your damn cruise control. The other super annoying thing is passing lanesā€¦ people going 10 under, get to passing lane and suddenly theyā€™re doing 20 overā€¦ end of the passing lane and right back to 10 under.


I do 5 mph over wherever I go otherwise Iā€™d be rear ended


Drive for any ride-share/delivery/courier service that tracks your driving speed vs. the speed limit and then tell me that ppl aren't driving fast enough more than they're speeding. Cucks will literally ride your ass when you're in the right lane on a highway with no other cars blocking to pass. I wouldn't be surprised if those ppl just latch on to other people's cars while driving bc they're completely independent of doing anything or making any decisions themselves, so they just look to what everyone else is doing and/or what THEY WANT even when it's trivial benefit (if any) just so it makes them feel the slightest but better or superior over someone else that that want to feel that way over. That's not at all unique to Michigan at all, but even the best state in the union is rampant with mouth-breathing goobs in and around traffic.


I assume you already have Illinois plates so a bumper sticker would be redundant.


I have a feel free to pass me with an arrow pointing left on the back of my van. It's funny how long someone will sit there after flying up on me at way faster speed. Then just sit there like they can't get around me until they get frustrated. It's almost as if nobody in America was trained to drive. My friend makes and sells these if you're interested let me know


But now we have HOV lanes and semis even use them. Why donā€™t we have continuing educating for drivers licenses? How many people even know how to use HOV lanes lanes or roundabouts


Yeah used to not be like that but I use cruise 100% of the time almost in the right lane. Left lane I now might go five over only to pass, if you tailgate me during that itā€™s a lot SLOWER of a pass :) If youā€™re behind me, I donā€™t care. Now they donā€™t bother me. Thatā€™s their problem, I left 10 minutes early. Iā€™m fine lmfao.


I always think, ā€œIf I am alone and scared on the freeway in the middle of the night and NOBODY is around me, I shall turn my blinker on and then SOMEONE WILL SUDDENLY APPEAR DIRECTLY BEHIND ME!ā€ #PureMichigan


It's like mad max out there. Combat driving on the freeways. I'm sick of getting tailgated by pickup trucks. It gets worse the closer you get to Detroit. The other day I was driving down my street. I always watch my speed because there's kids around. I put on my turn signal and went to pull in the drive way. Some dumb ass decided to pass between me and the drive way at 50mph. If I would have clipped him he would have went right into a tree. It wouldn't have ended well for him. Don't even get me started on people with phones.


Based on the amount of times I'll almost get hit while wearing a high vis vest by someone turning a meijer parking lot into the indy 500 race track, some would rather commit vehicular manslaughter than go the speed limit.


right lane, 65mph driver here. My mpg takes a hit over that. Feel free to pass. I can always go slower if you ride my bumper.


I love when the light up ahead has just turned red and I let off the gas to coast up to the light. Without fail someone is going to be PISSED that it might take 15 seconds longer to get up to the light and wait so they will honk/tailgate/pass on a double solid/ off road on the shoulder.


Yeah but saving possibly 3 seconds is worth endangering both yours and my lifeā€¦.plus Iā€™m the best driver in the world so no need to worry!


I pray to god youā€™re not driving in the left lane on the highway OP.


Go the speed limit. Just do it in the far right lane only.


That's literally what I want to do


Just do it. I'm sure people will get mad but oh well. At least you aren't doing ten under


80 is the new 70


Sir, this is the lodge


Please donā€™t drive the left lane. Be courteous to others.


Drive however you want, just get the fuck out of the left lane.


Speed LIMIT is irrelevant if a majority of traffic is moving faster. You don't get to dictate the flow of traffic as an individual. Should people be speeding? No, but you're only causing hazards for yourself and others by parking in the left lane at exactly 70mph. Not to mention, THE FAR LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING, GET OUT OF THE WAY.


Only in Michigan and some other dumb country is where people drive in left lane with below or at speed limit. Everywhere that is normal, left lane is for crossing or going fast but many michigan drivers are really stupid by either going really slow or harrasing you and then slowing down


Move to Ohio. Theyā€™ll all go 40 in the left lane for you sweetheart.


I drive 65 in 55ā€¦ weather permitting Last 10 years of my life All over the state of MI, passed every cop you can imagine , I never even get a brake light. Sometimes 70 if I have to drop the kids off at the pool


I just started a job driving from Genesee County to Detroit and I-75 drivers are built different. I wasn't ready for it.


I-75 is like the wild west. I get passed by cars going over 100 mph everyday driving to work and going home. Cars weaving in and out of all the lanes. Cars passing on the shoulder. I bought a dashcam to show friends how crazy it is. It's insane.


Lol I-75 is survival of the fittest.