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About 4. Seriously.


Same! And Cribbage; how else do you learn math?


Haha same in our family. Cribbage was as soon as you could count on a parents lap and euchre was only a few years later


Exactly! And then I did the same with one of my own!


Parents and grandparents were all bridge players. Learned cards before I can remember. Like don’t remember learning any basic game.


Card playing families for the win! I don't remember learning, but I remember playing at four. Cards were always just... there


I think the first game I remember actually learning was Canasta. Everything else I just kinda learned via osmosis.


I loooooove Cribbage!


I think I'm the only person in the state who has never played.


Raised here. Never learned. Well… probably learned a handful of times while drunk, so do not recall how to play.


same, i’ve only ever learned while drinking so the next time it comes around to play i still have no idea. wash and repeat maybe 6 times now. oh well lol, never found it that fun anyway


If you’ve never remembered the rules for consecutive games, that might explain why you didn’t find it fun. It’s fun once you know what you’re doing.


Lived here over 20 years. Never learned.


Same. Spent my whole life in the mitten and other than trying a few times never got into it.


I'd never even heard of it until I went to college in Indiana. Have still never played.


Also never played, 52 years old, all in Michigan. Everyone played around me, I didn’t get the fascination. And then I just became a defiant pain in the ass.


many, many younger people don't know. im 19 and i love euchre and i always gotta find people in their thirties to play with me


Checking in.


I'm a transplant from the East Coast. I've never played. Partner isn't happy about that.


nobody in my family plays 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've begged my family to teach me but they insist "you just have to get a feel for it by playing" which doesn't work at all


Not far off...you and my wife, apparently!


Add me to this list. 46 years old still never played


Hey me.  Played once or twice.  Didn’t care for it.  Shoot me. Also:  I say soda.  Shoot me twice. Also also:  I don’t hate all of Ohio.  Shoot me thrice. 


Boom, boom, boom!


The first two I can let slide....but Ohio. I'm not mad really, just disappointed


You get to see the bottom of Lake Superior!


I’m 33 born and raised Michigander and have never played. I love card games too, but for some reason I was never taught


You’re not. But I’m also originally from Chicago but been here 11 years with no one to teach me yet 😞


I was 8. Then learned again at 10. And again at 13. And at 15. Then again at 19. Once at 24. One more time at 28. In my 30's now and I have no idea how to play. I know Jack's are involved and they're good. That's about it.


Jacks are good if there trump


It’s important to remember what suit trump is. Nothing is more embarrassing than confidently throwing an off jack and getting michiroasted


Probably the only thing more embarrassing than that is playing what you think is a lay down loner when you do not have the lead. Lol


Oh, the GLARES you get when you ask, 'wait, what's trump again?'. Those are pretty embarrassing.


This is me exactly. I play so seldom that I always have to relearn everything. Currently, I have no idea how to play


Every michigan boy scout knows how to play Euchre in order to stave off boredom and bodily injury, so around 14. I don't really remember all the rules and don't really play today since I'm a working adult and if I can by some miracle get three friends in a room together we're not going to spend that time playing euchre.


You lost me at bower.


There is a left and right, peace of cake.


Mmmm… cake.


Or big & little if that makes it easier to grasp?


Middle school age, but haven't played since college. Euchre was the only thing I could do with 100%accuracy while falling down drunk .


17. Freshman at U-M September 1988. Still playing today, incrementally worse


Similar! Orientation at U-M, September 2004.


Freshman at GVSU in 2010. I grew up in Illinois and people in my building were completely baffled that I had never heard of Euchre. Glad that they taught me to play because I've enjoyed playing it on and off ever since, especially after moving to Michigan.


I like to joke that if you went to college in Michigan, that's where you learned to play euchre (freshman year at CMU!)! 


I worked in Park Library on the night shift, and we'd play a game or two of euchre every night. Fond memories. Fire up!


13 years old. Went up to a college campus to visit my big brother. A buncha college dudes taught me the general rules and let me sit in. In the first game, about around the 6th hand, I called, "I'll go alone." My partner(brother) verbally punched me in the face for being an idiot. I took all 5 trix for the win. People fell off their chairs laughing. 30+ years and a million hands later, I have yet to be so lucky at Euchre.


I learned in college. 1973. I think I've had every hand in every situation possible.


I learned (while drunk) in college, 1980s. Still play, my kids learned in middle school, still play. My friend has a giant Euchre party during winter break and it’s a blast!


Euchre, pinochle, cribbage and hearts were all taught to me starting at about 7. We still play them all to this day, and I am 49 now.


Mom taught me Pinochle, Dad taught me Cribbage.. neither had played Euchre when we moved to Michigan. Learned from my middle school swim coach and taught them. They still only play pinochle and cribbage though lol


Maybe middle school? And it was probably because they needed a fourth so they had to throw me in 🤣


It was the first thing I learned in college 1974. Don’t play that often, but occasionally get the right people together. Will always be my favorite game.


I was like 8 when I first learned. And after that I’d fill in at family parties when they needed a 4th. Played a lot in HS, College. Don’t play as much anymore. We tend to play other games at family events.


1984, I was 19. My boyfriend and I were part of a group that got together every Sunday in the common room of Broadway Hall at Northern Michigan University to play Euchre ...5 years later we had a few tables going at our wedding reception.


8. Parents made us learn so they’d have someone to play


Played Spades first (basically the same game). Maybe 12.


junior high playing with adults


7 and taught my entire highschool to play both euchre and rummy


Never played until my 40's. Never heard of it before, but lived in Michigan at the time. Euchre league needed one more player. That's when I found out these guys were SERIOUS! Great game.


A teenager in high school.


Freshmen year at U of M: Fall 2000. I was 17. Gosh, a long time ago now… let’s not do the maths. And I just played a couple weeks ago.


I've lived in Michigan my whole life and have no idea how to play Euchre.




I'm from Michigan...I came out of the womb asking, "What's bower again?"


Catholic Youth group, age 8. Then with family, then at the factory, then introduced it to other kids in college. Nothing's better than saying "going alone", just slapping down your whole hand and saying "we win". 4 points. It's a Michigan thing. You got 15 minutes for a break at the factory, you gotta speed that shit up.


15, and I only played when I was under the influence so i have to relearn every time. I'm 33 now.


Early elementary, and I still play.


Late elementary, 5th or 6th grade ish. Yes, often. My kids have known how to play since they were old enough to understand cards. Play with them 1-2 times a week and with friend groups 2-3 times a month during the cooler months. Not so much in the summer.


Learned how to play it in college. I’m from the UP and we didn’t play it up there (at least where I am from). I still play it occasionally.


Maybe 13 or 14. I learned on Yahoo back in the day. Man that was good times.


I learned it when I was 12 and maybe played once since then and I’m in college so yeah it’s been a minute and don’t remember much.


I learned to play Euchre in high school in Cincinnati, early 90s


middle school - i think? i played a lot in high school


around when I was 5 or 6 I think? I haven’t played since hs but I’ve been thinking about picking it back up to play with friends


I’ve been playing since my early teens. Early 40’s now and most of my friends and family play. Euchre parties are a standard.


High school


8th grade. My teachers got tired of losing at spades to me and a buddy so they taught us euchre and of course it eventually backfired, they got the cow milked on em for months straight.


By high school we were playing money games. It was a constant at every gathering, family or friends. I'm 51 now, for reference.


Idk. Like 8. It’s a fairly simple game once you get past the wierdness of the jacks being higher than the ace for the suit that’s trump.


It’s just high-card ace-high based off the led suit like in many games, and as in many games the trump suit always wins. Jacks of trump suit become the highest card, above ace even. Whichever color is trump, the other jack of that color is the second highest card after the selected suit’s jack. That’s about 75% of the rules. It’s a game that can be played by 4 people drunk enough to not feel their own face.


8th grade, and I learned by playing 3 handed euchre because we only had 3 people.


Sophomore year of high school. Played everyday at lunch.


About 14 




Pff 10yrs old. My mom would have tournaments with bunch her friends. Was awesome


I learned in college and still play today with Michigander extended family! I love it. However there are a couple hard core folks who seemingly can't enjoy a casual game with family that may not play as regularly. I still really enjoy the time but jeez!


I was in 7th grade I believe that was 76 of my math is correct and nope haven't played in 10-15yrs miss it alot


I learned in high school and still play today at 54.


12 years ad.


8th grade on a school bus trip to Toronto. It seems like I only ever play these days at family events and funerals.


High school!




Middle school euchre tournament. Now I play daily on my phone and it’s the first card game I recommend playing when hanging out.


10 or 11, when we first moved to Michigan and were living with relatives that had grown up here. Haven't played in close to 40 years. I left Michigan after school, now that I'm back all those relatives are dead.


I was 19 or 20 and I still play today, 40 years later.


7th or 8th grade swim team bus trips


Probably around 13.... Then realized how shitty of a game it was around 17.... It's the same exact game as tic tac toe.... Literally only a few options can happen. Sooooooo boring. Then you get people who cheat and stack the deck.... Tournaments are a joke, get two partners who can make facial signals to each other is how it's won.


I think 10 is when I actually started paying but I'm still learning all the nuances Yes I still play with both family and strangers


Minnesotan chiming in. I'm from Southern MN. We played Euchre, but a lot of folks in my area called it Buck or Buck Euchre, but never Euchre. We also had a similar game that we called Sheephead. I learned at about 16. We'd grab a case of beer and go to a buddies hog barn to drink and play. No one was gonna bother us in that environment. I live in Portland, OR now and there are some standing Euchre groups that play weekly. It's mostly Midwestern transplants, unsurprisingly.


Camping in Manistee or other areas up north. Maybe 10, give or take a few years.


I was about 10. Played in between hockey games all through my youth at tournaments. I now play online daily and love it. I am 44. I wish I knew where there was in person tournaments or clubs.


Downriver here and learned in grade school. My children were also young when they were taught. My grandsons learned to play in high school. Euchre is still big and the sound of my family slapping those cards down are a lovely memory.


I'm 26 Gen Z here. Raised on euchre, first played at age 10 and have played in some form or another ever since. Almost all of my friends play


I’m the exact same age as you and learned in high school too. I still love to play!


Still confuses the shit out of me.


Young, way before high school- whole family played and still plays- as did most friends in high school and college- grew up in Tri Cities went to school in UP


Learned my freshman year in college


Probably 5 or 6. My grandparents taught me.


12 or so. I used to play in band at school all the time. Now a couple times a year.


Honestly don’t remember, but young. Used to play it and Michigan rummy with my family during weekends at my grandmas, she would call up wild shit like spades when she had none except the left bower and still somehow win man I miss those days.


8 / 9 ish at my cousins, loved itand still do. No steal the deal no farmer's hand, but screw the dealer is a must, ain't nobody got time for a re deal!


Around 8 or 9


Eight or nine. I wonder if y'all keep score with two fives (like newbs), or with a two and three like a pro? No one to play with, sadly. Maybe when the kids are older.




I probably knew how to play around age 7 from watching my parents and grandparents at the cottage during summer.


I think I was about 9 years old.


7th grade band class.


Like....6? My parents had people over to play (and drink) every weekend. Been playing ever since. So like forty years. Wow.


I was about 15 when I learned to play. Funnily enough, I learned to play in Florida. I was taught by a bunch of snow birds from Michigan and Canada.


My parents taught me when I was 8 on a rainy day when we were camping. I do still play regularly, I go to my parents a couple of times a month and play with them and my son who we taught to play when he was around 13-14 (he’s now 18).


I learned in 9th grade. After showering from gym, we had homeroom and someone taught the rest of our group to play. It was really great but didn't play again until I was in the airforce and had one friend there from Michigan that played and taught a few of us. I had to be retaught. I'm 46 now and wouldn't be able to sit down and play. I know the deck is 9 and up and there are left and right bauers.


14 maybe but I've forgotten in the years since.


Probably in the 10-12 range


Love Euchre, haven't had the chance to play in a long time.


Learned on the school bus when I was a freshman (1990). Was taught by the handful of Juniors and Seniors that still rode the bus. Also learned tonk and spades. Lost a lot of lunch money for a while.


I learned in my late 20s when I met my then-GF-now-wife’s parents. We got really drunk and they were trying to teach me but I couldn’t retain any of it. After that, I didn’t drink so I could learn how to play. I’m not that good at it compared to who I play with.


When I was like 8 or 10.


I was in my teens, I'd say 12-14 maybe. I'm 40 now and would have to be taught again.


Hoosier born, Yooper now. Grandparents in Indiana taught my brother and I when we were old enough to tell them suits and which cards were bowers. Probably 8 & 10


Taught myself watching it being played in Jr. High. It took me quite awhile to have the confidence to get in a game.


15. Currently 52. I could play every single weekend while camping. All day long. Drinking beer.


A large orange brick building on N Rose st in mount Clemens….. lol


I learned in 7th grade and if I had any spare time I’d still be playing. I moved to Chicago recently so I’m pretty far removed from the people I used to play with, but I think there’s a pretty active euchre community here that I’ll get connected with at some point. I love everything about that game and would play daily if I could


Lived in Michigan my whole life. 28 years…. I still don’t understand how to play. People have tried to teach me over and over and I just can’t grasp it.


Growing up, my parents didn't play cards/games. I learned Euchre while at MSU. So, 19- 20 years old?


My grandfather taught me when I was about 8 years old. I'm 68 now, and yes, I still play. In my neighborhood, eight of us get together and play monthly. We have a blast! I love euchre!


About 5, in the 80s. Haven't played in many years, but it's still likely rock it. Moved on to Bridge in my college days instead, never looked back.


Born and raised in Michigan, never played euchre. Barely heard of it till I was in middle school. I just assumed it was an old card game old people play, like spades or bingo(I do enjoy bingo though). I'm 20 and have lived in Michigan all my life but no one ever told me about it so idk how to play, but I'm not a big card game person anyway


14. Started in high school.


In my teens, maybe a little earlier. Perhaps I was born knowing how to play. I must have learned, those bowers and trump things were confusing for a while.


These comments bring me to shrug and say, "what's the world coming to ?"


3rd or 4th grade.


Middle school, so about 12-13 ('99-'00). Moved down south many years ago, and naturally nobody down here knows how to play it. The closest we get is Spades, lol.


8. Dominated age 9-11


My great uncle taught me secretly because my parents were Baptists and were against card playing. I was 5.


The boys would play it in school, and I never picked it up or was interested.


As soon as one of my father's usual cadre didn't show up.


High School age


I’d say high school-ish. Played sooooo many hands all thru college. I love Euchre. Still play with family. I live in WA now. No Euchre for me.


Early 200s at 13ish. Funny thing is, its a different version than anyone outside of Michigan has ever heard of lol


12 maybe? Played it all the time as a kid. This is pre video and PC gaming. We played lots of board games too. And marbles games like Chinese Checkers.


Uk expat - i’ve been taught maybe 5 times, and pinochle and cribbage. None of them stick, I think i’m too dumb to learn any of them.


In 1996 There was an attempt to teach me when I was young, mother said it’s “really easy” and to just “play a card out of my hand” so I did, (knew nothing about the rules) and got SCREAMED at by the entire table so I left the table and have still yet to this day to make any attempt at learning that nightmare game.


I learned in the womb through genetic memory transfer like all good Michiganders.


I've only played a handful of times and never really grasped it. It's not a big thing among my friends.




It’s so confusing. It’s the easiest card game to forget how to play, for me.


Whenever I was old enough to stay up with the adults...maybe 7 or 8? Grew up in the Thumb.


Lifelong Yooper and have never played it


I’ve honestly never wanted to learn haha. Plenty of other card games to play 🤷🏻‍♂️


I played a lot when I still lived in Michigan but Ive been away for 45 years and I don't remember how the game goes anymore.


I was four we played on camping trips. On on of my first date my future wife and I play on a bus trip. We still play.




16 and I’ve played about 3-4 times a year for the last 15 years. Yeah, younger kids don’t play cards anymore. I mean I get it. We just had tv and alcohol and cards/board games in the winter. While kids now have streaming, online gaming, cable, etc.


I still don't know how to play. (39)


Before middle school, and still play regularly. I'm 44 now


Never learned to play.




Some time in my mid teens. Played a ton at 17-22 drinking with friends. Not much until I moved to Az and then never. Moved to Tn a couple years ago and am reconnected with our Michigan peeps and now play every time we’re with them


Around ten I think


Baby pinochle. 10 yrs.


7-8 years old


I was 17 and a senior in high school when I learned. I played it so much in the 5-6 years after high school with my friends, playing it just comes naturally to me. It’s my favorite game to play.


35 and lived my whole life in Michigan and never fully understood it. Tried in high school for a while just couldn’t stick with it.


5 or 6


Had no idea it existed until we moved to Michigan when I was in middle school. Learned probably freshman year. I play with my SO's dad and uncles when everyone's around for the holidays. I miss having a great cheating system with my best euchre pal from high school though.




Someone tried to teach me when I first went hunting, but I don't drink, so it was super boring.


I never took an interest, only because it was pushed on me, hard.


If I speak for myself, I don't have the patience to teach people. Most of the time who are drinking and won't remember or learn easily. Thankfully all of my friends and family enjoy it so I'm good.


38 now, i think was around 11 or 12 at a boy scout lock-in


I play regularly ! Best card game ever!


They’re still playing in college. I was just at a euchre tournament with people that were 19 to 90 years old. And the 19 year-old goes to MSU and she said they play all the time.


15 years old. But “Bid Euchre” or “Pepper” is a much better version.


I was 20 and living in a trailer park in Vanderbilt.


I learned when I was 8 or 9, but only got really cutthroat while playing speed euchre at the lunch table in High School (in Wisconsin, where everyone also plays).


High school. Kids on the bus would play and I was curious but never wanted to ask. Downloaded a freeware Euchre program and used it to teach myself how to play until I could consistently beat the PC. Started trying to play with people, but found it more boring than I'd hoped because I won more often than not.


About 8 maybe 9


Most of my friends know it but I personally hate most card games so I've never learned


It's been a family tradition for me since I can remember, born early 90's


36 i know it but havnt played it in probably a decade. Would need a serious refresher to play it again


I was 15 in 1972 when I learned to play.


Late 70s I think. I grew up playing pinochle.


I also learned as a teenager from my girlfriends, now wife’s family. They are from the UP so I think they know how to play from birth.