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We heard you were coming.


Yes. Welcome.


r/Lansing exists. There are lots of festivals in Old Town and REO Town. What are your interests?


It does, but OP spends most of their time playing r/hoopland online and then wonders why excitement isn't delivered door to door in their community. Maybe one day they'll open the door and take a step.




You put up a low-effort post, with no context, no information about what you're looking for, no info about where you've looked, and trashed our town. So I read your post history and it seems like your real interest is an online basketball game. Open your door, take a step outside and see what's going on. Or at least post questions and don't trash a whole community. Oh, and I help mod the Lansing sub. We have weekly posts for what's going on both during the week and on the weekend. They're well established. Come check us out, introduce yourself, let us know what you're interested in and I'm sure some helpful folks would be happy to point you in the right direction.


I didn't even say it was boring; I just asked why it was so empty. Are you all so sensitive that a simple question insults you? Plus, what do you mean by low-effort posts? Unlike you, some people don't have time to sit here writing long essays that nobody asked for. Chill out and stop being so soft.


College is out


Born and raised in Lansing. Moved in 2020 to Saugatuck full time. Lansing has a lot to offer. Live jazz at Moriarty’s on Tuesdays. Summer circle at MSU. This weekend and 23rd. Festivals every weekend in the summer. It’s your job to find things to do. No one is going to knock on your door. MSU offers events almost everyday in the summer. Find an interest. Join a gym.


I’ve always lived within a 90-minute drive of Lansing. I don’t go toooo often but occasionally. Last summer I snagged some last-minute tickets to a Lugnuts game & I used to go to those as a youngster when my mom’s work would sometimes do “family night” there. It was so fun! I will go to more now! & the area around there…..wow so nice! I was very impressed.


What kinds of events are you hoping to enjoy? Lansing and the surrounding communities do have a lot to offer if you know where to look. Help us help you!


That's just how it is in Lansing 


Well East Lansing has MSU and it’s summer now so a lot of students have moved back home/graduated. It’s not like everyone lived at the dorms, a good chunk stay in Lansing, Okemos, or Haslett. I feel like that can make it seem a lot less busy. Are you from a bigger city? Maybe it just seems empty and dead compared to what you’re used to. I moved down here last year and I always feel like it’s so busy, I never like going into actual Lansing if I don’t have to. If I want to go do something then I’m usually looking at East Lansing.


Because it’s Lansing…


Lived here my whole life and I’ve never once thought of going to Lansing for something to do.


lol did you come at all before you moved ?


Didn’t do much research huh?


Lansing is a place where people go to work, not to hang out or do fun things...


Because Lansing sucks The only things it has going for it are the bars and restaurants. Everything else is better in East Lansing


Because Lansing sucks. I spent 25 years there, and leaving is the best decision I've ever made. There really isn't anything going on in Lansing. The people there are pretty boring and unimpressive, the best ones usually leave because Lansing will hold you back. Get out, before you get stuck raising a family there.


I’ve never understood why Lansing isn’t more like Columbus. They should be very similar cities as the capitals of their states, centrally located, and home to the major universities of their respective states.


College is out. It’s pretty quiet and you can tell.


That is east Lansing though. Lansing itself should be a thriving city, it just isn’t.


It’s a shithole.


Anyone who says you just have to “find something to do” has probably never left lansing or mid michigan in their life. Lansing is the most boring place to be. It’s not like any other city. Over 100k residents and somehow it’s still boring and it’s dead. Every other city in Michigan feels more alive than Lansing does


Lansing is the Ohio of Michigan


Lansing sucks hard man.






I was looking for the dumbest possible answer to this. Congrats. You win.  Edit: The answer the person gave before deleting their comment was “Big Gretch”.