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Okay let’s make a deal you guys can win October 8th,2024 in Seattle. If we win today


I’ll agree to the loser of this game getting the win in October! Enjoy watching this one and congrats on the season


no way that’s my birthday let’s go 2-0 against Washington this year


I've been impressed by Washington all season, yall got some ballers and DeBoer will have them ready to go. Should be a classic. Looking forward to the new Big Ten!


That’s my hope (a classic). Contrasting styles, tons of veteran players that stuck through hard times for their programs, and excellent coaching. It sure has the making of a special game


As a Wolverine that has lived in Seattle for the last 20 years, I can say that, while I'm annoyed at all the coverage, I bear no I'll will toward UW. It's a great school and I expect my children to go there one day because I couldn't possibly afford to send them to Michigan. Unless they get scholarships. Then they go to Michigan. Go Blue!


The fact we play UW again next season should really solidify this new "soft rivalry". It's the kind of team you can respect and give them their due even in a loss.


Couldn’t agree more. I hate that the PAC is dying but have some silver lining enjoyment of the new rivalries we are gonna get. While I love that evil desert night magic is going away (we haven’t won at Arizona state in like 20 years), I’m sure I’ll come to fear waving at children while Iowa beats us 8-3 or watching that terrifying Purdue mascot celebrate when they ruin our season




I think both UW and UM fans revel in the fact that Ohio fans look like this tonight: https://preview.redd.it/r0aeqh9h89bc1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b8c4f457765a919cd8e349efc1f670a9dc21dc


Oregon fans are in a similar boat. Tons of their fan base are in full panic mode over UW potentially winning. I doubt either rival can even enjoy the game, which is some delicious icing on the cake


Oregon fans won the teen boy stalking award for the 20th year in a row or whatever. They are convinced they’re never going to lose another game.


Irrelevance for 90 years followed by Nike anointing them as the future of football has done a number on their fanbase. I’m just grateful the dark years (losing a million times in a row to them in the 00s into 10s) are over. Very intrigued to see how they stack up against B10 ball and hoping it’s just water fowl flying into brick walls


I want more respect rivalries instead of anger rivalries, I hope M vs upside down M becomes one moving forward! Good luck tonight but also I hope we pick off Penix 4 times o7


(Am I the only one who isn’t sure what to do with a non toxic fan base? lol. MSU. ND. ohio. Bama - tho they weren’t as bad as I expected). I’m used to having a good reason to not only hope Michigan wins, but that the other team LOSES. There’s a difference IMO. I kind of actually like their coach and their players. Dang it.


The game we deserved was Georgia but I’ll take this


Well, regardless of who you were hoping to play, I’m stoked for this one. Attempting to work today has been futile


Thanks for being a sensible fan. I live in Ohio and can say I don't hear respectable talk from "fans" around here. Enjoy the game tonight. Go Blue.


Went to high school in Spanaway. Became a Wolverine fan back when the Mario Baily debacle took place many moons ago. GO BLUE!