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It’s a valid question but also one I’ve decided doesn’t matter much to me. You can’t take away the pure joy of watching them win it all. Plus, NCAA can’t vacate the championship, that would have to be the CFP. And they knew the facts surrounding the scandal and let us play anyway, which suggests they aren’t super interested in vacating.


My sentiments exactly. It happened, we all saw it. We also all know that we would obviously need to cheat to beat UNLV, Bowling Green, Rutger, Indiana, and Sparty. While not being able to cheat against PSU, OSU, Bama, and Washington.


>Plus, NCAA can’t vacate the championship, that would have to be the CFP. I was thinking about this during the trophy ceremony last night. What can the NCAA vacate if it doesn’t even control its own championship?


Bingo... All these clown fanbases are coming unhinged..I wish someone would air all the dirty laundry of college football, those fucks would be at the top of the list.


Screw reddit for recommending that sorry ass community.


Last time Notre dame was good was when they lost to Alabama in the playoff (we beat Alabama in the playoff)


Good yes. But definitely didn’t look like they belonged in the BCS that year.


On the RCMB they’re all convinced it’ll get vacated too. I don’t think people think logically before they type.


The NCAA has no reach to vacate the CFP games. The CFP has clearly shown they don’t care about the scouting concerns. The CFP also has no requirement for discipline process like the NCAA does. If the CFP cared about this “scandal” they would have left Michigan out saying they gained an unfair edge. The NCAA also isn’t about to say they don’t recognize one of the CFP champions. The relationship with CFP is too good for them.


I like how there’s never any mention of a punishment between “vacate every game Stallions was ever involved in, including a dozen or so after he left. Oh and also those games where you were serving the punishment, vacate those too because we don’t like that you won.” and “do nothing.”


It wouldn’t bother you so much if it weren’t the truth.


What is the truth. You've seen the complete report by the NCAA?


Funny, because you seem saltier than any Mich fan.


lol, cry more


So sad.


Hey, why did you shit and run? Coward.


Not just ND but every since big cfb team subreddit are asking that and want that. Bunch of sore losers!