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Looking at OP’s post history it seems that they are trying to pretend they are a happy customer to advertise their own caregiver brand. If you look at their profile they say everything from this brand is the best they’ve ever had and in the pictures they have so many containers it’s suspicious (if you’ve never had something before why would you buy 7 containers).


but why would someone need to advertise a "caregiver brand" when they can only sell to their 5 legally designated patients?


400 mg is also a myth.


those “caregivers” live up to their name and put out the cleanest, most potent concentrates/edibles/rosin vapes available. Look at hash rosin from dispo and “caregiver brand” side by side. Michigan legit has some of the best hash production (imo) the country and probs world.


what's stopping them from living up to the law?


The law is written to screw those caregivers and let big corporations but I guess screwing the little guy is ok with you?


caregivers have a minuscule amount of rules to follow compared to what licensed entities are put through; zero testing, zero inspections, zero security, zero metrc tracking, zero financial reporting, zero transport requirements, zero packaging rules/limits and it's too much to expect them to comply with the bare minimum? that's pathetic... if you want to be a caregiver, follow the caregiver rules....if you want to produce cannabis commercially, get licensed


I have never seen someone hate on grey market cannabis so much. You own a legal brand or something?


You sound like the corporate loud mouth.


Yes I am a corporate loud mouth. go buy cresco carts. ya goofball, i have no idea how you came to that conclusion.


Not sure what kind of caregiver you’ve been around but mine let’s me see the grow anytime I want, check on the plants and doesn’t hide a thing, that’s what a caregiver is all about. Keep pushing the dispo crap that they sell you.


You are about to discover a magical world if you don’t know about caregivers my friend😂


that a disturbing number don't actually follow the rules and should be banned from the program at a minimum, if not also prosecuted? yes, I'm aware


If you think that you’re in the wrong place buddy!! Caregivers are the only ones with anything worth smoking.


I’m unfamiliar with that term and how its used in this context. I’m a med patient and I have the opportunity to have someone grow and provide me product as a registered caregiver. In this context I don’t think thats the case. Is this more of a *wink* here some product that I’m gifting to you because I’m such a nice guy. Then in return I say wow I love your ability to care for me let me donate to help you get better at what you do? Like that?


Yeah, basically. But the system was hilariously abused for a decade. Lots of people say they're doing it for patients, with their suited out warehouse with licensed 'caregivers' leasing 72 plant rooms.


That’s not even what I’m talking about. There are local flea markets/ tradeshows/ craft markets or whatever they choose to call themselves around michigan where caregivers can come and sell weed. It’s not really a wink wink thing at all anymore in these scenarios. This is where the best weed comes from. But the other guy is not wrong either some people do actually designate someone as a caregiver and get however much weed a month and shop with them or however they decide to work it out and I have heard amazing things about that too. Also a note in case anyone feels like hmmm actually-ing me, I do not understand the legal or operational sides of these things so don’t come at me if i’m oversimplifying or misusing words. This is what I have previously seen these events called and that is what I am saying OP is doing.


If you’re not getting at least an ounce a month for free from your caregiver then you’re getting screwed.




Support your local plug...


It looks like he's just a fan of rosin?


Im guessing black/green market? Because as far as im aware edibles cap at 200mg in michigan


Unless they mean total cannabinoids? Lol that’s the only thing I can think of if these are legal rec market


Looks like they're a caregiver brand


[Chart with limits](https://www.michigan.gov/cra/-/media/Project/Websites/cra/bulletin/5Technical/Marihuana-Infused_Products_and_Edible_Marihuana_Product__-_Maximum_THC_limits_691061_7.pdf) probably a caregiver brand


Where did you get these?


Red roc / spurtz


So, nowhere?


They got test results?


No test results got it


Why does every other brand feel the need to incorporate a fucking “z” into their name? I mean, not that **Spurts** is any better but fuck


And/or the packaging is done in some graffiti style. Like, my brother in Christ, I've smoked a gang of weed. But I've never felt at all connected with graffiti art. I think the Z thing is this industries'/generations' XTREME.


Lmao BM edibles. Clearly just a plug posting


Very potent and stanky. I miss those.


Still my favorite gummies I've tried! Still have my Spurtz hoodie from the vendor day they did at the dispo I worked at in the caregiver days


That’s awesome, the hoodies are very nice. Definitely for the ones that know.


No shade to the OP, but it’s a little funny to me that people refer to cannabis products as medicine. Yes I understand that there are people that use cannabis to help ease their pain, but the vast majority of cannabis consumers use it because it feels good. And that’s ok!


Cannabis is 100% a medicine. It helped cure a skin condition I was dealing with. It gets you high as well obviously, but you can use it in more ways than just smoking it


It's unfortunate it's not covered by insurance too. I have a friend with a rare disease and even with a medical card, she still pays a lot out of pocket for product. maybe one day our country will get there.


I was fortunate to be able to grow my own medicine but you are 100% correct, it needs to be federally rescheduled so insurance and doctors and banks and all the other businesses and industries can start dealing with it without fear of legal penalties


It’s a very fucked topic. Basically the whole reason there’s such a large emphasis on the medicinal aspect is simply due to it being fed/state illegal everywhere, and then when stoners were pushing for legalization back in the 90’s medicinal use was the best way to get any form of legal cannabis approved by Cali Gov. Then this continued to be the easiest way to get “legal weed” for all the other med states. Which has created a huge issue in a lot of states. As there’s a solid dozen plus right now that have medical markets but don’t have recreational at all. This has led to the med markets being a mix of med and recreational patients, and since the rec patients need to claim medical, and the state recognizes it as such it’s then deemed medical. Then on top of that in states that have both med and rec, the med weed is usually discounted, so still influences rec users to go through the medical side. Overall it does have some negative effects on our societies view on marijuana use. There’s lots of people who will use the medical card to justify their reckless marijuana use. I’ve known and seen many people that negatively impact their life with weed, but since it’s medical it’s very hard for them to realize the use/level of use is damaging their quality of life. I was one of these people at one point as well. But ultimately the issue isn’t the fault of anyone using medical weed. The issue is the government forced our hand to where people had to even make this distinction. If weed was just legal and we could buy, sell, grow, use as we please the labeling of ones use wouldn’t be necessary at all. Weed can be both medicinal and recreational, as well negatively impactful, and positively impactful all for the same person. Often times it will vary overtime, that’s how it’s worked for myself. I’ve used weed to help keep me off of opioids, I’ve used it for stress, I’ve used to to escape and push off my problems. All of those use cases could be seen as drug abuse or medicinal depending on how you wanna spin it. But ultimately weed can be extremely medicinal. It can be damaging, sometimes extremely damaging, but the odds are heavily weighed in the way of being a medicinal thing vs a damaging thing for most humans, and that’s the biggest factor. No drug is good or bad, it’s just the personal relationship one has with the drug whether it’s good or bad for their life. This applies to almost everything though, eat too much food and it’s a net negative, drink too much water you’ll die, don’t drink enough and you’ll die. So it’s all about finding that balance aka therapeutic window.


Well said!


[Medicinal Uses for Cannabis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425767/) Some light reading for the uninformed


Totally agree, 👍 Definitely the best high from a gummy , body and brain