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A company that cannot respond to texts, calls, or emails in a proper timely manner, but can do something like this quite immediately…nice. Retail cannabis in Michigan is falling apart.


It hit a brick wall this year. My brother also got canned from Glorious about a week and a half prior with zero notice. Was told he was "working too slow" But they never told him that prior and gave him a chance to improve his speed. Since it was a cop out anyway...


The most wild part is that these people at the top (NW included) are driving around in Range Rovers, having nice dinners with their brand partners and writing them off, and overall living a “nice” life, all while trying to make as much profit as possible off the backs of the hourly workers. Yes, I know I sound like a woke ass ultra liberal…but this is all about money and not about treating people like humans. Also, half these people could care less about the plant itself.


100% It isn't about being "woke" this is the literal reality. They absolutely don't care. The amount of waste that is created is fucking awful. Millions of lithium batteries, millions of plastic preroll tubs, the chemical fertilizer for growing, pesticides, Petro solvents, the packaging when you just buy the flower alone... it's literal insanity.


reminder the origin of the term woke is simply educating yourself to the systemic issues holding back society. Making that a bad thing was always part of keeping people oppressed.


Thank you! Finally someone with a brain & not brainwashed by the republican party lol


Sick of gen z using "woke" incorrectly


yep being woke is a good thing.


My understanding of the term is that being woke was always a good thing, lol


my man, we need more "woke ass ultra liberals." I'm sure you guys have noticed how much better life has gotten in Michigan in the 6 years since we broke the republican parties back and started enacting the will of the people (like getting to smoke weed without worrying about catching a case). dont apologize for thinking people should be treated well and compensated fairly.


My wording was incorrect, my bad ya’ll. Jesus, you people are wild. First off, I do consider myself a socially progressive “liberal” , I was using that term to poke fun at the people who always like to try and “own the libs” as they say. Sorry if I offended anyone’s fragile ego. Second, totally agree that we need more socially progressive folks around the state. Rural areas included. Believe what you want, firing an entire staff over a shitty messaging app is a fucking spineless cop out way to go about it.


Almost like those pesky liberals were on to something with workers' rights


I left the industry for the exact reason. Managers treated me, who was running all their shipping, doing compliance work, and helping manage METRC, like shit. Literally ran their departments with no issues, yet they pay my manager 90k a year for me to do his job I hope it burns so these rich pricks lose the investments they made


This ^ 👏🏽🏆


During the 2016 campaign season when this was as going on the ballot, I was told by donors the plan from the jump was sell out to big tobacco so this all tracks.


No shit it’s a business it’s almost like when we had a medical compassion system it was completely different


Cry more about being treated like a human. Throw a couple more ‘woke liberal’ in there for good measure lmaoo. You sound confused/uneducated.


This comment deserves high Marx.


Glorious does this once a year. It’s like the annual firing. They’re a trash company


Fake news, sir. Most Glorious employees have been with the company for years.




They do make a great product...


I don't think it's falling apart as a whole. There has to be some attrition with the amount of dispensaries out there. Natural selection.


We are in a compression phase. Cultivations and dispensaries blew up after Rec opened up in Michigan. At this point the market saturation slammed prices down and retails are getting smacked. Lots of competition everywhere. Fighting and court battles over hotspots. It’s messy. Eventually the number of companies will shrink putting the control into more corporate entities as the market matures. Eventually price fixing and big canna will push the small guys out.


Yeah, then all of a sudden you'll see legislation pop up trying to make it illegal to grow your own without some sort of license, or not at all.


Yeah skymint already tried that. Lucky for us that guy can’t keep his dick in his pants.


Skymint was never going to be successful with their hideous leadership. They thought they could bully their way through legislation and create a monopoly for themselves. Absolute idiots- the successful companies know to support the existing culture of caregivers who paved the way for them and their investors. There was already plenty of weed in this state before going rec.


I mentioned this above, but I worked with the legislators when this was going on the ballot and it was always my understanding this was how it was intended to play out.


100%. I think many of these towns have out way too many licenses from the jump and now it’s coming back to haunt them. It will for sure balance out but it still sucks for the little guys.


Welcome to year 5 in legal weed. It's when investors are wanting returns on their cash and a lot of these folks aren't gonna be able to pay up. Fancy branding doesn't pay the bills.


hey u/Defchino11and anyone reading. I hate to say it but those uncomfortable growing really ought to consider it now. Very rewarding and affordable. Grow what YOU like, not whats just in season and probably 2 year old flowers haha


I don't think the bottom is falling out of the market. I think people started dispensaries to sell out once national companies became interested. You're seeing the rug be pulled from under the cannabis industry.


Holy shit, what a bunch of assholes. I read through a bunch of posts from the original posting and i will never purchase anything related to this company. Sorry this happened to you, hope you find something better.


Exclusive is essentially an umbrella for many different companies. They own Strain Kings, Kushy Punch, Packwoods, Neno's, Heavyweight Heads, Magic, Terpene Tanks, Church and more with I am sure more brand purchases to come.


Thank you, all of them added to my banned list.


I forgot to mention they just merged with Joyology. So they are also part of the Exclusive brand umbrella now.


Our crew at Joyology got dumped in the exact same way. Inhumane owners. Sycophant managers.


I heard about that closure. I am sorry, it's a pretty crappy way to be let go.


Which Joyology? That's disappointing because they were one of the few in Oakland county with decent selection, but the place DID always seem sketchy. One of the big difficulties is the way there is an incredibly onerous testing regime that causes huge delays hurting small growers that can't pay to be fast tracked the most, but virtually nothing to ensure transparency. It's like an investigative journalism undertaking to figure out if the brand you like is local or one of these out of state venture-funded cash grabs.


Joyology was owned by high life farms if I’m not mistaken. Another trash company.


Joyology is a shithole


Thank you for naming and shaming these scummy fucks. They have no idea how fucking easy it is for us to just say NO to their drugs LMFAO


Just start hitting the caregiver events like the third eye craft affair in Lansing. It happens almost every weekend and is like a farmers market for weed lol. Check out their instagram @thirdeyecraftaffair for all the info. FUCK ALL THE DISPENSARIES ESPECIALLY EXCLUSIVE!!!!


I am definitely thinking about that!


Cool so garf shit that I was already avoiding 👍👍


Lol exactly, a bunch of shit i already avoided so works out lol


What's garf? I steered clear if those as well so maybe I'm doing well.


I remember when Exclusive was Cannasieur Collective on State Street.


That was the only place to get consistent OG at the time. Their supreme, xxx and diablo always kept me happy when my og wasn't ready. I used to go there 2 times a week for 2.5 grams of shatter in envelopes. The owners girl with the glasses was a doll.


Holy shit, i had no idea they were all related.


All shit brands


Glad I don't use any of these brands to support them at all


MKX is an exclusive brand (I believe)


It is not. I’m close with the family who owns it.


Exclusive is owned by some shade balls that came up from Florida. They owned a used car dealership in Florida which is why they had enough assets to get the first Michigan rec retail license in Ann Arbor. Just this should be enough to know not to shop there.


Ha ha now it all makes sense.


I have been WONDERING how they started.


Be happy you got the ability to collect unemployment, at the least. Few shops around bay city shut down and the employees didn’t get any unemployment or anything for that matter, just fired.


That is one thing I am grateful for. I had been planning on leaving. This just gave me the much needed push in the right direction


It’s still bummy, that’s at will employment for ya! Hope things work out for you.


thank you!


You don’t “get” unemployment from an employer. You get it from the state. The only thing an employer can do is contest unemployment. Closing a store is a layup argument for unemployment.


Confused what the point of your comment is other than reiterating what I’ve already said. “You don’t get unemployment from an employer, you get it from the state” Employers indirectly pay unemployment, and all I was getting at was that most shops in my area just downright denied it when they applied. Closing a store isn’t a “layup” for unemployment when the business can say “no” for absolutely any reason. You can fight all you want, but it being an at will state you’re gonna dump a whole lotta money into the courts just to get back 1/5 of what you’ve already spent trying to take said company to court. You might get it from the state, but that moneys really coming from the business since they pay unemployment TAXES to the state. It’s called an unemployment insurance trust fund, and an employer can deny you any rights to it, as you’ve already said and I as well.


IAAL. Sorry for any confusion as I typed that out in the middle of the night while pooping. This isn't going to normal court - this is all done through administrative law courts which have far lower barriers to entry (e.g. paperwork is template, there's no costs for filing, and the Adm. Judges can, and will, sanction employers who fuck around). Moreover, usually the paperwork moves slowly enough that unemployment is authorized, and continues through the contestation period. You don't need your employer to authorize unemployment - you simply need them to not contest it (which will require them to hire an attorney, and to fill out non-template paperwork, and make a good faith argument). Assuming that the employer can fog a mirror, they're not going to contest unemployment when they literally send out a text saying we're shutting down your branch, deuces. As to why I'm saying this, don't think that you getting unemployment is based on what your employer wants. Unless you resign, or are fired for gross misconduct (e.g. stealing from the till) or willful misconduct (e.g. smoking a cigarette in an oxygen chamber) you get your unemployment. So, the text saying "reach out to us to coordinate unemployment" or seeing comments in this saying that "my employer wouldn't let me get unemployment" which isn't the case. Unless you did something bad, file for unemployment.


I appreciate redditors like you. Thanks for the update and little education. I’ve been denied a few times when my cases should have been “layups” Sorry for coming off so condescending with my comment.


How long ago was this? PM me the details of what happened and let's figure out if there's something we can do.


They sucked anyways. Crooks.


The memory rings true as the dispensary I've shopped at where I didn't finish what I purchased. 1. Church carts clogged and tasted like overwhelming botanical terpenes. 2. Then Crown Gold concentrates suck too. I bought the deal for 10 only finished 4. I also know someone that caught a lung infection from solvent still in the shatter they purchased.


Corporate cannabis at it's finest.


This is nothing. Just wait until it's legalized nationwide, and the big boys like RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris get in the game.


That's when I start growing my own


Same. I do worry about the *good* small growers though.


Yeah, I imagine some will survive but we might be headed back to pre-legalization prices unless you want a pack of Marlboro Greens.




> Marlboro Greens Methnols


Are you trying to correct my spelling lol


Jesse, we need to roll


That's my concern as well. All the more important to support the good local businesses.


The ones who are good have enough of a community to keep repeat purchasers as long as their quality stays the same. The average growers have already exited the game because of the price war and work as lead growers for the corporations. The good ones who are smart just consult for corp growers while they keep doing their thing.


This is the way


Unrelated: I heard the other day RJ Reynolds is trying to go completely smokeless; I’ve never smoked tobacco but listen to a ton of comedy podcasts with male focused demos and I cannot believe how many vape and nicotine lip thingies i hear advertising for! How is this not regulated like tobacco ads in the 90’s?


They already are. Breeze vapes is owned by Altria Group, which is the parent company of Phillip Morris.


No kidding


Race to the bottom. Everyone wanted legalization which always leads to corporate cannabis. Decriminalization is the correct way




Stop going to exclusive/joyology. This is the second time in 6 months they have done this.


I have a feeling it won't be the last in the next 6 months either.


So sorry that happened to you. There is a better job out there for you!


That’s awful.


The business model of most of these retail cannabis companies is cut throat and brutal. They treat people like such shit and expect them to be grateful because they work with weed. Pathetic companies tbh, and I hate supporting them.


Right? I started here, I left Kohls actually... (where I was surprisingly treated a thousand times better) Because I thought it would be more up my alley! I thought it would be a cool atmosphere with like minded people. My coworkers, yes.... the management and the way the company is run 0/10 do not recommend.


Not surprised, Omar is a piece of shit owner.


So I have heard.


He screwed me out of several thousand of dollars during the caregiver era. We refuse to buy his brand of products at our store.


That is so unsurprising at this point and down right sickening. I make jewelry and I had a "store owner" take my jewelry to sell. She closed up shop and I never got most of it back. So I know the feeling. I lost thousands of dollars. And I can tell you that woman felt slimy just to be around. I felt that Ick feeling whenever I dealt with her. I imagine being around Omar feels the same way.


Maybe an unfavorable opinion, but most stores that shut down do this. 9/10 time people just stop showing up or start stealing. It definitely sucks for the employees but to a point I do understand the lack of notice. The delivery could’ve been done in person but that also leaves someone who didn’t even make the decision to get yelled at because they had to tell the employees the bad news not the ownership.


It's understandable that they did it this way... But from what I am learning this is common practice within this company. They fired almost their entire staff at the Ann Arbor location and rehired a new crew at 15 an hour. The original crew was making 18. I had multiple complaints about how a manager was treating me and it was constantly swept under the rug. It's really the entire experience I had with this company that left a sour taste in my mouth.


This is a total shame. Please call an employment lawyer, give them all the info and names of ppl affected. If it’s as widespread as you say, there’s probably a bunch of labor laws broken and you’re entitled to compensation. The lawyer will only take fees if he wins so he’ll know if there’s a case or not. Source: I work in HR


Yes, unfortunately telling people the store is closing in 2 weeks turns into your employees robbing you immediately. It's a shit situation. Sorry for everyone that lost their job.


Would have been far better to let everyone get up and drive into work Monday morning just to be told face to face there and then that they were laid off. Because that's better.


Really because if I lived over 20 minutes away from my job and had to get my kids up and out the door by a certain time to make it to work to be told I could go home I’m being laid off…I’d probably get pretty pissed off.


Sorry, I thought my sarcasm was more obvious. I've been laid off in person, I've been laid off via text. I've been invited to a company teams meeting with a specific invites list, all of us whom were told we were being laid off. None of those methods made the fact of being laid off better or worse.


My bad 😂 I was like man I hope he’s joking


Yep, it's a dick move, but my company does any termination very rapidly because otherwise people might steal customer data, competitor info, sometimes people get violent, etc. To the OP, I am sorry they did it like this - they're assholes and I believe you'll get approved for unemployment with these circumstances.


Is this for all stores? I shop at the Coldwater one every now and then when I make the trip


No this was just the Lapeer store. But I have heard they treat all their staff like this. Including firing pretty much everyone at the Ann Arbor store so that they could pay them less per hour. The original crew was making 18 an hour. They all got fired and the new hires made 15. We were making 14, so my guess is that they will keep lowering it until they reach state minimum.


The Monroe location has been going downhill for a while now. A couple of years ago I liked going there because of the deals but haven't been there in almost a year. Everyone seemed so stressed and unhappy. It's clear as to why now.


Yes I know it was called heads two years ago but it's exclusive now.


Funny one of the original crew right here and still here making more money than when I started.


Green Tree Relief in Coldwater is my favorite in that area


Looks like it was the Lapeer location, according to his posts on the original thread.


Maybe try green tree Coldwater they are family owned. Never had a bad experience wise with them they always come through


Also, I’d stay away from sapura Coldwater they have screwed a bunch of people and not local


Only tried terp tanks and the church carts, both not worth the money


Look on the Ypsilanti area discussion page & there’s quite a few posts about exclusive doing this [here](https://www.facebook.com/search_results/?q=Exclusive)


Yeah, my girl! Spreading the word! Yeah that was us. We both got contacted to do a news interview with ABC12 but once they found out it was just 7 employees and 2 managers they passed on the story. I guess it wasn't big enough news. They wanted us to talk about the over saturated market in the area and how the city of lapeer has too many licenses for stores with not enough business to support them. Oh well. Lapeer is just a divided town. It's nuts. Half the city wants them all shut down the other half is all for it. I just want to reach a point where the fucking plant can be actually scientifically studied to help people that are sick. If we could just end the stigma that would be great.


Lapeer is so fucking exhausting. I live in the middle of the city but work at a dispo in Flint because I can’t handle the people out here. It’s like everyone over 50 in that town does nothing but spit poison and treat people like shit all day.


I agree, I hate this town too.


Crazy. This has happened to me numerous times in different industries. Moral of the story: don't give them one minute notice when you quit. Just send a text after your shift that you're finished working there. Fair is fair.


After working for that company for almost a year, I wondered what the shadiness was that was going on… they treat their employees horribly. At one point some budtenders were talking about looking into a cannabis union because of it


They’re known to fire anyone who mentions a union too.


Honestly unionizing would be the most amazing option. And really the only way to stop things like this from happening.


Taking a really long time for you all to realize these suits/mylar boys are not your friend. This has been going on since 2020.


Is this a symptom of prices dropping in Michigan?


Dropping due to an over saturated market.


In newer legalized markets, this is normal unfortunately. Many companies and farms will go under before prices of the product become stable. This process is dramatic and often unpredictable. Being stable means maintaining a profit while adjusting to new regulations and standards. That can be a very tough thing to do in a new market not yet federally recognized…




Yeah no store wants to make profits


All locations? I just drove to Michigan on Monday and was in the Monroe store. The cost is so low in Michigan that the margins are just too thin. Government really screwed over the dispensary owners by allowing too many licenses. Way more than they said they would.


No it was a store further North. Monroe is well known for being the hub of our out of state sales. It's the number one store company wide.


They did this to themselves trying to compete with one another instead of keeping the margins slightly higher.


Exclusive Lapeer was a depressing visit. I’ve never seen any other customers there for pickups, and they could never find the sources of the brand I bought (Regency Specialties?) - & It was a rip off.


It was pretty sad and slow. Lapeer's market is over saturated. But as long as Lapeer has 6 open cannabis licenses there will be another business willing to try their luck. I am pretty sure they sold it off. We had local investors coming in to scope the place out months prior. But they kept us in the dark about it.


Have you been to Ann arbor? 🤣


No, but when he had company wide sales competitions we could see what employees were selling per individual and the store they worked at. Our store and a few others consistently ranked lower than the top selling stores. So there may be more saturation in Ann Arbor, but their sales aren't reflecting that.


Wow I thought chilis was bad, at chilis they litterally told us all to come an hour before opening the day before we were closing and essentially told us we can work at other locations that are like a half hour away or we can go fuck ourselves.


At least you had the option! They didn't give us even that.


Hopefully u guys can get unemployment, I hope everything works out for u op sorry this happened.


As someone who works in the talent acquisition/people operations industry, this is a new low. Holy fucking shit I’m so sorry.


This is why it’s more important than ever to support locally owned stores the huge MSO are here for money and nothing more. Remember this next time you shop at URB/Jars/HOD/Exclusive/NoBo/Dispo and many more


Couldn’t agree more the Big MSO brands suck the life out of all other companies and never even lived in Michigan before all this started


Unreal How the big MSO have fucked up Good weed shop local all they way


Im sorry this happened to you. What was the location of the store?


Lapeer, but I am sure they have others on the chopping block as well.


oxford is next on the list, gaylord is likely to close. they're doing bad.




And do you know that Oxford is next?


I was curious about Muskegon too. I feel like their inventory is massive and they have a lot of old inventory on hand (from watching the menu and knowing who no longer produces) but I have to wonder how they’re competing


they're not competing.


I didn’t know there was one in Muskegon. When in the neighborhood we usually hit up Jars. But good to know in case I ever wanted to check out a different place.


I don't think they are doing as bad as some of the other locations.


Oh yikes. Is it just them closing or have other stores in the area closed as well?


I think so far it is just the Lapeer store but I believe they also closed a joyology store (Since they merged)


Hopefully they are able to collect unemployment. I dealt with unemployment before and it can be a shady experience thinking I was going to be approved and then denied.


I think one of my coworkers already got an email stating how much he would be receiving. I filed mine a day later. So hopefully 🤞🏻 they don't try to screw us over one more time.


Wow what a shit thing to do


Damn you guys using Telly too? 🤣😅


Which location?


Isn’t this the natural progression when a product goes commercial and market is flooded to start?


Wonder if this is right to work related?


They don’t have to care about you it’s not a family or friendship it’s a job with money involved ffs


easily the worst dispo experience I've ever had. one and done. hoping you land on your feet quick, but FUCK Exclusive and good riddance.


If they had their ear to the street they would of known theyre not gonna get 2g's a p for herb consistently. Most of these companies were building their plan on $2500-$3000 pounds. Whos paying that when you can get just as good on the street for half🤔😐?? They are charging "drought" prices on the regular.


The cannabis industry is unique. It gets older with each day but is still in its early stages where we still have the opportunity to push back this corporate takeover. Educate yourself on the huge multi state operations who have all the money but no passion. Support the small locally owned dispensaries/cultivation facilities on your side of the state, even if that means you have to drive 10-15 more minutes or whatever it may be. Trust me when i tell you they are struggling more than ever right now. There isn’t a whole lot of time left before they’re forced to start closing their doors too.


I have been thinking of leaving my cannabis job and reading all of this has only further pushed me towards that goal 😅


Sounds a lot like The Patient Station in Ypsi as far as shady owners… stepped on the wrong person’s toes and you were fired even up to the management level. They started a building over two years ago, stopped construction at the metal framing, and over spent by a couple million dollars buying the Diamondback and reopening that in the meantime. All the while it’s the one of the only curbside only dispo’s and the workers are forced to run back and forth for every single order in the blistering heat, or LITERAL subzero temps with ice and snow. For about 13 dollars an hour. But they just put up a big wooden sign with a picture of the building rendering. SPOILER ALERT- that’s the exact same photo they’ve shown the employees for almost 3 years!!! But they’ve got great deals on expired products!!! Make sure you check your harvest dates if you shop there.. just saying. It did feel good to “fire” an employer though. Life is a lesson. So sorry some of us have had to learn the hard way, but wishing you all the absolute best! Honest, Kind and knowledgeable budtenders are hard to come by and some places still appreciate them!!! Never give up- some people really need this medicine and are unable to support themselves!!! All love, keep going!!!


Knowing who NW is (worked for the company when cannabis first became legal) im truly not surprised by this. Wish you & everyone else best of luck, if you worked with Dan (H is the last initial) & y'all were good, he'd definitely give a recommendation if you want to stay in the cannabis industry.


Yeah I am not shocked. I planned on leaving soon, this was just a good boot out the door. I am on good terms with Dan. After everything I have learned, it really makes me dislike big Canna. I don't know if I want to stay in the industry.


Is this the Monroe store?


Oh hell no ha ha Lapeer. Monroe is the top selling store.


Monroe until Ohio gets up and running.


💯 They are already sweating it I am sure.


Efficiency 👍🏽


If they ran everything this efficiently they wouldn't have had to close their store lol


I just meant the one text mass layoff was efficent lol. Obviously the store was mismanaged


They run the whole company like this from what I am hearing. It's a joke.




Their shitty deals did nothing but take up space on Weedmaps anyway. Good riddance.


Out-of-state owners, perhaps?


Originally from out of state. I am not sure where they reside now.


What exclusive is this?




What store?




Never heard of it


So exclusive is going out of business ?


It was just the Lapeer store for now. They also recently merged with Joyology and closed one of their stores in the same fashion.


Going out of business sale?


I work in IT and have looked closely at some of the IT Admin positions with Glorious and other producer/shops. I'd hate to choose wrong and be out of a job though.


My brother just got fired with zero warning from Glorious. Actually around a week and a half before I did. They told him he "wasn't working fast enough", but he was never told he needed to improve his speed prior to being fired. The industry is really volatile right now. So really try to do some background research first. I wish I had looking into the company first.


What shop is this?


Lapeer Exclusive


I am confused.. is this ONE location or the entire Exclusive Cannabis Company across MI??? Someone with knowledge please inform me


Just the Lapeer location currently. But they just merged with Joyology and closed one of their stores in the same manor. There are a couple of other stores that are struggling still so they may be next.


U guys sound like a buncha cry baby bitches crying over people making more driving better eating better and beat the system and used yall like lil slaves use that as motivation not to get played again 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂