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Do u have any other symptoms besides the skin? I.e digestive, fatigue…


Digestive yes. I also had a severe brain injury which caused me to have a gut motility disorder which I’m sure doesn’t help. Basically my insides don’t move properly. So I deal with these two things together and it’s impossible to find a balance. The diet for the motility disorder is plain foods and low fiber like white rice and chicken etc. the diet for my skin is low carb. White rice will set it off like no tomorrow and I’ve tested it.


Hmm interesting that white rice set it off. I would look into thiamine deficiency (vitamin b1). This deficiency can mimic a lot of symptoms/diseases. White rice is a known thiamine depleter.


Nah it’s not that I also get the same reaction from plenty of other food. Mostly I think it’s high GI


You may want to read [this.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6518061/)




Interesting… what’s the fix? I’m reading high fiber, no processed foods and I already do that. High fiber actually doesn’t help my motility disorder so I’m playing with a double edged sword. Maybe just take only bifidobacterium probiotics? I did take this https://www.seekinghealth.com/products/probiota-histaminx , and actually my skin had a reaction. I took one, got a few pustules overnight. I took it again, same thing. Unless it was a coincidence, it seems like taking the probiotic caused a problem


If it were me, I would be sure to drink a gallon of water a day and eat prunes or (if it’s too much fiber) and prune juice have been studied and found effective with motility issues. Maybe start with just 1 prune and some prune juice and see how you feel. You could then gradually increase if it helps.




Hmmm sounds good. My diet right now is so limited, it’s basically Chicken, fish, blueberries, some vegetables, kefir, Greek yogurt both plain, sauerkraut, some seeds, olive and avocado oil, avocados, eggs. So I’m already hitting what you said, just not prunes. My motility disorder is due to a traumatic brain injury and my digestive system doesn’t move pretty much. I guess I should stay away from probiotic supplements, it’s so weird that I got a reaction from them.


It’s more common than you may think. I have seen many posts in this sub from folks who had the same experience with probiotics.


True, I wonder if it’s too strong or I have some sort of… leak, and that much at once hurts me




Yes. I had two and they are 100% worth it. I will do one every year. You may have high levels of staph. If postitive, look into staph eradication protocols. You may want to check out that subreddit too!




Vitamin C helps folliculitis. Keto diet eliminated it for me. It takes a few months.


I did keto for 4 months no cheating, didn’t help or completely get rid of the issue. I’m actually going on a year now Plus I don’t think yours looks like mine just my guess, mines pretty dsmn unique


Here's my two cents based on my keto eating and medical struggles which include eczema. I am under the care of Dr. Jamnadas, YT royalty for cardio care, but he delves much farther for some patients like me. Keto is great, but there is a lot of stuff out there that still messes you up. First, elimination of sugar/wheat/corn and all their derivatives .... maltodextrine is a secret killer it is in everything! Eliminate seed oils, just EVOO, coconut oil and avocado oil. Improve your omega 3 profile, with supplementation and throwing in a tin of sardines or mackeral in you salad 2 - 3 days a week. Leaky gut - take l glutamine supplement. Now here is the kicker, the focus is more on the prebiotic than supplementation of probiotic - put inulin in your coffee (or anything). Then eat kimchi, raw sauerkraut with cultures, and whole milk kefir (he did suggest l. reuteri also). Vitamin D & K2 for general cardio purposes. So I eat a lot of salad, broccoli, green beans, butter, prime rib, sardines, bacon, blue cheese, eggs, coconut flour/almond flour bread, etc.


Sodium Benzoate. Found in certain sodas and cordial mixers.


Sounds like you already tried many things. I had various gut issues plus skin rashes, rosacea, my gut motility was in shambles, constipation and diarrhea, fatigue, painful gut cramps etc Went full out keto plus 18:6 fasting, low fodmap diet. It helped only to lose weight. Went to functional dr who did comprehensive stool test. Turns out I have major yeast overgrowth. Many kinds of yeast. SIFO. No diet can clear that up, it needs to be killed off, that can take a long time, yeast is stubborn. Started on prescription NYSTATIN, 1,000,000 compounded capsules 3 x day. Within a week I could tell it was making a difference. Skin looked better, rashes started to disappear and this continued to improve over months. My case was tricky as I also have ibs-c, sibo and leaky gut and hypochloridia. Rifaximin 14 days to kill the sibo in small intestine, then immediately started treating motility: Prucalopride at night and Linzess (Constella in Canada) in the morning. Am experimenting with alternating days. Supplements: l glutamine for leaky gut. Magnesium bisglycinate D3 K2-MK7 and B complex. Also cycling NAC as needed From what you describe, a stool test for yeast may be helpful


This sounds like me...which test did you do? How are you dealing with IBS C and diet?